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posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, so this is something I decided to randomly do one day. This is basically how Total Drama Island would've happened if NoCo was one of the canon couples. Also: there is no TxG, ou DxC in this story, so please don't read it if toi don't like the couple. One last thing: this was inspired par a DxG series titled: “Secrets”. If toi like DxG, please go check out the awesome story par starburst-rock. :3

Also, I don't own the TD series, so please don't think I do.

*Noah's P.O.V*

As the bateau slowly approached an island in the middle of no where, I wondered why I was even here to begin with. Wait, I knew exactly why I was here. My good for nothing step-father a volé, étole and gambled away our families money, and I had to come on this stupid montrer to replace it. I'd l’amour to tell toi all the details of my whole sob-story, but it's to long and complected for toi people to understand.

The bateau finally made it to the island. With a heavy sigh, I grabbed my suit-case and went onto the dock. The sky was painted a dark-gray, and as I stepped out onto the dock, it let out a very eerie sounding creaking noise.

At the beginning of the dock was a raven-haired man who looked to be in his late thirties, ou forties, rubbing his head as if he hit it - hard. On the very end stood the rest of the contestants.

There was a girl dressed in all black with pale-white skin, a boy with multiple body piercings and a green Mohawk, a tall long blond-haired girl with a short-skirt and cowboy boots, (who looked as smart as a sack of hammers) an equally as tall raven-haired girl with even shorter shorts and a tube top, a shorter plus geekier girl with huge glasses and braces, a giant African-American boy with a bit of a five-a-clock shadow, a sporty-looking boy with a red jogging suit, (yeah, like he runs track) a long black-haired boy with a guitare strapped around his back, (oh goody, now we can have a guitare sing-along at the camp fire) a shorter blond-haired girl with a light-blue hoodie and surfboard, (where did she think we were, California?) a blond-haired boy with a cowboy hat and a vest that showed his entire chest, (like we really need to see his bare chest like that) and a skinny red-headed boy with huge blue wire-frame glasses and a pimply face.

…Really? Out of all the people in the world I could've been stuck with, it just had to be these rejects? Great, I can already tell I'm going to have a good time here. I picked up my suit-case and walked down the unstable dock – it creaking eerily with every step I took.

“Our suivant camper is Noah.” the male – I think his name was Chris – rang out, giving an oh-so-friendly thumb gesture toward me. Wow, a thumb gesture? I heard toi have to be pretty important to get one of those.

“Did toi get the memo about my life-threatening allergies?” Hey, I might as well ask him, right?

“I'm sure someone did.” the self-absorbed host chirped.

“Good.” Yep. Now if some aléatoire person on the rue finds me dying because I ate something, they'll know why. “Is this where we're staying?” Cause if it is, I might as well blow my brains out now.

“No it's your mothers house, and we're throwing a party.” the boy with the many piercings piped up, cracking his knuckles. Well, I must say, I didn't know my mom owned a house. I always thought we were living in that crusty two-room apartment, and I was sharing a room with five of my eight siblings. Where have I been the last six years?

“Nice piercings original. Do them your-self?” Cause nothings glacière than jabbing pointy objects into your own skin for the appearance.

“Yeah, toi want one?” the brute asked, pulling me closer to him par my lower lip and pulling out a needle. My eyes slightly widened, and for a moment, I was in absolute terror. It wasn't like I was scared of needles, but...I had a very strong disliking of them. Again, a long and complected story. I then retracted my fear, and replaced it with non-emotion – ou at least I tried to.

“Uh...no thanks. Could I have my lip back please?” I asked, trying to hide the fear in my eyes and voice. The delinquent teen gave a Victorious smirk, and obediently let go of my lip.

“Thanks.” Yeah, toi could've drove a needle into my lip. From behind me, I heard the girl in all black snicker. Great, now I had people noticing me. Hooray. I quietly made my way to the ever-growing pile of luggage, and threw my mine in with the others. I then silently merged into the growing crowd of teens, and I was just in time to see the suivant boat, carrying the suivant camper, come in.

“Whats up ya'll? Lashawna's in the house!” oh you've got to be kidding me.

I saw the skinny red-headed nerd gasp, and his eyes filled with complete bewilderment. Once the bateau pulled up to the dock, a plump African-American teenage girl stepped onto the dock dragging a leopard patterned suit-case.

“Yo baby, how toi doin'? Hows it goin'?” the home-girl asked, giving Chris a high-five. Even though she was only a teenager, she had a walk and talk that made her seem like she was in her mid-twenties. She then saw the rest of us, and added: “Feel free to quiet now, and save yourselves the trouble, cause I came to win.” Yeah, so did everyone else on this dock. She then approached the giant, and raised her arm for a high-five. “Oh, whats up my brother? Give me some sugar baby!” Yeah, I'm sure they know each other. The giant gave her a high-five, and at that moment, the red-headed nerd came up behind her, and studied her a bit.

“I've never seen a girl like in real life before.” No, really? That comes as a complete shock to me.

“Excuse me?” the girl asked, putting her hands firmly on her hips and raising an eye-brow. Uh-oh, hands on hips never means non-bruised nerd.

“Your real big...and loud.” Yep, he's defiantly gonna get some bruises for that one.

“What did toi say to me?!” Lashawna asked, giving a bit of a hear-roll for plus effect. “Oh no toi didn't! toi have not seen anything yet! I'll montrer toi big, baby!” I bet toi will.

She poised herself, and was about to pounce on the poor geek (who was doing a bunch of aléatoire karate poses for some reason) when the giant and surfer girl garbed her and held her back. The geek then started karate chopping the air in front of Lashawna, and she struggled a bit harder to get free. “Oh yeah, toi want some of this?!” Lashawna screeched, narrowing her eyes in anger. “Well, come on then!”

“Alright campers, settle down!” Chris snapped. The giant and surfer girl let go of Lashawna, and she surprisingly didn't lunge for the nerds neck. She straightened out here shirt, and sent a semi-glare toward the super-nerd. In response, he gave small, sheepish looking smile. Smooth dude.

“That sucks.” I heard the delinquent whispered to the goth. “I was hoping to see her pound that mega-nerd.” wouldn't we all like to see that though?

“I know right.” the goth chuckled. “Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and they'll get into it again.” Seeing how those two act, I wouldn't be surprised.

par that time, the suivant bateau had docked. Two very similar looking girls stepped onto the dock. They both had the same stripped tube-top and short-shorts, but there was a major difference between them. One was tall with tanned skin, and the other was shorter with pale skin. The one with tanned was as thin as a twig, and the other was...well, in kinder words, over-weight

“Ladies: Katie, Sadie. Welcome to your new accueil for the suivant eight weeks.” And thats your cue to start running girls. There was a bit of a silence, but then the taller girl, either Katie and ou Sadie, put her hands to her cheeks and gasped.

“Oh my gosh, Sadie look, its a summer camp!” okay, not the reaction I was expecting.

“Okay, I've always wanted to go to summer camp!” really Sadie, really? Sadie then let out an exited sounding squeal, and then the two raced down the dock and threw their luggage with the rest. They then tried to merged into group, but Katie accidentally bumped into me.

“Sorry about...” Katie began to say, but then stopped and stared wide-eyed at me. What, has she never seen another human besides her clone?

“Hey, why don't toi try not staring at me?” I asked her after she continued to stare at me. Seriously, did I have nourriture stuck to my face ou something? She got a dark blush, and scurried off to catch up with her best friend.

“That was weird...” I mumbled out loud. I realized that the suivant bateau was docking. When it did, a shaggy-haired boy with a baggy, greenish-gray, hoodie and poof-ball hat stepped out onto the dock.

“Ezekiel, whats up man?” Chris asked, brining his hand down for a high-five. Ezekiel then looked up, and pointed to the sky.

“I think I see a bird.” Wait, did he really just say that? The guy with the guitare chuckled while the rest just stared with these: 'WTF?' expressions. Chris then put a hand on the Canadian-teens shoulder.

“Look dude, I know toi don't get out much. Been home-schooled your whole life, raised par freaky Prairie people. Just don't say much, and tried not to get kicked off to early, okay?” Chris asked, giving him a friendly push toward the rest of us.

“Yes sir.” he then marched down the dock. Seriously?

“Okay, thats just...wow.” couldn't have a dit it any better myself gothie. The suivant bateau finally arrived, and I was stunned par who came out.

He was short (like a solid five-feet) with sarcelle, teal eyes, scruffy brown hair, and a gap between his front teeth that gave him a child-like apperance. I felt my cœur, coeur begin to pick up pace, and I had to look in a different direction just not to blush.

“Cody! The Codester! The Codemeister!” so, I take it this guy has a ton of nicknames? The two of them high-fived each other, and Cody began strutting down the dock.

“Dudes siked to be here man! I see the ladies have already arrived. Alright.” Great, he's one of those guys. toi know, the ones who are always trying to pick up girls even after they say scram? He then made his way passed surfer girl, the blonde, and had just passed Leshawna when he turned back around and was undouldingly going to hit on her.

“Save it short stuff.” the home-girl said, putting a finger on his lips to shush him. Cody gave a slight nod, and joined the rest of us. He stood right suivant to me, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I looked in another direction, and tried to figure out why I was blushing.

“Eva, nice. Glad toi could make it.” wait, someone else is already here? I looked up and saw a intimidaing looking Russian-Canadian teenage girl carrying a blue duffle-bag walking down the dock. Okay, is it just me, ou does anyone else think there are dung-bells and vadca in her bag?

Despite her apperace, Cody still tried to hit on her. He raised his arm for a high-five, and in response, Eva dropped her duffel bag right on his foot. It landed with a clank, and Cody let out a soft cry of pain.

“OW!” he cried, brining his foot to his up and holding it in pain. “Whats in there, dung-bells?” wait, he thought that to?

“Yes.” well, one of my guesses was right. I guess I'll see if she has vadca later.

“Shes all yours man.” I heard the thug tell the giant. Yep, if he wanted her, he could have her. I then noticed Cody was still trying to balance himself while also trying to hold his foot. So I absent-mindedly put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. After a few plus secondes of holding his foot, he finally put it down and sighed in relief.

“Thanks dude.” Cody whispered, giving me a small smile. I felt my cheeks get a blush once more, and my cœur, coeur started beating fast again.

“No problem.” I replied, returning his smile. Cody turned to his attention back to the dock, but I continued to stare at him. He just seemed so inoccent, like nothing on earth cold hurt him. He was just so...so...

“WO-HO!” a very loud voice shouted. At the beginning if the dock was a very large male teen. He had a large white chemise with the canadian érable leaf on it, and had short blond hair. "Chris! Whats happening?! Ha-ha! This is awesome! Woho!" Just what we need on this show, another overly-enthusiastic slob.

“Owen! Welcome!” Chris exclaimed. The overly-joyed teen then ran up to Chris, and pulled him into a death hug.

“Awsome to be here man!" yeah, speak for yourself buddy. "Yeah! This is just so..." Owen then got this thinking look.

"Awesome?" the goth asked.

"Yes! Awesome! Wohhh!" How could she have ever guessed? "Are toi gonna be on my team?

"Oh, I sure hope so." toi a dit it sister.

"Wo-hooooooo!" okay, I know he's happy to be here. but how much joy can one person have?

"You about finished?" Chris asked, looking and sounding very annoyed. Owen then put him down, and put his hands on his cheeks.

"Sorry dude! I'm just so siked!" toi are? I couldn't have guessed.

"Cool. And here comes Courtney." wait, theres another one coming? As the bateau pulled into the dock, a brown-haired girl with tanned skin and freackles was helped onto the dock par Chris.

"Thank you." Cortney thanked. Just par the way she talks, I say shes a goody-goody. Well, it's not as bad as what she could be. She then walked to the beggining of the group, and gave a inoccent looking smile. Yep, shes a goody-goody. "Hi, toi must be the other contestant." what on earth gave toi that crazy idea? "Its really nice to meet toi all." well I wish I could say the same for you. Owen, who had just got into the group, reached out and started hyperly shaking Courtney's hand.

"Hows it goin'? I'm Owen!" yeah, rymings always a good way to make first impressions. She then gave a polite looking smile, and half shook back.

"It's very nice to meet toi Ow- wow." Courtney began to say, but then she turned toward the dock. I followed her stare, and I saw the bateau with the suivant camper coming in. It was a tall, tanned male with thick black hair. He was wearing a green low-cut chemise that exposed the beggining of his chest, and a pair of regular blue jeans. I mean, he was handsome I guess, but he was as real as a plastic vase.

"Hey, why is everyone staring at this guy?" Cody whispered to me. I did a quick look around and discovered that practically all the contestants - both male and female - were practically drooling over him. Oh brother. Take a picture people, it lasts longer!

"Probably because their wondering how much plastic sergery this guy had to get before he looked like that." I whispered back. Cody half-chuckled at this, and I felt butterflys in my stomach.

"This is Justin." Chris anounced as Justin came onto the dock. "Welcome to Total Drama Island." the two then pounded fists. God, is Chris giving everyone some sort of hand contact today?

"Thanks Chirs. This is great." toi say that now, but wait till toi see the living arangments pretty boy.

"Just so toi know, we picked toi based entirley on your looks." Chris explained. Justin then gave a shrug.

"I can deal with that." well, at least he's not trying to convince himself they picked him because he was smart - which he probably wasn't. Justin then started walking down the dock, but was stopped par Owen.

"I like your pants!" Owen exclaimed, pointing to Justins pants.

"Thanks man." Justin thanked as he continued to walk par Owen.

"Cause, they look all worn out. Ha-ha. Did toi buy then like that?" okay, easy there big guy. toi don't wanna scare the pretty boy.

"Uh, no. Just had them for awhile."

"Oh...cool." Owen then turned quickly around, and face-palmed himself. "Stupid!" And it took toi this long to figure it out why?

"Hey everyone, Izzy." Chris interjected. I looked at the suivant boat, and a girl with cruly red hair was on it. She was wearing a green tube-top like shirt, and skirt.

"Hi Chris!" Izzy exclaimed. She then started to run to the end of the boat. "Hi! Hi! AH!" she then tripped on the boats railing, and fell onto the dock - hitting her chin hard. She then sank into the lake. Epic fail, anyone?

"Oh! That was bad!" the jockey chuckled. Courtney ran to the end of the dock, and turned back toward us.

"Guys, she could be seriously hurt." yeah, but can craziness really get hurt? Courtney then reached in, and pulled Izzy out - which caused he to fall onto her butt and Izzy onto all fours. Izzy then shook her head like a dog, and her hair instantly became dry.

"That felt so...good!" see, craziness can never get hurt. "Well, except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? That is so cool! Do toi have paper-masha here? Are we having lunch soon?" Okay, I think I know one person who didn't take their medication this morning.

"That, is a good call!" Owen exclaimed. toi know what, I'm not even going to say it.

"First things first: we need a group picture for the promos. Everyone to the end of the dock!" thanks heavens! I was worried that I wouldn't have anything to remember the wonderfull time I had here.

As everyone - including me - headed towadr the end of the dock, the guitare guy made his way over to Courtney - who was still lying on the dock - and helped her to her feet.

"Are toi alright? toi fell back kinda hard." oh, he's good. Courtney got a deep blush, and started smiling a bit.

"Yeah, I'm alright now." of get a room toi two! I then walked to the end of the dock, and everyone was picking a pose. I tried to get a spot suivant to Cody - the only person here I felt comfortable around - but some way ou another, I ended up being slumped over with Owen holding me in a half-nelson. Please, just...just don't ask.

"Okay, one...two...three." a click was heard from the camea. "Oops! Okay, forgot the lence cap." really, toi forgot the lence casquette, cap was on? Chris then pressed a button on the camera, and the lence casquette, cap was instantly taken off. "Okay, hold that pose! One...two, uh. Oh, wait, cards full. Hang on." are toi kidding me with this?

"Come on man, my face is starting to freeze." Lashawna complained.

"Got it!" I seriously doult that. "Okay, everyone say Wawanakwa!" toi know what, why the hell not? As everyone - including me - a dit Wawanakwa, the boards on the dock we're moaning loudly. As soon as the flash went off, the dock broke, and everyone was in the water instantly.

Luckily for me Owen didn't that good of a hold on me. I got out from under his grasp, and I made my way to shore. Once I got there, the first question in my mind was: is Cody alright? I looked around, and noticed Cody was just coming out of the water. I sighed in releif. Truthfully, I think Cody's the only one I'll be able to stand here, and I'd probably go crazy if he wasn't here.

"Okay guys, dry off, and meet at the campfire pit in ten." sure, why not. After we all dried off and got to the campfire, Chris basically told us some stuff I'm sure everyone else already knew: this was Camp Wawanakwa, our accueil for the suivant eight weeks. The people around us could were our cabine mates, our competition, and, maybe, even our friends. Yeah, like anyone came to this montrer to make friends. He then told us that the last camper standing gets a one-hundred thousand dollars. Know, toi see, thats why we all came here for.

After many usless questions, comments, and answers, we finally got broken down into teams. On the team I was on, we had: Gwen, (girl in all black) Heather, (girl with long raven hair) Beth, (girl with huge glasses and braces) Lindsey, (the blond) Trent, (guy with guitar) Leshawna, Justin, Katie, Owen, and...Cody. I have no idea weather to be happy ou annoyed par that. We were known as: "The Screaming Gophers". Seriously Chris? toi couldn't have hired someone to come up with a better team name?

"Wait! What about Sadie?" Katie asked. Yeah, what about her clone?

Chris then a dit that the reamaining people were to come over on the other side. Geoff, (guy with cowboy hat) Bridget, (surfer girl) Sadie, Harold, (mega-nerd) DJ, (the giant) Eva, Tyler, (Jockey) Izzy, Courtney, Duncan, (the thug) and Ezekeil became a team.

"But Katies a Gopher! I have to be a Gopher!" Sadie cried out. Uh, a little to dramatic, don't toi think Sadie?

"Sadie is it? Come on, it'll be okay." yeah, I'm sure she'll believe that.

"This is so unfair!" Sadie scramed as Courtney walked her over to the rest of the team. "I miss toi Katie!!" Um, toi can still see her. Katie looked like she could burst into tears at any moment.

"I miss toi too!" seriously, can toi not see each other?! The other team was known as: "The Killer Bass". Okay, I'm pretty sure that five-year olds come up with these names. Chris then explained that we will be on camera in all public places during the show, gave us a quick reminder about the confessionals, asked if we had any questions, and finally took us to our cabin. The basse, bass got the west cabin, and Gophers got the East. I went into the boys side, and imediantly choose a bunk that was on the bottom, and close to the door. I put my stuff on it, and when I did, Justn immediantly came up behind me and pushed all my stuff off and replaced it with his stuff.

"Um, in case toi haven't noticed, I was already at this bunk." so get the hell off of it.

"Well, I want this one. So please, just let me take it." Justin then gave me a very seductive-looking smile, and batting his eyes a bit. Oh lord, not another: I-can-get-what-I- want-because-I'm-beautiful type of person. Well toi know what, I'm not going to give it to him! People need to learn toi can't get certian places in life with just looks.

"First of all, what the hell are toi doing? Second, I'm not gonna give toi this lit just because toi want it! I was here first, so just deal with it pretty boy!" yeah, probably could've thought of a better name there...

"What did toi say to me shrimp?" Justin asked, sizing me up. Oh, it's on now!

"Did I stutter pretty boy? Now déplacer your crap off my bed!" I then threw off his stuff like he did mine. Justin sneered at me, and narowed his eyes in anger. I did the same, and it probably would've gotten physical if Trent and Owen hadn't come in.

"Okay, break it up guys." Trent scolded, coming between me and Justin.

"Well, he's the one who started it!" Justin accused, pointing a finger at me.

"What?! He's the one who pushed my stuff off the bunk in the first place, pretty boy!" me and Justin went back to glaring at each other until Trent came between us agian.

"Okay, I have no idea who started this, but I'm going to end it. Now both of toi stop fighting this instant! ....wow, I just became my father for like a seconde there." Owen came up behind us, and captured me and Trent in a head-lock.

"Yeah guys, lets all just calm down and have a good time here okay?" the over-sized Canadian suggested happily. Then we heard all this whining from the girls side. Me, Owen, and Trent poked our heads out of the cabine door to see whats the matter. All we saw was Lindsey begging Chris for something, and Gwen holding her ears in pain.

"I'm glad we're in our own cabine with just guys, if toi know what I mean." wait...what did he just say? Me and Trent gave Owen these, did-you-seriously-just-say-that looks, and he realized what he said, ou what it sounded like anyway. "I mean...no!" yeah, whatever toi say big guy. I then went back into the cabin, and found a certian male-model fast asleep on the bunk that was supposed to be mine.

"I really hate mannequins now." I mumbled, picking up my things off the floor. Owen was still trying to clarify what he a dit to me and Trent, but I wan't really listening. Honestly, I didn't care if Owen was gay. I mean, I accepted my brother when he told me - in secret - he was gay, and I should accept this guy to.

As I picked out my new bed, I heard Chris announce we all have a half-hour to unpack and then meet him at the dinning. After that, a ear-spliting cry echoed across the camp from the girls side. Trent and Owen went to cheak it out, but I stayed behind to have a little peace and quiet. I laid out across my bed, pulled out a "Stephen King" book I brought from home, and stated lire it.

I had just finishing the sixth page when Cody decided to montrer up.

"Where've toi been?" I asked, not bothering to look up from my book.

"Some where." Cody replied non-chalantly. He then came stright up to my bed, and threw his luggage on the one above mine. "Mind if I take the haut, retour au début bunk?"

"I'm not up there, am I?" it's not rocket science honey.

"Oh...thats true." yes, yes it is. Cody then hopped up onto hs bed, and let out a yawn. "I'm gonna take a nap. Mind waking me in thirty minutes?" really, I can have that wonderful privlage?

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." well, except read that is. Cody let out another yawn, and shift posistions a few times before he was still. In a few minuted, his breathing patteren told me he was asleep. I listened closly to his breathing, and...it actually brought comfort to me. My own breathing started getting into rythem with Cody's, and even my cœur, coeur repeated the pattern. My eyes started feeling very heavy, and the suivant thing I knew, I was being shaken awake. I slowly opened my eyes (when did I ever close them?) and I saw the chubby face of Owen smiling at me.

"Come on Noah! Your gonna be late to lunch if toi don't get up!" that'd just be terrible wouldn't it? I slowly sat up, and I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to wake Cody. I quickly got up, and looked up at Cody's bed. There was no one their.

"Hey, where did Cody go? I was supposed to walk him up earlier." until I fell asleep that is.

"Oh, he woke up awhile il y a dude. Now come on! We need to get to the mess hall ASAP!" Owen the grabed my arm, and he pulled me to the mess hall.

Even though Owen a dit we were late, the ony people who were at the mess hall were Beth and Harold.

"I thought toi a dit we were late?" yeah, what gives?

"What? No, I just meant that if toi wanted a good spot in line, toi were gonna have to hurry and get here before anyone else got here. We're actually a few minutes early!" well, don't I feel suckered.

The rest of the teens finally got there, and the cook, Chef, a bulky Aferican-American man, introuduced himself. He basically set two ground rules: he serves it three times a day, and we eat it three times a day. Well, those rules seem fair. I mean, there had to be a break for vomiting what ever it is, but other than that, pretty easy rules. Harold and Beht were the first up, and they started asking all these questins about the food. Harold went into ths big: if-I-don't-get-this-type-of-food lecture, and Chef responded par telling him that he'll get: sit your butt down!

"Have a cow." Owen whispered to me. I have to admit, he's right. He did have a tiny anger problem.

"What was that?!" oh crap, we're so dead! "Come closer big-guy, I didn't hear you!" oh...then just Owens dead. The over-wieght teen reached over and got one of the two trays on the counter.

"I didn't say anything important..." Owen explained, looking at his feet. Ah, I actually feel kinda sorry for him.

"I'm sure toi did." Chef growled as Owen walked away with his tail between his legs. I got the other tray, and I noticed the nourriture looked a bit...abnormal. The thing in the hamberger buns remended me a little of a sloppy-joe, but the color and smell didn't match at all. Then there was this white glop in the soupe bowl that I wouldn't classify as food. "You, scrawny kid." I guess he must mean me. "Hand me your plate." Oh dear god he's gonna poisin me.

I did as he instructed, and he put another thing of meat on haut, retour au début of my other glop of meat. Of course...it came back to the spoon, but he manedged to get it on the seconde time. I walked away, holding my tray out a bit just in case what evers on it decides to spring up and attack me. I took a seat, and I noticed that Owen - the guy who I was sure could eat anything - wasn't even touching the contents of his plate.

'Okay, I know camp foods not designed to be the best, but could they at least make it easier for us to tell what it is?' I wondered as I poked at the white glop in the bowl with my spoon.

"Have toi discovered what it is yet?" a familier voice asked from across the tabel. I looked up and saw none other than Cody sit directly across from me.

"No, but if I do, it will be the greatest scientific discovery of the year." I told him - still poking at the glop.

"No kidding." Cody then started to poke at his globe too. Everyone then seemed to be in a state of silence until Chris entered.

"Welcome to the main lodge!" wait, isn't this plus of a mess hall?

"Yo, my man, could we order a pizza ou something?" actually, that sounds pretty good. Then, with no warning, a meat-cleaver went zooming passed Geoff, (it missing only par centimeters) and drove into a near par wall. "It's cool G! Brown slop is cool. He-he. Right guys? He-he?" yep, I'm not complaining!

"Your first challenge begins...in one hour!" Chris told us as he was making his exit. After that, people started to chit-chat again. Of course, all I did was continualy poke at the food, if I may be so bold to call it that, on my tray.

"Hey, I noticed toi were lire a Stephen King book earlier. Are toi a fan of his work?" Cody asked a bit out of the blue. I couldn't help but smilat his question.

'Actually, I'm not that into the blood and guts, but the way he writes just makes so much easier to read, toi know?"

"Yeah, I know what toi mean." Cody chuckled. "So, do toi like Anime?"

"Who dosn't?" I asked, earning a very happy-looking grin from Cody. We then spent the heure chattting non-stop. We talked about our favori TV shows, our favori movies, our favori series, etc. Of course, the whole time, I was basically letting Cody do all the talking while I just stared at him. I honestly tried to stop, but I coudn't.

When our heure was up, I was both happy and sad. Truthfully, talking to Cody was as easy as breathing air - it just came natrully. As everyone walked up the side of the of this clif in their swim-suits, (we were instructed to wear them when we left for the island) I couldn't help but wonder what Chris had in store for us. I then looked over at Cody, and a whole new worry set over me. I was no longer worried for me, but for him. I then remembered my mother saying that with love-at-first-sight comes an endless pit of worry.

But its not l’amour at first sight...right?

So, how was it?

Okay, I wanna add a couple of things real quick. I finished this at, like, 12:30 PM, so the ending may be a smidge rushed. Also, I've recently Lost spell cheacker, so thats why I may have so words pretty jacked up.

Anyway, I'll see how many reveiws this gets, and if toi all want me to continue, I will. If toi don't, please say so, and I won't bother writting the suivant part.

Thanks for reaading,
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added by hanselmanbd
Portia072402 is Mario Hanselmanbd is Luigi Hanselmanbd is Princess pêche, peach
pêche, peach
princess pêche, peach