L’Île des défis extrêmes Club
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As I promised, I'm updating this on Valentines day. XD But, like I said, V-day is a pretty stupid holiday in my opinion. :/ *shrug* Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter. Anyway, without further delaying ou staling, here's the latest TDR! :D


*At the Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Hello all, and welcome back to the elimination ceremony! I know it's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure toi all know how this works.

Melody: *raises hand* Chris, I have a question.

Chris: Keep it to yourself. Anyway, lets get this-

Melody: *cuts him off* But CHRIS, it's really important!

Chris: ...like I was saying, it's time to-

Melody: Come on Chris!

Chris: FINE! JUST ASK YOUR question SO WE CAN déplacer ON ALREADY!

Melody: ...I just wanted to know if Justin was staying...

Chris: Well, seeing as how he didn't win...no. He isn't. Now, without any further interruptions, MELODY, lets get this elimination ceremony over with!

*Everyone but Melody and Gladys is then thrown a pop corn, maïs soufflé bag*

Chris: Now, even though from now on it's double elimination, only one of toi will be going accueil – thanks to Justin already filling one of the two slots. He-he. Okay, the camp has voted, and, the last one sûr, sans danger from elimination is...................................Gladys. *throws her a pop corn, maïs soufflé bag* That means you, Melody, will be taking the cab-a-shame with Justin.

Melody: *smiles slightly, but says with sarcasm* Oh lucky me. *goes to the cab, gets in, and, since Justin was already inside, it drives off*

Chris: And we say good-bye to, yet, another contestant. That was great people! Head back to the cabins, and I'll see all your sorry butts here tomorrow night! *leaves*

-The suivant morning-

-In Craft Services-

Crystal: *comes in* Good morning one and all!

Destery: Hello re-cap teller!

Crystal: .__. Well, I guess toi want me to do the re-cap. Anyway...last time on, Total Drama Rama; the cast was thrown back into mid-evil times! There were knights, princess, cages, and, most importantly, a dragon who was really just lame old Demetry! So, what torture will we put these poor unfortunate souls through next? Fine out suivant time on....Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays*

Demetry: Ah...my murderous side is pleased. >3

Crystal: Sweet. .3.' So, didn't really wanna stay...just wanted to get that re-cap done...I'm gonna go work on the challenge now. *turns around, and leaves the tent*

Riley: ...we need to talk to her about her exists.

Destery: Agreed. And, after about a week's time, we might have to have an interventions about her entrances if she doesn't improve.

All: *nod, and go back to what they were doing*

-In American, they sit at table, tableau 1-

*Gladys, Alex, Riley, Rae, Duncan and Gwen are here*

*At the beginning of the table; Riley and Rae are talking*

Riley: Okay, I'm thinking something, and, just as a hint, it's DEFINANTLY not kitty!

Rae: Hm....er....is it......potato?

Riley: No! Ha-ha, it was kitty!

Rae: -__- *the two then sit in silence for a moment, but, soon Riley smirks*

Riley: Hey, Rae, I'm thinking of something else, and, this time, I PROMISE it's not kitty!

Rae: *smirks slightly* Let me guess...it's kitty.

Riley: *screams, and tugs at her hair* AAAHHH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET! OUT! OF! MY! HEAD! *runs away screaming her head off*

Rae: O_o

*further down; Alex and Gladys are...actually talking to each other*

Alex: Hey, Gladys, wanna hear a joke?

Gladys: *shrugs* Sure

Alex: *smiles* Okay, so, in America, we drive a car, but, in Soviet Russia, car drives you! *strikes a pose that's the go ahead to laugh*

Gladys: *smiles* Ha.

Alex: *gets a satisfied look* Damn right ha.


Gladys: *is smiling happily* I'm so glad me and Alex are once again friends! He's happy, I'm happy, we're all just having a good time! But...I can't help but wonder if...we'll ever get back together...

Alex: Will Gladys and I ever make up? *gets a thinking look* Hm...I guess only time will tell.

**End of Confessionals**

-at the very end of the table; Duncan is watching Gwen while she sketches-

Duncan: ...what ya drawing?

Gwen: Something toi don't need to worry about.

Duncan: Oh...okay. *Duncan then shifts positions in his seat, and, a few minutes later, speaks up* salut Gwen, what ya drawing?

Gwen: Same thing I was a few minutes ago.

Duncan: Oh, well...can I see?

Gwen: *looks up from her drawing, and smiles* Not yet. It'll be finished soon, and toi can see it then.

Duncan: *sighs* Okay. *shifts in position in his siège a few plus times, but then stands up* I'm gonna go see if Demetry's around. I feel like wailing on something. *walks away*

Gwen: *rolls eyes before going back to sketching*

-In Soviet Russia, table, tableau 2 sits at them-

*Alejandro, Mirra, Cody, Noah, Destery, and Rayla are sitting here*

*At the beginning; Destery and Rayla are talking in dumb*

Rayla: *in happy tone* Dumb dumb dumb!

Destery: *in confused tone* Dumb....dumb dumb dumb dumb?

Rayla: *in a angry tone* Dumb! Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMB!

Destery: *in apologetic tone* Dumb...dumb dumb dumb.

Rayla: *smiles, and, in a happier tone* Dumb! Dumb dumb dumb! :)

Destery: DUMB! :D

*the two then hug, and continue speaking in dumb*

*Further down; Noah and Cody are sitting together in awkward silence*

Noah: ...so...hows it going?

Cody: It's...going alright. He-he. Um...so...have you...read any good livres lately? I mean, I haven't exactly seen toi lire any...

Noah: Yeah, I've actually been lire a really good mystery book at night. toi know; so the book will be a little bit better kept.

Cody: That's cool.


Noah: *groans* Why did I have to ruin the easiness with Cody be s’embrasser him at the Christmas party? Before, talking to the guy was as easy as breathing air, but...now...things just seem a little plus complicated... *shudders* There are those feelings again!

Cody: Yeah...things are defiantly a little plus strained with Noah and me, but...we're still friends. Just...friends.... *gives an UN-enthusiastic thumbs up*

**End of Confessionals**

*At the end of the table; Mirra is sitting in Alejandro's lap while he strokes her hair*

Alejandro: Mirra....I truly believe your the prettiest girl in the world.

Mirra: *blushes, and smiles* Alejandro...you don't really mean that.

Alejandro: *smiles, and continues to stroke her hair* Of course I do Mirra. I mean; there's not a reason I shouldn't think that. I mean, toi have long lushes hair, perfect tanned skin, beautiful blue eyes, and...cherry-sweet lips that I just want to Kiss all jour long.

Mirra: *blushes, and, without another word, kisses Alejandro*

*the two begin to make-out*

-a half-hour later-

*everyone is talking when Kate prances in wearing a rose Tu-Tu – sparkles following her*

Kate: Good morning everyone! Hope your having a snazzy day!

Noah: Okay....what the french fries is up with the Tu-Tu, and sparkles?

Kate: *giggles* Oh, it's nothing, I assure you. Now, if you'll all follow me, I'll lead toi to today's challenge! Kate, away! *prances out of the room*

All: … *they soon get up, and follow her*

-By the flagpole-

*Kate has lead them there, but has gone out of sight. Everyone is looking for her, but, randomly, they all hear some harp musique begin to play above them. They look up, and, being slowly pulled down par the flagpoles rope was Crystal playing a harp dressed in a rose Tu-Tu like Kate's, but this one has white and feathery wings attached to the back of it*

Crystal: *finally gets to the ground, and stops playing* Hello toi guys.

Alex: What.

Noah: The.

Destery: Chap-stick?

Crystal: ...yeah, I know, this Tu-Tu is god awful. >_< *groans* But, I'm wearing it, because...it goes with today's challenge! *sarcastically* It's gonna be loads of fun...

Mirra: What...exactly is our challenge?

Crystal: Well, I guess I need to tell toi guys. Anyway, today's challenge is all about....V-Day! Or, as it's plus commonly known, Valentines Day. *sarcastically* 'Cause it's the most important holiday in my opinion. -__- *non-sarcastically* I wanted to do something else, but...I've been watching a lot of V-day tributes on YouTube lately, and...I've been hooked ever since. :P So, for your challenge, you'll all need to pick someone to make a V-day gift for, and...well...give to to them when it's finished. .__.


Alejandro: *is smiling widely* I bet toi know who I'm making my Valentine for. *sighs dreamily* My beautiful Mirra... -//w//-

**End of Confessionals**

Crystal: And, like last time, the boys are working with the boys and visa-verse.

Riley: *raises hand* Crystal, do I have to be apart of the boys team again? I'm not complaining, I'd just like to know where I'm going...

Crystal: As a matter of fact Riley, yes, your still gonna be working with the boys. Just as Cody will still be working with the girls. *snickers* Okay, if you'll all follow me to the game-show studio, I'll gets toi started on your first challenge!

*they all then head to the game-show studio*

-At the Game-Show studio-

*the cast enters to see that it's totally decorated for V-day. The podium and bleachers are gone, but, in their place, is a hot-pink paint job, and four huge fake hanging hearts – two purple, and two dark red*

Rae: Uh...Crystal...what is all this?

Crystal: Glad toi asked Rae! Okay, so, since I had a tough time coming up with a challenge, I decided to add something that is completely unnecessary! :D Alright, lets get down to business. Inside each of these hearts is supplies that your group gets to make your V-day gift! The two purple ones are for the girls, and the two red ones are for the boys.

Noah: But....how are we gonna get them down?

Crystal: I was hoping you'd ask. :P So, since these hearts are pretty high up, I'm allowing toi to use bows and arrows just like cupid to try and get them down from the ceiling! Each person will be allowed three arrows, and, after that, your done! And, to spice things up, I'm bringing in TD's very own....Mike and Zoey! *gestures behind her, and Mike and Zoey come out dressed as Cupids (basically their regular clothes with feathery white wings on them) and carrying a whole bunch bows of arrows*

Zoey: *smiles* Hi guys. It's really nice to be here. :)

Mike: *blushes, and looks at Zoey* Yeah...what she said. ^//^


Alex: *is squealing like Sierra, but in a deeper tone* OMG! Mike and Zoey! Here! And on our Valentines jour special! *insert kinda high-pitched fan boy squeal here* It's a Zoke fan's dream! *squeals even more, and then, once he realizes he;s being filmed, blushes deeply* Uh...I mean...their pretty cool...I guess... *clears throat embarrassed*

**End of Confessionals**

*everyone then gets handed one bow and Arrow par M and Z, and are ready to start*

Crystal: Alright, it looks like we're ready to rock and roll! But, before we get started, *song cloche, bell goes off* I think we should have a little l’amour song.

All: *groans*

Crystal: Hey, I was like that the first time I heard I had to do a l’amour song this episode, but, trust me, the song I picked isn't nearly as bad as toi think. So....start! *music starts*

Duncan: So she a dit what's the problem baby
Gwen: What's the problem I don't know
Noah: Well maybe I'm in l’amour
Cody: Think about it every time
Gladys: I think about it
Alex: Can't stop thinking 'bout it
Alejandro: How much longer will it take to cure this
Mirra: Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's l’amour
Destery: Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout l’amour

All: Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love

Rayla: So I a dit I'm a snowball running
Riley: Running down into the spring that's coming all this l’amour
Rae: Melting under blue skies
Noah: Belting out sunlight
Cody: Shimmering l’amour
Gwen: Well baby I surrender
Duncan: To the fraise ice cream
Alejandro: Never ever end of all this love
Mirra: Well I didn't mean to do it
Rae: But there's no escaping your love

Gladys: These lines of lightning
Alex: Mean we're never alone,
Both: Never alone, no, no

All: Come on, Come on
déplacer a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear toi whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love
Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If toi feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in l’amour
We're accidentally in l’amour
Accidentally in l’amour (x7)

Alejandro: Accidentally
Mirra: I'm In Love, I'm in Love, (x3)
Both: Accidentally (x2)

All: Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
l’amour ...I'm in l’amour

Crystal: Beautiful everyone! Oh, and, before toi start, toi know that old expression: “Love is blind”? Well, because of that, *pulls out a or colored bandana from no where* your gonna be shooting while wearing these or bandana's – which we know toi can't see out of! XD

All including M and Z: O_O

-After everyone is blind-folded, and back in position-

Crystal: And, toi may begin shooting...now! *pulls out a shield, and ducks for cover*

*everyone then fires their arrows at once. Alejandro, Noah, and Gladys are the only ones to actually hit their hearts, but it's not enough to get them down. The others arrows went in aléatoire directions. Duncan's, Gwen's, Mirra's, Cody's, Destery's, and Rayla's, arrows all go off in aléatoire directions, but, Alex's bounces off the ceiling, and heads straight for Zoey. She's paralyzed in fear, but, luckily, Mike jumps in front of her. Thankfully the Arrow only scraped Mike, but, unfortunately, it took his chemise clean off. Mike then gasps hard, and turns into Vito*

Vito: *in an Italian accent* Hey, watch it! toi almost scratched the pack!

Alex: *lifts his bandana up slightly* Oh...sorry. *gets a lightly confused look, but then puts his blind-fold down, gets another arrow, and sets up to shoot again*


Zoey; Wow...my first TDR confessional. :) Anyway, I can't believe Mike's doing his Italian guy routine again. *sighs sadly* Man...I'd even take the old-man routine other than the Italian guy....

**End of Confessionals**

Crystal: *comes up from the shield after everyone is re-loaded with an Arrow and blind folds down* And, round two will start...now! *goes back under the shield*

*Everyone then shoots their Arrow at the same time, and, this time, plus people actually hit the hearts. Gwen, Gladys, Mirra, and Cody hit the girl's heart's, and, luckily, it was enough to get them both down. The boy's, however, didn't do as well a job. Alejandro, Riley, and Alex hit and knocked down one of the hearts, but the others scattered in aléatoire directions and the other cœur, coeur remained strong on the ceiling. One Arrow went towards Zoey again, but she was able to jump out of the way – causing her to fall onto Vito. And it also caused her arms to emballage, wrap around his neck*

Vito: *gets a offended expression, and lightly pushes Zoey off of him* Hey, look pasty, I already told ya's, if toi wanna touch the Vito, toi gotta make an appointment! Although....your chest got bit bigger since the last time I saws ya. Maybe you'll be cool to roll with me after all.

Zoey: *gets a sad look, but also with a slight blush* Uh...thanks...I guess...

Crystal: *comes up from the shield, and sees the girl's hearts are down* Alright, the girls – and Cody - officially have their cœur, coeur down! That means they can get their stuff, and start working on their V-day presents! Of course...I wouldn't recommend getting it while the boys still have arrows to shoot! XD So, all girls go off to the side, and, boys, get ready to shoot your last arrow!

*the girls then go off in a corner – Zoey following them - and the boys get another arrow, put the blind folds back on, and get into positions*

Crystal: Alright, feu your last arrows....now! *ducks under shield*

*all the boys – plus Riley – then fired their arrows at once. Of course....it didn't go so well for some. Noah's fell short, Destery's went flying into a the wall, and Riley's hit the actual cœur, coeur instead of the rope holding hit. Luckily, Alejandro, Duncan, and Alex's arrows all hit the rope – causing the cœur, coeur to come crashing down to earth*

Crystal: *comes up from the shield, and tosses it aside* And the boys finally got their last cœur, coeur down! Alright, everyone come collect your winnings, and I'll give toi the suivant part of the challenge!

*everyone then makes a made dash to their hearts. In the girls two purple hearts lay basic cooking stuff. Like a book titled: “Easy-to-make desert Recipes”, eight medium sized bowls, two mixers, a ton of four mittens, ten heart-shaped baking pans, and five of those things toi squeeze frosting out of. (A/N: couldn't remember the name of it XP) In the boys two hearts, they found plus aléatoire stuff. Like fifteen scissors, multicolored construction paper, two boxes of markers and colored pencils, lots different colored and fuzzy fabric, a box of buttons, sewing supplies, and tons of glue bottles*

Alex: …okay, what the f*** is this s***?

Riley: Agreed.

Crystal: -__- toi two ask way too many questions. Anyway, this stuff, my dear asking friends, is the supplies I'm giving toi to make your Valentines jour gift for that special someone! :D Now, just so no one sees what the other is making them for V-day, I'm splitting toi peoples up! The girls shall go to the kitchen, and the boys will go to the piste set. Oh, and, toi better have something, because, in about an heure of toi all working: me, Chris, Kate, Zoey, and Mike will be judging what toi made!

Vito: Da names Vito, toi c*** muncher!

Crystal: …okay? .___________. Anyway....get your stuff, and get to where your supposed to be!

All: *groan, get their stuff, and go to where they need to be*

-with the girls in the kitchen-

Gladys: Okay....does ANYONE know what their doing?

Cody: Well...I always help my mom cook dinner, so....maybe?

Rayla: *rolls her eyes* Thanks, captain turd. Now, if you'll excuse me, I already now what I'm making for Destery! 83 *laughs creepily, and runs off*

Rae: ...okay....that was weird.

Mirra: Agreed. *pops open the books, and, when she gets to a certain page, gets a huge smile* Oh, that will be perfect for my Valentines present! *goes, and gets to work*

Gwen: Well, I already now what I wanna do. *gets to work as well*

*Gladys and Cody then look at each other, and shrug. The two then get to work on their Valentines presents together – for the time being*

-With the boys in the piste set-

Alejandro: *is all smiles* Oh amigo's, I just l’amour this challenge! Besides, I already know what I'm making Mirra! *sighs* This is the most easiest, and possibly greatest challenge ever! *gets to work with a huge smile on his face*

Duncan: Well....I don't! Valentines jour is all about couples being romantic, and....I'm just not a romantics kinda guy! In fact, I'd prefer Halloween to take the place of every other holiday!

Noah: *rolls eyes* *sarcastically* Yeah, because dressing like a moron and begging people for Candy is so fun it deserves 125 day-a-year recognition.

Destery: Look who finally gets it! :D *picks up a bunch of cloth* Hm....that could work! *grabs some sewing supplies, and gets to work*

Alex: Ha, the sarcasm went over his head big time!

Riley: No cheese-wiz.

*the four then awkwardly stand around each other, but, finally, they all get to work*

-An heure later-

Crystal: *over the intercom* Attention all peoples; time is up! Get whatever your finished product is, and bring it to the stage for judging and gift exchange! That is-oh, hold on, I just got handed a bulletin. To the owner of a John Deer tractor; your parked onto of a pig. John Deer tractor, on haut, retour au début of a pig. That is all. *intercom clicks off*

aléatoire person: *from somewhere* MY PIG!

Other aléatoire person: *from somewhere* MY TRACTOR!

-At the Stage-

*The people are back stage, and ready to present. On the right side are the boys, and the left side the girls. And, in front of the stage; the judges table. Here; Chris, Kate, Crystal, Mike, (who finally has a chemise back on) and Zoey are sitting here*

Crystal: Alright, it's now time to montrer your gifts! Mike, would toi do the honors?

Mike: *smiles* Of course! *pulls out a note card* Okay, first up is.....Destery - is it? - to montrer your gift toi made, and tell us who it's for!

Destery: *walks out carrying a black doll that yellow horns with orange stripes, red button eyes, and a fanged smile* Yeah Mike....I'm Destery. .3. Anyway, this is just a monster plush I made for Rayla! I know she doesn't like girly things, so I decided that she would probably like this over any thing else I could have made her! 83

Crystal: Hm...seems cool! 8/10!

Zoey: It looks a little creepy, but....I bet she'll l’amour it! 7/10!

Mike: Wow. That looks....amazing! :D 7/10!

Chris: Nice dude. 7/10!

Kate: *smiles* I agree with Chris! 7/10!

Crystal: Alright Destery, toi got 7/10 the most, so your score is 7 points! Congratulations, toi may now relax till the gift exchange starts!

Destery: Yay! .3. *goes back behind the curtain*

Crystal: Okay. Mike, tell us who's next.

Mike: *nods, and, once again, pulls out another note card, but, this time, it's different* Okay, the suivant one to come on stage is....Rae!

Rae: *comes out with a huge cake that is shaped into GIR from Invader Zim* Hi everyone. ^^; Anyway, I knew I was making something for Riley, and the only thing I really know about the girl is that she likes IZ so...I decided to make this. Let me just say; this took tons of work, frosting, and constantly looking at references to make this. .____.

Crystal: OMG! I LOVED IZ AS A KID! 10/10!!!

Zoey: Aw! I l’amour how cute it looks! 8/10!

Mike: Looks good enough to eat. :P 8/10!

Chris: Hm....eh...I've seen better cakes. 6/10

Kate: I disagree Chris. :( It looks awesome! 8/10!

Crystal: Alright Rae, since toi got 8/10 the most times, your score is...well, 8 – which means your currently in first place! :D

Rae: Sweet. :) Thanks guys! *goes back behind the curtain*

Crystal: *smiles, and looks over at Mike* And the suivant one is?

Mike: *takes out, yet, another note card, and reads it* Alright, the suivant one up on stage to montrer off there present is.....Alex!

Alex: *comes out with a little card in the shape of a colombe with a yellow colored break, little black dotted eyes, and has a green olive branch in it's beak* Um....so....er....I made this card for someone. Yeah, and....that's basically it...just give me my score so I can leave...please...

Chris: *smirks* Hold on, what does the card say?

Alex: *blushes for some reason* It's....it's NONE of your business!

Crystal: *is now curious, and wants to know what's on the card* Sorry Alex, but, if toi don't montrer us the card, we can't give toi points for participation.

Alex: *blushes deeper, and groans* Fine! If it's that damn important to you, I'll read it! *opens the card, and clears his throat before he reads the card out-loud* Dear Gladys, toi have been on my mind ever since the first episode when I helped toi up when toi accidentally fell on your face. Since then, we've been through so much together. Being good friends, having our first kiss, and so much plus wonderful moments that...I wouldn't give away for the world. But, I then did the most stupid thing of my entire life...I drove toi away somehow. And, I know that we may never have the relationship we had before, but...maybe, in time...we could try again. Was, is, and always will be yours; Alex.

Crystal, Zoey, and Kate: *are getting teary eyed from the letter*

Chris: *is laughing like a Hyena*

Mike: *is trying his best not to laugh*

Alex: *glares, and his blushes deeply* Stop laughing Chris, toi evil witch! *groans* THIS IS WHY I NEVER TELL ANYTHING PERSONAL ON THIS SHOW!

Crystal: Well...I thought it was very touching Alex! :D 9/10 man!

Zoey: *sniffles* I...I loved that! 9/10!!

Mike: *is snickering, but doing his best not to* Nice card...*snickers slightly* 7/10!

Kate: *is sniffling like Zoey* Truly touching! 9/10!

Chris: OH MY GOD! *laughs* That was, was.....too priceless! *laughs harder* I just so glad I have it on camera! *continues laughing* 6 out of 10!

Crystal: Well, the good news Alex is, thanks to toi lire the card, toi got 9 points! :D

Alex: So?

Crystal: SO?! That puts toi in first place!

Alex: OOHH! Uh...okay...thanks....I think... *goes back behind the curtain*

*Once he's gone; Mike finally joins in with Chris laughing. The two then continue laughing hard, and, this, in turns, earns angry glares form the girls*

Crystal: Stop laughing at Alex guys, it isn't funny!

Kate and Zoey: Yeah!

Chris: *is still laughing like a freaking maniac* Yes it is! I mean, the guy wrote one of the SAPPIEST letters I've ever heard, and I can't not make fun of him for it!

*Mike then gasps, and turns into Svetlana*

Svelana: *in Russian accent* Svetlana agrees with the other females! toi should not make fun of comrade just because he write sappy l’amour letter to girl he loves! And, besides, at least he has girl! What's your excuse for not écriture l’amour letter to girl?!

Chris: O______O

Crystal: *is laughing* Oh, toi just got pwned Chris!

Kate: *keeps quiet*

Zoey: *smiles, and puts a hand on Mike's shoulder* Mike...that was so nice of toi to stick up for Alex like that. :) I'm glad to see your plus mature than Chris over there. *Svetlana gasps, turns back to Mike, and he gets a very confused but happy expression*

Mike: Uh....yeah....no problem Zoey. ^///^

((Okay, I know I've been doing this skipping thing a lot, but...I can't helps it. :P Anyway, here is what everyone else made, who it was for, and what it scored. Mirra made a bunch of truffles where in a red hand-made cœur, coeur shaped box for Alejandro earning 8 points; Alejandro made teddy ours for Mirra earning 7 points; Gladys made a bunch of heart-shaped chocolate-chip biscuits, cookies for Alex earning 8 points; Riley made a cake with awesome design on it for Rae earning 6 points; Gwen cake version of Scruffy for Duncan earning 7 points; Duncan made Gwen a plush version of one of her Iguanas earning 8 points; Noah made a red paper rose earning 7 points; and, lastly, Cody made a bunch of chocolate-covered cherries for Noah. Anyway, back to story!))

Crystal: And the winner of the gift-making part of this challenge is......Alex! Congratulations! Okay, now is the all-important gift exchange portion! IF we see that your gift-receive likes it, and we think toi two make a cute couple, we'll raise your score! :D

Riley: Really? How many plus points we'll we get?

Crystal: Eh...I don't really know. It all depends on how we all feel. Anyway, toi can all start handing out your Valentines right...now!

*everyone then goes over to their person, and presents their gift*

Alejandro: *gives Mirra the teddy-bear with her name on it* Happy Valentines jour Mirra!

Mirra: *eyes light up when she sees the bear* Ah, Alejandro! It's so cute! I l’amour it, thank you! And, *takes bear, and trades it for the box filled with candy* I made toi these. I remember toi saying toi didn't really have a sweet tooth, so I picked a recipe that wasn't really that sweet and stuff. :3

Alejandro: *smiles* That's so thoughtful Mirra, thank you!

*the two then pull each other into a hug. A couple of paces away from them; Duncan is giving Gwen the plush of her Iguana*

Duncan: Here toi go pasty; I hope toi liked it.

Gwen: *smiles, and takes the plush* Thanks Duncan, I l’amour it! Also, *pulls out the cake version of Scruffy* I made this for you.

Duncan: No way, Scruffy! *takes the cake* Thanks babe! *kisses Gwen*

*the two then begin a semi-heated make-out session. A couple of plus paces away from them; Rae is giving her GIR cake to Riley*

Rae: I knew toi liked Invader Zim, so...

Riley: *smiles* Thanks. It looks delicious! *hands the Rae her card* And this is for you.

Rae: *smiles* Looks cool. Thank you. :)

*the two then enjoy their gifts. Even plus paces away from them, Noah and Cody are awkwardly exchanging their gifts*

Noah: So...I....I made this for you. *hands Cody the Red Paper Rose*

Cody: *smiles, and blushes* Thanks. *takes the Red Paper Rose, and hands Noah the cocolate covered cherries* And...I-I sorta made toi these. He-he...sorry if toi don't like it...

Noah: *smiles, and takes the chocolat covered cherries* Cody...this is sweet. Thank you. *slowly kisses his cheek*

Cody: *blushes, and returns Noah's cheek kiss*

*the two then spend a few plus awkward moments before s’embrasser each other on the lips, and walking off the stage in different directions*


Cody: *is blushing* Our seconde kiss...wow... *smiles, and touches his lips*

Noah: *is blushing like Cody* Okay...so...maybe...Cody does like me as plus than a friend. *smiles* And...who knows...we may get together after all. *shrugs his shoulders, and puts his hand over the camera* Alright, I'm done here. *camera fuzzes out*

**End of Confessionals**

*Rayla and Destery are then seen exchanging gifts*

Destery: *is blushing like mad* Here Rayla...I hope toi like it! *hands over the monster plush*

Rayla: *eyes light up, takes the monster happily, and hugs it to her chest* Thanks Destery! I l’amour him! :) *hands over the heart-shaped pie* And here is your gift.

Destery: *smiles* Pie! Awesome! Thanks Rayla! :)

*the two then hug, and kiss*

-At the judges table-

Kate: *blushes, and turns to Chris* Um...Chris, I know I wasn't really supposed to get toi anything, but...I just didn't want toi to feel left out. *pulls out small cake from under her chair with Chris's face frosted onto it* Happy V-day...sorta. ^^;

Chris: *smiles* Ah, thanks! *takes the cake, and hands her something*And, as it so happens, I also got toi a little something.

Kate: *looks at the gift, and discovers that it is a picture of her and Chris on the first jour of the season displayed proudly inside a or frame* Chris....I l’amour this! *hugs picture* Thank toi so much, and I promise I'll cherish it always. .w.

Zoey: *has heard the whole thing* AW! How cute! ^^

Mike: Yeah... *takes something from his pocket* Hey...Zoey?

Zoey: *turns to him* Yes? *looks down, and see that Mike is holding out a or bracelet to her – making her gasp slightly* Mike...is that...for me?

Mike: *smiles, and nods* Yep. I saw toi liked bracelets, so...I kinda went from there. *he then slips the bracelet onto Zoey's arm*

Zoey: *looks at the bracelet, and smiles at Mike* Mike...that's so sweet! Thanks so much! *frowns* But...I didn't really think to get toi anything since it's not actually V-day and all...I'm sorry...

Mike: *smiles* It's okay Zoe. Just toi liking it is enough for me.

Zoey: *smiles widely* Your really sweet Mike. Thanks for understanding. :)

-back on stage-

*at the end of the stage, Alex and Gladys are shown standing in front of each other*

Gladys: So...I made these...for you. *hands Alex the heart-shaped chocolate-chip cookies*

Alex: *smiles, and takes them* Thanks Gladys...they look great. And...uh..I...sorta...made toi this... *hands her the colombe card*

Gladys: *gaps slightly* Oh, Alex...this looks beautiful! *opens it, and begins to silently read what Alex had read out loud earlier – causing him to blush deeply. After she is done, Gladys closes the card, and looks at Alex with teary eyes* Alex...that was so touching. Do you...really mean what toi wrote? The thing toi wrote about us getting back together someday?

Alex: *nods* Of course I did Gladys. Your the best thing that happened to me, and...I...I was just being stupid when I didn't take toi back! Maybe I was afraid, ou maybe I was just being thick sculled, but...I hated myself for pushing toi away like that....

Crystal: *pops up in-between the two* AW!!! This is such a sweet moment! In fact, *song-bell goes off* I think Alex needs to sing us a little tune!

Alex: *groans* Do I have a choice?

Crystal: Nope! :D *music starts, and she goes back to the judges table*

Alex: Ten miles from town and I just broke down
Spittin' out smoke on the side of the road
I'm out here alone just tryin' to get home
To tell toi I was wrong but toi already know

Believe me I won't stop at nothin'
To see toi so I've started runnin'

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is l’amour ever after
After the life we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

Last time we talked, the night that I walked
Burns like an iron in the back of my mind
I must've been high to say toi and I
Weren't meant to be and just wastin' my time

Oh, why did I ever doubt you?
toi know I would die here without you

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is l’amour ever after
After the life we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

toi and I, right ou wrong, there's no other one
After this time I spent alone
It's hard to believe that a man with sight could be so blind
Thinkin' 'bout the better times, must've been outta my mind
So I'm runnin' back to tell you

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
Without toi God knows what I'd do, yeah

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' 'bout all that still matters is l’amour ever after
After the life we've been through, yeah
Know there's no life after you

Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you, yeah

Crystal: *calls out* Fantastic Alex! toi get 3 extra points – bringing toi to 13 points! Which means toi are still the winner! Your prize? A beautiful dîner for two generously donated par Red Lobster! What do toi say to that?! *sees he isn't listening* ….I guess I'll just tell him later. :P

Gladys: *hugs Alex* Alex...that was beautiful.

Alex: *smiles, but it then turns into a worried look* So...does this mean...you wanna get back together with me, even after I pushed toi away.

Gladys: *smiles, and kisses Alex quickly on the lips* Yes.

*Alex then smiles, and the two Kiss again – beginning to make out slightly. Mike and Zoey then come in front of the camera with matching smiles*

Mike: And there toi have it; the TDR V-day special!

Zoey: Yep! And, due to the kindness of Mike and others, I get to do the questions! *pulls out a note-card, and begins reading* So, what does Valentines jour mean to you? What was the cutest gift of the night? And, are toi happy that Alex and Gladys are back together? Find out these things, and plus on the next....Total Drama Rama! *Zoey then puts down the note card, and tucks it into her back pocket. She and Mike then wave goodbye, and the camera fades out*


And there is the ultimate V-day special! Well...other than the Charlie Brown one. :P

Anyway, that's basically the end! So....yeah, please give me some feed-back! Did toi truly like it? Is your character in...well, character? Please tell em, because I wanna know to improve! .A. I just feel like I haven't actually talked to any of toi (except for the ones I talk to on IM) in awhile.

Also, toi don't have to worry about voting anyone off, because the suivant episode is..................................THE POSSIBLY FINAL (haven't decided if I'm gonna sneak one last AM after this one yet) AFTER-MATH! YYAAYY! 8D

Like all after-maths, please leave any UN-seen confessionals, moment, and etc if you'd like, and I'll see y'all later! *makes a derp face, and makes a peace-sign*
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! The Awake-a-thon! Yep. We brought it back. In this challenge, I made our contestants go through some craziness... some, crazier than others. In the end, it was Annie who got eliminated, making Lia Jordan's new girlfriend. But will he except? ou decline? Find out right here on Total... Drama... Reality Check!

(Theme song)

(Team Fake's girl's trailer)
May: Okay Lily. We need to learn how to control your Multiple Personality Disorder.
Lily: Actually it's called-
Fawn: How did Mike control it again?
May: I can't remember.
Fawn: Lia do you-
Lia: Jordan and...
continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants had to go through some trivia and had to go through some though challenges when they got it wrong. Like Leaches, ice water, and bees. In the end, Blake was kicked off the montrer for sneaking around in the studio with out premisson. Who knows why. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will scream their heads off? Find out right now on Total.. Drama.. Reality Check!

(theme song)

(Castle (set 9))
(All the final 15 are laying on the ground)
Mathew: (wakes up and screams waking everyone else up)
Liza: Huh? WO! Where are we?
Lily: Looks like some...
continue reading...
Little girl: He killed them! (starts to cry) I know he killed them.
Eli: Who killed?
Little girl: His coming!
???: It's ten o'clock! toi know what that means!! toi have five minutes! And then I want to hear a pin drop!
Eli: Was that-
Lia: Victor?!
Mathew:WHAT?!?!Victor killed a little girl's parents?
Elizabeth: L-let's play a different cylinder!
Jordan: ummm... here. Here toi go. (Hand Elizabeth a cylinder and she puts it in and it starts making loud, scratchy noices)
(Elizabeth turns it off)
Mathew: W- what was that?
Lia: I sounded like a moan. A death moan. Like-...
continue reading...

Blake: Wow, I can't believe my team won again. I'm really glad, and I just hope that we will keep working as hard in challenges that we don't expect to be happening at the moment.

Ashley: Oh my god. Like oh my god. Our team like, totally sucks. Okay. S-U-C-K-S. I suck lollipops, but I don't suck horribleness. I'm like sooooo gonna vote off Alice. We coulda won if those stupid guys, even Blakey Snowflakey got scared from something truly horrifying and dropped to the floor.

lily: i must say im making some Friends here but layla.....................shes so mean (closes eyes and turn...
continue reading...
posted by TotalDramaVoter
Season 1
Team Red (Screaming Gophers):

Team Silver (Killer Bass):

Season 2
Team Red (Screaming Actors):

Team Silver (Killer Directors):

Season 3
Team Red (Team Mextli):

Team sarcelle, teal (Team Eiffel):

Team or (Team Amazon):
“Are toi guys ready for your first challenge?” Stella questioned the contestants.
“I wonder what it is!” Natasha clutched Carter’s arm.
Stella smiled, “Your first task... is to go on a “speed date.”
“Speed date?” Jenny questioned. “But we’ve already met our partners...”
Stella rolled her eyes, “That’s not what I meant Jenny... I meant that toi and your partner will have to go on a speed date, and will only have three minutes to find as much info as toi possibly can about the other. I don’t care how weird it makes toi feel, ou how strange ou obscure the info you...
continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! The plane got into a little struggle when we entered the Bermuda Triangle. We almost crashed s our challenge was the first one to touch the ground wins! Cole was the first one to touch the ground leaving Layla with out invincibility. Layla also showed Annie the confessional of Lia saying she DOES like Jordan and man was she mad. In the end, it was Layla taking the boot leaving Liza partying. Who will win? who will lose? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(first class)
(Liza, Annie, Cole, Rochelle, Amber, and Lance...
continue reading...
*In the Confessional*

Jordan: YAY! I beat Draven in a fight... well, got him arrested... But I still made him lose!
Draven: Agghh... stupid Jordan... I swear, when the merge happens, he will be eliminated.

Draven: But right now I need to eliminate someone else... hmmm... Daisy.
Daisy: I've got a few plans up my sleeve to stay in.

Daisy: I'll just change the votes if the try to boot me >:)
Sayu: It was wo afainst one >.> there was no way that was too fair...

Sayu: Anyways! i guess i havve to vote marguerite, daisy out...

Sayu: she's kinda mean but its ok. I still have faith! We shall raise again!...
continue reading...

Cole: Something's up with Joss, Liza and Layla....I think they're in an alliance and this fighting is all an act...

Chilly: So I saw something interesting....I went to get something for the pizza and saw Joss cheating on Liza with Layla.... so its time to put my plan into place.....


(First class)
(Liza is sitting on a canapé crying)
Amber: (enters) Are toi okay Liza?
Liza: Just get out okay!
Amber: Is it about Joss?
Liza: don't ever say that name again!
Amber: (sits par Liza) Listen, Joss-
Amber: Sorry. HE didn't mean to Kiss Layla.
continue reading...
(Non-first class)
Rochelle: So I think we should vote off Cody. I mean he is such a traitor.
Annie: well, yeah. But what about Eva. She should not have stayed this long.
Lia: Well, we need to pick one of them. They're the only ones we can pick.
Fawn: What if 2 of us pick Cody and 2 of us pick Eva. Then, who ever Draven, Eva, and Cody pick get's eliminated.
Rochelle: THAT'S ME!!!
Fawn: oh.... ummm... I got to go. (exits)
(Mess hall)
(Fawn enters listening in on Eva's and Cody's conversation)
Cody: But I don't want to eliminate Rochelle.
Eva: me either. Draven was such a jerk today.
Cody: I think we...
continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! London! The accueil of the famous movie Nanny McPhee. Here I played as Nanny McClain and made the campers hate me to death. I made them go to lit at 7:00 and made them wake up and 3:00! Made them clean the plane. And also made them be nice to their worst enemy. In the end, Sierra quit because of her Lost information of Cody leaving Lance with no one to be in an alliance with. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will die of dehydration and hunger. Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-first class)
Layla: Great. Back here...
continue reading...

Liza: I bet toi all know who I'm gonna eliminate. I mean, is it really that big of a surprise? (stamps Layla's passport)

Lance: I would vote off Sierra but, we're in an alliance. So, I'm going to vote for who she is voting off: Liza. Don't know why, but... She wants her gone for some reason. (stamps Liza's passport)

Layla: I would vote for Liza because she was so rude today! But, Sierra made us lose. Bye bye Sierra! (stamps Sierra's passport)


(Elimination room)
Chris: toi have all voted. And the first one goes to... Lance.
Lance: YES!
Chris: Joss
Joss: (smiles and walks up and...
continue reading...
*In the Green room*

Chris: welcome to Total Drama Video Game Highschool!

Sgt. Calhoun: Last time these pathetic campers got put into teams

Chris: and tonight one team will be expelling a team member from the school

Sgt. Calhoun: Todays challenge will be super....*laughs*

*Theme song plays*
*In Team Noob's room*

Marina: *leaning against the wall, looks down at her phone*

Isabelle: *sitting at a table, lire a book*

Ryan: *sits suivant to Isabelle* So where toi the one that knifed me in the last challenge?

Isabelle: *quiet* I...don't..think..so...maybe...

continue reading...

Fawn: Okay, Mike ou Svetlana who ever it was, really insulted me. Because I am Lesbian. So I will have to say, Good bye Mike! (stamps Mike's passport)

Mike as Syetlana: okay, that faon, fawn girl really has some nerves to Kiss me. I mean, I'm no Lesbian! So she's out! (stamps Fawn's passport then turns back to regular Mike) huh? why did I stamp Fawn?

Eva: ooooo.... Cody sleeping on me during our challenge really got me mad. I bet he's the reason we lost. So good bye Cody. (stamps Cody's passport)

Annie: Out of everyone here, there are 2 people I can't stand. the 1st one is Alejandro, too...
continue reading...
Super sorry that it took my so long to make this :/ I'm afraid it make take me as long to write the seconde part due to our school exams coming up. I really hope toi guys like it, I promise, plus interaction and speaking in the seconde part. Feel free to leave suggestions, comments, confessionals for characters, etc in the comments!
“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama: rendez-vous amoureux, date Night!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a dark blue dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore eyeshadow and blue high-heels....
continue reading...
"Words hurt but starts l’amour epilogue" & Intro to '"regret something  beautiful"

After finishing high school, Mike and Ally continued their relationship  for six years. they were able to go to college together and enjoyed each others company in an apartment Mike bought with his donation money.
Mike is just finishing college and is about to get a masters in acting. Ally is also finishing school and getting a masters as an entrepunaor. She plans on having her own musique store.
Both Mike and Ally were very happy, they even though their Friends didn't go to the same schools they did, they always...
continue reading...

-Love hurts, but we do it anyway-

Ally was rushed out if the ambulance and into the hospital. She was immediately wheeled into the emergency room. Mike tryed to get in, but was stopped par  male and female

"Ally! Ally! NO!" he wailed trying to push pass the doctors.

"I'm sorry sir. toi cannot go in the emergency room with your girlfriend." the female said.

Mike was flushed at the thought of Ally being his girlfriend.

"You can see her later. The other doctors will work on her the best they can." The male said.

Mike really wanted to see Ally. He didn't care what he had to do to see...
continue reading...

-The ugly truth-

"I can't believe Tiffany.. Of all people.. Is signing up for Snow Princess!" Ally exclaimed. She had called an emergency meeting with all of her girlfriends at the park.

"I'm a  surprised toi didn't see it coming.". Izzy a dit hooking her legs onto a arbre branch.

"For once, I agree with Izzy. Do toi know how big it would be for her ego if she won?" Courtney said.

"It was a good thing toi signed up now, ou she would've won par default." Dawn stated giving a écureuil a little acorn.

"You guys are right! I'm going to apply myself all the way until I beat Tiffany's stuck up butt!"...
continue reading...
posted by TDI_Zeke
All About Me:

Name - Ezekiel James Rodgers

DOB - June 7, 1995

Favorite Animal - Horse

Spiritual Animal - Mouse

Favorite Color - Green

Spiritual Color - Yellow

Favorite TV montrer - Total Drama Island

Favorite Movie - Hmm... Night at the Museum

Favorite Book - Hmm... Half Moon Investigations

Favorite Part of the Body - Elbow

Spiritual Part of the Body - Wrist

Things toi should know - I don't have any Friends in real life... it would mean the world if toi added me on this.

About Spiritual Stuff:

I've become interested in spiritual beliefs ever since a spiritual healer got rid of a pain in my stomach which had...
continue reading...
posted by HoldsteinSingh
1. Heather (TDI)- Lost her hair after kicking the razor up in the air.
2. Justin (TDA)- Broke every bone as retribution for his behavior.
3. Courtney (TDA)- Didn't get any points in the Animal Challenge, Lost her PDA, and got betrayed par Duncan.
4. Alejandro (TDWT)- Lost his prize money in the Alternate Ending. In both endings, he gets kicked, par Heather, in the groin. He also gets trampled par the ex-contestants, and covered in lava.
5. Chris McLean (TDI, TDA, TDWT)- In TDI, Owen and the guys throw Chris into the lake. In TDA, Geoff shows secretly taped footage of Chris, doing his out-of-character...
continue reading...