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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

Please review, I am not getting many and I really need the help from toi guys. Do toi like it, do toi hate it, please tell me.

Chapter 16

What was Edward going to say about my idea? Should I even tell him ou should I keep it to myself? This solution came to me so suddenly that I didn’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. I didn’t think that he would like it though. And what about the rest of the family? I mean I was part of their family now right? I had to do this for me and for them. They were putting themselves at risk for me and if I could help, I had to do it. So here goes nothing.

I took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said, “I want to be changed.”

“What? Are toi kidding me? Are toi thinking straight? Don’t toi know what that means?” Edward was clearly upset, in fact, this is the most I’ve seen him react to anything.

“Calm down Edward. I just think that is the best way for me to help out with this situation and then houx won’t have to be upset that toi are with a human.” That worked for a reason right?

“Bella, toi have no idea what toi are asking for.” He shook his head at the idea of what I was asking for. “I can’t do that to you. I can’t condemn toi to this life. I will not take your life.”

“Edward, toi wouldn’t be condemning me to anything that I don’t know about. I want this. I want to stay with toi and your family forever.”

“Out of the question Bella. I will not be doing that to you.” He stood up and walked from the room. He was done talking about it, but I wasn’t. I got up to follow him. Then I stopped. If he wouldn’t do it, there were plenty of others here that could do the same thing. I turned and walked to Alice’s room. I knocked on her door, but there was no answer. I looked down towards the living room and didn’t see anyone there either. Where did everyone go? I went down the stairs and walked to the garage door. I opened it and was thankful to find someone finally. Rosalie. She was tinkering around with a car.

“Rosalie? Are toi busy?” Right, Bella. Good question. She was bent over the engine of a car, wasn’t she?

“Nothing that I can’t take a break from. What’s up?” she asked grabbing a towel and wiped the grease off her hands.

“Um… I was talking to Edward upstairs and I uh… came up with a way to help out with Holly. But Edward didn’t seem to like the idea very much. I wanted to ask you.”

She tilted her head a little bit and furrowed her brows. “What did toi come up with?”

“Uh… I asked him to turn me,” I a dit looking down at the ground instead of at her. I didn’t want to see her reaction.

“Oh Bella! toi can’t possibly want that. Do toi know what that would mean?” She put the towel down and made me look at her. I didn’t like that look of pain on her face and I knew that I had put it there.

“I know what I am asking for. I think it would be best. I could help all of toi with her.” I didn’t need to say who ‘her’ was. Everyone knew who I would be talking about. I sounded like I was pleading with her. Did she see that I wanted to be like them? I needed to be less frail, I wanted to belong.

“Bella, I can’t do that. I am sorry, but I just can’t do that. I don’t think that I would be able to stop even if I wanted to. Human blood is not like animal blood. It is a lot plus potent. animaux keep us alive and strong but we are nowhere near what we could be if we had human blood. I don’t know how Carlisle did it.” Her face showed the regret of saying no to me.

My hopes once again fell. My chances of this happening weren’t looking so good. Was this going to be the answer from everyone? She saw par my face and the slump of my shoulders that I was let down. She came over to me and gave me a hug.

“Talk to Carlisle. That is what I can recommend to you. I don’t want to see toi become like us. Life is too precious and I don’t think that toi know that.”

“I will talk to Carlisle. Thank toi for letting me talk to toi Rosalie. I’ll let toi get back to work.”

She let me go and said, “Carlisle had to go to the hospital but should be back soon. Think this through Bella.”

I just nodded and walked back into the house. When I went through the living room towards the kitchen, Alice was coming in the back door. She looked happy but when she saw my face her smile dropped.

“What happened Bella?”

“I just got shot down par Edward and Rosalie.”

She looked confused. “What do toi mean, toi got shot down?”

“I don’t even want to tell you. toi are going to say the same as them.” I couldn’t help but let the sadness come through in my voice.

“Bella, please. I am your friend and I will always back you. Now tell me. Please.”

I knew defeat when it was staring me in the face. I took a deep breath and said, “I asked Edward and Rosalie to turn me so I could help out with Holly.”

Alice’s face showed little surprise. Of course she would have seen this. She would have had the insight into what I had planned to ask. So she smiled back at me. She knew that I had figured out that she already knew.

“I think it is a great idea. It is bound to happen anyway. I mean, toi are going to be living with a household of vampires. It would be safer for toi to be one of us anyway. However I do know that not everyone is going to agree with me on this, but toi have already found that out for yourself.”

“Bound to happen?” That was the only thing that stuck out in my mind with what she just said. “Alice, did toi see me turning into a vampire?”

“I did, but Bella remember what I a dit before. My visions change based on a person’s actions. Things change and I think that Edward will fight for toi to remain human. Immortality is a touchy subject with him.”


“He thinks that since we are killers that we no longer have a soul. I don’t believe that. Not when I have Jasper, he has a beautiful soul.” She smiled. Just thinking about him makes her smile. I was jealous of that. I wanted that.

“That is crazy. Of course toi have a soul. If toi didn’t, toi would go and feed on humans, right?”

All she did was shrug at that. “I guess we would just have to bring this to Carlisle. He is the head of this family and he will give toi a good answer. And then if toi don’t like his answer, he will always hear toi out. Maybe it will give toi a chance to change his mind.”

“Okay. I heard that he went to the hospital but would be back soon. Any idea how long?” I was hoping not long. I wanted to talk to him about this and hopefully get an answer and even better I was hoping that he would agree with me.

“It shouldn’t be all that long. He only had to run for a short errand. Maybe a half an hour.” She started walking to the cuisine and I followed her.

“Uh, Alice? Where did Edward go?” I looked around but I didn’t see him at all.

“I think he went out for a run. toi know how he gets.”

I nodded. I did know, ou at least I was beginning to know a lot plus than I used to know. When we got in the cuisine Alice grabbed an pomme from the fridge and tossed it at me. I fumbled it but I didn’t drop it, which surprised me and made Alice smile.

“Uh, thanks,” I said. I rubbed it to make it shine and then took a bite out of it. Red Delicious, my favorite. We went back out to the living room and just sat and talked while we waited for Carlisle to get back home. Alice was pretty dead on with the timing. He walked in and we stopped talking and looked at Carlisle.

“What? Did I walk in on some secret girl talk between the two of you?” He set his bag on the floor par the door and took off his veste hanging that over the back of a chair.

“No, toi didn’t. But we have been waiting for you, well, Bella has actually,” she a dit looking at me. She nodded trying to give me a subtle nudge of confidence. I didn’t feel like it worked though. All of a sudden my mouth went dry and I didn’t feel like I could manage a word. What if he a dit the same thing as Edward and Rosalie?

I fumbled with my hands in my lap and couldn’t look him in the eye. So instead of looking at him I stared at my hands while I asked him. “Uh… I was hoping… that uh… that I could be turned. Um… turned into a vampire.” He didn’t say anything and he didn’t déplacer so I continued, “I want to help toi guys with Holly. I think I could help out.”

“I see. And I am guessing toi talked to Edward and Alice about this, correct?” He asked softly, just like the doctor that he was. He used the same voice he would use on a patient.

“I did. Edward was not happy with the idea and he sort of took off… and Alice thought it was a good idea,” I a dit glancing up at her. She gave me a small smile, which revealed nothing. “I even asked Rosalie but she didn’t want to either and suggested that I talk to you. As did Alice.”

He nodded but he seemed to be considering it. My hopes rose a little at this. After a few plus secondes he said, “I know that toi think this is a good idea Bella and I can agree that the advantage it would bring would be great. However, I don’t know if that is something that toi can truly understand and I don’t know if that is what toi want.”

“Oh but I do Carlisle,” I pleaded with him. It felt so close, that he was close to my side on this. I just needed to let him know that I knew what I wanted.

“Bella. I don’t know. I think we all need to talk about this. How would toi feel bringing this before the whole family?” He bent towards me and leveled his eyes on mine and didn’t look away. It was hard to look at him and even harder to try and look away.

I swallowed and looked between Alice and Carlisle and then said, “I will tell everyone. This is what I want.”

He stood back up straight and said, “Okay. We can get everyone together now and toi can tell them about your idea. I think that we should vote on it. Since this all involves us and the family as a whole, okay?”

I simply nodded. A vote on my mortality. What was the outcome going to bring? Edward was going to be furious but I knew that I wanted this. And then I could have forever to have him forgive me. I looked back to Carlisle and he a dit everyone’s name in a normal voice and soon everyone, including Edward appeared in the living room.

“I think we need to go to the dining room and have a family meeting. We need to discuss a new situation that has come up.” He ushered everyone to the dining room table. Funny that there was a table, tableau since the vampires never ate, so the table, tableau was only used for meetings in the family. There were glances thrown around the family and no one really a dit anything, but Edward did not look happy at all.

“Have a siège everyone. Bella actually wanted to bring an option to everyone’s attention. Bella?” He a dit to me, gesturing with his hand for me to proceed.

I was once again really nervous and cleared my throat to prepare for speech. “Um… I talked to Edward and Rosalie about this already-“

“Bella, no, please don’t ask this,” Edward pleaded.

I closed my eyes but continued, “But I wanted to be turned. I want to help toi with houx and I think that as a vampire I can help toi out a lot more.”

There was a collective gasp from those that didn’t know. Only Emmett smiled at that. I looked around the table, tableau and took in everyone’s face. Esme was shocked so she just stared at me. Jasper looked to be in pain since he could feel everyone’s feelings at that moment and I am sure that it was strong. Like I saw before, Emmett was smiling, almost laughing. Rosalie and Edward were upset but Rosalie looked almost sad too. I tried not to look at Edward since I knew he was glaring at me. Alice just gave me a smile and winked at me.

“So that is what Bella had to suggest. I told her that she could bring it to all of your attentions so that we could decide as a family on this and see what toi think. Anyone want to say anything to this?” He looked around, his eyes landing on Edward.

“No! Absolutely not! That is not a good decision. I don’t know how toi could let her even think about this Carlisle.” He looked at Carlisle with his eyes burning. I was scared of him for the first time ever.

“It is her choice and she has the right to ask. It is her life, Edward,” Carlisle a dit trying to calm him down a bit. It didn’t work. Edward got up and stalked away to his room, slamming the door as he went. My cœur, coeur broke.

“I think it would be great!” Emmett said. “I would be happy to have another little sister.” I smiled at that. It didn’t help mend my broken cœur, coeur of hurting Edward but it made me feel a little better.

“I of course say yes to it,” Alice simply said.

Esme was suivant to put in her vote, “I couldn’t be happier with another daughter to love, so yes. I say yes to the change.” I couldn’t believe it. That was three votes yes to one vote of no.

I looked to Rosalie next. “She doesn’t know what she is asking for. I don’t think it is a good idea. I am sorry Bella. I really am. I still l’amour you, toi know that, right?” I just nodded at her, but a few silent tears fell from my eyes.

Last to cast his vote was Jasper. I was scared to look at him, so I looked down at the table, wringing my hands. “Bella?” I looked up as he a dit my name. “I want toi to know that I am saying this because I do think toi know what toi are asking for, but I don’t know if toi are going to be prepared for the aftermath of it. I will be there for toi though. I vote yes. I think toi should change and become a true member of this family.”

My whole body went numb. That was four to two, even if Carlisle a dit no I had still won! “Thank toi so much! I don’t have enough words to montrer how much this means to me.” From upstairs we heard a loud crash. Oh no. Edward must have been listening to all of this.

”I will go talk to him,” Rosalie a dit getting up.

“Don’t bother Rose. He is gone,” Alice said. “He went out running again. He won’t be back for awhile.” I felt horrible again. Was he going to forgive me after this? Did I break our bond that we just formed? Was he going to want to be around me now? What about after I was changed?

Esme came over to me and hugged me to her. “If I could cry right now I would Bella. toi don’t know how happy I am that toi will finally be in our family for good.”

“Thank toi Esme. But what about Edward, is he going to be okay?”

“You will have to get used to that. He will be okay after awhile. You’ll see. He just needs to blow off some steam and he will be back. It will just take some time,” Esme replied. She was holding my hand and she didn’t seem to want to let it go. I didn’t mind at all, it felt good.

Slowly everyone got up to leave. Alice and Jasper were holding hands and kissed each other softly. Alice had her head on his shoulder as they walked away, Jasper has his arm around her slim waist. Emmett came over to me and lightly punched me in the shoulder and had his same dopey smile on his face. Rosalie went to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him away. They went on their way and I was left with Esme and Carlisle. My new parents ou should I say, my soon to be new parents.

“Okay, Bella. I guess toi will be joining us but we still have the problem of time. It takes three days for toi to fully turn. houx is coming for toi before your transformation is complete. Maybe she will back off but I don’t think so,” Carlisle said.

“We could déplacer her away from here. What if we bring her to my island, Carlisle?” Esme said.

“We could do that. But who would we send with her?” I looked between the two of them. Esme has an island?

“I am not sure. Alice maybe?” Esme suggested.

Then I heard from behind me, “If anyone is going to be bringing her anywhere, I will be doing it. Bella and I need to talk anyway.” It was Edward. He locked his eyes on me and I shrank away from him. “Bella, I am sorry for the way I reacted. I won’t hurt you.”

I didn’t know what to say to him. I was scared of him at the moment but I was also still very much in l’amour with him. I didn’t know that it was possible to feel that way.

“Okay. Are toi sure toi are going to be okay with her?” Carlisle asked.

“I will be fine,” he stated.

I had a question now. “Who is going to change me?” I hadn’t thought to ask when everyone was in here, but now it is silly that I didn’t know. The three of them looked at one another. “And when is it going to happen? It has to be soon, right?”

“I will do it Bella,” Carlisle said.

“Is there anyway that toi could do it Edward?” I can’t believe that I just asked that. He didn’t want me to become like him and I asked him to do it. How stupid! He just stared at me and I regretted asking him right away. It felt like forever, him looking at me like that. I wish I knew what was going on in his head. His power would be helpful right now. Judging his face he looked a traverser, croix between shocked that I asked and horrified at the idea of actually doing that.

“I shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry. It’s okay for Carlisle to do it.” I a dit quickly but not fast enough. I should never have a dit it. But Edward just raised his hand. He looked down and sighed. Then he looked back up and into my face. What he a dit suivant shocked me plus than anything.
posted by ec_and_hg_4ever
Fall down19- Bella
Mind Reader17- Edward
Tiny Freak16- Alice
Vampire18- Jasper
Idiot- Emmett
Beautiful Blonde- Rosalie
Vamp. Mother- Esme
Dr. Fix it- Carlisle
Sexy Puppy- Jacob
Wolf Lover- Renesmee

Fall down19 has logged on
Mind Reader17 has logged on
Tiny Freak16 has logged on
Vampire18 has logged on
Idiot has logged on



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posted by Styfalie
I was going to wait a couple of days before I posté this chapter but I got really excited. I really enjoyed écriture this and I hope toi all enjoy lire it.

Thank toi all again for your positive comments. Don't hesitate to continue commenting. I l’amour comments. lol.

Thank toi all & peace,
Chapter 11: The first sign of trouble (Renesmee)
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posted by ctaim2
 Clara Williams []
Clara Williams []

Hey guys, my name is Caterina ou Ctaim2, which ever toi prefer and this is my fanfic. Tempting Fate is told in the point of view of Clara Williams, age seventeen, height: 5'6, brown hair, green eyes. Thank you. Enjoy.

I wasn’t quite sure if I could possibly endure another jour in high school. Somehow, the abysmal days kept lengthening in time. Each plus monotonous and bizarrely dreadful than the last. Every minute I spent there, it seemed as if I was dragged further into my despair.
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We were busy with her account on here.:)

Mickey seemed happy here, and not at all shocked about last night.

"Hey, Mickey? Can toi do me a favor? If toi want, can toi put your dishes. Because if your living here, toi might want clothes and furniture. But that's only if your okay with that. Do toi have any other family that lives with you?"

"Sure the dishwasher right? I don't have any other family besides my stepmother and well, she's dead...
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posted by teamalice_0
I heard Alice's light footsteps, dancing across the floor, she hummed a song I didn't know towards the door. I tried coax Ashes out of the carrier with no prevail, though I did get scratched twice from her. I shut the door to her carrier earning another loud hiss from her, but no scraches, thankfully. I heard Alice talking to someone but I didn't notice. I was looking around the room. The footsteps grew louder, two pairs. The guest at the door was invited in. My dad always though I was odd that I could hear so well. I paid no attention to them. I clutched my hand to my chest.

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posted by teamalice_0
Thanks all who read these! I promise that this one will be the longest one, but also the best one yet!

I stared at Edward's face. He never let anyone hit him. I turned my gaze away when he caught me staring. Embarassed that I got caught I watched the T.V. Desperate not to get yelled at, beacuse he was usualy in a bad mood, I slid my chair as far away from him as I could. I even moved my livres to escape his glare, like they were about to catch on feu if he glared at them anymore.

Thank god I had Lunch after this I wanted, no needed,...
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posted by teamalice_0
I changed my chemise in my room, and put on a deep blue one. I grabbed a blanket, I was going to sleep in the living roo on the couch. Tomorrow was Friday, but the principal a dit I could get everyhting unpacked first, so I didn't have to go to my classes tomorrow. I would of skipped class anyway, even if he didn't let me. I didn't have anything in my room, well besides boxes, my suitcase, and all the things for Ashes she needed.

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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the idea. Thanks. J

Please as always… if toi like what I write let me know. I have been going through a divorce so the encouragement that toi like what I am écriture is so very helpful! And your patience is very much appreciated too.

Chapter 18

I heard Edward pleading with me to wake up and say something to him. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t feel like I could déplacer yet. I felt as though my body were as stiff as marble. I felt his hands on my face as he leaned down to Kiss my lips. His hands weren’t cold to me and they were surprisingly soft....
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posted by beccaluv92

I stared at his icy blue eyes, watching his smile fade to a grin, then to a thin line.
"You don't believe me." It was a statement, not a question. Something on my face must have donné my thoughts away. How could he not be human? He looked and sounded and smelled human, so he must be human right? Obviously not. Like he said, sweeping me up into his arms in one seconde flat with lightning fast reflexes wasn't normal. I shook my head.
"I believe you." I whispered, half convincing myself. He frowned at me. He was beautiful even when he frowned. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"You don't believe...
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Chapter Nine

    My cœur, coeur was pounding as I took in the other person’s face. He was very good looking, having light blonde hair and green eyes. I relaxed a little, taking in the confused way he looked at me. He didn’t know what was going on either. I suddenly realized how pale he was. I jerked my eyes back up to his face. He had light purple circles under his eyes. After being around the Cullens for so long, I immediately recognized him as a vampire. My cœur, coeur started pounding again.
“ Hello.” His voice was calm and deep, almost soothing.
“ Hi.” I answered, wondering...
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I woke up with a stir, the strangest dream ever. It wasn’t me Bella Cullen was there. I was at their house, lived in it and I had a little baby girl. She looked remarkably like Edward but she had my eyes, she was seven ou eight much older then Aly and she was laughing with Jacob. There were other People in the dream Yard aside from the family, there were three plus girls and another man. One girl was talking to Edward she had curly fraise blond hair and a dazzling smile. I watched all of this like it was a scary movie, I turned and watched how everything was two perfect. Seth...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
MY room was the way i left it, lit unmade, blinds wound down, even the plate at my bureau still remained in its place, I was 5 years old when i left, and things were identical at age 17. The air éperlan of dust, it was aslo foggy, i had to fight the dust to make it through my way to the blinds. Opening the blinds, Light began flitering throught, at this moment all the memories floated in.

Flash back.

Knock knock!
"Come in, if toi dare"i giggled a innocent laugh, a child, i was 4 years old.
"Hello my darling, toi getting up your silly games again, thats very naughty of you, toi know good little...
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Chapter 7: A Confession
Rosalie’s POV

I'd like to thank my awesome sister and editor. without her this story would not be here.

I was stunned when Bella stuck up for me with Edward. I felt like maybe Bella and I could be Friends in the end.
“Come Bella.” I a dit motioning to the spot suivant to me on the fallen tree. Bella walked towards me as she reached the arbre I helped her up and steadied her. “Bella there’s a lot toi don’t know about me. First of all I graduated with the highest compliments from Columbia. Meaning I have a medical degree just like Carlisle. Second, I’ve killed...
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added by MiizLadiDiime
posted by genyva
15. Reunion

“Have fun at the potluck Bella don't work about the time we have Aly” Nicole kissed my cheek while Jake played airplane with Alison.

“Bye blonde” he waved. “Bye blonde” Alison copied what Jake said.

“See what toi do.” Nicole called. I waved and walked out the door and headed to Port Angles. I told Jake that I was going to the company potluck in Port Angles at the boss’s house but I knew where I was really going, a block away, at the bowling alley. I will be with six vampires tonight. I don't even realize the consequents of my actions. What if another incident like...
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