Sonic Club
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-At the restaurant.-
Nat: Mom! Mom! Are they ready?
Nat's Mom: Their ready.
-Nat's mom took out the first batch of chilidogs.-
Nikki: They smell delicious!
Nat: Too bad I can't smell.
Oliver: Can I try one?
Nat's Mom: Not right now. their still hot. I'll set up a fan to help cool them off a little.
Nikki: That reminds me! My mom made us cool capes! They have Sonic curled up in a ball on the back!
Oliver: Cool!
Nat: Sweet! lets put them on now!
Oliver: Good idea!
-In the streets.-
Clone Sonic(Thinking): What kind of trouble could I cause here?
-Clone Sonic walks par the restaurant. He sees Natalie.-
Clone Sonic: she looks familiar. That's it! Sonic met her right before Eggman created me. Lets start with her...
-back in the restaurant-
Nat's Mom: There their all nice and warm. Here Oliver toi can try one. toi have to make sure their perfect for Sonic.
-Oliver takes a big bite of the chilidog-
Oliver: It tastes delicious!
Clone Sonic: Do I smell my favori food?
-The three kids look over and see Clone Sonic.-
All three: SONIC!!
Clone Sonic: Yeah that's me, now what do toi want?
Nat: I promised to make toi the best chilidog and I kept it! These ones are fresh! try them!
-Clone Sonic picked one up and took a bite.-
Nat: Do toi like it?
Clone Sonic: I...I hate it! It's the worst thing I ever tasted! How do even have this restaurant?! toi should be closed down!
- Natalie's Mom and the kids just stared. Natalie felt heartbroken.-
Nat: You...You didn't like it?
Clone Sonic: Like it? I hated it! How could anyone expect to eat anything a seven an old made?!
Nat: I looked up to you! I wanted to be just like you!
Clone Sonic: Keep Dreaming kid...Wait never mind, stop dreaming. You'll NEVER be like me!
-Natalie started crying. She tore off her cape and ran into the back room. Natalie's Mom stepped out from behind the counter.-
Nat's Mom: toi need to leave. Now!
Clone Sonic: What? Can't I give my Opinion?
Nikki: That was mean! toi shouldn't Talk to her like that! She's your biggest fan!
Oliver: Yeah! Your supposed to be the good guy! not the bad guy!
Clone Sonic: And who's gonna stop this bad guy? A chicken and a little cat?
-Nikki was about to cry and Oliver's eyes turned light blue.-
Nat's Mom: Leave! NOW!
Clone Sonic: I'm gone!
-He left. After he got a few blocks away, eggman called him.-
Eggman: Who was that?
Clone Sonic: I don't know exactly. She looked familiar. Sonic must've met her right before I was created. Either way, she looked up to Sonic and now She wishes she never met Sonic.
Eggman: Good job! I never knew he met her. I'll be right over there.
-They hang up.-
Orbot: why are toi going there Doctor?
Eggman: Because, Once everyone believes Sonic has turned his leaf, I'll tell him he's working for me! Then I'll order Clone Sonic To destroy them if they don't become my minions! Bwahahaha! My Eggman Empire is almost complete!
Orbot: What about his friends?
Eggman: That's why I sent Clone Sonic to deal with them first. They won't believe Sonic and won't try to help him. Now get my hover pod ready! I need to leave!
Orbot: yes Doctor!
To Be Continued!

I brought the kids back. To bad they were bullied par Clone Sonic though.
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