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Important being discontinued after chapter 7

Disclamer I don't own any of the characters herein except the OCs, they are the wonderful creations of Rumiko Takahashi and Yosihiro Togashi, all rights belong to them. The story is my own.

The guest just left.

Yomi sat back on his velour cushion, bushing his chin with his forefinger and thumb, thinking, hum, what should I believe? As expected his guess was not a demon, but an angel, and not a particularly trustworthy one at that. Mischievously sly and quite talkative, blacked winged, black capuche, hotte and cloaked, Yomi knew the type; he has dealt with them time and time again for years. Though he could not actually see the angel, lacking the ability to see anything physical had its disadvantages, but also had its advantages, which was especially useful when dealing with dark angels. He could see the angel’s aura and with a heightened sense of perception that surpassed most, he could tell par its color and flow that the creature seated on the ground before him was of sinister nature, possessed hidden power and was not to be trusted.

Also it allowed him to see the outline of the being etched out par the flow of color over pure darkness; it was like this for all beings, and was the best for dealing with the easily deceptive. Yomi’s eye weren’t just blind, they were hollow. The injury he suffered years il y a caused both eyeballs to shrivel up and tumble loose from their sockets like little stones. Little tokens he held onto in a box over the years, for reasons of his own, reminders of the pain trust can cause, and replaced them with stones he had shaped to fit. He just didn’t like leaving his sockets hollow, but this left him in the purest of darkness, only his remaining senses had any access to world around him, and staring into that dense darkness now he could make out the shape of the angel’s being.

The wings were the first thing he could pick out, large and arched outwards from his form, but fully relaxed, the rest of its form was ambiguous from the heavy hooded manteau he wore disguising any other aspect of body ou form. In his mind he could imagine from countless tales in the scriptures, that describe what anges of the netherworld are like, look like and what to expect from them, but plus over from his personal experiences and saw a dark being, a fellow with dark ou black arched wings, black hair and pale flesh, dark eyes shadowed with years of confining to darkness vaguely glittering with the former glory he had once known while he was still in Heaven, and strangely colored lips—the lips stood out to him, didn’t know why, but he could picture them moving in his mind when he spoke.

He had a feeling that the creature was a Fallen Angel and not an Angel of Darkness, where in spite of common belief, there was a difference: A fallen Angel was an angle formerly in the service of the divine, wherefore whatever reason either erred, broke the rules, crossed taboos, rebelled ou was discovered to be unacceptably imperfect in some way and was sent below, like being fired from a life time job for not being good enough any longer, and weren’t necessarily negative beings, in fact most of the fallen anges he knew were actually quite pleasant in nature, the only thing they all shared in common in his experience was they all had the same melancholy and solemn air, which would leave him feeling depressed; Angel’s of Darkness of the other hand were beings that were born negative from the start, created from the negative forces and life energy ou other types of energy, ou from gods of alike nature and power that existed in the deepest and farthest reaches of the worlds beyond, the evil gods. He had encountered them as well on occasion, and the presence of his current guest was nothing like it, though he felt foul Yomi could detect there was nothing about him that he needed to fear to much, just distrust, which was a trifle.

The Angel sat on a mat that was placed on the barren ground for him in Yomi’s private tent. The area inside was actually quite large, and there were several other mats scattered about the ground beside him. Upon settlement Yomi had the entire front side of his tent set up for his court and chief officers constructing a makeshift meeting hall. Yomi sat in his rightful place at the head of the area, facing the entrance with an enormous burgundy curtain that bore the sign of his crest in or embroidery draped behind him. The curtain divided the meeting hall from his private chamber entirely concealed from view on the other side, and his crest was fitted in a large cercle and his place was strategically placed before it.

It was about noon when the Angel arrived and had been talking the whole time, commenting and complementing Yomi on his efforts, his power and his age, 800 being very young for a demon to possesses power of such magnitude, which was very true, and last but not lest about his récent success, “dear Yomi, my father wishes to send toi his highest regards,” a dit the angel, in its deep hollow voice. “The realm of Baal is now yours now, very good. toi are the third amongst all demons to have conquered this nation in a very long time, a grand achievement, and bravo.”

From the anges tone Yomi suspected he was trying to mock him, Baal really wasn’t that great an achievement, the country was medial and it’s lord was weak, so taking it was easy, the only part that bore him any challenge were taking on the temples, and only because he had to rely on oratory to convince the worshipers that his god was better than theirs so they wouldn’t try to stop him from tearing them down, the easiest part of all.

“Is this all toi came to say to me angel?” he asked, becoming annoyed, and fed up with the creature’s presence. All its gibberish was beginning to take its toll.

“No.” the Angel answered. “I am not finished. I just wanted to convey this note from Father, first, that’s all.” par father, Yomi knew the Angel meant Lucifer. Most of the darker anges always referred to their Lord and chief as such.

“And what else, speak up my patience with toi is running low.”

The Angel smirked, “just this,” and went on to speak of something completely different. He spoke of Ja’wa, a nation in the west, and of a certain event involving a certain young Lord, which took place there just recently. He was very specific about certain details of the event and suggested he take an interest in it.

When the Angel finished speaking, Yomi was speechless and could not believe his ears, all six of them. What was this he was hearing, about the Lord of the West? A battle… confrontation… sealed, the Lord of the Nation, and more, no way… unbelievable, he must be lying. Out of this disbelief he laughed, an outright cynical laugh knowing full well that this creature could not be trusted, he followed with saying, “I see, well that’s all very interesting. Is this all toi came to tell me?”

It was clear to the Angel that the young Nation Usurper, as he was being called mostly par his enemies didn’t believe him, so he resorted to this, knowing full well the key that would grab his attention, as a true fellow monotheist, “they say that the Angel that was sent upon the nation was of the direct service of our Lord Gabriel, and was donné special instruction not to harm the young lord, but to merely subdue him. “

At the sound of the name of Gabriel the Muse flushed from Yomi’s face and his features softened, though his body grew plus taunt and frigid. Now this was different. That the name of a higher lord was thrown into the mix, the High Ruling Angel Gabriel, a name that Yomi defiantly knew, and had heard tell of many times from scripture, and read about himself from his personalized brail version of the demon world’s Holy Ru’Sarcaresh, holy manuscripts of the demon prophet Ruchal, among other sources. Being the mere demon that he is, possessing nothing plus but power and knowledge of scripture and demonic magic, he knew little plus of the mechanisms of Heaven, but surely this Angel would not risk losing his merits of liberty over falsely convey the involvement of such a higher ruling lord, in the act of conveying false information under any circumstances. Telling lies ou deliberately altering certain bits of information to suggest the wrong picture was common and expected, but with petty things not with what’s vital, it was something short of going up and lying to the Maker himself. This Angel was either well protected and had a quick escape route ou had a death wish, so Yomi taking this into account, “Go on.” He urged with new interest.

The Angel smiled and held in a little laugh, he knew he got him. This particular Angel has been spying on Yomi for some time now, and knew his weakness. He went on, “The mission was apparently to test the power of the current lord, but from what information we’ve received the battle did not last very long. They say he fell easily, many of the observers were very disappointed, they had expected a better show.”

Now this was beginning to sound all too familiar, Yomi knew stories like this. He himself had been a part of one at one point years il y a and had a confrontation with an Angel he assumed was sent to test his power. With his knowledge built up from years of studying scriptures he got through that incident without a scratch and even won himself a fair prize. But he knew that not all the stories ended with nice conclusions, sometimes they were darn right tragic, in fact most usually were. Yomi had yet to realize how in the area of exception his experience really was.

Gods often did this when looking for recruits ou if they spot someone who bore potential in their eye and take an interest in. They’ll send a messenger to test them for their case of power and merit; this can be done one way ou the other either through an Angel ou a satan. This was not unknown, but to have their power sealed down as the result of failure to meet the angel’s expectancies, now this was unheard of. Usually the punishment in this case was disregard, which in most cases was enough, to disappoint was punishment enough, the shame overwhelming. For an Angel to go this far out of its way and to joint, joint d’étanchéité a demon’s power that had been tested was astonishing.

“Is that all?” he asked, voicing his question with sternness as to cover up and hide the new emotion that’s been stirred up in him…. Darn this creature, he knew I would buy into this. He must know my vanity.

“Yes, dear friend.”

Friend, so I’m his friend now… oh really, Yomi scoffed inwardly but allowing no sign of it to appear on his face.    

“Then I heard enough.”

“Are toi sure about that, my dear Omiah?”

Yomi twitched, “do not refer to me par that name, I am known only as Yomi here. I will be addressed as that.”

Grinning, “Yes, of course, forgive my impudence.” The Angel a dit while offering a modest bow.

“Are toi through?”

“Yes, for now.”

“Good, then go.”

“Very well, my dear friend… Yomi.” And he smiled bowed again, got up and turned to leave. As he approached the exit, in classic fashion decided to leave a final remark, “but if toi don’t mind me saying dear Yomi, I’d like to leave toi with one final note before I depart.”

Yomi sighed, “Fine, what is it?”

“Just this, my friend, for as toi know this information came into my hands from multiple sources, and all were not entirely.., how should I put it henceforth very secretive about it, and I am vaguely certain they have already reported the same to others as well in your demon’s world, for as toi know Yomi toi are not the only Lord on the rise to speak of these days, there are others. Quite a few actually, shall I stress on the note.” With that he turned, slipped through the beast skin flaps and was gone.

Yomi sat back, and took in a deep breath, he’s good… too good… damn bastard knows just how to get to me… damn him. But what I want…, but what should I believe?


He was now alone. Seated traverser, croix legged on his velour oreiller at the head of the meeting hall staring blankly at the darkness before him, and sighed. Now what?

Curse that creature, should I let this spoil my plans?

Before Yomi had been pondering which country he should invade suivant to further his goal of becoming a Demon Lord. He already has a suitable reputation for it, and the power to back it up. His army grew stronger every jour as demons who hear about him from other nations, about his triumphs, his allure and of course his power seeking a small bight of that for themselves came from far and wide.

With that he was able to take on the nations of his homeland in record time. It seemed logical to make his suivant déplacer while the heat was on, only now… the Westernlands, a nation far out of his reach, but coveted was now up for grabs. The current Lord’s power was sealed away… this was unreal, just too good to be true, and should he choose believe it? From the start he knew the Angel was trouble, but this… there was a chance it was true, but how much of it was true? He brought his hand to his head and avoiding his horns ran his fingers through his black hair in frustration.

What to do?

If it turned out to be true he would be missing out on the chance of a life time if he did not act now, but would he be taking a bight of a forbidden pomme par leaping off the back of sprawled black wings and into awaited territory just to get was a set up for him, and not what he achieved himself, ou worse fall into yet another one’s of the Devil’s traps? Sealing the western Lord’s power and using him as bait sounded just like something that old Satan would do, though the mentioning of Gabriel did cast a different light. Still, what if Sesshomaru Lord of the West was challenged par a messenger from the Heavens and failed, and what if what that Angel a dit was true? Then, anyone could claim the west and kill the lord.

He went to get up, the impulse to rush to the door and out across the lands to the west almost claimed him, but he stopped himself just in time. His will prevailed, fortunately he figured that hard learned self control and did not déplacer from his pillow.

I shouldn’t go. It could be a trap.

And yet, if I don’t I could miss out.



From inside the private chamber on the other side of the burgundy curtain a woman giggled, “You know Yomi, it does sound like a sweet deal.”

Yomi startled at first then grunted; he knew the voice it was just her, he had forgotten. His servant wench, he brought with him from the castle. She was in the back right now and must have heard everything. Annoyed that she spoke up he just ignored her it was none of her business, and wished she wasn’t even there. He had completely overlooked her presence, which is a mistake he despised making, even a woman can be a threat if her ears fall onto the wrong information. Yomi had always stressed wholly in his effort to always remain aware of his surroundings, to over look the presence of a mere woman was unforgivable. He will likely require some renewed discipline for this, and yet with all the commotion and récent activities taking place lately he had found the uninteresting waiting woman in n the back just that much easier and easier to forget.

She was back there now, musing to herself wondering how he would respond, puffing on a hookah, and enjoying Yomi’s fine imported and expensive tobacco. In her right hand was a chalice of wine, filled with his favori port. Her name is Meranna and she’s a blue ogress. Her relation to Yomi was nothing plus than political, not that she came from an important family, she was attractive, and on the shallow view of the masses it always looked better for a Leader to have an attractive woman par his side, and that’s the only reason she was there. It brought appeal to the court, and to Yomi. She however had her own agenda.

The Mistress, is what they called her, which was a titre the servant closest to Yomi was usually given. Her duty was to sit there and help him look good and to keep him happy, ou at least pacified. Leadership can be very stressful, Yomi liked to drink wine, smoke his hookah and receive a friendly favor from a fine lady and he was content. It helped him to think, and that’s what the court wants, an active leader with an active mind. Most would offer him their daughters, if they thought they passed the standards of his approval, in their own opinions of course. Some he’d accept other he wouldn’t, and most of the ones he did were for political reasons not because he favored them… “just sit there and shut up, and keep that veil on, don’t need shabby women going around parading themselves around my court.” He would say to them if he didn’t like them, and, “Yes, I’ll be honored to have your daughter on my court… and your name is,” to the father and lady if he did.

He was both a liar and an honest demon, depending on the situation; with Yomi it was just hard to tell which. A perfect deceiver, yet his words were often true to. Sometimes he was perfectly polite and generous, giving away money and lands, and guards to protect them while preaching tips about understanding God and other times he was grinning with a dark expression over his face, bearing his fangs when he spoke, while his maids rushed around to clean up bodies from the floor at his feet, clearly after he promised they could trust him with their life. The court both ate it up and feared him for it, whatever was good for business; he would say just another one of his mottos.

He was both a lire and an honest demon… a pious being and a sinner, Yomi walked a thin line. The type of being who held conversations with both God and the Devil on equal terms, and no one could ascertain whose side he would ultimately take in the end. But this was Yomi, and many who know him would say, “feh… only he could get away with something like that. That demon could commit mass murder and manage to convince everyone that survived it was an act of justice.”

He’s been described as God’s tool par some, the tool of the cruel God, and s an advocate to Satan par others (and claimed to understand Satan better than most as the Master Tempter, not the Maker of all the world’s problems, to Yomi that role belonged solely to God); and this was his view and, he lived in a black and white world, with very little room for gray, so that’s how he was to. Meranna knew all this, she has been staying with him for an impressive half a an now, most usually don’t last so long with him, and considered herself his favorite.

She was attractive, she was thin and tall and rather shapely, but not too curvaceous, which Yomi has openly expressed he didn’t like. He liked thin women that were well proportioned not bulky and showy ou too haut, retour au début heavy. To this her body was perfect, and because he is blind her skin color didn’t matter, which was a rich sarcelle, teal blue. She had yellow eyes and black hair that hung on her the very same way Yomi’s did, and it never failed for someone to assume there was a relation. She resembled him, she even had the same type of tailored upwards curving horns on her head that matched his, though she had one set while Yomi had three, two on haut, retour au début with a set that arched downwards from his brow and a long tusk that grew outwards from the back of his skull, a troublesome tusk he’d often have removed for obvious reasons. “Why remove it, you’re plus formidable with it?” he’d be asked, and then would answer, “how ever am I supposed to relax with this thing sticking out the back of my head. A demon can’t just spend his entire life lying on his side with his face in the dirt ou sleep sitting up now can he… sometimes I just like to lay down on my back and stare at the stars even though I can’t actually see them.” He would often hear other describing him as a demon with a crown of horns… an appearance fit for king. Most demons usually had two ou one unless they were some kind of ambiguous hybrid, and Yomi was a hybrid which accounted for his extra horns, but a hybrid of what he didn’t know. He knew what his mother was, but not his father, that was a mystery.

Meranna would often joke about it, “you know Yomi, maybe we are related…” He’d hit her if he were in a lesser mood, not caring for the thought, he had siblings he knew that. His father was a rapist, who had struck many villages and young women before he entered his hometown and many after wards, he just didn’t know how many, who they were ou where they were and up front he didn’t care, he just had one brother that he acknowledged and this was Ishmar, the one he called his twin.

Their mothers were impregnated on the same jour in the same house, they were sisters. His mother being the younger of the two, but not par much, and bore their children a mois apart, Yomi being the elder. Sired par the same demon par sisters they looked almost exactly alike, only Ishmar had only two sets of horns, smaller than Yomi’s and he was thinner, with a frail plus delicate form opposed to Yomi’s healthy and well toned, but slender build. Ishmar was the weak one, the little brother Yomi had to take care of, other than his mother he was the only other being he ever expressed he cared about.

To Meranna, Ishmar was a weak link to Yomi, and considered him inferior to her, and greatly inferior to Yomi in every way, and was far too often surprised when Yomi insisted on keeping him around. But this was at court, Ishmar was not there now, just she was accompanying him on his conquest, which Ishmar was never involve with, and believed it was her right to be there, even over him.

The only thing she did like about Ishmar was his eyes, which she assumed were the very same eyes Yomi must have lost. They were large, but not too large, amande shaped and dark, but bore traces of silver and blue around étoile, star shaped pupils, goat eyes, and the white of his eyes were always clear. He had thick black eye lashes, which Yomi still had though his eyes were always closed, she could imagine, that’s the face Yomi would have and would wonder, why doesn’t he just take that boy’s eyes for himself, he’s pretty much good for nothing as it is? She’d even ask him, but Yomi wouldn’t answer.

She was thinking about it before, but this business with the Lord of the West caught her attention. She has never heard of such an easy kill, a demon lord who’s powers were joint, joint d’étanchéité down and left defenseless in his own kingdom, now what could be better fodder for Yomi’s growing power, she only wished she heard it first so she could have gained extra points par informing him about it herself.

She sighed at the frustration of the joy that would have brought her, conveying such juicy information to him. Figuring the suivant best thing was just to encourage him, that’s what she would do.


Yomi remained seated on his pillow. He hadn’t moved, he just stared, silently into the darkness. Not focusing on anything, and for the moment he didn’t even think. Figuring if he let his thoughts fly he’d get up and do something foolish. No, Yomi that’s the old you.., toi outgrew that remember. Don’t be a fool; toi have a kingdom to build. No use wasting effort on uncertain prizes.

Not knowing if something was truth ou not was one of his greatest grievances. He despised ignorance, he was an ignorant being in his youth and once he came to realize that had vowed never to be that way again. Ever since he had strained his effort to be as informed and educated as possible over any possible question, thing and issue that could traverser, croix his way. For that he strengthened his senses to hear all and anything within the region around him, surrounded himself with intellectual informants, spies of all kinds, sneaky demons, controllable insects, anges and more, in the past he was even known to make use of humans, but that was long ago. He was a demon who built up his resources with the focus of being the one who was informed, and knew things before anyone else did, and so he was… “… I am vaguely certain they have already reported the same to others in your demon’s world, for as toi know Yomi toi are not the only Lord on the rise to speak of these days, there are others. Quite a few actually, shall I stress on the note.” That Angel knew just what to say to get to him. It was true he wasn’t the only demon on the rise to power that mastered in the arts of gathering reconnaissance that was just one plus things to think about, ou to try not to just for now.

But what if any of them get to him first?


“Are toi going to go?” asked the woman’s voice, as Meranna appeared in the parted curtains etched in fine or fringe. She was scantily dressed in a two piece green dress that barely covered her on either part, with or rings adorning her every limb and neck, nostril and earlobes.

“Why are toi just sitting there?”

“I thought toi were a man of action?”

He ignored her, not only was the issue over her head, she had crossed a line par addressing it to him directly. To him she was only a servant not an adviser. Still she went on, “I know what toi must be thinking, Yomi I’ve been watching toi steadily for the last six months…” she went on. He just stared into the darkness and let her talk. Not listening, nor cared to, he knew what she was saying and what she would, she wanted to encourage him to take on the Lord o the West and achieve another victory to further his goal, but not only his but her own as well.

Yomi with his insight was well aware of her plans, what she thought and her ambition. She was a snake, and an opportunist she always was, and it certainly wasn’t beyond her to think with all her slyly placed efforts that she could snake her way into becoming his wife. Well not on her life, but he let her think it, it made her a better servant, so long as she had yet to get what she wants.

“You should kill him Yomi, and after toi do the Westernlands will be yours. I’ll be easy for toi darling, no power, toi wouldn’t even haft to waist it.”

Kill him?

Kill Sesshomaru?

par the way she put it, it sounded like he was eager for anything. There was a time in his life when that was true, but no more. She was the opportunist not him, and she had no idea of the true scope of the matter. An Angel came and informed him about the Lord of the West, not one of his trusted spies ou a demon that happened to come upon the news. A powerful black winged angel, a being entirely out of his control, of course being behind that curtain the whole time she had no idea who ou what his guest was for all she knew it was just another demon, a spy ou an informer and such, she hadn’t even the sophistication to tell the difference, she relied too much on her eyes, just like he used to, and remembering how that was.

She was a fool who had no idea what she was talking about, gods were involved in this issue, it wasn’t just an affair of demons. Sesshomaru had been faced par a powerful messenger, if the story be true, wherein that case he was going to be closely watched par the Higher Powers until he repents, achieves ou they lose interest in him, and who knows when that would be. Either God ou Satan was the mastermind behind this and anyone who approaches him ou the vicinity of his kingdom would be walking right into their web. And what could be their plans for him, someone like that, what would the gods want from some like Sesshomaru?

Yomi was many things, but desperate he was not and if he wanted to take on the Westernlands, if he really set his mind on it and directed all his recourses on just taking that nation he feels he could do it. Defeating Sesshomaru was something he was certain he could do, Sesshomaru ranked fifth in the world scales of power, Yomi was now third, so taking him on wasn’t an issue, so long as it was an one on one battle, and from what he has heard Sesshomaru was a one on one type of Demon. A soloist and a loner, who roamed the lands and rarely held court, in fact it is even rumored that he made efforts to chase his court away, threatening to kill them if they tried to address him with issues concerning the kingdom. What could be the meaning of that, Yomi wondered, he doesn’t hold court, very strange?

In fact Yomi knew a lot about Sesshomaru, he has been watching him steadily for the last two hundred years ever since the great ruler Great Fang died. Yomi heard the rumors about the Lord of the West, “yeah, did toi hear, the old dog demon finally kicked it… now his son is in control of the kingdom, and they say he’s only five hundred… wow that’s young for a ruler. Yah still just a kid.” He’d hear this and many other rumors like it at the time, but it was enough to make him curious… yah still just a kid, is that right?

That kid.

Yomi had a memory, he had seen Sesshomaru before years il y a when he still had his eyes. He was involved with a band of thieves lead par an ascended renard demon known as the Youko Kurama, a silver spirit renard and was Yomi’s superior at the time. He was young only just over a hundred years of age but shy of 120, so he was between 117 and 119, but already an established bandit with a notorious reputation for carnage—not the best reputation for a thief, but at least it got him the attention he desired. But that was about it, most of the fame and fortune went to their leader Kurama the Spirit Fox. Yomi was the seconde in command of their band and was the only figure in their group who could keep up with him. On average, in a sprint Yomi was right beside him, but over long distance Kurama had the advantage, stealth, cunning, wit it all belonged to him, Yomi had strength and the ability to use a sword, he was quick to the kill and courageous, but sloppy, head strong and didn’t care for strategy. It would have been plus befitting if he were an over sized taureau, bull faced ogre with the body the size and shape of a formless bolder, the strong, but dumb type best for dispersing on the front lines so they could pound down everything in their way for the plus skilled fighters to take on the victory, like Kurama.

This was Yomi’s impression, of course he was bound to be harder on himself than others, he had skill and he had strength, and only if they knew of his true potential, the demons would have been following him not Kurama, who has long since disappeared.

But anyway, on that jour long ago, Kurama, Yomi and the gang were in the nation of Ja’wa on the far west of the demon’s world on route to engage on another raid. There was a tower Kurama had his eyes on for some time, and only then did he feel he and his group had acquired enough strength to take it on. Kurama lead the way lying low taking an out of the way path through the forest, when they happened upon a small child.

The child was male and very young, maybe less than thirty years of age, maybe twenty and resembled a child about four years old. He was entirely alone, ou so they thought. Yomi was the seconde to lay eyes on him, and they were captivated. The child was beautiful; he had pure white hair streaming down his back and the sides of a glorious rounded face. Two enormous golden eyes that glared back like untrusting jewels on his face and magenta demon markings and a brilliantly defined crescent moon on his brow sign of higher class breeding, clad in rich white silk. The silk alone would have fetched them a decent price. Yomi gawked—oh wow, this child could fetch us a fortune, and without a seconde thought launched at the child, when Kurama grabbed his arm. “Wait.” He a dit stopping him.

“What, we could sell him!”

“Just wait,” a dit the Youko, and came vers l'avant, vers l’avant into view of the little boy.

Yomi recalled how his partner stared cautiously at the child, his eyes like a predator assessing over the situation like he always did. Yomi just didn’t know why he didn’t just grab the child and stash him with the rest of the supplies till they were finished with their work here. He remembers how he sighed and fidgeted with his impatience—a demon of action, not one who engages in staring contests with children, especially ones that set off the jingle of or coins in his ears just par looking at him.

But his friend didn’t act, not at first anyway, he just stood there staring, and the child stared back, mainly at Kurama. Then he shot off, releasing the cutest child’s growl, bearing his fangs as he did and zipped away into the brush. Now Yomi was no one to imagine why such a young and expensive looking child like that could be doing out all alone this deep in the forest? Surely there was a guardian ou an adult nearby watching him, but this also failed to traverser, croix his mind—he would just kill the adult, if one happened to turn up and take the child, very simple. Simple like the way he preferred to think, this was the old Yomi…. How embarrassing.

The child’s speed was impressive; Yomi had never seen a child ou anyone dart away and vanish just like that, ou run so fast in his life. Kurama shot after him—now this was plus like it! And Yomi followed, but neither could catch up to him so Kurama resorted to one of his common skills and released a long green vine from his arm that stretched out in the direction of the child, far ahead of them. While on high speed chase and they heard a yelp.

“Yes! toi got him!”

They rushed up with the gang following closely behind and found the child entangled in a spiny vine, with the tip end penetrating the flesh of his right shoulder. Yomi could see that the child was subdued, possibly with poison; his friend had a rich habit of employing excessive means when he was serious, as his way of keeping ahead. Once again, in common fashion Yomi rushed ahead and went to grab at the vines with the intent to snatch up the prize and carry the child away like a briefcase, when, also in common fashion Kurama had to stop him—“what, we got him, so let’s go.”

“Don’t Yomi.” a dit the Youko, “you risk your neck in haste, too often.”

How truly correct those words really were.

The vines were poisonous, and if he were to touch them he’d end up poisoned to. The explanation was simple, only Kurama could handle it, because only he was immune to such things. Telling the others to stand back he examined the child and made sure he was unconscious before lifting him like a package and commanded, “go!” and began to run back in the opposite direction from wince they came.

Yomi wondered, what where is he going, and took off after him, the gang followed. “I wonder who’s kid it is,” some of the bandits asked as they ran, “who knows, but it doesn’t matter… he’s ours now, he he.” Yomi recalled how his comrades were behaving. Gloating over their unsuspected catch, he felt no different, but set his sights on catching up to Kurama, so he picked up speed and targeted his direction. Before he knew it Kurama was in sight.

Kurama was running at haut, retour au début speed with the boy, vines and all tucked under his arm like a bundle; it wasn’t long before he came aware of Yomi approached. He was the only subordinate from their group who could catch up to him.

It seems he gets faster par the day, thought the Youko.

Recalling the jour Yomi joined up with him and his gang, in those days he was just another demon, weak and expendable, but in no less than half a an he was surpassing all the other fighters he had selected personally to rejoindre him on their raids, and to assist him in his mission to become a lord. To his better judgment they were not weak demons, yet here was this scrawny underling getting the better of them, and soon enough was staring Kurama strait in the eyes, “Kurama.” He heard from behind, Yomi’s voice.

“So what now, are we going to stash the kid and hit that tower?”


No? What could he mean par that, “what are toi talking about, isn’t that why we came to this stinking island?”

“It was, but this is different.”

“How’s that?”

“Don’t bother asking stupid questions right now, Yomi, we haft to go now!”

In that instant the child’s eyes flew open, and consciousness instantly returned to him. Right away he realized he was being carried, and there was a sharp pain in his right shoulder. The being who was carrying him was moving at impressive speed, but nothing too fast that he couldn’t see where they were going. They were on a forest path, still deep in the forest far away from the nearest clearing. The child knew exactly where they were and cried out, “let go!”

“Let go! Father!”

The Youko shuttered, he expected this that the child would regain consciousness, but not so soon. The seed he implanted in him should have caused paralysis and had hoped he had enough time to at least clear the forest and make it to the coast line before then. They had a herd of flying beasts hidden away in a cave par the coast, it was his plan to head for them and make their escape to the main land of Ching. Then weave through the countryside heading north in hopes of avoiding the Taisho’s wrath. To escape the Westernlands as quickly as possible was his goal, considering he had just succeeded in kidnapping the Demon Lord Great Fang’s only son. If they didn’t make to out of the West soon they would lose their necks for sure.

The wrath of the Great Dog was world renown, and as a demon having grown up and evolved in Ja’wa knew firsthand how protective Inuyoukai were of their own. He knew from the start he had limited time to get away, when the child started to struggle. “You are so dead!” par that time Yomi had made his way beside him, and had his eye on the child.

Yomi knew that Kurama was a native of these lands, and that he knew the landscape fairly well. He often spoke of Ja’wa as a place of diversity, a place from where he learned many great lessons, which is how he was able to come so far in his development as he has. Yomi was curious about the Youko’s homeland, but having arrived there he failed to see what was so different about it, and had yet to notice anything special, except they usually didn’t find expensive looking children wearing white silk robes frolicking in the woods all par themselves anywhere else. So trusting in Kurama’s judgment, they came here, and trusting in him still he followed the leader completely unaware that their prize was sending off signals of distress across the entire region. Figuring that the tower assault could wait, all he could think about now was how much or they could get for that brat on the demon world’s black market, and began to smile.

“Don’t celebrate, Yomi,” Kurama a dit to him, “we’re not in the clear yet.”

“You bunch of jerks! My father will have toi all for lunch—I’ll have your heads!” the child struggled, trying to get loose, but Kurama held onto him too tightly.

Yomi noticed, “Kurama, toi think toi can shut him up?”

“I already gave him enough poison to silence him, apparently he’s immune,” a dit the highly perceptive fox.

“You’re kidding!”

“No I’m not; we have to get to the coast!”

“The coast.., we’re leaving, already?”

“Yes, we are.” And he picked up speed.

“No you’re not,” cried the child.

“Be quiet.” Growled the Youko at his captive and forced another seed into him and he leapt, forcing himself air born to gain speed, and as expected Yomi followed, bound par bound. The seed he forced on the child was of the same type as the one he used on him before hoping the double dose would serve its purpose better. To his relief it worked and the child quieted down, but just in time for another concern to come rising over him.

And then he felt it, the overbearing looming presence—Damn! He dropped the child and transformed to his renard form. The suivant thing Yomi knew, Kurama had abandoned the child, transformed and darted away in a perpendicular direction. “What!” he hollered, “Hey what the hell did toi do that for?” Stopping in his tracks, “Hey Kurama!” but the renard was gone. Not knowing the meaning of it, he turned back to the child; there was no way he was leaving this place without his prize, when he to felt it.

It was a moment after he turned back to snatch up the brat, “Alright kid, guess you’re coming with me.” Sesshomaru the child, still vaguely conscious managed to lift his head when Yomi gripped his hair, “you know kid this little mop will make a decent wig.” He a dit to him, when the child leapt up grabbed his arm and bit him, “ouch, toi brat!” was the only thing Yomi could say in complaint when he was suddenly over taken par an enormous shadow, and then the sudden presence of something very, VERY big looming over head.

The suivant thing he knew, he looked up and before his eyes came a massive claw pounding down just meters before him. Crushing trees, bushes and critters alike as it slammed onto the ground dissolving the dirt beneath its weight and incredible power. The width of the claw span about three average sized houses and each of its nails towered several times his height. The shock wave from the impact nearly sent him flying and the vibrations it sent through his skin caused it to splint and bleed automatically. This was the aura of the Taisho.

Yomi’s face was long and taunt, jaw agape and eyes bulging wide staring directly upwards and above him now… the underside of an enormous snout, snarling and bearing its fangs slowly appeared from the darkened clouds. His Bones began to rattle at the sound of its ferocious growl as a seconde claw came crashing down a ways to his right the same as the first. The body was like a mountain covered in white fourrure and was easily the largest, most fearsome looking Dog Demon he had ever seen and he was furious! “Waaa’t!” if there was an adult he’s kill it, he thought…. Just like that he thought… Instantly the child’s jaws unlocked from his arm, which Yomi had completely forgotten about, to cry out, “Father, kill him! Eat him right now!”


Yomi’s eyes flashed to the child, “Father! That thing’s toi father!” then back up at the Taisho, ‘Oh shit!

He released the child, somehow managing to avoid getting pricked par the spines on the vine, turned and ran, the Taisho’s growls thundering after him… reflecting on this now, Yomi wondered if could have done better taking the boy hostage, but he didn’t. Instead he just ran; he was never the type to think fast in a situation like that. In an average battle yes, but not when he was about to get smashed between the toes of a giant dog demon. Fear overtook him and to this jour he couldn’t recall a time when he ever ran so fast in his life.

Thinking back on it, he could only laugh. At the time he had no idea who those demons were and had no idea how lucky he was to have survived the encounter. He learned later when he and several of his comrades, those that survived, most weren’t so lucky and rendezvoused with Kurama on the mainland. When they got to the cave to mount their flying beasts they noticed that one was missing, and assuming it could only have been Kurama, they followed his trail back to Ching. They met up a week later, and found Kurama; ou rather he found them on a rocky outcrop at the foot hills of the White Ring Mountains on the north of Ching. Kurama did tell them if they ever got separated they should met up on the north, he would never say why, they were just his orders, and so they went. It was then when they met up that he told them, Kurama had to explain that the Taisho possessed something that belonged to him which he had Lost long il y a and wanted back, (object will be left in question). It was his intention to hold the child for ransom in order to regain his possession, but things didn’t turn out as he hoped. Not only did he underestimate the child’s abilities to resist his poisons, he either underestimated the Taisho’s speed ou his close proximity to his son’s locations, which he should have known, finding a child alone so far out in the woods that his parents couldn’t be that far away. It was a mistake he fearfully regretted, and was far plus than he lead on.

The group was shocked over Kurama’s revelations, even plus so that they had survived an encounter with the Great Taisho himself, the known third power that dominated the entire demon world the Great Lord of the West. At the time the order of rule was Raizen Lord of the North the first power, Makuro the number two, Lord the of the Central lands and Great Fang the third, Lord of the Westernlands, the Great Dog Demon, following him was Zemed Hamot of the Mot clan, the fourth, Lord of the East, and so on, only the haut, retour au début three were of any notable mention.

Yomi knew all these names, especially Zemed Hamot who ruled over his homeland, also known as the Lord of Death, and was invigorated that he got to meet one, even if it was just for a moment, and survived. He had never forgotten the power and immensity of that demon, not only was he impressed it redoubled his determination to become a lord himself.

Not too long after this their gang was slaughtered and Yomi Lost his eyes in a failed assassination attempt and Kurama disappeared. Yomi never seen ou heard from him again, didn’t even know if he was still alive… five hundred years had passed since then when Yomi received the news of the monstrous dog. At the time he was respectable comparable to the twelfth power among demons, powerful but not powerful enough to take on entire nations rather east ou west.

The rumor about the death of Great Fang struck Yomi with fathomable interest, now what could possibly be enough to kill that monstrous titan. It had been five hundred years since the incident, and Yomi was already an acclaimed power himself just lying low waiting for the right time to strike. And thinking about the west, he had power but not enough to take on an entire continent and anyway he had decided long il y a his first target would be his Homeland. Yomi would become the new Lord of the East if he was going to become lord of anything so he kept his focus on that, and that alone, keeping tabs on all the other places he’d like to conquer including the west (he even bought a house in Ja’wa so he could have a convent place to observe the Inuyoukai as he wondered around his favori countryside) as an afterthought.

This new news changed everything, the message the Angel delivered him about Sesshomaru. He expected a battle if he invaded the West, and a fight worthy of his caliber not a shackled lord and an easy walk in the park. They might as well walk over and have a picnic on the border and land his flag on the nearest colline to proclaim it Yomiland.

Yomi was a fighter in spirit and in cœur, coeur and was always out for a challenge, this he preferred, but—Sesshomaru. He sighed and once again grabbed his head. A headache was forming and he needed some fresh air.

The air in the tent was stifling; though he had ordered his guards to have the inside aired out there still lingered potent traces of spilled wine and smoke from the celebration the night before. Beside him there was even a half full bottle of red wine he left and intended on finishing later during the celebration but has Lost tastes for since. “Meranna,” He said’ as he picked up the bottle and held it to the blue ogress that had yet to stop trying to convince him that taking on the West right now was the way to go.

“You could use ships to attack from the coast. It wouldn’t take much for toi to assemble a full naval force…” she was saying as Yomi’s voice disrupted her. Merianna. “What is it dear?” she a dit in her sweeter tone, the tone she uses when there’s something that she wants. She was respectively tall; he could sense her before him especially her or adornments, of swinging or tassels that hung from her scanty seams and flamboyant or rings that wrapped around her wrists and ankles and hung from her ears and clipped in her nostril. For some reason she thought he liked that, but it was all he saw of her, a tall figure adorned in excessive jewelry—though it was the custom of her kind, he didn’t like it and would sooner preferred that she wore nothing at all but a modest dress. And though, in spite of all the adornment he did admire her body, deep down something about her repulsed him. Rather it was her aura ou her spirit; he knew this woman’s time with him was running out. She came up to him and knelt down, “yes, my l’amour what may I do for you?”

“Take this.” He a dit handing her the bottle. “Take it and dump it out I’m tired of smelling it.”

“What?” Was her response, staring down at him, her angry golden eyes as broad as they could be.

“You have your orders, now go.” He couldn’t see it but her blue face turned red, though he felt it, and said, “Take it down wind. Thank you.” Infuriated and fuming she turned to obey; he had completely ignored her, like she wasn’t even there. He heard nothing that she said. How dare he! She reflected as she left to carry out her task.

“Shachi!” He called out. A moment later a red scaly demon with a dorsal fin for hair and ears the resembled the fins of a poisson dressed in rough cut armor appeared in the entrance away, he stepped in and bowed down to one knee, “Yes my lord Yomi.” This was Shachi, Yomi’s recently employed chief soldier, and seconde in command a native of the lands northwest of Syria, having come to know the sound of his new chief’s voice quite well par now Yomi looked up pointing his face in the red demon’s direction, “when Meranna returns direct her to the guest quarters will you, I prefer her to remain there from now on. I’m stepping out.”

“You are, where to my Lord?” asked the scaly red demon, Yomi responds, “nowhere of your concern. Just hold the camp until my return.

“Yes, of course, I will, and I’ll inform the Mistress.”


With that Shachi bowed, then got up and retreated from the tent. Once he left Yomi got up, when into his private chamber to change his jacket. Not overlooking the mess the Mistress lift of his sheets, the l’espace was small with nothing but pillows lining a large rug and piled up in the sides to form a nest, with sheets thrown over it that were now all wrinkled. On the one side was a wine rack stocked with merlot and Port his favored vintages and a golden hookah freshly used. He could smell the scent of fresh winch to—that wench, always steeling my things. I tell her time and time again not to drink my wine ou smoke my tobacco without my permission, but she still does it. No matter, I’ll be rid of her soon enough, whenever I find a replacement.

With that he grabbed a clean peignoir, robe and put it on, tossing his worn one over the sheets and stepped back out. The veste he now wore was darker than the last and hung lower, he figured he’d go for a walk. He needed plus time to think, and fresh air to breath. Plus he had already succeeded in conquering this nation, the least he could do it saver it a little longer par being perfectly at ease roaming through the countryside. Once he left camp he found himself to a, old dirt road and followed it. Using his senses to keep on track he allowed the road to lead him deeper and deeper into the wilderness till there was nothing around him, but creeping critters and desert land.

When he stopped, it was still midday, and the sun was beating down on him hard, it couldn’t be plus past mid afternoon when he realized how unpleasant it was to be walking in the sun at this time, in his heavy black jacket, and without a veil to protect his head from the heat. So he stepped off the road found his way to a low bolder suivant to an old gnarled arbre that casted a faint shadow over the rock. So he went up to it and sat down.

And there he waited till sundown. Thinking silently to himself over what he should do.
 Yomi, Kurama and the Bandits
Yomi, Kurama and the Bandits
 Yomi at age 119
Yomi at age 119
 Karama and Yomi
Karama and Yomi
 The Inu no Taisho
The Inu no Taisho
 The Three Ruling Powers
The Three Ruling Powers
added by dina1999_11
added by LadySesshy
Source: hikariangelove at Deviantart
Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru Chronicles

Please read Author's note before lire the story.

author's note:
-it's suppose to be about what happens after they defeat Naraku and after Kagome and Inuyasha get married etc. but it starts out in a flashback (w/ Sesshoumaru) and Inuyasha was still stuck to the tree)
-i have pics up of some of the OC's that will be in it, some of them will not be the best but 3 of them are and plus will come but they are good enough to give toi there image, look them up at link


-things will be...
continue reading...
posted by LadySesshy
Warning: Be warned! This part is a major spoiler of what is to come at the end of this story. Read at your own risk. Sorry, for the shortness, but it's just the introduction part to the story. This is the only part that will have 1st person view in it. I normally don't write first person at all. I normally write only 3rd person view. There are two view points in this part. It jumps from 1st person, suddenly into 3rd person, close to the end of this part. You'll see why, if toi read it.


I never thought it would come to this. Here I was face to face with the demon who would take my...
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added by sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Song: Romeo and Juliet
added by dina1999_11
added by dina1999_11