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Flying Money

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: I must say, Chatta, you've got a real talent for...
Chatta: Are toi serious?! toi mean it?! toi really like my scoops, my articles? I can work here at the Pixieville Chronicle? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whoohooo! Yes! Yes!
Editor: Are toi finished?
Chatta: Do toi want to discuss my contract? Okay! Where do I sign?
Editor: I was trying to say, toi have a real talent for digging up USELESS information!
Chatta: U-useless? Could toi please be plus specific?
Editor: Useless! Stupid! Vapid! Ridiculous! Banal! Phony!
Chatta: Okay, I get it! But what about my article on Lola-
Editor: The flying Pixie? How many Pixies do toi know who DON'T fly?
Chatta: Yes, but she flies BACKWARDS! Isn't that incredible?
Lola breaks the office's window*
Chatta: Okay, okay, okay, maybe she still having some problems with the rear-view mirrors, but...
Chatta gets thrown out*
Scene: Molly Moo
Chatta lands on Lockette, Cherie and Fixit's table*
Lockette: You're early today!
Chatta: toi big nitwit! I was born to write the news!
Martino: toi are the news, Chatta! The most ejected aspiring journalist in Pixieville!
Cherie: Hey! My new dress!
Martino: toi moved the glass!
Lockette: Break's over! Bye guys!
Cherie: Now I'll have to go on a wild shopping spree and buy a whole new wardrobe!
Lockette and Cherie leave*
Chatta: Work, shopping, always the same thing! Nothing interesting ever happens in Pixieville!

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: I've been wandering around all night and not one single newsworthy thing has happened. This town is boring!
A musique is heard and a stream of money appears*
Scene: villa Ollivander
Chatta: Cherie, it's Chatta! Quick, open up! I have big news! There's a huge money snake roaming the skies of Pixieville. And a flying piggy bank!
Cherie: How many piggy banks do toi know that don't fly? What's so strange about it?

Scene: Fixit's House
Chatta: Fixit! Open up! Quick! I've got the scoop of the century! Hear me! Wake up!
Fixit: Give me a sec, Chatta.
He closes the window*
Chatta: Why you???

Scene: Lockette's House
Chatta: What a nightmare! I've got the scoop of the an and nobody wants to listen to me!
Lockette: I believe you, Chatta!
Chatta: toi saw a flying piggy bank?
Lockette: Yes, it was my Grunty...
Chatta: It's okay. It's okay, Lockette.
Lockette: My piggy bank had all my Pixiemoney inside!
Chatta: Don't worry, we'll find Grunty, and I'll write an exclusive article on the Mysterious Money grabbing monster!
Lockette: Yes, but how?
Chatta: Use your locating talent to find the piggy bank.
Lockette: Let's see! Yes! I can feel it! Yes, yes! Grunty is heading north!
Chatta: Good! Let's go!

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: It's a mystery, alright! Like some invisible force has sucked all the money from the houses...
Lockette: Look, a clue! Pixiemoney!
Gnomes: Pixiemoney?
They fight over a coin*
Gnomes: Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Not if I get to it first! Noooooooooooo!
Lockette: Look, Chatta, plus Pixiemon...mph!
Chatta: Don't say that word! The Gnomes have really good hearing when you're talkin' Pixiemon... mph!
Lenny and Yucca appear*
Lenny: Welcome to the Elves neighborhood! toi need to pay a toll to enter!
Yucca: Whaddya got, girls?
Chatta: How about... umm... PIXIEMONEY?
Lenny catches the coin, but a group of gnomes shows up and jumps on the elves*
Lockette: I guess we'll have to find another clue to help us find my piggy bank!
Chatta: Here's one! It's the musique I heard that last night! Let's follow it!

Scene: Elves' House
Maxine: Now this is what I call elf-style living!
Rex: And it's only the beginning! The Magic Flute worked wonders last night! Now it's gonna help us rob the Pixieville Bank!
Maxine: The swimming pool's not gonna be able to hold it all! Way to go, Rex!
Rex: Hey! Where'd Floxy go?
The house explodes*
Floxy: For Elves' sake! This thing won't open! Not even with a canon, cannon shot!
Rex: Give it to me, wimp! It's not that difficult to break a piggy bank!
The piggy bank bites him*
Chatta: Wow! That's quite the temper your pig has!
Lockette: My little Grunty is protected par an anti-breaking spell.
Rex: Wrench! Blowtorch! Bazooka!
All fail*
Floxy: I told you, Rex! That pig is a tough one!
Grunty smells Lockette and runs to her. They reunite*
Lockette: Grunty! I missed toi so much!
Rex takes back the piggy bank*
Rex: Get that Pixie! That pig is ours!
Chatta: Oh, no!

Scene: Bank
Grind: This is very disturbing!
Chatta: Don't worry, Mr. Grind! We'll free Lockette soon, you'll see!
Grind: I was talking about the money! That evil Magic Flute could wipe me out!
Chatta: Take it from me, par saving Lockette, you'll also save your money! All that free publicity will attract plus clients!
Grind: Free publicity? Really?
Chatta: Yes!
Cherie: This is the last time toi get me involved in something like this! Look at my hair, it's a mess!
Chatta: Quiet! ou they'll hear us!

Scene: Pixieville
Rex: Play it loud, Floxy!

Scene: Elves' House
Floxy: Hey, Pixiemoney that talks! And it's all mine!
Cherie: I'm not your gift! toi idiot!
Rex: They're taking away our hard-earned money! Stop them!
The pixies run away*
Rex: How dare you?!! I'll get toi for this! Venom!

Scene: Pixieville
Rex: toi won't escape us!
Chatta: We have to go faster! Come on, Fixit! Play louder! Louder, Fixit!
Fixit is exhausted*
Lockette: No!
Cherie: How do toi play this thing? It's getting on my nerves!
Rex: Hold tight!
Lockette: Give it to me!
Lockette plays the flute*
Rex: Hold on!
Rex gets the flute back*
Lockette: Oh, no, Grunty! What'll we do?
Chatta: Stop, right there!
Lockette: Oh, Grunty! Grunty!
Cherie: Don't toi dare touch Fixit!
Fixit: Oh, no!
Chatta: Got it!
Fixit: Nicely done, Chatta!
Grind: My money! My money! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Noooooooooooooo!
Caramel: What do toi think you're doing?
Grind: Trying to console myself.
Gnomes: Our money! Our money!

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: We can't keep on going like this! The Pixieville Chronicle needs big news!
Chatta: This is the biggest news story to ever hit Pixieville! All of our Pixieville money was stolen par the Elves and...
Rex: Got it!
Rex breaks the window and tries to take the flute back but fails*
Chatta: All thanks to this Magic Flute! Want to hear the melody?
Editor: Get out of here!
Chatta leaves immediately*
Voice: Open up!
The editor is surrounded par a group of gnomes after he opens the door*
Gnomes: Our money! Our money! Our money! Our money!
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