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Okay this took quite a while. I got Lost in different chinese zodiac -meanings websites some time il y a and I started worder what characters princesses would be. I personally don't believe horoscopes.
This goes quite backwards as we don't know which an princesses are born. Anyway these are the results. There was no dragon ou pig so put their descriptions at the end in case someone's interest.

 The rat is hardworking, industrious and shrewd. People born in the an of the rat are also charming and have magnetic personalities. It's a dit that finding a poor rat is rare, since they are good in business.
The rat is hardworking, industrious and shrewd. People born in the an of the rat are also charming and have magnetic personalities. It's a dit that finding a poor rat is rare, since they are good in business.

No wonder why Tiana got this one. She's hardworking and determined, she can take responsibilities. Practically everything that had been a dit about rat. I don't know what else I can say.

Zodiac description:
They are quick to spot potential and put their creative and clever ideas into effect. As the first sign of the zodiac, Rats make great leaders and enjoy being in authoritative positions. Their restless nature pushes them into taking the lead of situations around. At times, they may appear to be unyielding, greedy, and self-centered as their manner is aggressively enthusiastic. Intelligent, charming, and ambitious, they are plus often than not triumphant as businessmen. Rats are self-contained and do not discuss their problems with others. Even though they can be talkative sometimes, they never confide in anyone. They are energetic and great organizers. Rats shine in managerial positions. In partnership, Rats are faithful if their partner is able to provide safety, assurance, and l’amour that they need. They are not romantic par nature, but are very caring and loving.

 The Ox is dependable, patient and methodical. They pay attention to the small things in life and aren't the type of people to be noticed par superiors. They can be poor at communication.
The Ox is dependable, patient and methodical. They pay attention to the small things in life and aren't the type of people to be noticed par superiors. They can be poor at communication.

Belle was her village's oddbird and only reason why villagers payed attention to her was because she was beautiful. She seems to be happy with her quitet life but inside she has hope of more. She still has patience to wait for adventure.

Zodiac description:
The Ox builds plans and ideas on resolute reasons. People under this Chinese zodiac are steadfast, dependable, honest, and compassionate. They are very family-oriented, conservative, and faithful. They achieve success after lots of patience and hard work. For them to work through with their ideas and thoughts, they need complete peace and harmony. They are best left alone to work as they have a tendency to turn hotheaded, inflexible, and stubborn when pushed. They are logical and do not forgive easily if cheated upon. They prefer truthfulness, loyalty, and commitment in a partner.

 The Tiger is rebellious, passionate and generous. A person born in the an of Tiger is here to make a splash in whatever area she chooses. They are tolerant, staunch and vigilant.
The Tiger is rebellious, passionate and generous. A person born in the an of Tiger is here to make a splash in whatever area she chooses. They are tolerant, staunch and vigilant.

Not really surprise, jasmin is almost everything as tiger. She only misses tail and fur. Even as she knows she has everything she won't live as caged bird. She has temper and she can be cunning like a cat if neeted to.

Zodiac description:
tigres are resolute, vehement, and positive with a dominant disposal. They are magnetic characters, and their inborn air of authority bestows a certain prestige on them. They explore the potential in unlikely situations. They like to see everything settled, rarely abandon projects, and will become self-centered and obstinate if they fail to achieve anything. tigres tend to place themselves in leadership, ou radical roles. They are revered for their undying bravery, even par those, who are against them. They may become aggressive if trapped, ou kept in an isolated area for a long period. In love, they need a stable harmonious partner who quietly gets on with his/her own life.

 Rabbits are gracious, kind and sensitive. They like to express themselves through art. They have strong memories and like to make other people laugh. They are good at creating fun and excitement in their lives and the lives of others.
Rabbits are gracious, kind and sensitive. They like to express themselves through art. They have strong memories and like to make other people laugh. They are good at creating fun and excitement in their lives and the lives of others.

Rapunzel loves to paint and create art. She has really bright imagination as she could entertain herself in tower 18 years. She can make Friends easily and she's very loved par people around her.

Zodiac description:
Usually affable, generous, and serenely tamed par nature, rabbits prefer their life to be low-key and easygoing. They get anxious if forced to take risks. They enjoy detailing in their work and use it to create a peaceful aura in their lives. Rabbits, plus often than not, prefer the easy road. Their ideal partner is loving with a kind cœur, coeur who always fulfills their desires. They are outgoing creatures, who are diplomatic par nature and always polite to others. They are populaire and loved par their Friends and family. However, they are conservative and insecure too; and that explains why most of them don't like changes. Highly creative in their work, art is of extreme interest to them.

 Snakes are deep thinkers and tend toward the mystical. They are intelligent but can be secretive. They are good communicators and can put others at ease with just a word.
Snakes are deep thinkers and tend toward the mystical. They are intelligent but can be secretive. They are good communicators and can put others at ease with just a word.

Besides Kekata Pocahontas is probably one of the most spiritual person in her tribe. She's very close to nature around her. When it come to big decisions she's not spontaneous but she thinks all choices through. She thinks a lot and spends time outside of her village. She's quite mysterious even to her own people.

Zodiac description:
Snakes enjoy being the one in control. They are fascinating and mesmerizing, yet calculative and orthodox. They have a high level of endurance and can keep working in adversity, too. They have the alertness of a snake and often exhibit an eerie viewpoint. Togetherness, love, and constant encouragement are important to a snake in intimate relationships. They prefer partners, who enjoy snuggled ambiance and close intimacy. They are patient when it comes to waiting for something. They may consistently observe for long periods and then attack at the precise moment.

Snow White-Horse
 chevaux are warm-hearted and interested in improving themselves. A horse is the spotlight of his community and likes to help others. They like to stay active and are kind to most people that they meet.
Horses are warm-hearted and interested in improving themselves. A horse is the spotlight of his community and likes to help others. They like to stay active and are kind to most people that they meet.

It was easy choice for Snow White, she's positive in each situation and always eager to help others. Everyone likes her and she can also get along with Grumpy who seemingly doesn't like her. It wasn't probably just her beauty that the Queen was afraid of but also her way to get people to her side.

Zodiac description:
chevaux are self-sustained, undaunted, filled with tenacity, and enterprising. They are also extremely truthful and trustworthy. They are constantly working to have their potential and skills recognized. They are dedicated and loyally devoted to their work, family, and home. Even in the face of problems, chevaux have a penchant to work ahead, which is a hallmark of their stupendous self-determination. They are always ready to do their very best and are usually adherent to whatever they concentrate on. They are often very devoted to their work and seek a partner who will not only take proper care of them, but will also leave them unrestrained to take on their own prolific ventures if needed.

 Goats have Friends throughout many different social classes. People born in a Goat an are tender, kind and generous. They like to live quiet lives.
Goats have Friends throughout many different social classes. People born in a Goat an are tender, kind and generous. They like to live quiet lives.

Cendrillon was born in rich family and then end up living as servant. She doesn't choose her Friends because of social position but judge them as themselves. She's willing to see somethining good in everyone. She's happy to live modest life as long she can still dream.

Zodiac description:
Goats are considered patient and prefer to have everything in restraint and foresight in all aspects of their lives. They are bearers of immense pressure, yet they remain sturdy and steadfast. They are characteristically hard workers, who go on accomplishing a lot and can easily take on plus than their share of work. Often, they will remain in the backdrop of an undertaking, reluctant of any attention, ou prominence. Good at team work, their coherent nature makes them very dependable. In love, they are bent towards a partner who will defend and safeguard them and yet give them room for their creativity.

Ariel and Merida-Monkey
 People born in Monkey years are lively and active. A Monkey has a strong desire to be her own person and live in a way that allows her to be free of restraint. Monkeys have a genuine interest in helping others.
People born in Monkey years are lively and active. A Monkey has a strong desire to be her own person and live in a way that allows her to be free of restraint. Monkeys have a genuine interest in helping others.

Ariel is very lively and curious mermaid. She's not happy to explore only wonders of sea, she wants to know what's above it. She won't let rules to come her way to achieve her dream. However she doesn't want her Friends being hurt because of them.

Merida has really strong will to be able decide her own fate. She's ready to do whatever it takes as long until something happens. She's talented archer and like her brothers she likes little pranks and funny accidents.

Zodiac description:
These are the most active of all the signs of the zodiac and are born with a sense of passion that comes from within. They have a mental gift of being brilliant and are fast learners; they come up with creative ideas and like to grasp plus and plus knowledge. They enjoy playing games and are always ready to pester, ou pull pranks. Their fast-moving spirit sometimes makes them appear uncaring and inconsiderate to others. Thus, many a time, for this reason, they find it difficult to settle with one person. Often, Monkeys will find themselves born into families that are financially well-settled. They can be very determined and compliant, too.

 Roosters are honest, bright and talkative. They have a tendency to flip-flop on issues and can be passionate about many different things.
Roosters are honest, bright and talkative. They have a tendency to flip-flop on issues and can be passionate about many different things.

Aurora lived her life in cottage without even knowing her real name 16 years. Her life was very sheltered and being raised par three fées who themselves were learning to live human life she didn't have much options what to do. She could only be free and have experiences ou adventures in her dream. It's not such wonder she were dreaming all days long.

Zodiac description:
Roosters are people, who are very tenacious, defiant, and insightful. They enjoy chant and music, and often tend to be very creative. They have a very powerful sense of imagination. They have a unique strength of perseverance and often exhibit firm immediate power -- always knowing what they want. They are very good talkers and are excellent at dissuading people. In relationships, they frequently yearn for companionship ou friendship and make clever observers of what happens in a partnership.

 chiens are gentle, lovable and kind. They are loyal and courageous under pressure. They like to stay comfortable and dislike overly loud people.
Dogs are gentle, lovable and kind. They are loyal and courageous under pressure. They like to stay comfortable and dislike overly loud people.

Mulan cares people around her greatly and she's ready to take sacrifices for them. She's intelligent and being little lazy she often uses her brain to ease her chores. She's not pompous and doesn't always even seem to realize just how much she's capable of. She's not willing to give up once she's decided something.

Zodiac description:
This is the most forthright, friendly, and sincere sign of all. People born under this zodiac always seem to be up for work and fun equally. This quality earns them respect from everyone around them. They are prone to being Rebelle and courageous, and they rarely take back any commitment ou betray the trust of a loved one. They have great inner strength and physical intensity. They are very truthful and honorable, and in relationships, they will settle with someone who stands up for them completely. They work hard for the welfare of others and are patient listeners. They can be very faithful when it comes to their partners and to others around them.

With a personality that is peppy, animated, and self-assured, dragons are good at creating an impression. They are interested in the realm around them that is filled with energy and are comfortable being the center of attention. dragons make a very good judgment of situations and are experts at stepping in at the right moment to resolve things. They can be determined. With a great stroke of luck following them, they are quite reflective and noble in their approach. They can also be courageous, magnetic, and have an unwavering approach to life. They view their own selves as the knight in shining armor. In romantic endeavors, they want a partner who gives them ample amount of l’espace and respect, yet is romantic and passionate par nature.

People under this sign are hospitable, honorable, and mellow. They have a really high threshold of tolerance. They are well-liked for their truthfulness and warmth. They are always finding qualities in people and believe that everyone has a right to hold their own point of view. They are often overflowing with the blessing of wealth and the support of their Friends and colleagues. However, they are not bothered about accumulating wealth. They can be satisfied with a modest lifestyle. They rarely find faults in others and are not vengeful; thus, they don't have any enemies. They accept the lifestyle that they have and are content with that. They do not demand extravagance. They enjoy simple and natural happiness. In relationships, they are often the giver of l’amour and affection and believe that they will receive the same. They have a strong sense of determination and if they set their minds on a task, they tend to pursue it and attain it.
 Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
There's no doubt to a single person on here that Snow White is sweet, optimistic, and caring, but there's really so much plus to her, and I want to delve deeper into that here. Sorry for lack of pictures, I kind of just threw this together and wasn't in the mood to go searching for pictures.

I l’amour how Snow White is confident, yet insecure at the same time. She's confident in the fact that she's not scared to go into the Dwarf's accueil and boss them around. She's quite assertive and doesn't strike me as a passive character whatsoever. If something isn't going the way she likes, she isn't scared...
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 Michelle Yeoh (Bond Girl) and me in 1998, guess how old I was here.
Michelle Yeoh (Bond Girl) and me in 1998, guess how old I was here.
Name: Dee Na Nagara (Call me Dee)

Born: 30th March 1988

Living in: Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

About me: I l’amour to see the world and travel, I enjoy meeting new people and to enjoy their culture. I grew up watching Disney films and as he taught me to l’amour and the meaning of family harmony, this is why I would l’amour to become a kindergarten teacher, I l’amour to sing and dance, though I don't consider myself a good dancer! I l’amour marshmallows and English tea, I am 1/4 Thai and 3/4 Chinese. I also one younger brother is autistic and he loves music, this is why he always listen to his i-pod whenever he goes...
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posted by PrincessVT
salut everybody! Happy DMLK day! I'll celebrate par some mixed people...

Lottie and Tia!

I like that even in their racist times Tiana and Lottie were Friends all the way... I'm sure in events before the movie, Charlotte's light skinned Friends judged her because she was Friends with Tia and Tia's darker dark skinned Friends didn't trust Lottie... I found this relationship sweet... she even risked a life-long dream for Tia. Can this friendship get anymore sweeter???

:') They've been Friends since they were 5 ou 7... unlike Pocahontas and her BFF... we don't know a lot about them... she seemed like a character after those sailors... but Lottie and Tia have that kind of friendship. The highlight is their times. Talk about racist! So yeah that's it!

This Friendship is perfect for today!

[I] I'll do it but for toi Tia, no marriage included![I]
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
posted by Straggy
 These bitches better watch out, because srsly, we're gonna steal their men.
These bitches better watch out, because srsly, we're gonna steal their men.
It's been a long time since I wrote an article, but I guess we could say "I'm back".
In honour of Princes month, I decided to write an article on the hottest pieces of ass- I mean, the hottest princes. >.>
This'll probably be fun to read because I'm trying to eat and type at the same time whilst there are a gazillion fireworks going off outside (Google Bonfire Night. :/) which is all helped par me literally making this liste up as I go.
SO, yeah, same as always, I'll swear as much as I fucking want, let's go look at those fine men. ;D

9) The Beast
 Turn back. Not because we have beastiality, but because you're ugly.
Turn back. Not because we have beastiality,...
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added by LiveLoveDance
added by LiveLoveDance
Source: Pinterest
posted by elsafan1010
"Elsa? Elsaa? When will the guests arrive?" a dit Anna.
Elsa shook her head.

"I think don't be too happy, they're coming here to argue. We're going to pick the best princess and from now on she can be the princess of not only her kingdom, but the whole world and Fanpop."

"And are we participating in this race, too?" asked Anna.
"Even though we're not well liked in Fanpop, aren't we being talked about everywhere?"

Before Elsa could answer, a fat maid came in and a dit that guests had arrived.

Elsa wiped the bored expression off her face and, with a perfectly queenly demeanor, opened the door. The moment...
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added by mhs1025
Source: animation screencaps
added by elsafan1010
posted by elsafan1010
As I don't want to upset Merida fans, I'm giving my final warning:
''NEVER READ THIS article IF toi l’amour MERİDA''
Ok, I gave my warning. This article is about Merida's biggest mistakes. And about why I hate Merida. Yes, no one is perfect, but these mistakes should not be too conspicuous. For example, one of my favori princesses, Elsa, was also flawed. However, Merida made a huge mistake, and I'm going to explain it today.

Merida's biggest blunder was definitely when she destroyed her mother's life for her freedom. The cake Merida gave her mother had turned her into a bear. YES, NOW I ASK YOU,...
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She's gentle, kind, and clumsy and is Rebelle enough to stand up to Clayton even when he has a gun -BB2010

I l’amour how awkward yet interesting she is; I admire her bravery and empathy, and I like how she has a talent for drawing and curiosity for the jungle life. I l’amour her relationship with Tarzan, one of my favori Disney couples; her design is really pretty as well -WhiteLagoon13

Everything! She is smart, she is dedicated to her work, but I also l’amour that her "damsel" moments are the result of her being in an unfamiliar situation, and that she learns to adjust to her new environment par the end of the movie. -Swanpride
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: Joe livres Ltd
added by Swanpride