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-The wedding-

"This is it!" Ally says as she carries her wedding dress until the maids chamber.

The bride-to-be lightly opens the door and sees all of the her girlfriends waiting anxiously, some with their hair rolled up ou with their nails painted an polished. Anne Maria also had her baby boy, Carter, sitting on her lap.

The girls help Ally put on her wedding dress. They start to reminisce and talked about how excited they were.

"I can't believe your getting married!" Courtney a dit as she helped Ally tightly zip up the back of her dress.

"I know!" Ally replies.

"A few years ago, none of us had even thought about marriage! Now it's finally happening to you!" Dawn squeaks as she puts a sparkly tiara on the brides head.

After the bridesmaids help Ally into her dress, they step back and let the bride take a look at herself.

Ally thought she looked gorgeous!

Her white dress was long and made a tail that skidded across the floor. The haut, retour au début had small diamonds plastered on, while the tiara was incrusted. Her blonde hair was rolled into a bun and shined whenever hit par the light. The blondes eyes were as blue as ever, but had Light sparkles as an extra kick. What topped it off was the clear lipstick on her lips that made her stand put from everyone else.

The bridesmaids put themselves in long, dark green dresses and carried white flowered bouquets. Ally grabbed her bouquet just as Emily's photographers came in to take pictures. Just as the girls struck a cute pose, Ally thought..

"I wonder how Mike and the guys are doing.."


Inside of the grooms chamber, Mike fascined the last button on his black tux. It fit snugly around his skinny body, which hasn't really changed much since high school. Mike noticed how grown up he looked and stared at the tall, slender yet skinny, man in the mirror.

"This is it!" He though. "I'm actually getting married."

Mike thought he looked pretty good..but one thing was out of balance.......his hair..

The tanned groom never really thought about messing with his hair, it would usually let 'Vito' run free.... but he was getting married after all, he should find some way to impress Ally.
     Mike managed to find a case of hair gel for guys and hastily opened it. Shivering when the dark goop touched his long fingers. It was sticky to touch, rubbery, and a little gritty too.
       He rubbed the gel onto his head until his black hair was total slicked back. 
     Mike closed his eyes, then opened to see himself looking exactly how 'Vito' would look. Only wearing a classy jacket, white shirt, and green tie. Only with a long smile intend of a smug grin.
    The tanned guy held his breath, hoping that Vito wouldn't montrer up and ruin everything. After a few minutes, Mike sighed in relief. 
     Happy that he could look good enough for his future wife.
     Just as the other guys came in, they complimented the groom on his new look and congratulated him..he was about to live in a moment that would change his life for ever.


It was finally time

 The bridesmaids and men lined up in front if the church doors. They all heard light musique as the thick wooden doors opened and each walked out. Just as the last person walked , Ally padded in front of the door. Her father approached her with a big grin on his face. He put down his daughter's veil, and took her arm.

The musique started again, but this time it was louder, with a wedding type of melody. The people sitting in the church turned their heads and stood up in respect.

There were about 500 people in the church. Some plus if toi include the people in the balconies and in the regular pews. Most were Friends from highschool, college, ou close family and relatives.

Ally silently walked down the aisle with her father. From a distance, she could see Mike smiling with his hands folded in front of him.

The bride was a little surprised to see his hair slicked back like that, but she just stared at him with plus adorance. Like on the first jour they met.

As Ally and her father approached the alter, her tall father lifted his daughters veil and went to sit back with his wife.

Mike kindly takes Ally's hands.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to rejoindre this man and this women in holy matrimony.." The minister spoke loudly and clearly.

The ceremony seemed to pass par quickly for the couple. It was time to say their vows and to give the rings.

 "The step which toi are about to take is the most important into which human beings can come. It is a union of two people founded upon mutual respect and affection. Your lives will change, your responsibilities will increase, but your joy will be multiplied if toi are sincere and earnest with your pledge to one another." Minister Carl stated.

 "Michael Winsten, will toi have this woman to be your wedded wife, to l’amour her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep toi only unto her, for so long as toi both shall live?"

"I do." Mike réponses bravely.

" Allyssa Johnson, will toi have this man to be your wedded husband, to l’amour him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep toi only unto him, so long as toi both shall live?"

"I do." Ally repeats.

 "Take hands and repeat after me:"
The minister states the vow. Mike nods and repeats it.

" I, Michael Winsten,  take you, Allyssa Johnson, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to l’amour and to cherish, from this jour forward."

" I, Allyssa Johnson, take you, Michael Winsten, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to l’amour and to cherish, from this jour forward."

" Do toi have a ring for the bride?"

The couple turns to see little Austin and Maddeline. Maddie was wearing a little green dress and had a white fleur in her hair while Austin had a little black suit just like his father. They were both lightly waking and holing the oreiller with the golden rings.
The preist politely takes the oreiller and hold it before the couple, Mike takes his ring and lightly holds Ally's hand.

  Minister Carl politely takes the pillow, Mike takes one of them.

   "Please place the ring on the bride's finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed."

Mike nods again and gently places the ring on Ally's finger.

"With this ring, I the wed." He spoke.

"Is there a ring for the groom? Please place the ring on the groom's finger and say: With this ring I thee wed."

Ally does the same.

"With this ring, I thee wed." She repeats.

"Let these rings be donné and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another." Minster Carl booms.

"In as much as these two have  consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other, par the authority vested in me par the State of Toronto, I now pronounce toi husband and wife!"
He finally boomed.

"Mike, toi may Kiss the bride!"

Mike slowly leans in and passionately kisses his new wife on. The lips. Halfway through the kiss, the crowd starts cheering and clapping uncontrollably.
    Once the couple stopped kissing, they calmly paced back down the aisle as the guests were throwing rice. 
     Wedding bells were chiming as the guests were running out to catch the couple departing.


Later, the reception seemed to go par slowly for everyone. Especially during the bouquet toss and the garter.

During the garter, Ally actually had to sit in a chair while Mike had to look under her dress and remove the ringed garter on her thigh...with his teeth.

Ally could stop giggling! It always tickled when her husbands tapped teeth teased the sensitive flesh on her upper leg. After a few minutes, the groom resurfaced from the poofy dress and earned compliments from the guys as he sported a small circular, piece of silky elastic in his mouth.

The rest of the reception consisted of slow dances and the cake cutting.

Once the pumped up after party was over, the newlyweds waved back at their Friends as they departed. Waiting anxiously to go on their honeymoon.


It only took a few hours for the couple to arrive at their honeymoon destination. Which was a classy looking house par a lake.

After shutting the door to the small car, Ally scoffed. Noticing that Mike was trying to carry the luggage.

"Aren't toi forgetting something?" Sh question.

Mike playfully drops the cases and picks up his bride, well, Bridal style. 

The two spent most of the night slow dancing to smooth musique in the background.

"Oh Mike, I've never been happier! We're finally married! I can't believe it!" Ally sighed.

"I can't believe it either!" Mike replies.

"You know, as the bride, toi know I'm all yours right?" Ally explains seductively.

"Yup, I know.." Mike purrs to his new wife.

For the rest of the night, the couple dances, talks, and kisses. It was first a regular kiss, then a makeout session, then French kissing..and one thing led to another..and the rest was history..

And this time, they didn't regret it...

Yes! Another chapter! But i'm super ticked because I wrote this chapter last night, but I pressed the wrong button on my phone and it deleted the whole thing! I was soooooo mad!! So I had to reright it! So, commentaire an I'm sorry if it sucks!
posted by Random9747649
"This is where you'll sleep" Duncan opened the door to Courtney's new room for a while. The room was black and purple everything! Courtney glowered at the room and back at Duncan, "Is there anything that's not black and depressing?"

Duncan smiled and looked around the room, "Sorry but my memebership to Frilly and rose was revoked three years ago. Just make this work for a while, princess". Courtney glared at Duncan, "I told toi my name is Courtney! Not princess." Duncan tapped his finger on his chin thoughtfully, "Let's see you're uptight, like a princess. You're demanding, like a princess....
continue reading...
Episode 16: “Dial M For Merger”

“AAAHH!” I screamed as one par one, the campers fell into a pit. I had to do something!
I did a flip in. What, it was always good to practice my gymnastics!
Duncan and the others; Leshawna, Justin, Courtney, Harold and Beth were lying there, possibly unconscious. I stepped over to Duncan.
“Wake up,” I whispered. “Duncan… please…” Nothing happened.
I kissed him.
His eyes flitted open. It worked!! “Kiyurie…?”
The others were starting to wake up also… then Chris explained the challenge. A Spy Challenge… and the teams merged! Yes! No plus competing...
continue reading...
“What do toi mean?” Courtney asks, breathless. It felt as if she was just punched in the gut. “You’re taking me… home?”

“It’s too dangerous to keep toi living with me at Log Cabin. toi could have gotten killed, and I’m not going to risk your life any more,” Duncan explains. He refused to make eye contact with her, even though they were parked in the alley suivant to the hideout. Duncan twists the key and the faint motor shuts off.

Duncan crosses his arms over the steering wheel and sets his forehead on his wrists with a huge sigh. “But I wasn’t hardly sûr, sans danger without you, either,...
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Aydan-Welcome to T.D.N.T.M.Today we will meet 14 contestants and our 2 juges

(Jared and Chase Lee walk in)

Aydan-Time to meet the contestants

Anna,Yoko, and Kalie walk in)

Aydan-Welcome ladies

Chrissy-..I really shouldn't of auditioned

Lyric-That make 2 of us!

Sumer-This is..EXITING!!!!!

Andrea- and fancy

Ava-And expensive

Aydan-Now go settle into toi cabin

(hour later)

Aydan-Now toi first challenge is........

To be countinued..
motos and The Secret

Duncan was on the roof of the apartment, basking in the silence. He was lying down on the ground, arms behind his head, just relaxing. For once, he didn’t think of Princess, and for once, he didn’t see ou hear Princess the whole entire morning.

Well, until now.

“Duncan!” he heard a familiar voice shriek. “Duncan Aiden Evans, please come over here! I’m being extraordinarily polite, so toi better listen!”

Duncan ignored her, smirking.

“Please, Duncan?!”

O right this is all I got from now ;) if toi want plus toi know who ask. toi don't know? I can tell you...
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Late suivant afternoon, Duncan and Courtney were walking along the cracked sidewalks in downtown Chicago. They were heading towards the grocery store for the weekly grocery shopping. Since she was going to be the secretary at the Log cabine Company, she had to find out some of Duncan’s spending habits. Like, for example, what he bought to eat every week.

Then another thought was nagging at the back of Courtney’s head: Where did Mary live? What speakeasy did she work at? The urge to scratch out Mary’s eyes out with Courtney’s French-tipped fingernails bubbled up each time she thought about...
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yuri:*YAWNS* hey,wheres phil? *ELSEWHERE*katherine:hey,wheres violet? max:*RADIOS IN TO BOTH TEAMS* BOTH YOUR CAPTAINS HAVE BEEN CAPTURED AT NIGHT par A TRIBE! jacki:who cares?!?well,thats just less compotition for me! max:but your challenge is to find them!yuri,your the crocs captain,for now. izabel,your the squirrles captain!the tribe should be in the north-east,now get going! *LATER, CROCS 12 MILES AWAY FROM TRIBE* yuri:hey guys,wait,i think i heard something! *CRACK* alex:who's there? tribe member:AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!*LAUNCHES SPEAR AND HITS YURI'S SHOULDER* yuri:AAAAAHHHHH!!!!...
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max:last time on tds!,jacki became super-smart,some-one,wich toi will find out who now!,had the false parchute,and the challenge BEGINS! phil:OH MY GOD,ALEX! alex:WHAT? phil:you landed on bigfoot! alex:so? phil:so?uh, i dunno,ITS JUST SO FU**ING HARD TO FIND HIM,AND NOW HE'S DEAD!LETS JUST GO! crocs:ok! violet:us too,guys! squirrles:ok! *LATER* bear:RRRAAAHHHHRRRR!!! izabel:AAAHHH!!!!!PHIL,YOU HAVE A KNIFE!,DO SOMETHING!!! phil:OK *climbs tree,swings from vine,and kills bear* max from studio:OOHH!NICE KILL,PHIL!HEY,I RYHME!HA,HA,HA!OH,LOOKS LIKE THE SQUIRRLES ARE ABOUT TO FACE THIER BEAR!HEY,I...
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Phil: last time on total drama the haunting, 2 campers got to be clowns while the rest sat down to watch it at the end jumanji won the zombies a trip home. what will happen who will loose and while my girlfriend visit find out plus on this episode of total drama the haunting.
*horn honking*
Phil: looks like there back
killer zombies: *getting out of limo*
Phil: wait for it
death: were already here
*another car horn
Phil: say hi to Alex and Kevin the werewolf
Aydan: why is Alex back?
Phil: i Lost a bet
jumanji: what is the werewolf here
Phil: that was the bet, oh and i'm getting bored of the teams, so i'm breaking the teams, ghost bring the zombies
ghost: ok
Phil: time for a commercial break
Chris: Ok, so this is how it's gonna work - sixteen teens are gonna rejoindre me here, and as usual, they'll have to complete challenges. But (like TDA), they'll have to complete challenges based on current films and TV shows! For example, if the challenge is to find a hidden helicopter while avoiding obstacles like cyphids, flying boulders, explosions and whatnot, then the movie would be Race to Witch Mountain. Got it?

Brittani: The first Monday morning after settling in the huts on the beaches of Honolulu (YAY, beaches!!!!)

There were six other girls here besides me - Lianna (goth girl), Jacki...
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Everyone started going crazy,and got trapped in the 'candy cane cave' wich was just a house.

*Purple air floats in**everyone faints*

7 hours later
*Everyone wakes up*
"Huh?Who are toi people?Who am I?"asked Alex."Aleeeexxxxx?!You-hoooo?!It's me Bridgette?!"said Bridgette,flicking her forehead.*Ronnie turns head*"Whoa!What's that?!""I think it's aaaaaaaaa"Tyler yawned.*Every looks*"UNICORNIES!!!Swimming in pee!!"yelled Vanessa,staring at trees."Let's go look at the licornes and cookies."said Yoko and DJ.

*Everyone walks over*

"Look,unicorns and Steel!!!I l’amour STEEL!!"yelled Noah and Brooke together.*They both lick it*

"Where are we?What are licornes and what is steel?sfjdjhfsh" a dit Alex.">.- owww i jabed my eye with a horn!"yelled Bridgette."

posted by bubblegum05
*All contestants sitting around a campfire at night*"I'm scared of bats..."Said Juno."I'm scared of you."Said Sumer."SHUT THE HECK UP!""I'm really scared of hieghts."She confessed."I'm scared of bats."Said Izzy."I'm terrfied par Justin's face and earwigs"said Brooke.

"This week one TDF,Leshawna will be co-hosting.Yes,i know she is one of your faves,and she's also my freind.Here's her special entrance."
*Leshawna walks in all cool with awesome musique playing in the "BG"*"What's sup,Andrea?Besides having to hang at this aweful camp again?""Nothing much,ok so we'll meet with the campers in 10,ok?""Ok."

*Dining Hall*
"Sumer,do toi honestly think i'd nearly kill toi without a good reason?"Juno."Yes,that's just like you.""We've spent 7 weeks here are toi think toi know me?You don't.SO if i was you,i'd shut up."

"Ok groovy cats!This week we're having one of my fave chaellenge!PHOBIA FACTOR!We got everyone to say thier fears,so this will be no problem."

posted by bubblegum05
 Every girl so far..
Every girl so far..
"ALL right so every camper HAS to wake up NOW ou they'll be voted off.Oh ya,this week I'm bringing back Tyler for a co-host so here's his "SCPECIAL" entrance."Andrea said.*Tyler runs in with a football,but ends up tripping*Ronnie runs over."TYLER!ARE toi OK?!"She yelled as she kissed him."Ok,enough with the l’amour already!Whoops my hair is messed.One sec.Ok better.This week we're having a mix between 2 challenges instead of one.You're going to have to do the awake- a- thon followed par the "No Pain,No Game" but with my little twist."Andrea smiled."Uh...what twist and how little?"Brooke said."Oh,you're...
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italics are my thoughts
* phrases in stars are actions*

I guess what me and Bridgette had i common wasn't alot.But i remember how hard it was yesterday when i started.
* flash back*
Me:SORRY! i didn't see toi there!
??????:It's fine princess!
Me:I'm Andrea! Nice to-
?????:Ya ya... I'm Duncan.
*Walks away*
Bridgette:Watch out,he's really tough.And he already has a girlfriend.
Me:What?You think i like him?YUCK!have toi seen how long his stomach is?
Bridgette:ya,that can get annoying.We have to live with it.
Me:Hi,I'm Andrea.
Bridgette:Hey!I'm Bridgette,you can call me Bridg.
Me:Cool.So "Bridg",who's that?
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Cody (voiced par Peter Oldring) (who also voices Ezekiel and Tyler) is the scientific dork.

* Basic: Cody has been spoiled all his life and uses his money to buy techno gadgets. He claims to study the cool crowd (not really) and believes he is one of the cool kids. He is slightly obsessed with girls and getting one (Gwen, Lindsay, ou Any girl who wants him!) to be his girlfriend.

* Total Drama Island: When Cody arrives, he immediately starts to "hit" on some of the girls on TDI. He is chosen to be on The Screaming Gophers. Cody competes well in some of the challenges, such as the dodgeball...
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enemies:everyone on the island exsept Clay.
phrase:I'm better than all of you, toi hear, all of you! ou you don't have a chance sucker.

nickname:twinkle puff parks,blondy 2,dumb iditoso.
enimies:everyone on the island exsept calvin and JG.
phrase:I don't need any luck,I'm not as dumb as i was when i came here,so i don't need toi anymore.

Calvin and clay were known as the blondy twins. clay had always been stronger than calvin and had plus respect from JG's possy. Clay was once in JG's possy but got kicked out for being a...
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added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: SIMGart