
fanpopping depuis March 2011

  • Female, 28 years old
  • Portugal
  • Favorite TV Show: WAY
    Favorite Movie: TOO
    Favorite Musician: MANY
    Favorite Book or Author: FAVS. !!!!!
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mon mur

moongirl1998 faîtes-moi des propositions pour my images
hi nice to meet u ^^ posté il y a plus d’un an
music7car a dit …
Ohayo minna!
I'm writting to ask all of toi that like D'Gray Man (DGM) to please sign this petition. It has already been signed par over a 100 people throughout the world, but that still isn't enough.
So if toi would like to help us and continue watching this animé please sign it. It's free, safe, and the only real info toi have to give is your e-mail. PLEASE, WE NEED plus SIGNITURES !!!!!

link posté il y a plus d’un an