Winchester Girls Club
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Chapter 10

(Warning: this chapter contains scenes of violence and course language)

Sam and Dean hurried through the back entrance, duffels filled with equipment slung over their backs, of the hospital and sealing it shut behind them in case anything tried to escape. As far as they were concerned the only people leaving this place alive were the two young women they came for, namely Kay Forster the empathic mechanic.

While Dean pumped his shotgun, securing the area, Sam was busy reloading his magnum after taking out 5 undead cannibals on the stairs. Another inch closer to those teeth and Dean would have been zombie chow if it hadn’t been for his brother’s quick reflexes.

So far they’d come across all sorts of infected victims from doctors, nurses to even former patients with the I.Vs still stuck to their arms. The Winchesters hadn’t even counted on finding any other staff survivors from the litter of massacred corpses covering the floors and hallways.

These weren’t the usual zombies Sam and Dean had come across before; they were fast, violent and viciously hungered for the flesh of the living. Still the same rules applied for zombies: sever the brain from the body and those who’ve been bitten with become one of the undead in a matter of minutes. The brothers had to stick to their instincts and take out whatever came at them, even if the person had already been bitten.

“This is nuts,” Dean stressed keeping his eyes and ears peeled over his surroundings, “I feel like I just walked into a shitty Romero flick!”

“Yah except we’re not in the films Dean, this is reality.” Sam said, peering into one of the open rooms on the 2nd floor. His cœur, coeur was racing just thinking about being jumped from behind. These zombies weren’t just ugly and fast…they were unpredictable. “No sign of anybody alive as of yet but we need to get to the elevators. Kay’s room is on the 6th floor; that might be where we’ll find Sarah too.”

Dean’s nostrils flared, blood pressure over the roof, just picturing the girls being trapped and torn to pieces par one of these bloodthirsty monsters. He didn’t care what it took to get to that floor; Dean was going to get Kay out of this chaos even if it killed him. Luckily he and Sam had the stomach to walk through a sea of blood, body parts and organs….thanks to lack an of appetite earlier that day.

“I hate zombies, never liked them,” Dean gasped between holding his breath from the metallic smell of dead flesh and controlling the urge to vomit. “I swear if we ever get out of this alive Sammy, I’m gonna buy us a sailboat so we can sail out on the Atlantic… maybe check out those hula girls in Hawaii, huh?” he cleverly smirked at Sam.

“This is hardly the time to be thinking about vacation plans, Dean.” Sam crucially reminded his anxious brother, as they crouched to the ground par a corner in the hallway. Almost there, just another few inches and the elevator would be in their sights. “How about concentrating on plus important things like say…not dying?”

“Party pooper,” snorted the older Winchester, rising from his crouched position to snipe out a lingering infected wearing white lab manteau smothered in blood. “Well who do we have here? It’s Dr. McDreamy” He glanced back at Sam for a reaction to his homage to Patrick Dempsey in a hospital drama series, and all he got was a confused shrug. Dean shook his head before firing and said. “Dude, do toi live under a rock ou something? toi can’t tell me you’ve never heard of Grey’s Anatomy.”

“Again, that’s not relevant to me. Now let’s get to the elevator before anyone else decides to have any fun.”

“You do realize there’s gonna be whole lot plus of them when we get up there?”

For a moment they paused, expecting the worst. But if they didn’t reach the 6th floor, there would be no way to help Kay ou Sarah. Their only ultimatum was to mentally prepare to be ambushed par a larger horde of zombies.

Aside from the rescue mission, Sam couldn’t help wondering how the outbreak started. If this was what Castiel was worried about, than it was sûr, sans danger to say the shit had definitely hit the fan. But how was any of this connected to an empath and why was it happening now? While Sam pushed the “Up” button, Dean covered his back ready to shoot on sight. To him a moving target was always the easiest, especially if it was coming right at you.

But just as the doors opened, the brothers shuddered to find a blond nurse scarfing down on an old man patient’s leg. Sam swallowed hard as the wet noise of Bones and flesh was being chomped eagerly par the zombie’s grueling jaws. Without hesitation, the taller Winchester raised his gun to the creature’s temple and shot point blank…leaving both bothers with a amer after taste in their mouths.

“Well…there’s something toi don’t see every day.” Dean commenté bewilderedly, wiping his chin on his shoulder. “Okay this widens a whole new perspective on nurses for me…and just thinking about it is making me wanna spew my guts… if there aren’t enough already in there.”

Sam was distant, taking out that zombie made him feel hollow…almost numb. He hated thinking of the suivant one being Sarah. She was all in his thoughts besides the mystery of the carnage that surrounded them. Sam couldn’t lose her now, not like this. After all this time…the feelings that he thought were long dead were still vibrate from the moment he saw her again. He needed to save her in order to tell her what was in his heart.

“Once we get up there, I think we should divisé, split up,” Sam suggested, pressing the key with his thumb, barley avoiding the mutilated body shredded beneath his shoes. “We’ll cover plus ground and we might have a better chance at finding Kay and Sarah that way.”

“No, screw that plan!” Dean barked, infused par the organs sloshing in the blood beside his boots as the elevator shifted upwards. “I’m not letting toi run off par yourself, it’s too dangerous. We’re sticking together the whole way through!”

“Dean, for all we know Sarah and Kay are trapped in separate areas of the building,” Sam bluntly reminded his older brother. “If we don’t get to them soon…they could both die.”

“We could all die here Sammy! There’s too many of those bastards to smoke ‘em all at once!”

“Which is why we should divisé, split up,” repeated the taller brother, cocking his gun. “Look I’ve been doing this just as long as toi have Dean…so I know how to handle myself.” He paused briefly clamping his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I learned from the best after all… and listen while we’re up there…I just wanted toi to know…that I’m sorry.”

Dean blinked confusingly. “For what? It’s not like toi saw this coming.”

“No I mean…I’m sorry about before…” he scratched his shaggy hair awkwardly. It was always so difficult baring your soul during a life threatening situations. But sometimes it seemed like the best time to lay everything on the table. “I know I’ve been distant…pushed toi away because of what happened. I don’t know why it was so hard…I guess I just felt like after everything…I’m ashamed of what I’ve become.”

Dean clenched his jaw tightly, holding back anguished tears of sentiment. “Sammy toi don’t have to do this alright. I’m over it.”

“I let that thing take me over and it nearly killed you,” there were tears formulating in Sam’s brown eyes as he tried focusing his attention on the doors. “I saw and felt everything he did…every time he hit you…I felt the Bones in your face brake against my knuckles….it was the most excruciating moment in my life…years in Hell couldn’t even compare to that torture. For the first time in so long…I actually got to feel what true evil was…and I never want to go back to that.”

Dean bit his lower lip, quickly rubbing his hand over his brother’s messy head of hair. It was all he could think of besides falling apart during someone’s the heure of need. He didn’t want to dwell on the past ou when he had to witness the devil harboring Sam’s body, threatening to end the world. Dean remembered when he caught a glimpse of his possible future the first time he met Lucifer wearing his brother’s meat suit…and that image had always haunted him.

“Sammy it wasn’t you,” he a dit plainly, “I don’t want toi living the rest of your life thinking it was. As far as I’m concerned toi sent that evil chienne packing a one-way trip into the pit.” Then he nudged Sam in the shoulder with his first. “We’re cool; let’s just find Kay and Sarah before those sons-of-bitches do. And I swear to god if anything happens to them…let’s just say I’m looking to blow something up.”

When the doors swung open to selected floor, Sam and Dean hurried in opposite directions examining the massive carnage left behind.

Sarah Blake was feeling reckless after she had darted out of the infirmary, and into another hallway, avoiding her step. She never should have left Kay alone, not while everything was going to hell. A dead cell phone was useless but so was not having a weapon of some sort to fend of hordes of flesh eating corpses. Sarah figured they were dead after nearly being chomped on par a bald patient with a gouging neck wound, one arm completely bitten off. It felt so suddenly when she hurried to see what the commotion was about, only to be pursued par every infected ou dead victim that she came into contact with.

The searing pain in Sarah’s dislocated shoulder only made the situation plus severe. Clumsy to fall on the hard floor after tripping over a Janitor’s mop and bucket, while escaping 3 infected dead cannibals. She was scared, alone and desperate to find a working phone. Why weren’t Sam and Dean here? The young woman could’ve used their assistance right about now.

cœur, coeur racing, she jogged towards a closed office, struggling to grasp her injured arm. The lights were off, which probably meant nothing got inside and no one was there, so for now she could hide until help arrived. In the back of her mind she kept wondering about Kay, who was hurt, helpless and liable to have another empathic attack during all the chaos. Running her finger through her brown hair, sobbing fearfully as she entered the room and shut the door, Sarah was suddenly overcome with a disturbed notion that she wasn’t the only person hiding from the outside.

“H…Hello?” she whispered softly, nearly collapsing from shock, lips trembling uncontrollably.

Close to the window she could see a white jacketed figure slowly gliding par the moonlight. Freezing in her steps, a lamp on a bureau then flicked on. To Sarah’s surprise it was a doctor, the same creepy looking man who extracted blood from Kay’s arm earlier tonight.

“Dr. P?” her confusion was conflicted into her fear. Why wasn’t this man trying to find an escape like everyone else? “W-Why are you… do toi know what’s… g-going on around h-here?”

“Beautiful isn’t it?” answered the thin man, skin moist like slime. “It’s amazing how patient one must wait to witness an event such as this…I consider this my highest achievement in any disease I’ve ever assembled….wouldn’t toi agree?”

Sarah could barely déplacer let alone find the nerve to answer. Was this guy responsible for what was being unleashed out these walls?

“What’s the matter?” he taunted, laughing eerily. “Cat got your tongue?” Straightening out his jacket, the young woman spotted an antique looking ring on this left hand while the right hand’s ring finger appeared to be severed. “I guess anyone would be as speechless as toi are right about now. So why don’t toi have a siège while I…decide what I’m going to do with you.”

Sarah didn’t know what the doctor was planning on doing but every fiber in her subconscious told her he was dangerous. She had nowhere to run and no idea how Sam was going to find her.

Dean rubbed his bloodied face with his veste sleeve shortly after it was covered in brain goo. He’d just taken out two doctors, 4 kids and 6 cancerous patients… and were these suckers fast? It was just like in the movie 28 days Later ou the Dawn of the Dead remake, lethal, quick and unhesitant to attack. Doing this job for so long, he’d gotten use to seeing a body count…dead ou alive, though he wasn’t thrilled each of these zombies were victims of circumstance.

Everything in his gut told him Kay Forster was still alive, she was smart she’d know how to survive because deep down she was a strong person. Being an empath had donné her strength as much as it filled her with unimaginable pain. Dean admired Kay for baring such a tragic curse, even when it forced her to learn things about the world that were hard for anyone to withstand. But he’d also found himself becoming very protective of the girl. Something about her touched him, woke up a new feeling he couldn’t describe as he hurled himself through the pool of gore.

Instantly he was pursued dead ahead par a wave of zombie galore as seven patients sprinted down the hall towards him. Some of them were almost falling apart while others had objects lodged in their limbs ou throughout their bodies. His ears were pierced with high pitched screams as the creature neared.

While Dean pumped his shotgun, he whispered coolly under his breath. “Hiya boys, how’s it hanging?” He smirked firing a clear shot into a zombie’s skull.

Continuously pumping his gun, the skillfully active young hunter destroyed one assailant after the other. Using his sharp instincts, he countered attacks using his fists and elbows, occasionally kicking in the groin and stabbing his dagger under one zombie’s chin severing the current to the brain.

His clothes were caked in guts and blood, “goes with the territory” as Dean would say. These things were fast but not smart enough to take on a Winchester. Dean and his brother were born to do this…to be warriors. It’s what legacy they carried on from their father and John Winchester was the best.

Before he had time to reload, the hallway was compelled with deafening screams. Somebody sounded alive. As he carefully neared, the screams grew louder…forged within those sounds of panic were the hungry slamming of several hands against a door. The closer Dean got the plus he realized the girl in trouble.

“Kay!” he called out, “Kay, are toi there?”

“Dean!” shrieked the frightened girl in the background. "Dean help!"

“Kay hold on I’m coming!”
added by ForsakenMoon19
Chapter 16

(Warning some scenes may be too explicit and contains course language)

Sam Winchester had been busily rummaging in the basement with Sarah Blake, looking for any signs of weapons ou tools they could use in case of a shortage. Bullets for all of the Winchesters’ pistolets were nearly scarce thanks to their run in with a zombified crowd of hungry patients and staff back at Little Falls hospital. In a time like this it’s not good to be packing minimal heat, especially when it was the only thing that could keep toi alive. Usually Sam and his brother were better equipped for any battle,...
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added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
Chapter 12

(Warning: this chapter contains scenes of violence and course language)

“You’ve…got me!” Sam coughed, hopelessly glancing down at the girl passed out suivant to him. “J-Just let her go, please!”

“That’s very touching…but frankly this isn’t about her, Sam.” answered the mucus looking doctor, circling the hunter and his unconscious friend. “As I’ve told you…this is about something much, much bigger. You, Dean, your friend there, and even me…we’re all just chess pieces in what’s about to come forth.”

Sam’s eyes were glazing from the pain inside his...
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Chapter 4

(warning this part contains scenes of violence and course language. toi will also witness the beginning of Sam and Dean's personal issue with each other since Sam's return from hell)

Sam and Dean made it back to the motel they checked into, just as the sun was setting along the horizon. The air was dry yet damp very irritable, much like their failed attempt to connect with a strange young mechanic. For the first time since he’d accepted this case, cursing to himself bitterly while stepping out of the impala, Dean felt like he’d abandoned his “hunter’s code of conduct”: “Saving...
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Chapter 3

Sam routinely huddled over his laptop, scanning useful information about Sarah’s friend as Dean parked the impala near the lot par the auto shop. From the description of Kay that they’d been given, so far no matches. Then Sam retrieved a full profile.

“So what’s the skinny on this chic dude?” Dean asked after ten minutes of boring silence. “Does she check out ou what?”

Sam began to read his notes off the screen. “Okay her name is Kayleigh Forster, twenty-four, moved to New York about two years il y a and she’s a mechanic at Corbin’s Auto Garage. Kay’s parents died...
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added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19