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posted by nick_cross
The Exiled
Story setting:
Era: future
Character setting: witch and wizards, vampires, werewolves, phoenix man, humans
Setting: earth, United States
World setting: future, world war??, nations combine to make 3 empires: wizard empire, empire of man, world empire.
For centuries we lived harmoniously; we had two different worlds. Two very different worlds. Their world was lived freely and without secrecy. In our world, that’s what it was all about, secrecy. Don’t make too much noise, don’t seem so noticeable, and most important, under no circumstances, don’t ever get caught. For a while this secret arrangement worked well for both of our worlds, we both lived in peace, they didn’t bother us and we in return didn’t kill them. My name is Nicholas cross, I was named after my father, so my mother says, but whatever. I don’t really care. Even though I’ve never actually met my father I believe that he was a great man. He died in war a couple of months after I was born; my mother says that he died for us, for me. She told me that he did everything he could to try and survive, she says that he wanted to come back accueil really bad, and that plus than everything he wanted to watch me grow up to be a man.
Even though my mother was left alone to raise a baby she was able to manage, of course it isn’t that hard to take care of a baby when toi can use magic.My father was a wizard, he used a lot of magic during the war to survive and to kill enemy soldiers. My mother was a witch, and she used a lot of magic to raise me, to cook, to clean, to travel, and to train me to defend myself. I was born into a harsh world, ou so I’ve been told, I don’t see anything so bad about it, but a lot of people tell me that things used to be better. “Before the war, before everything got so messed up” whispered my aunt once as she watched the president give a speech about something important. I hear a lot about how the world used to be such a good and happy place; how everyone got along, humans and wizards would co exist happily and peacefully. But then a couple of years before I was born, everything changed. Some say they changed for the best, that this change was inevitable; it had to happen so our world could progress. But others say that it changed for the worse, that the damage that we have caused, the unbalance we have set upon both our worlds, can never be reversed no matter how much magic we use; it will never be the same again.
IT happened when I was very young; I was just a baby, so I don’t really remember much. What I know is what I hear from the elderly talking about it, they’re not particularly happy with The Change. I can tell because when they talk about it, it’s usually with a constant sneer in their voice. The only other people who really know about The Change are the grownups, like my mother, but they don’t usually talk about it. The only time any of the grownups ever talk about The Change is when they’re drunk, but par then everything they say is all jumbled together in a weird slur that I can’t really make out much of what they say.
My mother’s job is to take care of the elderly and make sure they don’t suddenly die. I don’t particularly understand her job, when it seems that that’s pretty much everything that their hoping for, to die soon. So why not just let them? I guess it’s a grown up thing. My mother sometimes took me with her to work when I wasn’t in school. Her work is a pretty boring place, a big white house with lots of rooms filled with lots of old people; it has a front yard, and a front porch. Every time I walk in there’s a weird smell of oldness, cigarettes, and alcohol. I don’t like that smell, it makes me feel dirty and gross, and makes my eyes watery. I typically don’t stay inside much because of the smell, I often play outside on the porch and just wait for my mother, but there really isn’t much to play with at an elderly home, they never want toi to touch any of there stuff. So I would just sit and listen to the elderly talk about The Change, most of them would just say different things like, “damn those vamps, they just had to go and ruin everything for the rest of us!” ou like “who in their right mind would want to change the way things were, I mean to go from that, to this! We were so stupid!” This one time this old man who looked like the oldest out of all them said, “gosh darn it! I just wish I could go back and have stopped all this from happening, I’dve march straight into president Scotts office and killed him right then and there, when I was still young!” when the old man named jack a dit this, all the rest chuckled in unison, and agreed. Some police guys must’ve not liked what jack a dit because they came along and told all the men to stop all there pathetic whining and to go along with their day. After that all the old men spent the rest of their jour moping around and getting drunk. I stayed on the porch to play, and I fell asleep after a while.
When I awoke it was already dark out, and there was a man on the other side of the porch screaming out into the night, I rose and tried to listen. I couldn’t make out much of what he was saying but it sounded like he was asking a lot of questions. For a seconde I thought maybe he was screaming at somebody. Out of curiosity, I started walking over to him to see who he was screaming at. When I got close enough I could see that he was looking up facing the sky, I couldn’t see his face because it was covered par the shadow casted from the ceiling of the porch. When I got even closer I smelled the alcohol flowing from his way, I’ve always hated the smell of alcohol, and because of this I usually ignore all the drunks around my neighborhood. The source of my hatred originates from when I was about 7. My mother had brought accueil a new boyfriend, Gregorith parcher, he was ok in the beginning and through dîner he was polite and a dit some jokes to make me laugh. But it wasn’t until later on in the night that we found out he was a bad drunk. I was in my room, I was supposed to be asleep, and I was about to fall asleep until I heard the sound of something breaking and my mother yelling that roused me from my bed. I got up and walked to my door and pressed my ear to its surface as to hear what’s going on in the rest of the house. I could hear my mother much plus clearly now, I could make out some of what she was saying, I could hear her yell, “What is wrong with toi Greg! Why are toi jouer la comédie this way!” in response Gregorith replied in a calm voice as if nothing was happening, “acting like what? Like this?” I hear, what I assume was my mother, run across the living room and push Gregorith, again she yells, “stop toi stupid idiot! Get out of my house! Get out now! ou I!” Gregorith cuts her off and starts yelling himself, “or you’ll what! Huh Wendy! ou you’ll what!? What can toi do? Huh!? What can toi possibly do about this!?” suddenly I hear something crash into my door, it makes me jump back, it sounded like glass breaking when it hit my door. I began to feel fear rising up inside of me, and my cœur, coeur starts to beat a little faster, I bring my knees up to my chest and I grab hold of them with my arms and I squeeze them tightly as if I’m holding on to them for dear life. I feel tears stinging the back of my eyes, I tell myself that everything is going to be ok repeatedly over and over, and I start rocking myself in unison with my words. I hear my mother scream but it’s muffled again, but I’m pretty sure she had just mentioned me. This snaps me back into reality, hearing my mother say my name; I get the feeling that she wants my help to get the lunatic out of the house. So without thinking I get up and open my door, I notice the glass vase that’s usually par the window is broken into pieces at my feet. This must be what hit my door I think to myself. I look up and see my mother leaning on the cuisine counter crying with her face in her hands, and the man Gregorith is looking out the window drinking from a bière bottle in his hand. I walk into the living room and look around and take in my surroundings. The TV Screen is broken, there’s a huge stain in the middle of the living room, and the canapé cushions are all over the floor. After this I look straight at the back of Gregoriths head. It’s full of dark black hair, slicked back with a comb. My mother finally notices that I’ve entered the room and walks over to me and starts to hug me, she tells me, “nick sweetie did we wake you? I’m sorry. Everything is ok here; go back to lit ok sweet heart.” This makes me feel a whole lot better but for some reason I couldn’t get my feet to déplacer away and walk back to my room, they stayed rooted right where they were. Gregorith turns around and stares at my mother and me for a second, then starts walking over to us while saying, “well look Wendy your right, nick IS still with you, in fact! He’s right here!” he stands in front of me and points his finger at my face. My mother is about to respond when Gregorith casts some magic and swipes my mom away with his empty hand sending her about two feet across the floor, and exclaims, “So let’s see if lil nick can still beat me in a duel!” Gregorith pulls out a wand and points it at me, I didn’t know how to react I was La Reine des Neiges still, stuck like glue to where I was standing, Gregorith looked straight into my eyes for a few seconds, that felt like a few hours, I caught a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, but I mostly saw fear, but fear of what? ou fear of whom? Me? Gregorith whispers, “Such a shame his son was so weak.” This makes me angry, I hate being called weak ou looked upon as weak. So before he does anything else I say, “You’re the weak one Gregorith.” And I turn and run to my mother’s room down the hall, I hear him chuckle quickly then utter a few syllables and I hear the familiar sound of a jet of magic fly past my right ear and I see it smash into the mur ahead of me, I take a sharp left and turn into my mother’s room and I go straight for my mother’s dresser, as I reach my mother’s dresser I hear my mother yelling and I hear Gregorith telling her to get off. I reach the dresser and start moving around some of my mother’s make up and jewelry then I find it, my father’s wand. I grab it with one hand and I turn around and I run back to the living room. I knew it wasn’t all right to take my father’s wand, my mother tells me all the time to never touch it, let alone use it. But I also knew my mom wasn’t safe, and I knew HE had to go. As I run back into the living room I see Gregorith cast magic and swipe my mother away again, but this time she flies back a couple of feet and lands on the floor. Seeing that makes rage swell inside of me. “Gregorith!” I scream. “don’t toi ever touch my mom again!” I proclaim. Gregortih turns and looks at me. He sees the wand in my hands and gives me a bewildered look. Without hesitation I point the wand at him and say the first spell I can think of, infernio, the killing spell. I knew about this particular spell par watching my favori wizard, duel on TV. Infernio burns the victim to death in a matter of seconds. So before I know it a jet of flames shoot from the tip of my father’s wand and hits Gregorith straight in the chest sending him flying back, he crashes through the window and lands outside. I stay La Reine des Neiges with my hand pointing my father’s wand straight ahead; I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I killed a person. As I thought of this idea in my head, of me killing a person, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, letting go of my father’s wand. As I sink to the floor I can hear my mother running over to me and hugging me and grabbing my face and s’embrasser my face, then she looks at me in the eyes and asks me, “nick are toi ok?” I don’t answer immediately; instead I break into tears and start crying. I couldn’t believe I just killed a person. And the thought of it just knocked the wind out of me. suivant thing I know I’m falling back into darkness.