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belieber050401 à dit à propos de Cameron Boyce
I wanna meet him o bad! i l’amour him sooo much and id probably have the same reaction to meeting him as i would to meeting justin bieber. i really hope one jour we can becomes Friends and i can have sontact info of his! that will be the day. lol. i wish i was lucky enough like everyong on grown ups and jesssie to actually be able to know him and have his cell number. and those freckles of his! omg dead. well he is gorg and i wanna see him break dance live. it prob wont happen but a girl can dream posté il y a plus d’un an
big smile
amanda-9966 faîtes-moi des propositions pour my videos
Your answer to my question of Justin! So what's ur fave song par him? posté il y a plus d’un an
belieber050401 commenté…
uhhhh all of them!! MDR il y a plus d’un an
big smile
amanda-9966 faîtes-moi des propositions pour my articles
Thanks for the add! posté il y a plus d’un an
belieber050401 commenté…
ure welcome il y a plus d’un an
Nazzu a dit …
Calm down a bit, would you?Stalking him won't help your chances with him.... posté il y a plus d’un an
belieber050401 commenté…
im not stalking him. stalking him is going to his house peeping thru his window and looking at wat hes doing and noing where he is and wat hes doing and wat foot he is walking with at every minute of the day. noing everything about him isnt stalking cause i no everything about justin bieber. MDR plzzz dont take this the rong way im not trying to be mean cause im not a mean person thanks il y a plus d’un an
big smile
amanda-9966 faîtes-moi des propositions pour my answers
Wow! That's really heart-felt! So you're a huge JB fan then? posté il y a plus d’un an
belieber050401 commenté…
YESSS!!! and sorry but wat was heart-felt il y a plus d’un an