étoile, étoile, star vs. The Forces of Evil Club
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étoile, star papillon is the étoile, star of a Disney animated montrer called étoile, star vs. the Forces of Evil. étoile, star is my favori Disney princess despite not being a part of the official Disney princess lineup.

1. Disney princesses have been accused of not being able to fight for herself, but no princess kicks plus butt than Star. She has defeated Ludo and his henchmen several times. Marco often helps her, but he's plus of a sidekick to her than her knight in shining armor.

2. étoile, star is easily the funniest Disney princess. Her and the montrer have a unique style of humor that makes it stand out. The only Disney princess that's regularly funny that I can think of is Anna, but étoile, star is much funnier. Star's a lot plus eccentric and fun than any other Disney princess.

3. When it comes to visuals most Disney princesses are made to look beautiful, but I much prefer Star's unique design. She's a teenager and a comedic action hero so they didn't try to make her pretty. Instead they gave her a creative costume and a memorable look that makes her stand out.

4. Although the other Disney princesses were well voiced par their actresses, but Star's stands out the most. Eden Sher gave étoile, star a definitive voice that's a treat to listen to. Her voice work is plus memorable to me than any other Disney princess voice.

global, ensemble I think that étoile, star is Disney's best princess and one of the best fictional princesses of all time. I hope that she gets added to Disney's princess lineup super soon.