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Reboots are something in the entertainment industry that we should just get used to. Hollywood and the animation industry have donné reboots a real bad name, what with many bad reboots of classic dessins animés to butchered reboots of famous 80s films toi like to say are classics yet have never watched. Reboots can be good... But because negativity gets attention, I'm not gonna defend it. Instead, let's talk about how reboots ruined everything in the gaming industry. From the most basic of brand new ideas to the worst kinds out there, this is the ten worst video game reboots.


Okay, this one is a bit of a cheat. While not technically a reboot, it did try to redesign the franchise that it came from. And after a reboot that wasn't actual garbage, who'd a thunk it.

#10: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Warrior Within is a sequel to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, a classic of the sixth generation and a reboot of the classic Prince of Persia series. Despite having been praised par gamers and critics, it wasn't well sold, so Ubisoft decided to make a new approach to Warrior Within. Instead of a charming story of an arabic prince trying to save the lands with a romantic interest, what we got was the Prince swearing, bloody combat, half-naked women with metal panties. Oh, and Godsmack. Lots and lots of Godsmack. Warrior Within was clearly trying hard to appeal to a different demographic, trying to be far plus dark and brooding than Sands of Time, trying to appeal to the kids as best as it could. And while it kinda worked, it still wasn't enough for Ubisoft to be satisfied. But the écriture isn't the only bad thing. Being a rushed game, the gameplay is very buggy and glitches are not uncommon in this game, so if toi do play this, do expect to fall through the world and have some mechanics just suddenly stop working. But hey.... Godsmack, though!


Alright, now let's actually talk about a real reboot. And of all the reboots here, this is probably the least bad, but just an average game. It's just so average, that I don't think it could be worth anyone's time, really.

#9: Turok

The original Turok game followed a Native American warrior who takes on the mission to defend earth from a different universe run par dinosaures and aliens. It's weird, but the original games were true classics. Unfortunately, the franchise kinda shot itself in the foot after Turok: Evolution, a game that was in desperate need of just dying. But, in 2008, developers Propaganda Games and Disney Interactive, of all people, released a new Turok game. Finally, a return to the classic game genre... Wait, nevermind. It's just another war shooter game. Turok decides to throw out the whole multiple worlds and dimensions thing and instead, goes for a plus FPS sort of thing that was real common in the late 2000s and early 2010s. The plot follows Turok and a group of war shooter guys who go onto a far off planet to fight dinosaures to capture a war criminal ou something. I played this game as a kid, but have no recollection of the plot, and I couldn't get any understanding from the Wikipedia page, because screw lire that mur of text. Pretty detailed for a game no one really cared about. I'll say this, as far as generic war shooters go, at least it tried something different with the dinosaurs. But after a while, toi just know that this is the same game as anything else at the time. It's a boring, uninteresting slog from start to finish and I just don't care if Turok ever makes another appearance anytime soon.


toi think that par the an 2016, big companies would try to appeal to as massive an audience as possible. Even if their game is sell-out trash, they at least want it to be well tested garbage. But once toi bring up Deep Silver, suddenly, all logical reasoning just goes out the window. Which brings us to one of the latest stinkers.

#8: Homefront: The Revolution

Oh, Deep Silver, toi always cease to amaze me. While the original Homefront was nothing to write accueil about, it at least had effort, and time put into the écriture and gameplay. There was a sign of some competence. Not a lot, but some. That balloon stunt THQ pulled was utter idiocy. However, suddenly, all that goes out the window once this game is introduced. Homefront: The Revolution is a less polished game, with a world that, according to critics, could've been something decent, but was ruined due to all the technical problems. Tedious gameplay, rehashing things that are populaire just for a quick buck. And that doesn't even include the numerous glitches that have just become a joke online. I guarantee, every single review of this game par a big gaming Youtuber ou big enough that they can afford Funko Pops with their shoestring budget, they montrer off the glitches that Homefront: The Revolution introduces. People say that this game had the potential to be good. But potential is just that. And Deep Silver does what it does best. Squander any good idea and ruin the thing for all time.


I want toi to remember what I am about to say. This is a reboot for a beat 'em up game from the 90s. And this will not be the last beat 'em up we see on the list. With that said, here is the wonderful fuck up, all thanks to the kings of screwing up, Sega.

#7: Golden Axe: Beast Rider

Golden Axe was a beat 'em up franchise in the 90s that was real fun for the time. Sure, there may have been some homoerotic undertones, but still a decent game. But after the 90s were over, beat 'em ups just kinda stopped dead in their tracks. No one was making them anymore. But oh boy, that didn't stop game developers from making twenty reboots that were all shit. Except Double Dragon Neon, that reboot was rad. But back on topic, Golden Axe: Beast Rider was an attempt to reboot the franchise, and sure enough, it didn't. lire off the Wikipedia page, which is basically just the back of the games box, it tells us of the heroin that must fight Death Adder, the villain, and stop him from getting control of man, women, and beast. Well shit, now I have to get invested in this deep plot! Playing this game with no sound effects and just running around with this half-naked woman just feels awkward, leaving toi with thoughts of disgust and possibly questioning the reality that toi paid money for this game. The combat is also a slow, clunky, shitty mess, making every movement feel like it's awkward and nothing ever seems to work. And once again, it wanted to be a plus mature game than what it was, and the end result was a less than stellar game. And if toi think that darker and edgier reboots are done..... you're very much wrong.


salut kids! Do toi like professional wrestler and actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? Well guess what, his sellout career extends even further than just Disney movies, as he also appeared in video games. And the only one I can think of was not even good.

#6: Spyhunter: Nowhere to Run

I remember finding this game with a damage case in a rental store and thought it was a movie. So did the store, since it was in the DVD section and not the game section. Trying out a new story, Nowhere to Run followed not the original protagonist, Alex Decker, but instead, Alec Sects, played par The Rock. This game was intended to have a big tie-in movie, which The Rock would also be a part of. The game, however, was total garbage. While the driving was fine, as you'd expect, once toi are on foot, the game falls apart. Boring areas, dumb missions, and just an global, ensemble bland feeling, the game slowly loses its appeal with time and just becomes an endurance test. How far can toi get into Nowhere to Run before toi just quit the game forever. As expected, poor sales and poor review scores caused the game to fall into utter obscurity and never be mentioned again, as well as allowing the Spyhunter franchise to die a quiet death, before getting another reboot in 2012 for 3DS, which then, this time for real, made the franchise die a quiet death. As for the Spyhunter movie, it is currently stuck in development hell, and The Rock is no longer associated with the film.


Another classic fighting game franchise, and another awful, just awful reboot. This time, we got Capcom to thank for this. Oh boy, we're getting all the bad guys of the gaming world in on this one.

#5: Final Fight: Streetwise

Final Fight was another classic beat 'em up game franchise that brought us characters like edgelord Cody, mayor Mike "Freddie Mercury Hitting the Gym" Haggar, and totally not a guy, I swear it Poison. But, just like any other beat 'em up, it too slowly faded from the minds of the people, until Capcom decided to release Streetwise for Xbox and PS2. And my god, was it the worst thing ever. Tedious and annoying gameplay that always left the player at a disadvantage, broken AI that would either stand there and take a beating ou become overpowered and kick your ass, ugly visuals, terribly designed characters, and a story about evil drug zombies and satanic priests summoning the actual Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse... Boy, doesn't this sound like Final Fight? I remember the time Cody and Guy had to team up to fight the fucking devil and Mike Haggar powerbombed Mephistopheles while Hugo did an elbow drop onto Beelzebub. And all topped off with a busted escort mission and a buss rush with some of the most annoying bosses seen in gaming. At least Final Fight will live on in Marvel Vs. Capcom... Oh wait, Infinite even found a way to screw that up.


We've talked about reboots of classic 90s arcade games, but how about reboots of classic 70s arcade games? And no, it's not any of the Pac-Man games. This is something truly garbage.

#4: l’espace Raiders

Yes, a reboot of the classic l’espace Invaders arcade game. A dark and edgy reboot of an arcade game that was very hard to visualize. The game takes place in an apocalyptic future where aliens, the l’espace Raiders ou some shit, are attacking earth, killing millions, destroying major cities, and leaving the humans to fend for themselves as they fight off the aliens par standing out in the rue and watching as the aliens just kinda zig-zag around the rue and slowly approach them. Yeah, this is stupid. l’espace Invaders worked because it was meant to be played in short bursts. This game just makes toi want to keep going so toi can see the amazing story unfold with all these characters like rue rat, photographer and cop. I honestly don't know ou care about any of them, I just know their voice jouer la comédie is atrocious. The game has six levels and can be completed in less than an hour. toi don't even need to try and win, because the game refuses to let toi die. There isn't any challenge in this game. It's just tedium and a bland and uninteresting experience. Guess I can't blame Atari on this one, this is Taito. But Atari will get theirs, so don't toi worry.


This is a game I have been waiting to talk about for a long time, and now that I am finally making this list, I now have the perfect chance to tell toi all why this game is so bad.

#3: Bomberman: Act Zero

Yes, toi read that right. That robotic scrap up there that looks like one of Eggman's fuck ups is supposed to be Bomberman. Set in a post-apocalyptic future (Are toi seeing a trend here?), robots are put into a game to fight to the death, killing each other with bombs in the hopes that they can find freedom. The game has a hundred levels with no saves, toi fight the same enemies, all with the same broken AI that glitches out at random. Levels probably look the same, but the game is so dark, toi can't see shit. And let me tell you, for a game that is plus ugly than anything that was released in 2006, this game sure has the audacity to have chargement screens that take a full minute and waste as much of your time as toi wasted money buying this mistake of a game. Considered par many to be the worst reboot of all time, this is a game that appeals to no one. fans clearly hate it for making absolutely no sense with the continuity, and newcomers hate it just because it's a broken, uninteresting mess. And in the end, surprisingly, Bomberman is still getting games par Konami today. Sure, they killed Castlevania and Silent colline and turned Metal Gear Solid into a fucking zombie, but hey, at least Bomberman is still alive.


Funny story about this suivant game. I have two Friends who both played this mess. One of them played it first and gave it to the other one, saying that he could borrow it. He played it, hated it, and the one who gave it to him never accepted the game back, and it has been in his possession ever since. Also, Atari, that company that is in need of a lobotomy. Here they are at last with their screw up in a sea of screw ups.

#2: Alone in the Dark 2008

Another game that is explained as having so much potential. But again, potential doesn't matter if toi don't put in the effort. And this is Atari. They probably can't spell effort. A game that has really boring mechanics every five seconds. For every good mechanic there is, like inventory and the fire, there's always two shitty ones that are added. The feu looks nice. I guess when your company is at risk of burning down every day, toi get a good idea of how to make good fire. But that doesn't help the awful story, the garbage voice acting, the fact that it tries to connect to the précédant games and fails miserably, the bad health mechanics, the uninteresting bosses, and god forbid toi run into a glitch in this mess of a game. In the driving sections, which are bad enough as they are, being a hard to control mess, there is a chance that your car will just fall through the world and automatically kill you. Alone in the Dark is a game that is just unforgiving as hell and screws toi over every chance toi get. But hey, at least the evil ending is the funniest shit ever. That makes up for it all, right?


A reboot that is worse than all previously mentioned reboots. I can't just go for one of the worst reboots ever, I need to go for one of the worst games ever. And toi can all probably guess where I am going with this, so let's just get it over with.

#1: Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

Man, I'm actually getting tired of shit talking Sonic '06. I mean, I won't stop, since it is clearly on this list, but what at this point hasn't been a dit about the game. The story is awfully written, the voice jouer la comédie is stilted, the new characters are not interesting, the character designs range from out of place to disgusting, Elise is a terrible person, the gameplay is tedious and not fun, the overworld is terrible, the chargement screens are long. and the numerous glitches that just screw toi over no matter what toi do, always coming and making your progress not worth a damn. All of this has been a dit time and time again, and even the people who l’amour mocking Sonic '06 are just tired of mocking Sonic '06. But we do it because it deserves it. Sonic '06 is nothing but a gigantic mess that has no reason of existing. Trying to make this the Sonic game for a new generation, in order to make kids new to the franchise think this is what Sonic is. Sonic '06 did a lot of damage to people who played, but it also did damage to Sonic himself, ruining his reputation badly. All the other reboots came from franchises that were already long dead and were just trying to squeeze out as much of it as they could, but Sonic was ruined with Sonic '06. It's like watching a loved one have a drug overdose. toi feel shameful for watching it and toi want them to get better, but every time they pick the syringe back up, toi think maybe they'd be better off. And that is why I have no seconde thoughts about saying that Sonic '06 is the worst reboot in, possibly ever.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards par an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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 toi must look at this picture for 20 secondes before continuing onto the suivant part of this fan fiction
You must look at this picture for 20 secondes before continuing onto the suivant part of this fan fiction

Warning: The owner of the copyright in these fan fictions has authorized their use for members of this club to read, and enjoy, over, and over again without charge of any kind. Any other use of these fan fictions including any copying, reproduction ou performance of any of the material..... Ah, who am I kidding? I know you're not going to steal any of the content in these fan fictions.

Song: link

 The following is an STH/AM6663 fan Fiction
The following is an STH/AM6663 fan Fiction

Gordon: *Walks onto a black screen* Okay, the...
continue reading...
Electronic is the best version of this song
posted by windwakerguy43
Counsler: So, Wind, I have heard that toi have some social problems
Wind: Less of problems and plus of a smart idea to stay the fuck away from every idiot I meet
Counsler: Now, Wind, it isn’t very healthy to be anti-social. Perhaps toi should make some Friends
Wind: ……. Fuck off
Counsler: Oh, come now. What’s wrong with making Friends
Wind: What’s wrong? Have toi even seen how stupid people are around me
Counsler: Something tells me that toi are very upset
Wind: Your goddamn right I’m upset. toi just come here and tell me how to live my fucking life, when I don’t want to live...
continue reading...
added by windwakerguy43
Now, first off, I have never watched the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I am sorry, but they just weren’t for me. I feel Johnny Depp only belongs in Tim burton movies. But, that is no excuse for this awful fanfic we are about to read, called “The Pirates who Saved the Town” Already the titre fucked it up. Last time I checked, Pirates plunder towns, They don’t save them. Lets just get this over with.
It starts with Jack sailing the seas when a pirates comes to give him a message. Apparently, a an old friend is coming to see Jack. So, who is Jack’s friend. If toi guessed Thomas Jefferson,...
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So, I don’t know what took me so long, but their are a LOT of Lord of the Rings fanfics. However, that means there are a lot of bad Lord of the Rings fanfics. But, how about one so bad, it got a Youtube video made for it? Well, that would be the fanfic, Legolas par Laura….. Yeah, the name is so bad, the auteur actually put that as a part of the title. Not even in the fanfic yet and I regret this already.
So, it starts with Legolas walking through the woods, when suddenly, he finds a baby lying on the ground. Um…. okay. So, he picks it up and decides to call it Laura… Kinda of an ordinary...
continue reading...
I don't know. Whaaaat they did with Black flag, but this was the REAL Assasin's creed games. After Desmond's sacrifice. Nothing was the same.
But anyway.
Cross.. If there was ever a tragic story. It'll be cross's.. He betrayed everyone he loved. And it wasn't even his fault. The Templars fucked him up beound prepare. And he literary can't control himself..

I know, he's the worst of the worst.. But there was always something about him, that seemed. Sad. Like there was still hope for him.. But. When he gets the chance for piece, he deni's Ricks offer for peace and murders hershel, despite his best effects of redeeming.. It just. Makes me feel depressed, I was voting for him.

Yeah.. I known what your gonna say. But she's cute. That's enough for me.

arc en ciel DASH/Rocket to insanity:
She all was fucked up. How can toi blaim her when her mind is completely broken, and she isn't even 'her' anymore...
Makar: And a one and a two and a- Fucky fucky fuck fucky fuck fuck fucky fuck fucky fucky fuck fucky fuck
Link: Hey, Makar
Makar: What the fuck are toi doing back here
Link: Well, my sidekick a dit the suivant sage was a small man who uses a lot of profanity. And that lead me to you. toi are small and toi do swear a lot. So lets go
Makar: Why should I
Link: Because if toi don't, I'll kick your adorable cul, ass all over this place
Makar: I'd like toi try

Makar: (Has bloody nose) I hate you

King of Red Lions: Well, here it is. The Wind Temple. Be careful toi two. God only knows what goes on in there
Link: Oh...
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(Nick, Cody, Alice, and Cory in car driving through city)
Nick: Cory, did toi find out where that call came from yet
Cory: Not yet, but I'm working on it
Nick: Well, hurry, that guy could be anywh--- Fuck me
Alice: What? Nick, is it really the time for that
Nick: No (Points) Fuck me
(Everyone looks at a giant feu in Central Park)
Cody: Fuck me is right
Cory: Hey, it looks like the call came from here
Nick: Good, toi guys go ahead and head back home. Me and Cody are going to montrer this asshole what for. (Gets out of car and walks to trunk) (Opens tronc and takes out handgun, shotgun, sub machine gun,...
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When it comes to video games, we all have many, many, many different opinions… And some of those opinions may just get toi castrated and hunted like some filthy animal for sport… what I’m trying to say is that there are some opinions that are not so populaire in the gaming community, and those opinions could lead to some… disagreements within a dit community. I don’t see myself as having so much opposite opinions, but the ones that I do have are… pretty opposing compared to what is the usual opinions I see. So, before I pretty much write my suicide note, I would like to give a few...
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(Hey there! Welcome to a new story that I'm making named Network 999. I'm making this myself right now and it's going to be quite a long story!

The characters in this will be based on Friends of mine on Fanpop, so that's going to be pretty fun. Also, this is going to be my very first official fan-fiction series, so that's ALSO exciting!

I hope toi guys enjoy it, I know I will. XD)

It is the an 2087, and technology nowadays is extremely advanced, being able to do what used to be very difficult tasks with ridiculous ease.

The Internet (called Network 999 in this world) is also even plus powerful...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
 Art par AquaMarine
Art by AquaMarine
When it comes to horror, my favori thing about it are the monsters. They make something so much plus creepy. It could be Candy Land of all things. If a Silent Hill-like creature was put in there, it would make it so much plus disturbing. These monsters can be anything from aliens that traverse space, demonic hellspawns, manifestations of human atrocities and selfish emotions, and more. But, what is it about monsters in horror that makes them scary. Why do people find things like the Alien franchise scary, ou consider Silent colline as one of the best horror games ever? Well, let’s take a look...
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added by windwakerguy43
added by windwakerguy43
added by windwakerguy43