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HecateA faîtes-moi des propositions pour my comments
Hello- guess what fanfiction I just started writing? toi asked for a link, so now I'm going through my liste (I'm not kidding; I have a freaking list) of people who wanted it and toi go first- so tee-hee!

link posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 commenté…
YAY! Thanks :). And I knew you'd have a list! But I'll stop commenting and go to your fanfic right now! :DDD il y a plus d’un an
athena305 faîtes-moi des propositions pour my polls
I l’amour all your theories on Hazel! posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de lire
Has anyone here read 'Heroes of the Valley' par Jonathan Stroud? If you've read it, could toi please answer my question about it here: link Thanks. :-D posté il y a plus d’un an
katniss311 commenté…
haven't read it yet-thinking about it. is it good? cause i read the bartimeous trilogy and solomons ring. il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 commenté…
That's actually what I'm asking... I'm thinking of lire it, but I want some opinions... (The reviews on the Internet contradict one another.) I read The Bartimaeus Trilogy, too, :-) il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de Bookworms
Has anyone here read 'Heroes of the Valley' par Jonathan Stroud? If you've read it, could toi please answer my question about it here: link Thanks. :-D posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de livres à lire
Has anyone here read 'Heroes of the Valley' par Jonathan Stroud? If you've read it, could toi please answer my question about it here: link Thanks. :-D posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de Héros de l’Olympe
Who else is ready to burst now that The Son of Neptune's release is sooo near...? (combined with R.R.'s picture of him holding the book and the fact that some people got it early) posté il y a plus d’un an
pink-bookworm commenté…
Me il y a plus d’un an
pjlover212051 commenté…
some people got it early!!!! LUCKYS!! il y a plus d’un an
lovespercy commenté…
I WILL PERSONALLY RELEASE MY RAGE ON ANYONE WHO READS THE BOOK EARLY. and trust me toi do not want a million gallons of water thrust into your face il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de Héros de l’Olympe
salut guys, is it true that fanpop is closing down on October 4? THIS IS NOT A JOKE ou ANYTHING (because we all know October 4 is when The Son of Neptune comes out). It's just that a friend of mine messaged me that she was leaving and deleting her account because fanpop was closing down on October 4. I just want to know if it's true and where she got that information.
I repeat: This ISN'T a practical joke. I'm being serious. posté il y a plus d’un an
LeoV44 commenté…
I searched it on Google but nothing came up. I'm guessing that it's just a rumor... il y a plus d’un an
green-art-ac-pj commenté…
Oh gosh!!! I never heard!!! il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 commenté…
Well, that's a relief... But I'm sad because she really did leave. When I try to go to her account, it just goes to fanpop home. :-( il y a plus d’un an
Asmadasahater faîtes-moi des propositions pour my answers
On 'Guess The Quote' game toi were right. posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de Héros de l’Olympe
Speaking of people posting on fanfics... To the readers of my fanfic, 'The Sword and Keys of Pluto', the latest chapter is Chapter X. Chapter XI will be posté on July 23, 2011. The rest of the chapters... well, I've asked toi guys what monsters toi want to see on the quest, but so far the only réponses I got were the minotaur and the flying pig. So if toi want to see a certain monster, tell me before I start écriture the suivant few chapters. Thank you! =D posté il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 commenté…
To those who aren't reading, I'd really appreciate it if toi read the fanfic! Here's the link: link Thank toi :-). il y a plus d’un an
booklover_64 à dit à propos de Héros de l’Olympe
Hey, everybody! :-D I posté on ‘The Sword and Keys of Pluto’! I’m posting the suivant chapter a little later, but I’ll definitely be posting three chapters today. Those who’ve been reading: go see it, it’s really important! Those who haven’t been reading: please read and comment. I’d appreciate it so, so much. Thank you! :-D posté il y a plus d’un an