The Heroes of Olympus Series Club
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posted by theocean5566

As we went outside to the forum the warship had landed. Gods it was beautiful. The ship glistened in the sunlight and there was a familiar looking dragon head. The roman soldier stand ready to attack if needed but I'm sure they won't. 

The first ones out were a boy about his age with blonde hair then he realized it could be the one and only Jason Grace. Following him was a girl with thin braids and a guy that looked like Sammy.

The Sammy guy quietly a dit "please don't hurt us with those pointy swords we come In peace  .  "

Hazel made a small whimpering noise after he a dit that. 

In a bold voice Jason a dit "Romans, as toi know me as your former predator I'm Jason grace."

The crowd murmured and Renya's eyes were shining and for the first time she was smiling.

"Don't attack us and we come in peace."

"But they been our enemies for a long time," someone said.

"I know they been our enemies but they have no intention of attacking."

Jason walked to Renya and hugged her then he a dit something Percy couldn't hear. Hazel walked over to Leo-Sammy but Percy didn't pay attention to it ,he was busy looking for Annabeth. Then he saw her. Her blond hair and gray eyes were beautiful. He missed her so much that he almost cried on the spot. Annabeth turned and saw him. They both ran towards each other and each second felt like minutes. Finally she was in his arms, hugging tighter than Tyson ever could.

"Oh gods Annabeth I missed toi so much."

"I missed toi too Seaweed brain"

Then they kissed so fiercely they couldn't breath after 30 seconds. All the Venus girls were giggling and everyone was cheering/staring at them. Octavian was yelling at them to get a room. Percy couldnt tell was who was redder;him ou Annabeth. Then she slapped him in the face.

"Owwww what was that for?"

"That was for not contacting me for months. toi had me worried sick and why did that hurt toi have the Achilles heel don't you."


"Don't tell me toi Lost it did you?"

"Uhhhh......well Hera gave me a choice if I wanted to go in camp."

But before Annabeth could answer Reyna said," Romans let us get acquainted with our new friends."

Jason came up and said," toi must be Percy Jackson." 

"Yeah and toi must be Jason Grace. Nice to meet you."

We shook hands and Jason was eyeing his purple cape. There was definitely some tension in the air. 

"So you're the new predator."

"Yeah.....You can have your spot back if I can have mine."

Jason grinned. "Ok thanks bro for letting me have my spot back."

"Same here."

Jason disappeared in the crowd and there was an awkward silence.Then Hazel and Frank came up.

Hazel a dit "Well aren't toi gonna introduce us?"

"Annabeth, this is Hazel the daughter of pluto and Frank is the son of Mars."

"Nice to me toi I'm Annabeth the daughter of Athena."
"Percy has told us about you. His only memory was his name and you."

Annabeth blushed as red as a tomato. There was an awkward silence but Percy broke it.

"Wise girl, how would toi like a tour of camp Jupiter's architecture ?" Percy said.

Annabeth hugged him. "Of course I would Seaweed  Brain toi know how much I l’amour architecture."


She was having the best jour of her life. She had found Percy and he remembered her plus the buildings here are so beautiful. The little details on the mur must've been so difficult to carve, it would've take a an to finish. They stopped in front of a marble building. It was fabulous. She was awestruck. The walls were glittering gold,colorful mosaics,and was 60 feet tall. In the middle stood a statue of Zeus/Jupiter with a lighting bolt. Also a pile of stuffing was there suivant to a pale skinny dude. He had a teddy ours and a knife.

He turned around and a dit "Well well well what do we have here. The gracus has come."

"Uhhhh what are toi doing to that teddy bear?

"It helps me tell messages from the gods."

"Poor teddy bear," she a dit quietly.

Now that she thought about him, he strangely look like Luke without a scar. He had gone back killing the helpless stuffed animals.

"Come on Annbeth. Let's go."

"Who was that?"

"That was Octavian. He hates the Greeks and voted to attack the ship."

"Nice guy." she a dit sarcastically. "Can we go see your dad's temple?"

"Well its plus like a tool shed than a temple. The Romans were afraid of the water."

"Can we still go there?"


They got to the "temple" and Annabeth made a small prayer of thanks to his father for finding him.



"There's someone I want toi to meet. She a harpy named Ella." 

Together they walked to the stables and saw Leo,Frank,Piper,Jason,and Hazel with a tan horse. 

"Percy this this is Piper and Leo."

"Why are toi wearing a lit sheet " Leo a dit to Percy.

Percy glanced down and blushed. He must've forgotten he was still wearing that.
Leo and Piper giggled.

"It's a toga. I remembered that I had to were that." Jason replied for Percy.

The horse neighed and unfortunately looked like it wanted to trample Annabeth.

"Now now Arion she's not an enemy." Hazel said.

Arion looked like he was having a conservation was Percy since they were staring so intensely at each other. Then he took off a the speed of light.

"Did it just......?"

"Yeah it did. It turns out I'm related to him."

Annabeth can feel herself blushing and in the stable she saw Tyson and he gave her a big hug. After the hug there were yellow splotches in her eyes. She saw a nest of livres and a red harpy sat in the middle of it. She was muttering facts of Athena.
Suddenly Percy was on the ground with a faint glow around him and there was blood dripping fall him head.

"Percy!!!!" Annabeth yelled.

The harpy said," Nope not good scary dirt woman."

She didn't thought much of that. She was trying to wake up Percy .The demigods surrounding the place ran inside and saw him on the ground. A couple of   Apollo guys took him to the infirmary on a stretcher. Tyson and I were crying and the people surrounding us had a sad look on their face. Why did this happen why. I just got to see him and this happens.I went to check on him after the meeting concerning the incident. When I stepped in Octavian was there.

"The great Percy Jackson is now in the infirmary. How nice."

"Shut up Octavian before I make you."

"Was that a threat? toi see here now I could..."

"Shut up Octavian" Jason a dit walking in with Piper and Leo.

He was muttering about if he was predator things would change around here. Annabeth sat down on a chair suivant to Percy's lit holding his hand. Jason asked the Apollo guys what happened but none of them knew. 

"You know after the attack he kinda looked how Jason was when he saw Hera's true form" a dit Piper

"I'm betting this was Gaea. She might've shown him her true form when he refused to rejoindre her." Jason said 

Then she remember the commentaire the harpy made about Gaea. Annabeth started crying again and the people stood there awkwardly. She hoped that he will wake up soon. She slept in the chair holding his hand but in her dream there was a sword pointing to her neck.

Just a reminder credits to R.R