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posted by Icepaw_Kenobi
To Obi-Wan's immense relief and gratitude, Siri's funeral was not followed par questions. His padawan was silent on the walk back to their quarters. Anakin went straight to bed, only pausing for a small "goodnight master." Obi-Wan, too choked up to speak, simply nodded. He sensed the hurt anger through their bond and sighed. He knew that Anakin wanted to know what was going on, but was too afraid of what the réponses would be. Obi-Wan owed him the answers, that was certain, but every time he decided that he was going to talk, something stopped him. In lit that night, for the first time since his knighting, Obi-Wan Kenobi wet his oreiller with tears. Jedi did not cry.
The suivant day, Obi-Wan and Anakin ate breakfast in silence. It seemed to press on Obi-Wan's ears, threatening to avaler, hirondelle him up. He knew what it was like to have secrets kept from him, knew what it was like to have a distant master, but he couldn't talk. He knew what he needed, but it would be hard. Anakin started classes without protest. perhaps sensing Obi-Wan's sense of purpose, perhaps simply wanting to get away from the web of lies and deceit that stretched over the entire galaxy.

Obi-Wan leaned back in his chair and put his head in his hands. There was a black veil separating him and the rest of the temple, a black veil spun of murder and secrets. Jedi did not keep secrets. Obi-Wan got to his feet and started for the door. It was time to gather his strength. It was time to tear down the veil.

He walked in the shadows, hiding his force presence and slowly making his way to the Room of a Thousand Fountains. The room had always been his sanctuary, his place to go to find peace when there was none. It had especially helped him after the Melida-Daan incident, when the only looks had been accusing, his only words angry. The room had helped to keep him sane, living in the here and now instead of reliving past mistakes. Master Yoda had been there sometimes too; he went to the room every jour to meditate. The room was a place of rebirth, peace, comfort, and stability. Both Master Yoda and it had helped him then. They would both help them now. ou so he hoped. In these times, it was difficult to know what to think.

Obi-Wan found the small master in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. He sat on a bench with his eyes closed, feet swinging and humming a tune. He felt a flicker of doubt. Master Yoda would understand, wouldn't he? When Obi-Wan knelt before him in the customary montrer of respect, the diminutive master opened his eyes and fixed Obi-Wan with a knowing stare.

"Master Yoda...I...I need to talk to you."

"Yes. Excepting toi I have been." He patted the siège suivant to him. Obi-Wan sat. Jedi did not refuse suggestions from the Grand Master, even if they would rather stay on their knees. "See that blue flower, do you?"
"Yes Master. It's beautiful." Obi-Wan a dit dutifully.

The fleur was indeed beautiful. It was a pure, delicate lavender. The mist from the fontaine landed on it, creating little droplets of water on the petals and outlining every detail. Yoda gently blew into the air. As Obi-Wan watched, the petals fell from the stem. They drifted to the ground, and the stem shriveled up.

"That flower, beautiful, it was. A Jusu flower, it is called. Extremely beautiful, yet delicate. Killed par wind, it was. Bloom again, it shall. And the life process, repeat itself it will have to. Because of a simple gesture on my part."

Obi-Wan had a sickening feeling he knew where this was going, but he a dit nothing.

"Yes. A terrible crime on my part, this was. Murder, some might call it. Took a living being's life away, I did. Much like toi did, hmm?"

"Yes, master." Obi-Wan's voice was calm, but inside he felt sick. His intestines roiled around in his gut and bile rose in his throat.

"Yes. Killed, a bounty hunter was, in revenge I sense. Yet regret and guilt, I also sense. Turned to the dark side, toi have not. l’amour Siri, toi did. Control it, toi did, and if not, might have turned to the dark side fully. Both a terrible and a beautiful thing, l’amour is. Fear it, we should, yet need it, we do. A mystery, the galaxy is."

"Yes Master. But what if I did turn to the dark side, and I just don't know it yet? There was a dragon, inside of me." His voice was rising in pitch and desperation as Master Yoda listened without interruption. "A dragon of anger, and hate. I spent my whole life dispelling those emotions, yet they still threaten to overwhelm me! And what if that dragon decides to wake up anytime, when I'm here? It could, right now, and I could kill you, or…or Master Windu, ou Anakin! I could kill any one of the jedi! And I would regret it later, but that wouldn't help!" Obi-Wan wasn't making any sense, not even to himself. "And… and… Oh I don't know!" He put his head in his hands. When he looked up, in his eyes was sad bewilderment. "What's happening to me Master Yoda? Help me, please." he whispered.

"An aftereffect of this situation, this is. In time, heal it will. Perhaps a mission, help will. Think so, do you?"

"Perhaps. Oh, I don't know. It's just…"

"Yes?" prompted the old master.

"I don't think I can… I can't… I mean… I don’t think I can be a jedi anymore! After what I did, there seems to be a black veil separating me from everyone else. Maybe Bruck was right. I would've been better off in the Agricorps." Obi-Wan hung his head. He was then confronted with a blinding pain in his chin. "Ow!" he said, rubbing it fiercely. "What was that for?"

"For wallowing in self pity and doubt, that was. Humph! Turning into your master, toi are. Knock some sense into him on plus than one occasion, I had to."

Obi-Wan smiled at a vision of Yoda chasing his master around and waving his stick. His facial muscles felt oddly stiff. It was perhaps the third time he had smile since the war had started. Dagblasted war.

"See?" Yoda said, looking rather pleased with himself. "Smile, toi did. Smile, toi have not, since perhaps the beginning of the war.

"Yes. I'll take the mission."

"Good. Asked for, toi were. Send someone else, I was going to think I would have to. Telos, isolated it is. Joined neither side, it has. Neutral and undergoing a change of government, it is. Sent there, toi will be, to oversee the change. Valuable, Telos could be to our side. But like the times before the war, it will be. A datapad, sent to your quarters was. Leave at first light, toi and your padawan will."

"Okay Master Yoda. May the force be with you."

"And with you, young one. Wait one moment." The small master waved his hand, and the petals of the small fleur reattached themselves to the stem. The fleur was whole once more, and it brought with bit a sense of complete peace. That was not to last, however. Far from it. But as Obi-Wan strode from the Room of a Thousand Fountains, he was peacefully, mercifully unaware of the future.


On a private transport to Telos, Obi-wan sat with his padawan. He was looking out the window at the stars zooming back and remembering the his almost carefree times with Qui-Gon. But the seed could not return to the bud. Sadly.

His padawan suddenly spoke. "Master?"

"Yes padawan?" He felt a sudden wave of panic, but took a deep breath and released it into the force.

Anakin continued on. He was committed now. "Did toi l’amour her?"


"Yes, master." Please don't hide this from me, please.

Wither it was in response to Anakin's unspoken plea ou on his own, Obi-Wan replied truthfully, "Yes."

Anakin nodded and returned to staring out of the window. No matter what happened on this mission, he had gotten something out of it. He had learned that his master was indeed human. It was a very comforting thought.

Should I ask him? Obi-Wan wondered. No. Now is not the right time. The two jedi sat in companionable silence the rest of the trip.
Upon their arrival, they were handed a note. It read, I have been looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to this day. It was signed with a broken circle.
posted by rexsgirl123
Thorn: This is my fan fiction. Don't think it's stupid.

Cody: Rex, what did the Togruta say to her human boyfriend?

Rex: Hell if I know.

Cody: This is just wrong! What are we doing?

Rex: Not funny. Two drunks hail a cab, after the driver realizes they're drunk, he drives really fast and then dumps them. The first drunk pays and then the other slaps the driver. "Why'd toi hit him?" Drunk 1 asks. "For driving to fast!" The seconde drunk answers.

Cody: Wow, that was really dumb.

Rex: So?

Cody: Well, a soldier tells his general in charge that his wife wanted to get pregnant. He got the jour off.

Rex: BOO!!!

Cody: Shut up!

(Cody and Rex coup de poing each other.)

Ahsoka: Boys, stop please!

Rex and Cody: Yes?

Ahsoka: When a girl wants attention, just say "Boys." Ha, so easy.

Rex: Can we go shoot droids?

Ahsoka: Sure.

Rex and Cody: Yay!!!!
Thorn: Hope toi liked it.
posted by Icepaw_Kenobi
3/9/11: Phew, that was a lot plus work than it seems like it should have been. This is what I have so far, and I still have quite a way to go. Thanks to all the people who sent me links; it helped tremendously. If toi find a mistake such as a broken ou inaccurate link, misspelled character, would like to remove your story, etc, please feel free to message me.

Just Another jour on the Job
Author: AaronThomas (link)
Timeframe: étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars
Characters: Rex, Nix, Boomer, Snipes, Jinx, Ahsoka
Part 1: link
Part 2: link

The Trials of the Jedi
Author: AaronThomas (link)
Timeframe: étoile, star Wars: The...
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This piece was created as fan art only. Not to be used for advertising ou any commercial purposes. Part two.
étoile, star
aperture's eye
posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 10

reminder of the clones that are here: I don't even need this thing anymore...


Quay: Can I do it?

Me: You've done it too many times.

Quay: Aww...


Quay: *winces* Why must toi yell?

Me: Shut up... *turns on digital recorder* Say the disclaimer to the red light, Toby.

Toby: *on recorder* Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars only her OCs.

Me: Thank toi Toby. You'd better get back to Blaze before he misses you. BTW Fan: Nu Quitta be Jedi! Prefers to stay a gazillionaire now. On with the story!...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 3

Me: Quay disclaimer cus well again Levi is in a cabine injured.

Quay: Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars only her OCs: Levi, Bud, Buddy, Christian (chris), Twister, and Hurricane.

Me: On with the story! Kinda scary this chapter...


Levi's pov

" How can toi promise something toi can't do?" I whispered. " I know I'm going to be blind. There's nothing toi can do about it." He stroked my head softly. Funny how soft his hands are. I thought they'd have callouses from handling a blaster all the time,...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 8

reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Firebaze.


Quay: *ish still ducktaped*

Me: umm i've ran out of people. LongLiveTheClones aka Diana will be doing the disclaimer.

Diana: Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars, only her OCs, including Bud, Buddy, Jayfeather, Christian (Chris), Max, Tracer, and Fireblaze (Fire B. ou Blaze.)

Me: Thank you, Diana.

Diana: No problem.

Me: I still don't know if I'm going to untie Quay. And I think I will because I'm going to put...
continue reading...
posted by AaronThomas
"Hey guys, guess what I found..." Snipes finally spoke up. He pulled out a disassembled Wookie Crossbow.

"Hey! Isn't that one of those thingies?" Nix asked.

"Sure is, pretty sweet huh? I'm gonna add this to my inventory of Snipe's Hard Ware."

"Snipes, I'm surprised toi still keep that open. Do other clones really buy your stuff?" I asked.

"Indeed they do, I get some pretty unique payment for my wares. Remember when I found that broken lightsaber hilt?"

"Oh yeah, I heard the clone who bought it made it into a blade." Nix said.

Boomer added, "And remember when toi found a Captain's Garment? Do you...
continue reading...
posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 7

reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Blaze

Me: I'm back guys. I didn't qualify for state in math/science, but I got into National Honor Society. Just because I want to give myself a treat this chapter is going to be longer than my normal about 1,000 words. I'm going to shoot for 2,000-3,000. Levi Granted, disclaimer.

Levi Granted: I'm in étoile, star Wars, but I'm not owned par George Lucas. Spottedpelt nor I own étoile, star Wars, but I'm in it.

Me: That wasn't quite what I was shooting for, but toi get the gist....
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“What do we do then?” Hilli asked. Cade sighed and looked down at Andreas; he had coughed up a bit plus blood and started to feel the pain that the painkillers didn’t help well with. “Guess I’ll have to do what I’ve done before.” Cade stuck a small ball into Andreas’s mouth. “Chew on that till’ it’s a pulp.” Cade explained. “Then avaler, hirondelle it.” Andreas did as directed and passed out before he swallowed the pulp. “What good did that do?” Hilli asked.
Cade sighed and started to lift up the upper side of Andreas. “He won’t feel the pain as we take him to the ship,”...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 4

Me: Maury get in here to do the disclaimer.

Maury: Why am I doing it?

Me: Quay put in a special request.

Quay: Yup. Roll it Maury.

Maury: *glares at Quay* Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars only her OCs in the story.

Me: That wasn't so bad now was it? On with the story!


Buddy's pov

I was really worried about Rex. I knew Bud was too but I tried to hide my worry to help ease his. Bud was curled iup suivant to Levi. I knew Denal was trying his best, but even I had my doubts. I wrapped my arms around...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 9

reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Firebaze.


Anaconda: Can I do it? Please? I'LL BITE IF I DON'T GET TO!

Me: Of course toi can. That and I don't need toi biting me.

Anaconda: Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars ou any other franchise used in this chapter. She only owns her OCs. And I am not listing them out because she owns me and the liste is getting longer.

Me: Okay then. You've already met Anaconda since he did the disclaimer ou rather black mailed...
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posted by rexsgirl123
seconde in a row.

Rex's POV

I nudged her to get up. She stuck her head up, "Rex, why'd toi do it?" "Cause I can," I answer. Shelby sits up, "Gotta get your stink of me!" "Hey!" I yell. "Just taunting you, babe,"She says.

Shelby's POV

His sexy butt, that's all I remember before blacking out. His sweet, suculent ass. Oh, my mom will kill me.

I don't know if this is the last, getting pretty tired, I am. Ha, Yoda's voice is getting to me! Now don't forget to comment, toi must. Yoda's voice again. :D
Author's Note: I've been having psychic dreams about this. There will be 4 parts to this movie.

They let go.

Barriss: No. We shouldn't do this. It's against the jedi order!

Quinlan: Your the only one who fits me perfectly, so why not?

Barriss: I just a dit it!

Quinlan: Look, as long as we keep it a secret, no one will know.

Barriss: I guess.

Rex: He called toi two gorgeous...
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posted by fruitsofmalice
Hmm... I think I'm going to try to write one and I'm pretty sure it's a one-shot. So here goes nothing. It's not meant to be great écriture ou anything, just for fun of course, haha.

Padme sat on one of her yellow sofas in her apartment and studied her data-pad. She had some work to get done, but was too tired to finish it in her office. It was late and she needed to get out of there. She shook her head as she looked over the latest bill that was being promoted. She finally couldn't take it any plus and switched on the holo-screen. News reporters went on about a lower level crime that had been...
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posted by Icepaw_Kenobi
Title: Yesterday
Author: Icepaw_Kenobi
Timeframe: End of ROTS
Characters: Anakin
Summary: Anakin/Vader reflects
Disclaimer: Song- Yesterday par The Beatles; étoile, star Wars- George Lucas

He stands on the shores of a feu planet, sparks flying up from the sea of lava to cast an eerie red glow over everything. The sea below swirls and clashes against the banks angrily, its state of agitation matching the state of his heart. A small tear leaks out of the corner of a yellow eye, running down the man’s cheek to make a small stain on his cloak.

All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 11

Me: Wazzup guys? I'm back with chapter 11. Happy Late Independence jour to those in the states. Bubbles! toi get to do the disclaimer!

Bubbles: Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars only her OCs.

Me: Thank toi Bubbles.

Bubbles: You're welcome!

Quay: Short word.

Me: It was. May the 4th be with you! And Skye gets to do it suivant chappie.


Story's pov

Courage traveled through the halls of the ship not knowing where she was going ou where Shaquitta was. She desperately wanted to find someone who would scratch...
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter one

Me: Hello again everybody! This is gonna be a great story. I hope anyways. It's about a boy par the name of Jacardiardo Azul Blancavaco, ou Jayfeather. He's from Ukraine. Quay disclaimer.

Quay: Spottedpelt does not own étoile, star Wars: The Clone Wars, only her OCs and Stupid Jayfeather.

Me: Quay don't make me tape toi back to the mur with Mr. Quack! Do not call geai, jay stupid. On with the story.


Jayfeather's pov

I bounded downstairs from my room to the kitchen. I could smell the eggs and bacon sizzling in their pans....
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The suivant morning, Ahsoka had woken up. She got up and stood there.

Ahsoka: *thinking* Where...am....I?

Rex comes out of the bathroom and waves.

Rex: Morning, love.

Ahsoka: *yawns* Did I....stay overnight?

Rex comes closer to her.

Rex: Yes. Yes toi did.

Ahsoka: *yawns* Oh, ok. I should be going now.

Rex: Alright.

They Kiss right before she leaves and walks out the door.

She gets back to her room and turns the PC on.


TanoGal17 logs on.

OffeeBarriss logs on.

TanoGal17: Barriss, omg, I just found out that I stayed overnight in Rex's dorm.

OffeeBarriss: *faints* OMG!! R U kidding me?

TanoGal17: No.

continue reading...
It was late, at least according to Ahsoka.
She was waiting, waiting for the right time to montrer up and go to Rex's dorm.
She wore her maroon robe, over her PJ's.
Before she got there, she decided to talk to Barriss on Video Chat.


Ahsoka: Barriss, Barriss are toi there?

The screen turns black.

Barriss: Hey, Ahsoka! I thought toi were going to see Rex tonight.

Ahsoka: I'm on my way.

Barriss: Oh.

Ahsoka: Where are you? I can't see you.

Barriss: Under the desk.

Ahsoka: Why?

Barriss: Just watch.

Barriss stands up and turns the webcam on.
Ahsoka sees a girl in a purple jumpsuit with short purple hair.

Ahsoka: Wow! Barriss, toi REALLY changed.

Barriss: I know. I l’amour it.

Barriss twirls to montrer Ahsoka her whole outfit.

Ahsoka turns the PC off. And opens the door.
She gets to Rex's dorm and looks up at him.

Rex: Hello, love.

Ahsoka: *romantically* Hey.

They kiss.
They let go.

Rex: Well, we have a game of monopoly and "Rescue R2d2".

Ahsoka: Kay. Let's play.
posted by Icepaw_Kenobi
Obi-Wan miserably hunched down in his peignoir, robe and squinted in the pouring rain. The jour had been a long one, filled with meeting after meeting on how best to hold the elections peacefully. There were some people, supposedly put there par the government, who opposed the elections. They mobbed anyone foolish enough to openly support the new government and the people lived in fear of their families being the suivant to be attacked. The meetings were good for Anakin, who had patience issues, but for Obi-Wan they were a nightmare. Boredom led to thinking, which led to the note. And the note made Obi-Wan's...
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