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Do toi believe in God? Does God exist?

Do you?
Bond_Of_Fury posted il y a plus d’un an
Flew: linkSource: Nearly every scientist agrees that the universe had a beginning. The most widely accepted explanation is the Big Bang theory ou some variation of it. The question is: What made the bang? If toi hear a noise toi look for the cause for alittle bang, then doesn't it also make sense that there would be a cause for the big bang? Stephen Hawking states,"Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang." The philosopher Kai Nielson says,"Suppose toi suddenly hear a loud bang... and toi ask me, 'Whatmade that bang?' and I reply, 'Nothing, it just happened.' toi would not accept that." Maybe you've heard Christians denying the evidence for the Big Bang theory because they believe it contradicts the Bible's revelation that God created the world. But well-meaning, Bible-believeing Christians have different vues on the issue. For example, William Lane Craig believes that the Big Bang is one ofthe most plausible arguments for God's existence. Adds astrophysicist C.J. Isham: "Perhaps the best argument... that the Big Bang supports theism [belief in God] is the obvious unease with which it is greeted par some atheist physicists."Agnostic astronomer Robert Jastrow admitted that, although details may differ, "the essential element in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis is the same
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
read it all again
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
 Nick16 posted il y a plus d’un an
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aléatoire Réponses

EmoSasuSaku said:
I will believe it if it's scientifically proven~~
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 I will believe it if it's scientifically proven~~
posted il y a plus d’un an 
who u think made science ? and who u think made the creator of science (science has been since even before people existed, it just didn't have a name till humans came along :P.....or did it ?)
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
i know it didn't but i asked the question and that's what toi gave me
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
^-facepalm- forget it
EmoSasuSaku posted il y a plus d’un an
BVB_fan4ever said:
i do belive in god, and god does exist
And I m proud to say that I m a Christian
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
same here
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
wait i never commenté on this ?
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
EmoSasuSaku posted il y a plus d’un an
Doodlebug81 said:
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Sinna_Hime_chan said:
Yes I do. God has proven Himself to me plus than enough -however faith begins without proof.
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 Yes I do. God has proven Himself to me plus than enough -however faith begins without proof.
posted il y a plus d’un an 
^_^ I l’amour that picture really beautiful and look Baby JESUS!
DarkCruz360 posted il y a plus d’un an
I l’amour that picture
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
UltmateUltima said:
I believe in God.
Does God exist? I don't know. No one knows for sure with real proof. Scientist might find proof a 'almighty being' existed one day. Probably. I've heard it before they did. But, what almighty being? We don't know if it's really a God, ou a special force that doesn't necessarily have to be God.

So, once again, I believe in God.
But from faith I will say God exists.
In truth, I don't know.

–––This stuff is creeping me out.
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 I believe in God. Does God exist? I don't know. No one knows for sure with real proof. Scientist might find proof a 'almighty being' existed one day. Probably. I've heard it before they did. But, what almighty being? We don't know if it's really a God, ou a special force that doesn't necessarily have to be God. So, once again, I believe in God. But from faith I will say God exists. In truth, I don't know. –––This stuff is creeping me out.
posted il y a plus d’un an 
God does exist and if u r a Christian shame on u.
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
^ Please respect the freedom of speech. I am not ashamed to be logical, thank toi very much. This does not reveal my religious vues either, if that's what you're thinking.
UltmateUltima posted il y a plus d’un an
prophet69 said:
Yes.St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor of the Church, is one of the greatest Western philosophers of religion toever live. In his magnum opus , the Summa Theologiae , Aquinas writes, “there are five ways of proving there is a God.” ( ST , 1.2.3) These arguments rely on Aristotelian metaphysics which I will explain as the argument progresses. Out of the Five Ways, I’ll use the first – a simple cosmological argument based on the Aristotelian idea of motion . I’ll then analyze the implications ofthis argument and montrer how it affirms the existence of God.
The First Way, ou the Thomistic Cosmological Argument
For Aristotle and Aquinas, motion did not mean spatial movement, it meant change. So in order to understand the First Way, let’s analyze the concept of change . However, for the ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides, change is nonexistent; for this entails that a state of affairs, such as my microwave four blaring obnoxiously, must come from another state of affairs, my microwave oven’s silence. To Parmenides, this is impossible – the being of my microwave’s blaring comes from the non-being of my microwave’s silence,but ex nihilo , nihil fit , Parmenides says: out of non-being, no being can come. Aristotle responded to this argument with the distinction between potentiality and actuality – that is, the new state of affairs exists as a potentialwithin the précédant state of affairs, until it is actualized par that précédant state.Now, we know that a potential cannot actualize itself, because it does not exist as a state of affairs yet. So only something actual can raise a potentialto actuality. In the case of my microwave oven, the microwave four must exist before it can raise its potential to trumpet cacophony. So what is actualized is actualized par an actual. However, we must stop somewhere – for only can we observe change if something is changing it; thus, an infinite regress of actuals is meaningless and would not be able to produce change. Note, however, that here Aquinas is referring to a hierarchical system of motion, not a linear system of motion. A hierarchical system is one in which potentials are simultaneously dependenton actuals; for instance, a microwave’s potential to be raised three feet in the air is actualized par a three-foot-tall refrigerator,which is in turn actualized par the Earth, and so forth. So Aquinas means there must be a “First Mover” in this sense. Further note that the “First Mover” exists as actus purus , pure actuality, without any potentials, for these potentials would only déplacer the system of motion further back – or, in Aquinas’s words, “we arrive then at a first cause of change not itself being changed par anything, and this is what everybody understands par God .” ( ST , 1.2.3)
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Analysis We know par definition that this unmoved mover is devoid of any potentiality. A being of pure act cannot be material, as that which is material inherently has potentials – for instance, to grow warmer, to move,etc. Incapable of any change, par definition, this immaterial being must be immutable and atemporal.We also know that this being is singular , for if there were more, then to distinguish between them there must be some unactualized potentiality –but we know that actus purus presents no potentialities. Aquinas distinguishes between two forms of power: active power, the ability to act, and passive potentiality, the ability to be acted upon. Thus, as Pure Act , this being has allpossible active power; that is, he has all possible ability to act, but no ability to be acted upon. Thus we can derive omnipotence. Knowledge, in the Aristotelian tradition, consists of three sequential states: the ability to grasp concepts, the ability to form complete statements on those concepts, and the ability to form conclusionsbased on those statements. We know thata cause can only give whatit has itself – for instance, a microwave four cannot turn our leftovers into chickens, because it simplydoes not have that ability, while it can heat. As the mover of all forms (in Aristotelian hylemorphism, the form isthe pattern of related things; for instance, the form of man is rational animality ) this being musthave all forms in this immaterial, noetic way. Thus we can derive omniscience.
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
An objective standard of goodness exists as the extent to which a being actualizes its essence. For instance, a good arbre is onewhich realizes its form of growing out with a great number of branches. Because this being is purely actual, it exists as absolute perfection, having no possible potentiality to be greater. Hence, there exists an immaterial, atemporal, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly goodbeing which sustains all in the Universe. Conclusion In the First Way, I (or rather St. Thomas, to not take credit) demonstrated that the Aristotelian concept of motion requiresthere be a First Mover of pure actuality to actualize the potential for change. I then analyzed the properties this First Mover must have as Pure Act , deriving omnipotence, omniscience, and perfect goodness. And, after this long journey, we arrive at the affirmation of the existence of a God in the Judeo-Christian sense.
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
Draculaura10 posted il y a plus d’un an
hetalianstella said:
I use to. I'm an Atheist now so no I don't believe God exists.
But I respect people who believe in him :)
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Does Atheist mean people who doesnt have a religion
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
^Atheist means toi don't believe in God ou a creationism, so yes.
hetalianstella posted il y a plus d’un an
Atheist, too
Draculaura10 posted il y a plus d’un an
DandC4evacute said:
Well, I'm Agnostic, I believe that there is a god, but I believe in evolution.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Bond_Of_Fury said:
Yes, I believe God exists. There is just so much in this universe, and it is all regulated so thorougly, there just has to be someone behind it. I don't think some force could have made it all appear like that. There is a solution for everything.

I believe a man ou a woman was the architect of everything that is. Everything is too complicated for anything else.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
ikr mhm
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
viktoriya773 posted il y a plus d’un an
What do toi mean regulated?
LaDispute posted il y a plus d’un an
@LaDispute: There is a solution for everything. toi get hungry? toi eat something. Problem solved. Thirsty? toi drink something. If you're tired, toi go to lit to regain your strength. I don't believe that a force of some sorts could pull this well-thought out system off. There has to be a being behind it, maybe even a human. But, that's what I believe in, of course.
Bond_Of_Fury posted il y a plus d’un an
misscrazel said:
No I don't believe in god but I don't know if god exists
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
AlOoOosh said:
yes I believe in god and he is absolutely existed.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
egyptprincess7 said:
Yes,I do believe in God and that he exists.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Same here but too bad somepeople don't believe in him and some think that he doesn't exist but they will find that out soon
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
But,I won't force people to believe in him. I believe he exists,well I now that I think about it. Yes,it's possible that God exists
egyptprincess7 posted il y a plus d’un an
Lulu_Kururugi said:
Have no idea
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Hey, Celiene (oh man, I guess I spelled your name wrong. Sorry) How are ya :D It's me! Ishan :D Usui--takumi. Hope toi can remember me^^
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
Nice icon, btw :D
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
KaulitZfan said:
yes loki is real
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 yes loki is real
posted il y a plus d’un an 
I like Thor Better- always have. He's HOT *le Thor
Sinna_Hime_chan posted il y a plus d’un an
i like tohr to but i l’amour loki
KaulitZfan posted il y a plus d’un an
how bte what do u tibk abot tony / iron man
KaulitZfan posted il y a plus d’un an
laura199627 said:
I do believe in god, that he created all of the creatures and I believe in evolution too.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
boytoy_84 said:
Yes very much.
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 Yes very much.
posted il y a plus d’un an 
When I see this picture I remember that died for all our sin.
BVB_fan4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
rikku_chan said:
Yes, i do believe in God.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
I personally don't believe in God, ou even a god. I apologize if this offends anybody, but the whole idea seems outlandish to me.

Everybody needs something to believe in, whether it's science, themselves, ou God.
But quite frankly, it's impossible to know if God exists ou not.

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posted il y a plus d’un an 
until u die some might say
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
ou many
Zekrom676 posted il y a plus d’un an
a.k.a spirits, entities, demons too but not the horned darl creatures things that toi can see although they could take that form.
Tovey789 posted il y a plus d’un an
LaDispute said:
Nope c:
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
marlanido said:
I was raised Christian So I Always Did...but lately i'm questioning the existence of a god..
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
I feel the same. I've come to the conclusion that I just don't believe in the Christian God.
johnlemon posted il y a plus d’un an
^yeah i'm close to joining you...
marlanido posted il y a plus d’un an
viktoriya773 said:
Yes I do! This world had to be created par someone... Evolution doesn't explain where the world came from! And the whole theory I don't believe in it! Why do people have to believe in something? There are some that don't believe in anything and don't need to? There are so much miracles that scientists haven't explained yet! I don't always rely on science!
Does he exist? I don't know... But I believe so
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
The Big Bang theory does explain where the world came from tho c:
LaDispute posted il y a plus d’un an
Which is a theory that a lot scientists don't believe! And I don't believe in it ether! As much as evolution it just doesn't make seance to me!
viktoriya773 posted il y a plus d’un an
But, nobody knows if the gravity was created par anyone ou it popped up from nowhere. I believe God used bigbang as a tool.
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
Shadowmarioking said:
i don't believe in any god
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Clutch13 said:
Yep, he's an asshole that abandoned his kids when he saw how fucked up they were.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
It may seem that way, but it's not entirely correct. Even though he ought to only need to snap his fingers to make everything alright again, he'd have to take away our free will to do so. If he'd just solve our problems like that so we could start over, in a few years we would make another stupid decision that causes everything to go to shit again. I agree with toi that he's probably not a very nice guy (or lady), but being a God must be hard.
Bond_Of_Fury posted il y a plus d’un an
P1) a perfect God would not create suffering P2) a perfect God might create humans though P3) a perfect God would create us with Free Will if he created us as all P4) Free Will comes with the potential to do good ou evil C1) donné P2 , P3 , and P4 suffering could exist without God creating it P5) Free Will continues to be a necessary existence a perfect God would maintain in his creations today C2) donné C1 and P5 we can see that suffering could coexist with the perfect God
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
BlindBandit92 said:
I do but I do not force my beliefs on anyone.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
adultswimperson said:
No I don't belive in God, Atheist right here people!
Oh and before any of toi say I'm going to hell for not believing in him, you'd have to be pretty much of a dumbass to be that person who says that.
There has been scientific proof he doesn't exist and these questions asking if toi believe only results in commentaire wars on other people's réponses and we all know we don't want our mises à jour flooded.
The only reason being religious is a waste of time is bscause it causes plus problems then it solves and I have better things to do.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
there's so many things wrong with this I'm not gonna even....just gah (XD)
Tovey789 posted il y a plus d’un an
There is no scientific proof that He doesn't exist. Theism vs Atheism both ends up in a draw ou a stalemate. Both of them have their own theory and explanation. But they don't have any strong evidience. As a theist, I respect your opinion.
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
@polarwagon15: It's better then being controlled par someone saying I have to believe in God when I don't have to, toi make it sound like being religious is a better option. I'll believe whatever I want so don't try to think your the expert here.
adultswimperson posted il y a plus d’un an
DarkCruz360 said:
Yes I do believe in god and baby Jésus but I don't force my beliefs on other people ^_^
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 Yes I do believe in god and baby Jésus but I don't force my beliefs on other people ^_^
posted il y a plus d’un an 
Book-Freak said:
I don't know.

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posted il y a plus d’un an 
shayK said:
I'm a Christian & I believe in him.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
johnlemon said:
I don't know. I'd like to, but I don't believe in a Christian God. As John Lennon once said, "God is a concept par which we measure our pain."
Perhaps that means that depending on what we have gone through, we all have different levels of belief in a higher power. Personally, I think that a God that punishes toi if toi don't believe isn't very understanding.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
magichand said:
NO !
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Holyshitwtf said:
Yes i do but i not into religion that much
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
tru. ..!!
Shanasha1996 posted il y a plus d’un an
101trx said:
yes & yes.
and i'm proud of it! imma babtized catholic fool livin' a good life god's donné me. :) <3
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
truly bless
Shanasha1996 posted il y a plus d’un an
yeah buddy. =D
101trx posted il y a plus d’un an
haddijack said:
Yes,I believe in Allah,Allah is everywhere but not visible!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Shanasha1996 posted il y a plus d’un an
Shanasha1996 said:
Yes< i believe in God. &nd he does exist.. ! :))
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
juurizero said:
yes he exist but exist and the shinigami and i believe in him plus in shinigami
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 yes he exist but exist and the shinigami and i believe in him plus in shinigami
posted il y a plus d’un an 
Ultimate bleach fan? Lmao BANKAI!
prophet69 posted il y a plus d’un an
the shinigami is the real Angel he says who is ou not Died
juurizero posted il y a plus d’un an
-SilverFey- said:
No, I don't believe in God. I'm not religious.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
summer2987 said:
Personally my religion says yes, but I don't know, their are also so many religions that believe in other gods.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
shadowlover3000 said:
I do not, at all.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
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