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I found this long Beatles liste in our articles section. I am a Beatles Fan, so I will do this! (Also I l’amour these filling-out games.)

~Basic Info:
Name: Layla
Middle Name: Pearl
Last name of a Beatle toi wish to marry: Lennon (think it has a good ring to it?)

Birthday: July 22

Beatle: Johnny!
Song: You're actually asking me to choose JUST ONE, aren't you? *groans* Can't be done. I direct toi to my article "Rubyrings' haut, retour au début Twenty Beatles Songs" for further information.
Album/Albums: Oh, so *here* I get to choose plus than one if I can't pick one.... All right, the answer is Help! It reminds me of the movie.
Period: Early years forever!!! For me this isn't even a question. Sweet, simple l’amour songs, moptops and suits, the Beatles travelling the world letting their fans see them live, and they all got along and were like all one person? How could toi possibly not like the early years best???
Accent: Don't they all have the same accent? Outside of the Beatle Cartoons, I mean....
Movie: Help! I l’amour Help! I just adore exciting adventures with lots of danger and Friends protecting each other....
toi & : John. Isn't this the same question as before, asking me my favourite ou which Beatle I'd like to marry?
When did toi first like The Beatles?: Well, I "liked" them briefly when I was thirteen going on fourteen, after seeing A Hard Day's Night and listening to their early albums - then I saw Help! two days after my fourteenth birthday and I've *loved* them ever since.

Has toi current favourite Beatle always been your fave?: Um - yes and no... He was always my favourite when I tried to pick a favourite, but there was a time I couldn't choose a favourite Beatle at all.

Which song are toi currently real into?: I Want To Hold Your Hand. That song is the very essence of everything I l’amour about the Beatles' music.

Do toi think toi know everything about the fab four?: Not really. People think I know a lot, and I do, I know plus than a non-Fan ou someone who just enjoys the musique would know. But have toi seen how those awful Beatle biographies are written? How could I possibly know everything if that's where I'd need to look to get the information! Besides, I like having some things left unknown. It gives me plus scope for filling in the blanks myself, if that makes sense.
~Have toi Ever:
Made out with a Beatle picture? Um... *blushes and changes subject*
Married a Beatle picture? : This seems like a very personal question to me....
Told someone that your last name was a Beatle-name? : No. I wish it was Lennon for obvious reasons, but I'm not going to tell an outright lie.
Screamed out “I l’amour The Beatles!!!” in public? : No.
Told someone toi were dating one of The Beatles? : No, although I think I once talked about George in front of a store cashier, in such a way that she probably thought he was my boyfriend....
Tried drugs because The Beatles did? : No.
Been inspired par The Beatles? : Aren't we all?
Cried over The Beatle break up? : Pretty sure I have, yes.
Cried over John ou George? : Of course.
Cried in public over the Fab 4, ou John ou George? : I don't think I have in public, no....
Asked God to bring either Ringo ou Paul in your path one day? : I have prayed for them to be healthy and happy, but I don't recall praying for that specifically. But thanks, I think I'll try it!
Asked God to bring John and George back from the dead? : Again, not specifically, but I have tried to send mental messages up to Heaven for John.
Gotten in an argument with somebody because they got one of their Beatle facts wrong? : Not an argument, per se. But I will correct them.
Thought about killing Mark David Chapman? : Definitely. And oh, how satisfying it would be....
Thought about killing Yoko Ono? : No! Thought about stealing John from her, yes, but killing her?! Come on, she doesn't deserve that!
Started screaming when a Beatle song came on the radio? : Maybe a squeal. But let's be reasonable - if I screamed I wouldn't be able to hear the song, would I?
Started screaming because a Beatle song came on in public? : Well, I have gone running towards the sound system like crazy.
Been asked about The Beatles, and toi go in this deep life long story about everything toi know about them? : No, I'm the opposite. I don't want to get into discussions about the Beatles with people who don't l’amour them like I do and won't understand. Sometimes they think it's "interesting" to bring up depressing tidbits they've heard and... yeah. I don't want to deal with it.

~Check all that Apply:
[x] I l’amour The Beatles (well, obviously!)
[?] I like Yoko Ono (I've got this weird in-between feeling where I don't like ou dislike her.)
[x] I believe the Beatle break up was not just caused par Yoko
[] I think Paul really died
[?] I own a pair of Beatle Boots (I have black booties with low heels, does that count?)
[x] I have 3+ Beatle livres (unfortunately. I hate how people write about them, but I can't just get rid of something with the Beatles on it! What's a fan to do?)
[] There is no l’espace on my walls due to The Beatles
[] Pete Best is cuter than Ringo (what the..?)
[x] John is my favourite Beatle
[] Paul is my favourite Beatle
[] Ringo is my favourite Beatle
[] George is my favourite Beatle
[] I’ve been to Liverpool
[] I’ve seen Paul and ou Ringo live
[] I own all Beatle films (most are owned par my dad. But that copy of Magical Mystery tour belongs to me.)
[x] I have at least 2 Beatle shirts
[x] I’ve thought about the Beatles 24 hours straight
[] I dream about The Beatles each night (I wish!)
[] I doodle Beatle lyrics on my school work
[] I doodle Beatle related things on my school work
[] Because of The Beatles, I am failing a class
[] You’ve listened to It’s Only A Northern Song 100 times to understand what George is saying in the beginning
[x] toi wish toi lived in the 1960’s
[?] The Beatles converted toi into a hippie (maybe to some hippie values. But I wouldn't adopt everything.)
[] toi think finding The Beatles is really like reaching Nirvana (this is a confusing question. Isn't Nirvana a band, too? I think toi need to word this differently....)
[] You’ve seen every Beatle movie (I don't count Let It Be as a real Beatles movie, but this question probably does, so, I can't check the box. Sigh.)
Do You…
Own every Beatle movie? I just answered that earlier.
Own Beatle Boots? That was in the last section! Honestly....
Own a Beatle wig? Not yet. It's on my wish list!
Have plus than 3 posters in your room? I have 2 posters and a collection of glossy photos on my walls.
Know a lot about The Beatles? Yes - like I a dit earlier!
Own a Beatle Blanket? No... *sad face*
Own a Beatle record player? see answer above
Have Beatle pictures in your locker? No locker - and as I said, I'm not sure I'd want to be so obvious in front of non-Fans anyway.
Celebrate Beatle Birthdays? Yes! They're like official holidays for the Fans!
Dream almost every night about The Four? When I'm awake. I can't control my dreams when I'm asleep... but I wish I could!
Wish toi lived in the 60’s? Yes! And yes again. There is where I belong....
Claim toi are married to one of them? I just imagine it. I don't lie to people.
Own Beatle figures? Of course. I l’amour the Beatles, I l’amour figurines - it was a natural conclusion.
Have a pet with a Beatle related name? Well, one of my guinea pigs is named Penny. Beatle connections.... (Also if toi look closely, one of the makeup artists in A Hard Day's Night has the name "Angela" stitched on her dress - the same name as my other guinea pig!)
This ou That
Cynthia ou Yoko? : Yoko. She may not be perfect, but at least she didn't marry John because he accidentally made her pregnant. At least she isn't frowning in half the photos I see of her and him. At least she seems like a fun, interesting person. At least she didn't monopolize John in the early years when he was at his most attractive... Okay, I think toi get the idea. I'll stop now.
Pattie ou Olivia? : Pattie. Nothing against Olivia, but I feel like Pattie and I would be such good Friends if we were Beatle wives together. And of course I was named after a song written for her.
Linda ou Jane? : Linda. I never liked Jane ou thought she was right for Paul. And he and Linda were really good together.
Maureen ou Barbara? : Maureen, but again with nothing against Barbara. So I guess it turns out I like all the wives who were featured in the "Something" musique video - although I wish that could have been me with John!
Beatle Boots ou Beatle wigs? Why not both! Though I think it would be easier to wear Beatle boots day-to-day... I'll say the boots are plus practical.
George’s accent ou Paul’s love-song voice? : toi are not going to make me choose.
Ringo’s rings ou John’s harmonica? : Uh... rings? I guess... Odd things to have to choose between.
A Hard Days Night ou Help!? : Help!, for reasons mentioned above.
Revolver ou Rubber Soul? : Revolver, I think, because I l’amour that guitare sound, so catchy... it almost distracts me from the fact that only half the songs on the album are l’amour songs.
Blackbird ou Here Comes The Sun? : I think I might l’amour Here Comes the Sun ever-so-slightly more... but now I feel like I've just insulted Blackbird.
George ou John? : Well, John is my favourite Beatle, but I don't like choosing between pairs like this. I l’amour all my Beatles!
Paul ou Ringo? : I will not choose.
Ringo ou George? : Still not choosing....
Paul ou John? : toi really haven't gotten the hint yet, have you?
John ou Ringo? : Okay, still haven't....
Paul ou George? : I think toi get the point.
George’s body ou Paul’s lips? : Ooh. Can't I have both??? Please?
John’s wit ou Ringo’s cuteness? : I need it ALL.
John’s nose ou Ringo's nose? : Well... I always did l’amour that adorable nose of Ringo's....
Cellophane fleurs ou Poppies from a tray? Better make it cellophane flowers. Real poppies would be too hard to keep alive.
1962-1966 ou 1967-1970? : I think I answered this earlier. toi don't want me ranting about it again.
Let it be ou Please Please Me? : Well, Please Please Me, of course! I can't listen to Let It Be without feeling sad. Just stay together, boys!!!!!
Aunt Mimi ou Julia? : Um... I don't know? Julia, maybe? She sounds like a fun person, so I guess...? But they both loved John, and that's what matters.
aléatoire Beatle Questions
If toi lived in the 60’s and John Lennon walked up to you, what would toi do? : Scream. And stammer incoherently. And then grab hold of his sleeve when he decides I'm crazy and tries to walk away. And somehow in the midst of this wonderful first impression, try to get him to ask me to marry him.
If Paul McCartney proposed, would toi accept? : I think I would say yes before he even finished getting the question out.
If toi were sitting at accueil and Ringo Starr called toi over for tea, would toi go? : Well, yeah! Except I don't know if I would pick up the phone. I hate talking on the phone, and he would come up on Caller ID as an unknown number....
If toi lived in the 60’s and George asked toi on a date, what would toi do? Where would toi go? : First of all, of course I would say yes. I understand George likes drive-in movies, so why not go to one of those? But it would actually be his decision where we go, as he's taking me out.

This song ou that song?
Across the Universe ou Old Brown Shoe? : Old Brown Shoe
Please Please Me ou l’amour Me Do? : Please Please Me? Maybe a little?
Taxman ou While Me guitare Gently Weeps? : Taxman
She's Leaving accueil ou When I’m Sixty-Four? : When I'm Sixty-Four
I Will ou Here, There and Everywhere? : I Will
If I Fell ou I’ll Be Back? : If I Fell (at the moment anyway; this one is subject to change)
Let It Be ou The Long and Winding Road? : Let It Be? I guess? They both remind me of things I'd rather forget....
For toi Blue ou Something? : For toi Blue
Within toi Without toi ou l’amour toi To? : l’amour toi To
Honey Pie ou Wild Honey Pie? : Honey Pie
Rocky Raccoon ou Why Don’t We Do it in the Road? : Why Don't We Do It In the Road
Julia ou salut Jude? : salut Jude
In My Life ou Blackbird? : In My Life
Yesterday ou Eight Days A Week? : Eight Days a Week

People on Your Beatleness
Do people ever make fun of toi because of your obsession? : Maybe. Not many. Like I said, I don't like to talk about it to people who won't understand.

Has someone envied toi because of your obsession? : I wish! I would tell them that they could do it too.

Do elderly people often ask ‘You like The Beatles?' : No. Maybe once ou twice it's happened.

Has someone ever told toi that the Beatles suck? : So far I've been lucky. ou should I say the idiots who think that have been.

Do people find toi interesting due to your obsession? : If only.

Have people ever asked toi to burn an album for them? : What? Who burns albums anymore? And why should they ask me to do it? Burn your own album, people! (I'm so confused....)

Have toi ever converted someone onto the Beatles? : No. It might be nice, but I just don't know if I could do it....

Has someone ever told toi ‘Don’t know that John/George is dead’? : No, and if they did, they'd get it from me, I can tell you.

Have toi ever gotten in a long ongoing conversation with an older person about The Beatles? : Maybe? Like I said, it depends on the person. I don't trust most people's interest in the Beatles. They like to talk about the depressing bits they believe after lire those biographies.

Do toi get upset when people make fun of them? : Yes! Unless they mean it in an affectionate way. toi have to be a really true fan of the Beatles to get away with making fun of them in an affectionate way.

Has someone ever asked toi ‘aren’t they all dead’? : Luckily, no. If they ever do, toi can bet I'll set them straight.

Do toi try to rub off your Beatleness onto other people? : No, but I should. A whole world of Beatles fans would be heavenly.

Do people often ask toi about the Fab Four? : They don't. For reasons I've already mentioned, I guess.

Link to the original can be found here: link I have taken the liberty of correcting some minor spelling and grammar mistakes.

Leave a commentaire below, and as always, please be respectful! If toi want to try this too, I look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to seeing yours.
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The rest of the jour passed in a blur. After the bus took me back to the hostel, I spent a lot of time wandering around the streets looking for a newspaper office, not knowing what a newspaper office even looked like. Eventually I had to ask directions, and then I spent an heure annoying the people at the newspaper office par having no idea how to put a classified ad in the paper. I think eventually they let me put it in just to get rid of me. But I did manage it.
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