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It was a cold and rainy night in Gotham City, a place notorious for the heavy crime and various super-villains which terrorised the place often. On the rooftops above the city stood the Batman, who was currently perched on haut, retour au début of one of the many gargoyle statues and observing the city down below, the skyline shining brightly in the heavy rain and blocking out the darkness.

Batman had a special reason to be in Gotham tonight, and it wasn't his usual duties of patrolling the city and fighting the criminals and various enemies in his rouges gallery. It was the anniversary of his parents death, which meant a trip down to Crime Alley and then to their gravestones, to grieve and pay his respects.

Bruce Wayne was only a young boy when his parents, the late Thomas and Martha Wayne were gunned down in Crime Alley all those many years il y a while on the way accueil from the movie theatre. It had resulted in deep emotional trauma and serious pain for Bruce, and also contributed to him becoming Batman as well. He had made it a tradition on the anniversary of their deaths to pay his respects, and he hoped that this time it would be the same, with nothing bad happening.

Batman continued to rest on the gargoyle for a few moments before he started to make his move, leaping off the statue and gliding down towards the city with moderate speed. He observed the crowded streets down below with his detective vision as he glided through the skies, on the lookout for any crimes happening. It wasn't long before the Dark Knight detected no crimes currently in progress, and so he continue descending further down Gotham to reach his current destination.

A few minutes passed before the Batman finally arrived in Crime Alley, landing down on the pavement outside an abandoned apartment building. He then slowly started making his way down towards the alleyway where his parents were killed all those many years ago. It didn't take long for the horrible memories to come rushing back to Bruce's head, but he brushed them aside as this was something personal and he needed to pay his respects, no matter how bad he was feeling.

It felt like an eternity to him, but eventually Batman made it to the alley and started walking down to the exact spot where his life changed forever, the heavy rain pouring down his cape and capot, capot moteur as he made the slow movements. Bruce had kept the entire event visualised in his mind, so when he looked around he could see the spot where the robber had emerged, and the alley centre where Thomas and Martha Wayne were slain right in front of his eyes. He kept on walking though, trying not to let his personal emotions affect him that deeply.

Batman continued walking very slowly, until he reached the alley centre and stopped in his tracks. He then reached inside his cape to grab a pair of roses that he had bought from a nearby fleur store and stored with his gadgets, before then gently placing them both down on the ground. Batman then kneeled down on the ground and closed his eyes, paying his respects and reflecting on the good memories he had experienced with his parents.

It felt rather good for Bruce to remember Thomas and Martha, as he often liked reflecting on his childhood and the good times he experienced with his parents too, although remembering them were always extremely painful for him, because the precious memories would forever be overshadowed par that fateful night in the alleyway, where he witnessed them getting murdered before his own eyes, and it completely broke him down and resulted in his memories getting suppressed, so when the time came to montrer his respects it meant a really tough battle with his emotions.

After a few minutes of montrer his respects and remembering his parents, Batman opened his eyes and slowly rose back up to his feet, keeping himself calm and composed all the way. He then turned around and start walking out of the alley, focusing on heading back accueil to Wayne Manor and visiting their gravestones. It wasn't long before his thoughts were interrupted, as two large figures could soon be seen walking into the alley before coming to a stop upon seeing the Dark Knight right in front of their path.

Batman could already determine that these two were common rue criminals belonging to one of the many gangs that took up residence in the poorer areas of Gotham City, and Crime Alley was a known hotspot for gang related activity. He watched closely as the two gang members laughed to each other.

"I wasn't expecting to see the Batman down here, what a surprise!" shouted one one of the rue criminals.

"I'm guessing since we've found him, we should now montrer the Batman that we mean serious business around these parts." a dit the other criminal.

"I'm cool with that, now let's kill the Bat!"

It didn't take long for the criminals to start brandishing knives and begin slowly approaching Batman, who just stood there and stared at them intensely before he soon took action par quickly throwing his batarangs and knocking the knives out of the criminals hands, following through par some rapide, swift punches that knocked them both out cold, all done in mere secondes thanks to his skilled combat abilities.

Batman soon walked out of the alley and summoned the Batmobile using the remote in his gadget belt, which then soon arrived in only a few seconds. Once it was parked, Batman got into the drivers siège and set the destination for Wayne Manor before then racing down the streets of Gotham as he headed back home.

After about ten minutes of driving, Batman soon arrived back in the grounds of Wayne Manor and drove the Batmobile down the hidden road which led to the secret entrance of the Batcave. It wasn't long before Batman entered the cave, and proceeded to park the Batmobile down in the small parking baie before walking upstairs to the main control centre, where he sat down in front of the Batcomputer to rest himself.

Bruce soon removed his mask and placed it on the side, before then turning around to see Alfred Pennyworth, his trusted butler and guardian walking up to him carrying a tray containing sandwiches and tea. He then placed the tray down besides Bruce, who smiled and grabbed one of the sandwiches to eat.

"Welcome back, Master Bruce." a dit Alfred.

"Thank you, Alfred." replied Bruce.

"I'm wondering how your visit to Crime Alley turned out, Sir?"

"It went rather well for the most part, managed to pay my respects down there without any incidents happening, although when I was leaving two rue criminals did try to attack me, but that didn't go so well for them."

"It's good that toi made it down alright, and back accueil intact."

I feel the same way too, Alfred."

Alfred then left Bruce par himself to return upstairs, as he still needed to focus on cleaning some of the rooms in the house. Bruce went back to drinking his thé and eating his sandwiches, and soon enough he had finished them all and was left feeling satisfied too. He rested for a few minutes, until deciding it was now time to visit his parents gravestones located nearby the Manor.

Bruce proceeded to exit his Batsuit and placed it back in the display unit before then grabbing another pair of fleurs and headed over to the elevator, proceeding to exit the Batcave as he headed up towards the main floors of the Manor. Once upstairs, he headed over towards the main entrance and soon headed outside, beginning to walk towards the gravestones nearby.

It was a rather long walk, as Bruce had never gotten over his parents deaths, and he was still feeling the heavy emotional trauma from that night in the alley all those years ago, but this was something that he needed to do, since he just wanted to get this over and done with. It had also stopped raining as well, with the ground left soaking wet and the dark clouds remaining in the sky since it was the nighttime, and Bruce found it all rather calming and peaceful to him.

After walking for a while, Bruce eventually made it to the gravestones of his parents. He then walked up towards them and placed the fleurs down on the stones before then kneeling down and closing his eyes, remembering the good memories he had experienced with his parents once again, back before everything changed forever.

"I really miss toi both, Mother and Father…" a dit Bruce quietly.

Bruce then suddenly felt a gentle warmth slowly embrace him from the back, something that he hadn't felt in a very long time. He couldn't feel any direct body movements, which soon made him realise that these could be the spirits of his parents, back from the graves to comfort their son and montrer that they still loved him, even when they didn't exist in this world anymore.

It wasn't long before Bruce turned around and saw the spirits of Thomas and Martha Wayne, standing right in front of him and looking all happy and young as they were before that fateful night in the alley. Bruce was left speechless par their appearance, and tears started to form in his eyes as he couldn't believe what he was witnessing right now.

"We both miss toi too, Bruce…" a dit Thomas's Spirit.

"We'll always be watching over you, my son…" a dit Martha's Spirit.

Thomas and Martha's spirits both smiled happily at Bruce, who had tears streaming down his cheeks like a waterfall and was staring at them with complete shock. He wasn't one to believe in the supernatural, so seeing the spirits of his deceased parents really left him wondering if he was now experiencing a dream ou something. Bruce continued to stare at the spirits for a few moments before he smiled, and spoke back to them.

"It's so good to see toi two again, Mother and Father…"

It was now a rather wonderful time for Bruce, as he was together with his parents for the first time since his childhood and it was something that he wanted to last forever, although sadly he also knew it was going to end eventually. Bruce then watched as the spirits of his parents begun to fade away, but not before they both waved him farewell before finally disappearing into the afterlife.

A few moments passed before Bruce proceeded to get back up to his feet and looked back at his parents gravestones before he then started walking back towards Wayne Manor to head off to lit and get some rest, thinking along the way on what he had just witnessed with the spirits of his parents coming down from the afterlife to be with him.

He personally thought that it was a special gift to him from Gotham City, as a unique way of them saying thank toi for protecting the city as Batman, making sure the criminals and super villains would be locked away and cause no trouble to the innocent residents that rested there. It was a theory that sounded completely strange, but it was also the only theory Bruce had to him witnessing his parents spirits, and he was very happy to have spoken with them again since it had donné him warmth and comfort on this very troubling anniversary.

Bruce eventually made it accueil after a while walking, and proceeded to greet Alfred at the entrance before heading inside and retiring to his bedroom, where he undressed and went into his comfy lit before soon drifting off to sleep, feeling satisfied with himself and incredibly relieved that this jour was now over.

It had been a really upsetting night for Bruce, having to pay respects to his parents on the anniversary of their deaths as both Batman and himself which bought back horrible memories and emotional trauma every an it happened. He never thought that his parents spirits would appear and give him l’amour and comfort, and seeing them really lifted the weights off his shoulders and healed his cœur, coeur inside as it showed that even in death, they still loved and cared for him.

Bruce slept peacefully for once, with wonderful dreams comforting him…
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
A tribute I made for my favori superhero, the Batman
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
A sonic, dbz and Batman three way tribute! All of these are from my childhood, so a tribute was necessary to get done (Mario and Superman appear as well)
added by RTS2000
This is dedicated to the Batman, his family and the rogue gallery that waged war against him, supplying us with all of the epic battles and stories.... Made par me
added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000
posted by RTS2000
I'm Riley, someone here on the site and here to have fun and contribute to the things he loves.

I used to be here ages il y a on another account, but it got removed due to some issues, so I recently returned after 5 years to contribute and have fun again.

I am a really nice and kind person who loves life and is caring, but I do have autism, which has affected me greatly, especially with being social and stuff. I have had major issues with stress and anxiety, which are still affecting me.

I am here to have fun, and be friendly with others and make some good memories. This has been a fun site to go...
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added by RTS2000
added by RTS2000