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"I know that when I tell toi about my problem, some people will think I'm stupid and childish ou even weird. Sometimes even I think that I'm being silly, but that doesn't stop it from hurting so much… I am deeply in l’amour with Robert Pattinson, and I don't think I'll ever be happy unless we end up together.

"I know how crazy it sounds, but I'm sure that most people know how hard it is when they have strong feelings for someone that they can't have. I've felt the same before with crushes from school, but this time is so much harder to deal with. toi can just avoid boys from school and try to déplacer on, but with Rob, it's impossible to avoid him - he's everywhere!

"My feelings for him first started when I saw him in the Harry Potter films - I was mesmerised! He was so cute, and I couldn't stop thinking about his eyes and his smile. I just couldn't get enough of him - I watched the films every night and knew his every word. So toi can imagine how excited I was when I heard that he was starring in his own movie!

"I was searching all over the net about his new film, Twilight, and when I found out details about the premiere, there was no way I could miss an opportunity to see him face to face! I decided to write a letter to give to him at the premiere, explaining all my feelings for him, and how I would support him and be there for him forever.

"I turned up to the premiere really early to get as close to him as I could, but I wasn't alone… there were hundreds of girls like me! We waited for hours in the freezing cold to catch a glimpse of him, but when he finally came down the red carpet, it was so worth it! He looked amazing, even plus beautiful in real life than on screen - it was magical!

"He looked amazing, even plus beautiful in real life than on screen..."

"Everyone was screaming his name and asking for autographs, but I didn't want to take up too much of his time, so when he finally came close to me, I just stuck out my letter, hoping that he would notice me and take it.

"Suddenly, he looked me right in the face and softly took the card from my hand. I was speechless, when he looked at me I felt as if I couldn't move, and everything was like slow motion, and then he whispered to me, 'Thank you' and then moved on up the carpet. I couldn't believe that I'd met him and felt like I was on a high for weeks.

"After the premiere, normal life just seemed dull and pointless. School was so boring and the boys there just repulsed me, it was hard to get excited about anything anymore. I didn't really feel like hanging out with my mates anymore, instead I just stayed accueil on the net and found out everything I could about how Robert was doing.

"My relationships at school were changing too, and my Friends were wondering why I was jouer la comédie so different, but I never told them because I knew that they would never understand ou even think that I was crazy.

"I thought they would think that I was crazy..."

"It's been over a an now and Rob hasn't replied to my letter, but I know that his life is hectic right now with all the media attention, especially with the Eclipse and Breaking Dawn releases. I wish that they would just leave him alone. I worry about how he is coping with it all and I wish I could be there to look after him.

"I know that I'll probably never have any kind of relationship with him, and thinking about it hurts, but I'm plus worried that I'll never get over him and I'll be depressed for the rest of my life because of my feelings for him."
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
Source: XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XRobward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX
added by XEdward_LoverX