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posted by Rubyrings
“Vanished?” repeated Susan, going pale.
Jenna frowned. “The Beatles can’t just vanish! They’ve got to be somewhere.”
Susan shook her head furiously, tears threatening to spill. “I knew it! Those terrible women took the Beatles away, and now Paul could be....” She couldn’t finish.
“Hang on.” Emma had a happier thought. “The Beatles have to be somewhere. We know they’re not anywhere Karen could find them....”
“And since I do know where they’re not, that should help us figure out where they are!” Karen finished, looking pleased. “Good one, Emma.”
“But we still don’t know where to start looking,” Susan added sadly. “Unless they’re still near that restaurant toi a dit they went to....”
“We’ll start there,” Karen decided. “Maybe somebody left a clue. Those fakers can’t hide our Beatles from us!”

Karen knew her way around town remarkably well, and she had a car, having gotten her driver’s license the précédant year. She was able to drive the other girls and Butch to the right place with no problem.
“No pets allowed, young lady,” a dit the doorman out front. “You’ll have to leave your dog outside.”
Jenna ignored him.
“Where were the Beatles sitting last night?” she said, approaching the maitre’d with Butch at her side. The other girls were right behind her.
“They were here last night, weren’t they?” Emma put in.
“With those – females,” added Karen, in a tone that suggested she wanted to call Morag, May, Emily, and Natalya something far worse.
“It’s urgent,” finished Susan appealingly.
The maitre’d looked down at them, eyebrows raised. “I’ve heard of teenagers asking where célébrités are sitting while they’re still here....”
“We need to know,” Karen supplied, in her most grown-up-sounding voice. “Those women are dangerous. They’ve done something to the Beatles, and we don’t know where they’ve gone.”
The maitre’d didn’t look convinced, but he smiled indulgently. “Of course. The Beatles’ girlfriends must be up to something, mustn’t they? Take a look at their table, tableau if toi must. I don’t see the harm in it; we’re not very busy this time of day. But you’ll have to leave that dog outside, miss,” he added to Jenna, who ignored him.
“Butch can spot a clue,” was her opinion. “He’s a smart dog; I trained him well.”
Jenna was right; as they reached the table, tableau the maitre’d had pointed out to them, Butch began barking and straining on his leash. The few people who were in the restaurant at that time of jour looked round at them, most looking scandalized that this teenager had brought her dog inside such a fancy restaurant.
“What is it?” Karen was puzzled. “Does he see a clue?” Her dark blue eyes swept the table. It was freshly set and ready for new customers. She couldn’t see anything....
“No,” Jenna realized excitedly. “He smells Ringo!” Quickly, she explained to the other girls how she had set Butch on the Beatles when they had first arrived last week, and how Butch had briefly caught Ringo before he got away. “Butch still remembers Ringo’s scent, and he still thinks he should follow it!” She patted Butch eagerly on the head. “Good boy!”
Emma clapped her hands eagerly, brown curls bouncing. “What are we waiting for? Butch can lead us straight to Ringo, and the rest of the Beatles!”
Jenna loosened her grip on Butch’s leash. “Follow him, boy! Find Ringo!”
Sniffing the ground eagerly, Butch led them out of the restaurant and across the car park, making his way to a nearby side road. The girls followed excitedly. Susan glanced up at all the houses lining the nearby road. Butch was definitely heading that way. Were the Beatles inside one of those very houses right now? Was she almost with Paul again? But – what state was he in? Were May and her evil cohorts in there, too?
But Butch led the little group to a certain spot on the side of the road, and then stopped, looking up at Jenna and whimpering slightly as though asking her what they should do now he’d brought them this far.
“What’s the matter with him?” cried Jenna. “He can’t have Lost the scent!”
Karen looked up and down the street, where several cars were parked on the sides. “I know what happened. The Beatles and those – women got into a car here. Then they drove our poor boys to who-knows-where. I knew they couldn’t have been hiding them in any of these houses. I would have known if they were somewhere in town.”
Susan’s eyes swept up and down the street. “They started from here, and then they drove somewhere Karen doesn’t know about....”
“Has to be out of town,” Karen supplied. “I know everything that goes on round here. Probably not too far, though, as they were driving and I’d think the Beatles would notice something was wrong eventually.”
“So all we’ve got to do is find someplace secluded in driving distance of this side of town,” Emma concluded, somehow making it sound like the easiest thing in the world. “Let’s go look at a map.”
The girls went to a small convenience store and bought a map. Spreading it out on the grass, they examined the area. They weren’t too far from the edge of town, as Karen had already known, and there was only one way the Beatles and their erstwhile girlfriends could have driven that would have quickly taken them somewhere unpopulated. Every other direction simply led into other parts of the city.
“This area, here –” Karen traced a long red fingernail over the map – “it’s positively deserted! I should have guessed it; that’s the only way they could have gotten away without my knowing!”
Susan shivered. “They brought the Beatles somewhere with absolutely no one around? I don’t like this....”
“They think they can hide there as it’s so big,” Jenna speculated. “But we’ll find them. We’ll find them even if we have to burn the whole place down!”
“But...” Susan could hardly get the words out, her voice was trembling so much – “but what if they just brought them into the woods and... and....” Her voice broke, and she buried her head in her hands, shoulders shaking.
“Shh.” Emma put her arm round Susan’s shoulders. “They’ll be fine. They’re our Beatles; they’ve got to be! So,” she turned her head to consult the map, “they must’ve been going along this road here, right?” She traced her finger across a narrow lane that wound its way through the deserted area where the Beatles probably were.
Karen followed her finger. “Probably. They had to follow some road as they were driving, and there’s no other road round here.”
Emma nodded. “Then all we’ve got to do is follow this road, and we’ll find them! ou at least,” she paused to give Butch a little scratch behind his pointy ears, “Butch will. He’ll pick up Ringo’s scent if we keep following them.”
Susan lifted her head, tears still streaking her face, but she couldn’t help but smile. Emma’s enthusiasm was contagious. Susan could almost believe that the Beatles were really all right.
“Or we’ll spot their car,” Karen agreed, in answer to Emma’s remark. “But first...” She tapped her long fingernails against her chin thoughtfully. “I think I’d better make a call ou two,” she decided. “See if I can find out anything about this area at all. It’ll give us a place to start looking.”
“We don’t have time for that!” Jenna protested. “We need to get going! Ringo is in danger!”
“Not for long,” Karen said. “Once I find out what’s out there, we’ll know exactly where to start looking. We’ll find them much faster, and then....”
Jenna smiled, convinced. “And then those women will be sorry they ever touched our Beatles.”
posted by 80smusiclover1
While strolling among the flowers, George told Pattie about his quick chat with the fans. "As toi may have observed, those ladies were very sweet, and they're just as happy for us tying the knot!" She replied, "Yeah, I noticed that. It made me smile, too!" "Great!" he remarked back. Laura said, "And I mustn't forget to mention that they felt the same thing about my father adopting me after our visit to Hampton Court three years ago!" Pattie said, "Oh, how splendid, my dear!" George said, "Yes, Laura, darling! I also remember that. It's lovely!" She responded with a big smile. The trio then spent the remainder of the jour par paying a stop inside the wide, well-kept lawn of Kensington Palace.

posted by 80smusiclover1
The trio enjoyed a relaxing view from the Serpentine Lake Bridge before crossing over to Kensington Gardens. Just then, George saw a roller skating group which turned out to be the same girls he had encountered in Hampton Court Palace three years ago. He greeted them after gesturing to Pattie and Laura that he'll be back in about fifteen minutes, "Hello again, ladies! Long time no see!" One of the girls replied, "Oh, Hi Georgie! What's up?" George said, "I'm getting meself prepared for the happiest jour of my life! toi see that blonde-haired bird over there with Laura? She has been my girlfriend...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As he had promised, George made those phone calls in the morning that followed. Then, at around an heure before noon, the lovebirds had a coffee break in Hyde Park while Laura did some jogging. George said, "So about the cake, I have requested Spencer from the Cadbury factory in Birmingham to make it a triple layer one with the haut, retour au début being made from lait chocolate, the middle white, and the bottom dark. How's that, love?" Pattie replied, "Ooooh, that sounds so luxurious, darling! I'm excited to taste it!" George replied, "So am I!" He then continued, "And our honeymoon destination of Scotland has been settled, too. The royals will even reserve two seats on their airship for us as newlyweds!" "Absolutely splendid!" exclaimed Pattie. "That also means the details for our wedding are nearing completion." "Right as rain, Pattie. Right as rain!" remarked George. They soon finished their coffee and shared a sweet kiss.

posted by 80smusiclover1
suivant morning and shortly after breakfast, the trio proceeded to Fitzrovia Chapel for the wedding rehearsals. "Wowsers! This place is bloody magnificent, daddy George!" exclaimed Laura as she marveled at both the stained glass windows and ceiling. George replied, "It sure is, Laura, darling! Just perfect for the ceremony!" Pattie added, "Not to mention quite a populaire venue for those tying the knot!" Laura said, "Yeah, I can see why toi decided to have yours here as well. Excellent choice!" George smiled and said, "Thanks, dear! We're glad ye think so." Pattie nodded in agreement. The rehearsal itself went very well, concluding with the lovebirds sharing a Kiss near the altar. They then spent the rest of the jour exploring the chapel's location, which is better known as Pearson Square.

posted by 80smusiclover1
After parting ways with his mates, George drove back to Kinfauns. "How did the meeting go, honey?" asked Pattie a couple of minutes later. He replied, "It went great, sweetheart! I have assigned John, Paul, and Ringo with their individual roles for our wedding." Pattie replied, "Awesome! I'm happy to know about that." George then told his daughter, "And as for yours, Laura, darling, you'll be our veddy own fleur girl!" She exclaimed, "Wonderful, daddy George! I always figured I'd get to be one. Thank you!" He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "You're welcome, my dear." Laura smiled back....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
A mois had passed since George and Pattie were officially engaged, and I am happy to say that preparing for the big jour has been going smoothly for them thus far. Aside from setting the rendez-vous amoureux, date and écriture down their guest list, the latter began staying overnight in Kinfauns at least twice a week as a way of getting herself ready for their new life together.

One day, the soon-to-be groom met with the other Beatles (who were overjoyed after telling them about the news) at Abbey Road Studios to discuss about their roles in the coming ceremony. George said, "So John, in addition to leading our guests...
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George and his future wife decided to spend a bit of private time together near the canard pond while Laura and the Queen shared a laugh at her Corgis getting the zoomies, just before the jour drew to a close. Philip, on the other hand, did a little ranger work par checking the progress of some newly-planted trees in the area. Pattie a dit as she looked at her ring again, "This has been such a fantastic day, darling! Not only did we get really good conseil for our marriage from the royals, but that airship of theirs gave us an idea on where we can spend our honeymoon as well." George replied, "I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
For the suivant few hours into the afternoon, the group explored the castle's Great Park par way of a straight trail in the middle of the grass, which is better known as the Long Walk. While the ladies had their own quality time, George asked Philip (who also works as the Ranger), "Did the airship go through any test flights?" He replied, "Why yes, it did. As a matter of fact, that's why I was very busy for most of last year. The flights themselves all went well in the end." George said, "Ohh, I see. I'm glad to know that." Philip smiled. He then asked, "And how have your bandmates been doing?"...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The royal couple led George, Pattie, and Laura all the way to the haut, retour au début of the Round Tower. "Here it is, mates!", exclaimed Philip as he presented the surprise. "Our very own airship! What do toi think?" "Oooooooh...", the trio chorused in amazement. George remarked, "I must say it really IS bloody spectacular, sir!" Pattie added, "I like how the seats are arranged in a similar pattern to that of a passenger plane!" "I do, too!", finished Laura. Elizabeth said, "Indeed! I was quite speechless when my husband gave me the first glimpse." Laura replied, "Can't blame toi on that, ma'am." Philip then...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
par the time it was noon, the group went to have lunch at the dining hall. Today's selection of foods included honey-glazed roast chicken, pan-grilled poisson fillets, baked potatoes, mixed berries salad, cream of champignon soup, and even a chocolat fondue fountain! There was also sparkling water flavoured with lemons. Pattie remarked as they ate, "Wow. The nourriture here is just as tasty as what we had in Buckingham Palace before, ma'am!" Elizabeth smiled and replied, "I'm glad you're enjoying it!" Laura said, "And I l’amour how this chicken was very well-cooked. So tender, too!" George said, "You and...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once they were inside the apartment, the adults proceeded to have their talk at the dining table, tableau while Laura read some livres and cuddled with the Corgis in the living room area. George and Pattie were then donné sound conseil for their marriage throughout the following hour, which were...

Elizabeth: "Firstly, talking with your spouse is one of the best and most important ways to keep your marriage healthy and successful. Be honest about what you're feeling, but do not forget to be kind and montrer respect when toi communicate. Part of good communication is being a good listener and taking the time...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
George, Pattie, and Laura enjoyed themselves while on the road to Windsor château the suivant morning. Once again, as the guards remembered the mop-topped lad and his daughter, they allowed them inside without asking any questions on why they were visiting. Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip had been taking a lovely stroll around the gardens with the Corgis following behind their beloved master. Just then, they heard a man's Liverpudlian voice call out, "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, guess who's back!" Elizabeth remarked, "Well, what a pleasant surprise! It's the future Harrisons!"...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The rest of the jour was spent with a tour around the other areas of the park. George a dit as they walked, "Before we get started with our wedding plans, I think it would be wise for us to first seek some conseil on how we could make our marriage a veddy happy one. What do ye say, love?" Pattie replied, "Yeah. That's a smart idea, darling. So, to whom shall we ask about this?" George thought for a moment, then replied, "Let's head on over to Windsor château tomorrow! I'm sure the royal couple will help us out with this step." Pattie said, "Oh, I know what you're thinking there. Certainly!" Laura added, "Plus, it's been a while since we last visited that place! Right, daddy George?" He replied, "You definitely are, Laura, darling!" "Heh, heh!", she responded. Afternoon soon turned into evening, and the trio had dîner at one of the nearby restaurants before driving back accueil for the night.

posted by 80smusiclover1
After hiking to the haut, retour au début of the hill, the trio found a private spot for their picnic complete with a nice view of the Thames. In addition to the pie, George had fixed some tuna melts, bags of trail mix, and hot chocolat which was kept in its original state through a thermos bottle. "Here ye go, sweetheart!", he a dit while giving Pattie a big slice. She then remarked upon taking a bite, "Mmm... This really is delicious, darling! I'd even say it's the best abricot pie I've ever tasted!" George smiled and replied, "I knew you'd l’amour it, my dear! Of course, toi can thank my mum for baking this...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
We have entered the new an of 1967, and something grand is about to take place for our Heroes over the suivant few months. Speaking of which, let's see what the soon-to-be family has currently been up to!

George, Pattie, and Laura were on the drive to Primrose colline in Regent's Park for their picnic as a way to kick off the year. This won't be your typical picnic, though, 'cause the former had planned for it to be the moment where he'll surprise his sweetheart par asking her The Big question at last. Pattie said, "I see that abricot pie has been quite a staple for your family, eh?" George replied,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The Beatles, Laura, and Pattie then spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the snow in the backyard. Paul said, "I think we can all agree that this has been a bloody spectacular an for us!" Ringo replied, "Most definitely! We've had so many memorable moments to the point where I'm not sure if I could even pick a favourite among them." Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "I know!" John added, "And something tells me we've got a wedding to prepare for par the time suivant an arrives, too!" George said, "Correct-a-mundo, mate! I was just about to say that myself." John responded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
THUMP! "Spirit! Let me out! Let me out! I'll..." Just when Scrooge thought he had fallen to his doom, he came out of his blanket and breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that he was back in his bedroom again. Not only that, but it was finally Christmas morning, too! Scrooge remarked after opening the window, "Thank goodness that was only a bad dream... Wait! This also means..." A wide smile then ran across his face (followed par a joyful jump) as he exclaimed, "YES!!! The spirits have donné me another chance! I better go and spread as much holiday cheer as possible!" And in a flash, he freshened...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After the mist had cleared up, Scrooge found himself in a gloomy cemetery. He looked around and was surprised par a mysterious cloaked figure standing behind him, who then removed his capuche, hotte to montrer his real face. He said, "Hello. I'm the Ghost of Christmas Future (Felix the Yeoman Warder)." Scrooge replied, "Oh, I should've guessed." The Ghost continued, "I see you've already learned quite a lot from those two spirits, eh? Well, it's not over yet; as toi are about to see the consequences of your actions!" Scrooge nodded in response. He then asked, "Is it true that my employee's child will die...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Woe is me! I had a promising future with my lovely lady and I gave them all up!", lamented Scrooge as he was back on his bed. At that moment, he heard the ringing of a cloche, bell along with a jovial voice coming from the living room. "Come one, come all! There's a glorious feast right in store for you! Huh, huh, huh, yeah (This may sound familiar if toi watch the Beatles Cartoon)!" Scrooge did become speechless for a while upon seeing all that sumptuous food: Roasted turkey, pigs in blankets, mince pies, and even Christmas pudding! The seconde visitor then noticed him and said, "Why it's a pleasure...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
At around 1:00 am, Scrooge found himself awakened par a glowing yellow light. "That must be coming from the first of those three spirits.", he thought. And indeed, it was. "Greetings, old chap! I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past (Dr. Robert - Remember him from "The Mystery of the Haunted Pier"?), and I have come to montrer toi how your actions played a part in shaping toi into the man toi are today." Scrooge was nervous at first, but replied, "As toi wish, spirit. Though, how are toi gonna do that?" The Ghost said, "Simple! Here, hold my hand." What followed was quite possibly the wildest sky ride...
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