The Rights of Children Club
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posted by DramaKweenie
 "It shouldn't hurt to be a child"
"It shouldn't hurt to be a child"
Each year, around 40 million children are victems of child abuse worldwide. Out for those 40 million children, 15,000 under 15yrs old die every year, Four every day. 75% of these victems didn't live too see their fourth birthday.
80% were hurt par their own parents
15% par stepparents and
5% par other relatives
Child abuse is reported every 10 seconds. unfourtunatly, some calls come too late, and as a result of this, a child is left to die slowley and painfully, while others turn a blind eye. Why wont people rapporter it? Why won't they help a child in need? Many of them are too afraid to make that step in the right directon, afraid of getting on the wrong side of the abusers, afraid of making a false acusation, fearing their own saftey. But ask yourself self this, if toi saw a child in desperate need, would toi sit back and do nothing and wonder 'what if'?
ou would toi take the time out of your busy lives to find the truth and save a life? I know what I would do. What about you?

This Christmas, I want to see a change, I don't want to see the numbers rise anymore and neither do you, otherwise toi wouldn't be lire this, lets make them drop, lets montrer the kids we care. My family works with C.Y.F (child youth and family) which is a fostering agency in New Zealand, and this time of an our numbers are higher than ever, we have calls on a weekly basis, for children needing shelter, and although we can't help every one of them, it still feels good that we're doing something to help. Everytime we have a child come to stay with us, and we see the little things that make them so afraid, that other kids don't have a problem with (like taking a bath ou going to sleep) It breaks my heart. Who would want to harm their own child?! Who would want to harm ANY child?! But it's not something to be grudgy about. Most of the time the abusers need our help. They don't need us yelling in their ears, telling them what bad, un-loving parents they are, all they need a little bit of trust, a little understanding and a lot of support.
If I have learnt anything over the years of fostering, it's that Parents that are locked away due to child abuse, only abused again once released, But the parents that were helped and put through therapy and courses, made a full turn around and cleaned themselves up. Some, only a very small percentage, but some even got their children back. Now that's what I want to see. Parents being helped and changing their life, because think about it? Yeah sure, we could lock the parents up, make them hate themselves, and then release them a few years later, only for them to wind up back in prison some time later for the same crime. ou we could montrer them what they did wrong, make them understand the seriousness of their actions, and help them to change. Because at the end of the day, I would rather see plus people getting help, rather than people rotting in prison, when all they needed was to be shown how to control their anger.
Now I know some of toi will think im crazy, thinking, why would toi want to help the people that hurt something so innocent? How can toi think like that? The truth is....I don't know! I have no idea why I have a soft spot for the parents. I mean if they killed the child,raped,or were continues offenders then that's not ok!! and I don't think I could ever have even a tiny bit of respect for people like that. They make me sick! But for the others, I feel sorry for them, because they don't know how to control their anger, and I think that sucks. Some of toi won't agree with me. That's ok. Im here to state my opinion, as are you. so feel free to commentaire away.

But the point of this article is not about the parents, it's about the children. I want to see a change. The numbers of abuse sky rocket this time of year, and it's time to stop! Time to put an end to all of this. I know I can't change the world, I wish I could, but I can't, but we can help. Im not here to annoncer for some company and emballage, wrap toi into leaving some heafty donation. Im writting this because I wan't to, and I think it's vital that people are aware of what's going on, and how many children a suffering. Please Help me to put a stop child abuse! it's not fair, that children suffer each day. Make it your new years resolution to spread the word and take action if toi can. Do it for your sons, your daughters, your neice's and nephews, Grandchildren, cousins..whatever
and please if toi know a child who's experiencing abuse, please I beg toi to speak out for them. toi are their only voice. toi are their only hope.

And remember "Love IS the best defense against abuse" -
 This is what I want to see.
This is what I want to see.
added by aravinth99
Source: Chïldren Meme Blank par Lopez765 On DevïantArt
posted by KateSmiley
the only thing toi ever gave me were black and blue eyes
and it always ended in me letting out cries

toi would come accueil angry and scream in my face
and waste no time montrer me i was a disgrace
and always threatened me a dit not to tell
but everyone knew i was going through hell

why should i have to pay for your crime
why should i have to take the time
to cover up the scars ane emotions toi left for me
when the teachers and doctors knew i was leaning out with my plea for safety

i will never for get how toi came accueil at night
and the only emotion i felt was pure fright

now that your gone for good
i can say that i never quite understood
what i did wrong for toi to do that to me
but now your gone and i am free
added by trisha1
added by africagirl