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posted by Rubyrings
“Nice girls, these fans of ours,” a dit Paul. “But...”
“Good of them to montrer us they care and all,” Ringo agreed. “But...”
“And they buy all our records,” George reminded them. “We’d be in trouble without them. But sometimes I think they’re going to wind up smothering us if they keep this up.”
As one, the four boys nodded.
They were lounging around their hotel room, their suit jackets and ties hung up on the backs of chairs and light fixtures and similar, and the Beatles themselves were reclining on the canapé and the rug and the bench for the piano that came with their room. Paul always liked to stay in a room with a piano. There had been a large amount of fan mail waiting for the boys when they came in, and every now and then one of the Beatles would pick up a letter from the pile and open it. But for the most part, they spent their afternoon relaxing, and talking about their experiences since landing in this city.
“They come on too strong,” Ringo went on. “That’s all it is, really.”
“They’re all hoping we’ll marry them,” a dit John, who was lounging on the rug, casually scanning over a letter he’d just opened. “Only this one says not to marry her, ou call her ou anything like that. I like this bird,” he added with a grin, folding up the letter again and putting it back in its envelope, which he set beside him for future reference.
“Johnny’s got a rendez-vous amoureux, date for while he’s here,” laughed Paul from his perche on the piano bench, eyes twinkling. “You want to watch out toi don’t make the other fans jealous!”
“Does he, though?” frowned George thoughtfully, from where he was sitting on the arm of the canapé suivant to Ringo. “You know, maybe the girls only act this crazy because they think they’ve got a chance with us.”
“They do have a chance with us,” Paul reminded him. “They’re not bad, these girls, and as none of us has got a girlfriend....”
George nodded. “Maybe we should have girlfriends.”
Ringo frowned, a puzzled look in his blue eyes. “Like who?”
John grinned. “Like someone who tells us not to rendez-vous amoureux, date her,” he offered, glancing at the fan letter he’d gotten, with the name “Emma” on the envelope.
“Someone who won’t sic her dog on us,” added Ringo with a shudder.
“Someone we can talk to,” George put in.
“Maybe someone we can chase after ourselves for a change,” Paul suggested.
“Doesn’t sound like any girl we meet,” John pointed out.
George shook his head. “It doesn’t sound like any of our fans,” he corrected John quietly.
Ringo frowned, his wide mouth sagging into a pout. “Does that matter? Our fans – they l’amour us and all, but if we dated someone who wasn’t....”
“They might l’amour other things about us,” George finished for him. “Not just the music.”
John caught on. “They wouldn’t l’amour us just for being Beatles.”
“Should we do it?” wondered Paul, looking from one friend to the other questioningly. “Should we try and find ourselves girl Friends who have never been Beatles fans?”
John considered. “Fine with me.”
“I’m in,” a dit Ringo quickly, touching his ripped chemise collar.
“Yeah,” George nodded. “Then when we see our fans, they might be calm enough we can talk to them.”

With this new plan in mind, it was time for the Beatles to go get some supper, and then down to a theatre to sing their heartrending l’amour songs to the very girls they had decided would not become their new girlfriends. The Beatles were still convinced their plan was a good one as the evening wore on, even as the multitude of girls in the theatre screamed and cried and held up signs asking certain Beatles to call her ou marry her.
Emma was in the crowd, jumping up and down and screaming as the Beatles sang. She saw the signs the other girls carried throughout the crowd, and was pleased to see that none of them had thought of asking John not to call her ou marry her. She wondered if John had gotten her letter yet. When he did, he was sure to choose her! Out of all the girls in the city, Emma thought, she was the only one who understood how John thought. She was the best match for him out of any girl in England!
Jenna was in the crowd, though luckily for Ringo, Butch was not. “Ringo!!!!” she cried, waving emphatically as she leaned vers l'avant, vers l’avant to get a better look, but she didn’t think he heard her. She had made herself stand out to him already today, though, and she was willing to bet Ringo remembered her! When the Beatles completed their tour, Jenna would be the one who stood out in Ringo’s mind. It would be her he wanted; she was sure of it.
Susan was in the crowd, tears pouring down her face with each incomparable l’amour song, fresh sobs starting whenever Paul began to sing. She loved him so, so much... Was he thinking of her as he sang those delectable songs, "Love Me Do" and "Hold Me Tight" and "I Saw Her Standing There" (though this one would take another couple of years to apply to Susan, since she was only fifteen, not seventeen. But that didn’t mean Paul couldn’t think of her while chant it!) Paul should be thinking of her, because Susan thought of herself and him with every song.
And meanwhile, even as the faithful fans surrounded them with loving screams, the Beatles wondered who would be the lucky girls they would soon be chant their songs for, almost certain it wouldn’t be anyone in this room.
After the concert, the Beatles slipped off quickly and quietly before the fans could see where they’d gone, which didn’t stop a large crowd of clever girls who had gotten outside early enough to find them from chasing their car a block ou two until it finally outran them. The Beatles were looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to finding their new girlfriends, and chatted with one another about how it might be easier to interact with the fans when that happened. They spoke about what kind of girls they liked, too, but for the most part agreed they were up for anyone as long as she was pretty and nice.
Happy but tired, and ready to nap for a while when they got back in, the Beatles entered their hotel room and were about to turn on the lights when they noticed the lights were already on.
Someone was already sitting in their hotel room waiting for them. A very pretty teenage girl.
posted by 80smusiclover1
"George, I must say it is indeed a grand honour to have a part in recording this new song with your mates!", a dit a very excited Pattie shortly after he and his daughter fetched her. George replied, "You know it, me lovely lady! This will be a splendid session for us all." Laura said, "Exactly, daddy George. I can hardly wait myself!" He responded with a wink. As the trio drove through the streets, they saw a familiar figure wearing a summer dress and a blue floppy hat who had paused for a while to take a sip of the iced thé that she brought along (since it was a warm day). This was, of course,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After two days had passed, George and Ringo were finally able to write down their idea for the new song. As they watched the boats again while having lunch at the harbor on the jour before driving back home, the former asked, "Ladies, I'm sure you'll l’amour what this song idea of ours is gonna be. Would toi like to hear about it?" Laura replied while playing with the submarine, "Of course, daddy George! Bring it on!" Pattie said, "Go ahead, darling!" George said, "Okay, so this one will be something different and fun at the same time: A song that will appeal not just to our fans, but their families...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The following morning, everyone was just about ready to have breakfast at the restaurant when they heard a knock on the door. George and Ringo proceeded to answer it, and standing there in the hallway was none other than the organizer of the sandcastle contest! He told them, "Hello again! As promised par the judges, I've come to tell toi about the final results." George replied, "Great! We knew toi would." Ringo added excitedly, "So, what are they?" The organizer then reached into his chemise pocket and, at long last, the box containing the die-cast submarine was shown before their very eyes for...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"So what do toi think of the water here, uncle Ringo?", asked Laura as they swam together and waited for George to rejoindre in while he checked another area of the beach. He replied, "It feels great, my dear Laura! Just the right temperature, too." Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Tell me about it!" Laura said, "Yeah, I'd have to agree!" Ringo smiled. He then remarked on her future mother (who was sunbathing), "And Pattie looks absolutely gorgeous in that bikini!" This made Laura chuckle and nod in response. Pattie smiled as well. "You took the words out of me mouth, Ritchie!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that the contest was about to begin, George, Ringo, Pattie, and Laura were all set in their tenue de plage, maillots de bain and went to meet with the organizer. He then greeted them with handshakes and said, "Welcome to our annual sandcastle making contest! toi must be George Harrison and Ringo Starr of the Beatles, eh?" George replied, "Correct-a-mundo, sir! We are veddy honored to participate in this exciting event ourselves." Ringo added, "What he said! This is also bound to be the highlight of our vacation here in Weymouth." The girls nodded in agreement. "Jolly good to know!", remarked the organizer. He...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
For the jour shy of the sandcastle contest, our Heroes decided to explore the town's harbor while doing some window shopping at its quirky stores. Pattie remarked, "I must say this place is a chock-full of history!" George replied, "You're telling me, sweetheart! It has a certain lovely charm as well." "Absolutely, darling.", she replied with a nod. Laura asked, "So when shall we buy our keepsakes for this vacation, daddy George?" He responded, "Oh, we'll do that on the jour before we drive home, my dear." Laura replied, "Okie dokie! I hope we can find anything cool and unique to take with us."...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Well, looks like we've made it to the town square!", remarked George as the group found themselves standing suivant to the Victorian era clock tower. Ringo replied, "Yes, mate. We certainly have. Let's take some photos while we're here!" George responded, "I was about to say that, Ritchie! Of course!" And so they did. par the time they were finished, Laura remarked, "Mmm... Something smells good, daddy George! Where is that coming from?" George looked around and saw that a nearby mini donut chariot, panier was baking some fresh batches of the sweet treats. He then said, "What a perfect timing! Are toi in...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Everyone woke up feeling refreshed at the dawn of the suivant day, and shortly after breakfast, they went outside to find the registration booth for the sandcastle making contest. George a dit as they walked, "Ahh... There's nothing like the smell of that sweet sea breeze and the sound of those gentle waves. I know you're all looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to being in the water again soon!" Laura replied, "Oh, yes! toi bet we are, daddy George." Pattie said, "I also look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to building our best sandcastle for this contest!" Ringo added, "And hopefully, we'll be able to win that submarine!" He then asked...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
About an heure later, George, Pattie, Ringo, and Laura returned downstairs to explore the lobby. In addition to a Mediterranean-themed restaurant, there were two kiosks which were specially made for beachgoers: One sells swimwear and inflatables, while the other offers various bottled refreshments (water, soda, juice, and even chocolat drinks). As they passed par the hotel's bulletin board for upcoming events, one of them caught Laura's attention. She said, "Daddy George! Take a look at this!" George did so with Pattie and Ringo following behind him. He then said, "Oooh! That sounds bloody exciting!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After going through the usual check-in process, the group went straight to their room. Upon entering, they were amazed at how big and plage house-like it was. There were two beds (one queen-size and one single-size), a living room area, a dining table, and a balcony with an excellent view of the sea. George remarked, "Now THIS is what I'd call the perfect place for us to sleep and relax in while we are here!" Laura replied as she tested the softness of their bed, "That's what I thought, too, daddy George!" Pattie added, "And we can enjoy the view while sipping on some thé ou coffee as well,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once everyone was on board, they soon had a breezy ride on the highway to their destination. "I hope we can find some inspiration for the songs in our new album during this trip, mate.", a dit Ringo. George replied, "I'm certain we will, Ritchie. The plage offers plenty of ideas for that." Ringo replied, "Yeah, toi are correct there!" Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed!" Pattie said, "You and your mates are gonna release a new album, darling? How splendid!" George said, "That's right, sweetheart! The planned rendez-vous amoureux, date is August 5." Pattie gave a thumbs up in response. Laura...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The summer of '66 has officially started, and toi know what that means... Time for another exciting plage trip! Let's head on over to Kinfauns and see how George and his daughter are getting prepared, shall we?

With his ringing alarm clock and the sun's rays reflecting through the windows awakening him, George exclaimed, "Today's the day! Time for me to get ready!" He then stopped the alarm, got up from bed, and proceeded to the bathroom for a douche (complete with some singing). Afterwards, he dried himself off, put on clean boxers and his outfit for the ride to Weymouth, brushed his pearly-whites,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was almost evening while the Heroes and Lucky were walking back to the Palace. "So how was your call with the police, ma'am?", asked Laura. Elizabeth replied, "It went well, Laura. They actually thanked me for letting them know where Sinister Gates was. He's been on their wanted liste ever since the ban on dog fighting came into full effect. But because he does his dirty business in secret, they had quite a difficult time tracking him down. That is, until earlier." Laura remarked, "Oh, good to hear!" George added, "Yes. And he won't be able to run away from them anymore after Lucky and I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Well done, my friends!", remarked Elizabeth as she returned from calling the police and saw how George, Pattie, and Laura had defeated Sinister Gates and his comrades. George replied, "Woof! Thank you, Your Majesty! I must say we had one heck of a showdown!" Pattie nodded in agreement. Laura added, "And look who escaped from the cage at last!" With that, Lucky barked happily upon seeing his beloved master and proceeded to give her a hug with his paws. Elizabeth said, "My darling Lucky! How I missed toi very much! Are toi all right?" He made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Yes, I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
At about the same time, the comrades of Sinister Gates returned, and what they reported certainly didn't please him. One said, "Boss, we hate to break this to you, but we weren't able to catch an opponent for that royal dog. toi might as well postpone the fight in the meantime." Gates replied, "What?! NO! I want the money NOW!! Your chercher wasn't good enough, idiots!" Another replied while shaking with fear, "But we are already tired! Can't toi give us all a break?" Gates retorted, "I will not rest until the blood of this furball is in my hands!" Just then, he froze upon hearing a woman's voice...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After crossing that bridge, the group walked through a grassy area until they finally reached the power station. George remarked, "Judging par its name alone, this building can generate jolts of electricity for the nearby areas, eh?" Elizabeth replied, "You are correct, George. That's the main purpose for why it was opened back in the 1930's." Laura said, "Oooh, very interesting. I just learned something new!" Pattie added, "So did I, darling! Woof!" George and the Queen smiled in return. Once they made it to the entrance, and due to the door's handle being rather high, our Heroes decided to...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once they were back outside, our Heroes proceeded to the Palace gardens to activate the Corgi necklace. Since this is going to be an undercover search, they went for one of its plus private spots: The gazebo. Afterwards, Elizabeth said, "Our time has come, my friends. Are toi ready for this?" Laura replied, "Yes, ma'am. We're all set!" George and Pattie agreed. Elizabeth replied, "Very well, then!" So with five taps, the pendant's eyes glowed, and its mouth opened to release four small clouds of indigo-colored smoke. Then, one par one, they transformed the Queen, George, Laura, and Pattie into...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
While walking to the Queen's apartment, it was revealed that Lucky was the Corgi who had gone missing, and that he was last seen the jour before the news broke out during a hike at the nearby park. "We've searched everywhere, but to no avail sadly. I just hope my poor Angel is going to be fine...", finished Elizabeth. George replied, "Don't worry, ma'am; I'm certain about that once we find him." Laura added, "And whoever is responsible for this will be in BIG trouble! Right, daddy George?" George remarked, "Precisely, Laura, darling! toi took the words straight out of me mouth!" Pattie exclaimed,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Hello again, Your Majesty!", called out George as they were approaching the entrance. The Queen was pleasantly surprised upon hearing his Liverpudlian voice and replied, "Greetings, my friends! What brings toi back here?" George said, "Me daughter and I have come to help toi in finding one of your Lost Corgis. We heard about it through the paper yesterday." Elizabeth said, "Really? Well, that's very kind of you! I am just about to begin the chercher party myself." Pattie remarked, "Yes! I knew it!" That made George place a hand on her shoulder and say, "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce toi to...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
suivant morning, George and Laura drove off to fetch Pattie before proceeding to the Palace for their mission. Laura a dit while they were on the road, "Gee, daddy George. I wonder what happened to that poor Corgi..." George replied, "Me too, Laura, darling. I'm sure we'll find out about that soon, though." Laura smiled and nodded in agreement. Pattie herself was ready and waiting par the time they reached her flat. As she boarded George's car, the lovebirds greeted each other with sweet pecks on the cheek. He then asked, "How are you, love?" Pattie replied, "I'm doing great, honey. Thanks!" George...
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