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The TWILIGHT landed in the midst of a downpour, the 'NIGHTMARE right beside her.
The ground was muddy and the ramp made a squishy sound when it hit the ground. Master Sinube, Anakin and Ahsoka donned their Jedi robes the hoods up. Rex and the troopers put on their helmuts and stood in the mud. The clone captain had to surpress a shiver seeing the damage. Sgt Coric took a atmospheric lire and discovered it was alright for human, Togrutans and Cosians.
Ahsoka grabbed ahold of Anakin's right arm.
Anakin followed her gaze and felt a disturbance in the Force. It wasn't bad...just different. Suddenly a group of beings the likes they had never seen before, came out from behind the largest of the ruined buildings.
The beings seemed to glow with a strange luminesence and they were very tall easily towering over Anakin nearly two feet. They were covered with golden fourrure and had human-like faces with slits where a nose would be, and long ears like a Gundark. Their six-fingered hands were slim and long ending in claws. All they wore were long loose-fitting tunics and were bare foot, their feet clawed as well. The eyes were a glowing green that seemed to be lit from within. The eerie eyes held a sadness that nearly overwhelmed the Jedi and clone officers.
Master Sinube shuffled vers l'avant, vers l’avant his lightsaber/cane making squishy sounds on the mud.
"Hello...My name is Tera Sinube. I am a Jedi Master who visited your world many years ago."
The largest S'alebacian moved vers l'avant, vers l’avant and stood over the diminuative Master. It took a hand and layed it on Sinube's head.
Anakin and Ahsoka started to step vers l'avant, vers l’avant and Sinube put out a hand to stop them.
"It's alright," he said.
Sinube looked up a the tall being.
"Yes..." Sinube said, "I remember you..One Who Sees and toi remember me. Of course I'm alot older than when toi met me before."
T..They're telepathic," Anakin whispered, "I can hear what he is telling you."
Two shorter S'alebacians moved away from the group and approached Anakin and Ahsoka. The two young Jedi tensed up and felt hands on their heads.
"Master..." Ashoka said.
"It's okay, Snips, they're greeting us."
The beings cocked their heads.
"I'm human," Anakin said, "and Ahsoka is Togrutan."
"They don't speak?" Rex asked.
"They have no vocal cords," Sinube answered, "Rex, just tell them your names."
The clone captain introduced himself and his fellow officers. The clones flinched at being touched par the tall aliens.
"How do we communicate with them?" Rex asked.
"They communicate with sign language too," Sinube amswered.
"Swell," Sgt Coric grumbled.
"I can help toi guys out," Anakin a dit sensing the trooper's frustration, "On my homeworld of Tatooine, Mom and I had a friend who was deaf. She taught us sign language. I'm a little rusty but can teach toi the basics."
"If toi say so, sir. We'll try."