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pasiumb à dit à propos de Teen Mom
gary.... ur biggest down fall is ur friend stop taking conseil from him he's a hatter he juss wants u to hang wit him the way u did amber on her birthday was so unecessary! let me tell u a secret MISSERY LOVES COMPANY! UR FRIEND is a messy a hot one! trust me he is a bad influnce. ur a father now u and amber should of celbrtd.her b-day together wit ur lil girl toi all are jouer la comédie like ur kids still but ur parents time to seporate the 2! posté il y a plus d’un an
pasiumb à dit à propos de Teen Mom
maci,ryan l’amour u girl he's juss stuntin! on the lass episode u could see it all over his face and in his voice! posté il y a plus d’un an
pasiumb à dit à propos de Teen Mom
for ryan, try to work it out wit maci and grow up u gave up ur childness the jour she told u she was pregnant and its cheaper to keep her ,trust me! if u dont do it for anyone else do it for ur son. its a reason why it takes 2 both of u! juss like it took the both of u to make him! posté il y a plus d’un an