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I’m new to Fanopo, and I thought, What better first article than my favori Princess countdown? Please commentaire and give your opinion. Please, no swearing ou rude comments, but constructive criticism is welcomed. So, without further ado, here is my favori Princess countdown!

10. Jasmine
Now, there is no denying jasmin is awesome. She is tired of her pampered life, where every decision is made for her and she has no freedom, and so she takes charge of her own life and dresses up as a peasant in order to live a life of freedom where she makes her own choices. She makes her way through the market, adapting well to every challenge, eventually revealing herself in order to wield her power. This is the point in the movie when I l’amour her. However, after this her character goes downhill for me. She is making grand claims about how she is not a prize to be won, but doesn’t really do anything for herself. She distracts Jafar, and other than that relies on Aladin to do most everything else for her. Now, this does make sense, seeing as the movie is called Aladin and not Jasmine, but that won’t save her from the bottom spot. What makes me hate the decline in her character even plus is that she had all the potential to be one of my favorites. Basically, I have a love-hate relationship with Jasmine. However, I feel it would be unfair to write about the flaws I find in jasmin without saying that I admire her and wish to be plus like her. I often have a hard time expressing my opinion if I feel it would disappoint others. I look up to jasmin for her ability to say what she really means, and wish to be plus like her in that regard.

9. Cinderella
Ah, sweet, kind Cinderella. She had the ability to hold up for years under everything Lady Tremaine put her through. For years she went through incredible cruelty without ever sinking to the level of those putting her through it, keeping hope and faith that she would be able to escape her only silent rebellion. Some call this weakness. I call it strength. How many of us would be able to handle her situation with the strength and dignity she did? Very few of us. She really does deserve to be a role model and lives up to her titre as the leader of the Princesses. So why is she so low? She simply never left an impression on me. There was nothing about her that really made her stand out to me. I watched her movie today, and I still feel like I don’t really know what her character was like. So, despite her admirable qualities, Cendrillon is seconde from the bottom of my list.

8. Rapunzel
Rapunzel is often criticized for being a rip-off of the other Princesses, Ariel specifically. Now, while that is not a fair assessment, it is fair to say that she does not bring anything new to the Princess table. Just think about it:
Snow White- Innocent, naïve, childish, I basically find Rapunzel to be everything everyone complains about in Snow White, minus the voice
Cinderella- Abused par her “mother” and kept in the house all the time
Aurora- Where to begin? A princess taken from the palace at birth, raised par a woman/ women who masqueraded as a relation, met a stranger despite caretaker’s precautions, fell in l’amour with stranger, discovered the truth about her identity
Ariel- Wants to be a part of another world, dreams her entire life about it, escapes after making a deal with a stranger, has 3 days
Belle- Wants a life other than the one she has, reads
Jasmine- Trapped in a tower for her entire life, escapes the tower, falls in l’amour with a thief
Pocahontas- Magic hair (close enough,) indecisive
Mulan- Gets a haircut, feels that she is not what she is told she is/ should be
Tiana- Has a specific dream she has wanted her entire life, goes on an adventure with a man she eventually falls in l’amour with
Now, of course, I’m over simplifying it. However, my basic point is that there is nothing about her that stands out. Rapunzel falls in basically the same bateau as Cinderella, but I find her slightly plus interesting, putting Rapunzel at my number 8.

7. Aurora
Aurora, lovely, sweet, Aurora. Now we get to the Princesses I really love. Aurora had gone on a wild ride on my list. She went from off my radar to number 1 in a short stint I call my “pink phase,” then was down to the bottom, then had a resurgence when I had a camp counselor who loved her, then back to the bottom, and now that I’ve finally seen her movie, she’s settled in the middle. Now, it is true that she does not have the most developed personality, but if toi took the other Princesses and cut their screen time to 18 minutes, I think toi would get basically the same result from the rest of them. From her 18 minutes, we get a pretty good picture of Aurora. A romantic, Aurora is dreamy and artsy. I also think the song “I Wonder” gives us a perspective into her personality. In it she reveals that she is philosophical and has an intuitive understanding of psychology par taking what she sees the birds doing and relating it to her life. However, I l’amour her for what makes most hate her. I l’amour her for her reaction to finding out she is a princess. She had been told her entire life that Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are her aunts and, assumedly, her parents are dead. She is then told that she is really a princess, that everything she had been told about her life was a lie, that her “aunts” are of no relation to her at all, and that her parents let this all happen. No matter how good the intentions, it is natural Aurora would feel hurt and betrayed, as well as abandoned par her parents, wondering why they wouldn’t want her. And the one person in life who didn’t lie to her from the beginning was the one person she was forbidden from seeing. Of course she overreacted, but toi can blame the sea of raging hormones for that. In the end, she took her position with grace and dignity for the good of her people, putting aside her own personal desires. That was an act of strength and selflessness that makes me l’amour her.

6. Tiana
I l’amour our hard working Princess. Tiana didn’t rely on wishing for her dream to come true, she made it happen through hard work. However, I really l’amour because she was willing to give it all up. She is often criticized for withholding the talisman from Facilier for “giving up her dream for a man,” but that’s not how I see it. Imagine what Naveen would have gone through if Tiana had handed him over. He would be a slave to Facilier, used only when his blood was needed, and probably eventually killed when he was no longer needed. I don’t care if that was a complete stranger, she shouldn’t have hended that talisman over. I am worried about where the world is going if we are saying Tiana should have handed over the talisman and condemned Naveen to that for personal gain. Aren’t there enough examples of corrupt business out there? Tiana put human life and freedom above pleasure that would have come at the cost of another, and for that I l’amour her.

5. Belle
Belle changes the most on my list. She can be anywhere from 4 to 6, so I decided to just average it out and put her at 5. She is the Princess I relate to the most, and not just because I l’amour to read! Maybe that’s why I sometimes find her a bit bland. However, she isn’t as boring as many make her out to be. Belle is very assertive. After breaking the ONE ground rule, Belle makes excuses for herself and defends her actions. Goodness, is that something I would do! I also l’amour the way she deals with Gaston. She is clever about it and, despite making her life harder, makes cracks about it instead of just saying what she means. I l’amour the satirical way she sings about the Bimbettes and Gaston in her reprise. Also, I l’amour that she takes her father’s place. A beautiful young woman, she had the world and her whole life before her, but she gave it up, completely of her own volition, for her father. No one even mentioned the possibility, she simply offered herself instead. That was a truly selfless act of bravery. Brave, assertive, and clever, Belle is a well-rounded character, but not an especially unique one, putting her at number 5.

4. Snow White
And now we come to Snow White. Snow White is often criticized for needing a man, but she handles separation from the Prince very well, and only mentions him when the dwarfs ask her to tell them a story- a true story- a l’amour story. And what better true l’amour story to tell than her own? She didn’t need him to be there, she knew he would be back, so she was fine. I also find the criticism she gets for eating the pomme unwarranted. It was obvious at the beginning she was suspicious, she only let her in because the old lady was having a cœur, coeur attack. It certainly looked to me that she didn’t want to eat the apple, but she didn’t want to be mean either, and I think she was purposely stalling. It was only when she could wait no longer that she took a bite. Also, Snow White is just spunky. She is an uninvited guest in the dwarfs house, and she is telling them the rules they must follow before they can eat. I just l’amour that spoon she has in her hand! Also, the way she says “You must be Grumpy” is hilarious! She is subtly making fun of him, but manages to still be her cute self. Snow White is just the sweetest person ever and I l’amour her.

3. Ariel
I was quite surprised at how quickly I came to the conclusion that Ariel was my number 3 when I decided to rank the Princesses. I’ve always known the haut, retour au début two, but number 3 just fell into place as Ariel. First of all, she is a mermaid. That gets her a few points right there. She longs to be a human and makes a deal with Ursula to do it. Now yes, that wasn’t the smartest decision, but she fell in l’amour with a human, and that was just the kind of opportunity Ursula was waiting for to manipulate her. If toi were in Vegas and had to bet on either the manipulative evil mastermind ou the infatuated teenager whose desires would be fulfilled par the plan of the evil mastermind? Not a very fair pairing. However, I find I actually like her better after she gives away her voice. She is so funny and plus expressive that way. The way she blows her bangs out of the way and uses the fork to comb her hair, even after she knows that isn’t what the “dinglehopper” is for, is so cute and funny! I’m not sure what it is about Ariel that is so enthralling, but there is just something about her that makes almost everyone l’amour her. I also look up to Ariel. I am often held back from doing things I want to do. I wish I could be plus like Ariel and do what I want to do in spite of my fear. I admire that in her and want to emulate that myself.

2. Pocahontas
I just l’amour Pocahontas. She lives par her own rules, and trusts when others might not. She is independent and goes wherever the wind takes her. Yes, once her people are at war, she mellows a bit, but she still has her same fire. She follows John, and once he starts insulting her people she splashes John, and when that doesn’t work, she leaps out of her canoë into the tree. Even after her people are at war, she still kisses John before taking him to see her father, obviously surprising him. Another thing about Pocahontas that I respect that is not present in the others is that she takes the direction of Grandmother Willow. She asks for the conseil of others instead of relying on her own views. But what really makes me l’amour her is how she throws herself over John Smith before her father is about to kill him. She not only protects John, but shows her father there is another way. Pocahontas has the strength to stand up against her own people and lead them to the path of peace.

1. Mulan
Other than the “pink phase,” Mulan has always been my favori Princess. I can remember the moment I fell in l’amour with her. I remember the first time I watched Mulan. My mom put it on the TV for me one time they showed it on a Disney-owned channel, and I remember watching “Honor to us All.” I don’t know what it was about her, but from that moment on I had a new favori Princess. She just enthralled me. I l’amour the bravery she showed during her movie. I do honestly find her the bravest of the Princesses. She was going into a situation that meant almost certain death for her simply for her l’amour for her father. Another reason she is my favori is because she doubts herself. She does not always know for certain that what she is doing is right. I find I appreciate Mulan’s character plus every time I watch her movie. It is true that her personality is not the most defined, but that is because she spends most of the movie trying to discover who she is. And that is the beauty of her character. That is what makes her relatable; that is what gives her character realism. I also l’amour how devoted and loyal she is. Even after being exiled par Shang and the rest of her platoon, she goes back in order to help protect her country. She is also incredibly intelligent. She is incredibly analytical, and that shows every time she develops a plan that saves the rest of her army. However, the main reason Mulan is my favori is because she has inspired me the most. Without her, I wouldn’t be the proud Gryffindor I am today. Without her, I wouldn’t have the sense of loyalty and honor I have. Mulan has been one of my biggest role mannequins since I first heard “Honor to Us All,” and I am eternally grateful for all that she taught me and how much she inspired me. I will always owe who I am to Mulan, and I hope to become even plus like her as I learn who I am and come into my own, the same way Mulan did.

So, that’s my favori Princess countdown! Thanks for lire my first article, I hope toi enjoyed it. The pictures are from my favori scene each Princess is in.
We all know what the Disney girls did in their movies. This is what I think the princesses would do if they were in the real world all working for the same company. I wanted to make something different so here it is! I think I might make this into a fanfic so commentaire please!

10. Aurora
Aurora would probably be the least helpful in a business. She would probably be the secretary that all the guys gawked at.

9. Ariel
Like Aurora, Ariel would probably end up as a secretary. Both are pretty but would probably be eye Candy for the male employees.

8. Pocahontas
She would work hard for sure, but...
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 Who really is the best?
Who really is the best?
Here is my first article! I'm sorry if there are any spelling and grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language, but I'm very good at it. This is all in my opinion. I decided to combine these two because I wanted to try something new.

Prettiest: Pocahontas
I have never found her pretty! The only thing that I like about her is her body, it's realistic and athletic, but I don't like her face at all. Her hair looks like paper, her mouth looks like the mouth of a fish, her eyes are too small. If they made her looking like the other princesses she would be higher.

Favorite: Pocahontas
I love...
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Snow White, originally voiced par Adriana Caselotti, is the first Disney Princess and made her debut in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).
Cinderella, originally voiced par Ilene Woods, is the seconde Disney Princess and made her first appearance in Cendrillon (1950).
Aurora, originally voiced par Mary Costa, is the third Disney Princess, and first appeared in Sleeping Beauty (1959).
Ariel, voiced par Jodi Benson, is the fourth Disney Princess and first appeared in The Little Mermaid (1989).
Belle, voiced par Paige O'Hara, is the fifth Disney Princess and first appeared in Beauty...
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posted by loveandbeauty18
Ok. So I'm making this article to defend Tiana and PATF. Their are just some things that some people say that annoy me about Tiana/PATF. Please, no rude commentaire guys. This is strictly my opinion so please respect it. Ok so please enjoy :)

So first I am going to talk about Tiana. So people dislike her because she's realistic. I don't think that's a good enough reason to not like her. The reason she work hard Is because she had a goal and she wanted to strive for it. I mean, your not just going to sit their like a lazy bum. When toi have a dream go for it! She had a dream like Ariel did except...
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Hi there! I did a Countdown about charlotte laBouff's Outfits! Here are the results! Pictures are at the bottom.

6. Childhood Dress
Nobody commenté on this dress, but I presume that it was eliminated because people did not like the style and thought it was ugly and unflattering. I am not a big fan of it.

5. Wedding Dress

"Noooo I l’amour her wedding dress!" ~Sumerjoy11
"I prefer the traditional white wedding dress." ~Mongoose09

This dress was probably eliminated because of the shape of the jupe and the sleeves, the two reasons I dislike it.

4. Mardi Gras Party Dress

"Too poufy and weird. I like...
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Okay, so I have noticed there is some kind of Rapunzel war going on Fanpop, ou something...not going to say names ou anything. It first started with a question thread, and now several pick questions, and well...

It needs to stop. Guys, I am all for having opinions, but really.

I feel really bad, because, personally, I feel like I participated in the bashing to an extent. I expressed my opinion in the question thread, but I feel like I bashed her too. I re-watched clips of Rapunzel and also read about the good things people had to say about her.

I can see why people can relate to her, with being...
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posted by Takuya
Phantomrose89 came up with the great idea of écriture these articles and I hope that mine won't bore toi all to sleep xD

First Name: Tobias

Country of Origin:I was born and currently live in Sweden.

Favorite Disney Movie: My favori Disney movie is and always will be Beauty and the beast because I relate to both the "odd" Belle and shy beast.

Hobbies: I l’amour to draw and write which is what I mostly do.

Education: I have graduated High School about a an il y a and right now I am trying to decide if I should attend collage ou if I should get a job.
My classes in high school was focused on arts...
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I'm sure that many of us (girls) dressed up in our childhood (and some of us maybe do it even now) as Disney Princesses. ou at least dressed up in rags pretending out them to be huge, sparkly gowns. The clothes of princesses is another thing that make their films enchanting and nostalgic, especially those spectacular, gorgeous gowns. Here are the main gowns of each princess in order as toi voted them. (If toi want to see results of précédant countdown, toi can check old article link


Old position: #8

This dress Lost with large percentage. People dislike it for many reasons.First...
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posted by dee389
 The famous movie that everyone's talking about!
The famous movie that everyone's talking about!
Hi everyone, this is the first time that I'm écriture a review about Tangled. I recently watched the movie and absolutely l’amour it!
The storyline is amazing and partially unpredictable, reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter in a way. The colours are superb and multicoloured, really makes my day!
The characters are funny, witty and full of mysteries surrounding themselves, especially Rapunzel and Pascal. I really, REALLY l’amour her as she became my #1 favourite suddenly!
To conclude my reviews are the musique and the architect of the building, the song "I see the light" makes me cry as it again became my favourite and the tempo reminds me of "So Close" from Il était une fois (which is the only song I like from Enchanted). Finally, the architect is beautiful that it looks like one of the castles from France. The roof itself looks very Bohemian and Medieval.

Well, that's my review and hope toi enjoy lire it though it's not the best!
 l’amour her very much!
Love her very much!
Well.. I sorta got bored and decided to compile a liste of my favourite DP songs in order and then averaged out the results to come up with a favourite soundtrack list. All images are mine. Hope this article turns out okay! I doubt many will agree with me ahah. Here goes..

(I'm ONLY counting songs btw, NOT the background score otherwise the liste would be completely different)

#10. Sleeping Beauty

Coming in at last place is Sleeping Beauty. To be honest the only song I like from this movie is Once Upon A Dream, which I find is the perfect duet. The others are all well composed - maybe with...
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FIRST, I would like to congratulate ppgbelle4 for being January's fan of the month! :D She really deserves it, with all the wonderful contributions she's made :) *cues round of applause*

1. How does it feel to be Disney Princess fan of the month?

I am going to be honest: I didn't expect to be voted as FOTM. ROFL Honestly. I haven't been on as most people here, so I was shocked. I thought tiffany88 was going to win with how much she contributes with all of her desktop wallpapers. ...So yeah, I was like :O, and still like :O. XD However, I appreciate those who did vote for me.

2. How did toi discover...
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Spoilers for one of them
Here are my favourite Disney princess endings

#1 Beauty & the Beast: One of the most touching endings I have ever seen this one is so beautiful as toi hear the Beauty & the Beast song in the end and Belle dancing with Adam and toi see the stained glass at the end. Simply beautiful.

#2 The Little Mermaid: Another touching scene that I l’amour and the reason is because I l’amour how Ariel says that she loves her father and toi see her and Eric sharing true love’s kiss...
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posted by disneyfan500
I found this article on Ezine articles and I thought it was really interesting.

Trying to decide what the best all time Disney movie is not an easy task to do, but trying to determine what the haut, retour au début five Disney princess films are is even harder. One of the best things about the Disney princess films are how much they have influenced kids of all ages. Little girls enjoy princess dress up clothes even plus so because of the Disney princesses. Putting on that Cendrillon costume ou even a Snow White dress allows them to dream that someday they will find a prince.

Princess dress up clothes even encourages...
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I hope this will be the last chapted I have to write cause I wanna get the heck out of here. Okay so Aurora step twords Maleficent as a dragon and Maleficent made a small laugh of humor.

"Well what a twist on our story it's the Rebelle little princess coming to the rescue" laughed Maleficent

"Yes and she's also going to slay the dragon" a dit Aurora with confidence but felt like a coward on the inside.

"Let's just see if toi live long enough, because not even your ruby slippers can protect toi from my feu blast" a dit Maleficent as she blasted green feu at her.

"We have to help her" a dit Flora in...
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The princesses found themselves in a dirty dungeon, with skulls and Bones all about. They were amazed that Fairy Godmother's magic really worked, and were wandering around.
Ariel poked at one of the bones. "Cool! A whatsitcalled!"
"Don't touch that!" yelled all of the other princesses.
Belle tried her best to explain the insides of the human body.
Ariel looked at the bone, then at Belle. "Ew!" she screamed, and stepped closer to her friends.
"Please excuse the mess," Snow White informed them. "The Evil Queen never liked cleaning up after her prisoners." She hopped on over to a mirror hanging...
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posted by juniper427
Since most of the Disney princesses are derived from fairy tales they have gone through many transformations before Disney took their stab at it. I’m going to use the stories I grew up on as “the original”.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
In the original Brothers Grimm story the evil Queen tries three times before the poisoned pomme to kill Snow White and fails, ones with a poison comb, once with a murderously tight hair ribbon and another time with a similarly tight corset. Each time she is saved par the dwarves. Disney also gets rid of the queens violent smashing of the magic...
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Okay so me and Aurora are walking through the woods trying to get as far away from the cottage as possible. We came par the arbre where Aurora goes par to look at the kingdom.

"How about we go to the kingdom" asked Aurora

"No that's a bad idea" I said

"Why" asked Aurora

"It's complicated" I said

"But I've always wanted to go there" a dit Aurora

"You have" I asked

"Yes I've been looking at the kingdom ever since I was eight wanting to go" a dit Aurora

"You will go tonight" I said

"Why not now" asked Aurora

"Just wait until tonight when she sun goes down blondie" I said

"But....." started Aurora

"Trust me" I...
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This article is based on my opinions. I apologize if I hurt anyone’s feelings. That’s the last thing I want to do.

9. Tiana
A lot of people who have Tiana this low think that she’s too serious. Well, I don’t know about that but I think her world is too concentrated on the restaurant and that she’s too narrow-minded. Sure, I like her as a human a little but when she turns into a frog… I don’t know. Her personality changes too much in my opinion. Plus, in my opinion she’s the only princess who is only a little dreamy. I think the rest of them are really dreamy in their own ways...
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A/N#1: Listened to the song "Beauty and the Beast" and saw a commentaire about a piece of the song inspiring someone, so I picked one that always seemed to give me goosebumps...I dont know why this part of the song does...I just think after seeing Belle/Beast from beginning to end...its enchanting to see how nervous about l’amour both of them are.

Disclaimer: Dont Own the Lyrics, ou the characters...or Beauty and the Beast...thei Disney's.

Song Lyrics: "...Both A Little Scared, Neither One Prepared..."

[Belle POV]

Tonight was the night, the night I finally figured out what was truly going on with me...
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A/N: So I was watching Beauty and the Beast this morning and I read a story
about the prince before he was transformed and it gave me this idea. I
thought it would be interesting to see the individual changes from who the
prince was before to who he was after Belle broke the spell. I also thought that
it would be interesting to see it through the eyes of someone besides Belle
or the prince.

Also I use the name Adam for the prince.

Disclaimer: I do not own Belle ou the Beast/Prince/Adam ou any of the other
characters...lets just say I do not own Beauty and the Beast. Also I dont remember
clearly how...
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