Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Kanto! Legendary Saga!

Taika posted on Jan 24, 2014 at 10:39PM
3 months ago, Team Rocket made an attempt at taking over the pokemon league. However, due to the combined effort of several trainers, they were defeated. Afterwards, they began seeking power, this search leading to the Legendary Pokemon. With control over such power, there's no telling how much terror would befall the world. So in order to protect the world from such a fate, Professor Oak began tracking these legendaries down, in hopes of capturing them before team rocket.


-No godmodding!

-No swearing/use of profanity

-No sexual themes

-Try to use proper grammer,and don't talk like you're texting on a cell phone.

Example:"r u ok?"

-No one line posts

Example:"Bob ate the burger"

-Kanto Pokemon only

Hmm,that should be about it....

(P.S-They invented Quotation marks," " for a reason you know.It's been a reoccuring problem with people not using them,and just saying things like,as i quote,but won't use their name,or Character's Name"~INSERT NAME~ said i know you can do it you just got to show you stength you know how weak they think you is and then smiled then said thank you for lunch then walk away with a smile."Unqoute.No quotation marks," " and it's hardly recognizable their talking,it.'s just more words! XP)

Character Criteria....








Starter Pokemon:

Pokemon Team:

Okay then! A world of adventures and dreams await! Let's go!
last edited on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:18AM

Pokémon 2504 réponses

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 2504

il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Now that I think about it, Matty-boy hasn't played the Blanky Game before, right?)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(right-o!and ,the blanky game!well!it's a looong story!i found smthin' too!!!)

there was the tree !!!big and blooming!on the top most part was red flowers ,which occasionally fell,leo stared at the tree !!!"beautiful!"she says quiet forgetting why she went there "but's that's not why i came here!"she said and starts searching everywhere!she shook the lower branches....and even tried the small holes ........"where is it?i have to find it!"she says looking even harder.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
pipiqueen commented…
typed together!*sighs* il y a plus d’un an
Nojida commented…
Ehehe, we did ^^' Oh well! X3 il y a plus d’un an
pipiqueen commented…
he..he!XD il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(You two seem to have found something to do, so... *watches you*)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(*narrows eyes at you*quit staring at me like that!)

leo keeps on searching!up and down!left and right!"found it!"she yells !a wooden box with a golden padlock!!!"now for the key!"she says thinking!suddenly she notices the note which was attached to the box!leo opened it gently it said........
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Well I have nothing else to do)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(oh!you are excused!)

"seek and you shall find!the answer,it lies beneath everything,but still above all!"leo didn't get anything at all,at first sight ,but the she had a brainwave ,"answer,could also mean key!key to the box!"she says as and reads the note once more............"seek and you shall find!the answer,it lies beneath everything,but still above all!"the words echoed through her head!
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(*Dramatic music* The key is Harry Potter's wand!)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(it is? i din't know it myself!XD)
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Really? XD)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(I shall deliver the key, A.K.A. Harry Potter wand, to Leo in a sec! I first have to defeat Harry and get it XP)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(you will?thnx a bunch!!!and yes,i'll be on your side when u fight with harry!together,we;ll defeat him!*dramatic music*)
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Hooray! XD But, first, I have to learn if the key that note was talking about was something else. I don't wanna get into so much trouble for nothin' XP)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(oh!you sure got a point there!but,i am out of ideas on where the key really should be.....soooo let's go with mission 'get harry's wand' for now!)
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Alright! Irene, I choose you!
Irene: Stop that! I'm not a Pokemon! *throws Pokeball back in Nojida's face and leaves*
Fine, fine.. Ouch.. I guess we're going by ourselfes XP)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(*sighs*......let's go then!hogwarts,here we come!)
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
(Jeez....you two are something else...)

"Okay!Man,i'm bored!"Matt complained,walking around."Noth'in to do aqround here!"He shouted angrily.
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Alright! *Throws TMNT smoke ball on the ground, we disappear, and reappear at the main hall of Hogwards!*)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(took you long enough to realise that,taika!XD............................h­ey!­*po­int­s finger at an old castle looking ...um...thingy?*there's a mini hogwarts model!!!)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
pipiqueen commented…
another type together!B( il y a plus d’un an
Nojida commented…
It's hopeless XD il y a plus d’un an
pipiqueen commented…
*sighs* il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Something else? Geeeez....Well it's true XP Man, we're all typing at the same time! XD)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(yeah!eerythings getting all mixed up!)
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Ooh, I know! *Uses RP powers, and Harry appears infront of us*
Harry: Huh? Where'd Voldermort go?
Stand still, we only want your wand *gets ready to blast him away*)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(yeah, surrender now,or prepare to fight ,fight,fight!!!
"hey!that's our line!!"jessie yells from behind.........
"yeah,no one steals our phrases"meowth says!!!XD)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Who brought those in here? XD
Harry: *sweatdrops* Uh....)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
(Honestly...you two....are definately something......not sure what,but something...)

"I wonder where everyone is....."Matt said aloud,putting his hands behind his head."There has to be something to do around here...."Matt groaned.
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
("we r going to steal harry this time instead of pokemon!"meowth says as team rocket swipes harry and takes him away!
hey!my wand!i mean,harry's wand,which will be my wand!)
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Get back here you little..!)

"Yep, I managed to figure it out" Magia says walking out of the shop "I managed to buy something for everyone!" she cheers, holding the bags with the presents up happily.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(no one get's away with my wand!*runs after them*)

"the key..."leo thinks..."well,i'll worry about it later!"she says smiling and then she spots magia with a million bags in her hand....."hey!is that presents?"leo asks walking over to magia!
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(*Gets magic carpet and flies after them*)

"Yep!" Magia replies happily "Loooots of presents, I bought some for my family, my friends back in Unova, and you guys!" she explains, showing various of bags with wrapped boxes in
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(sees your magic carpet and says hey ellie and jumps on to it!)

"cool!"she says looking at the presents...........
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Hey Pippy! Let's go on full speed! *Carpet starts flying at lighting speed*)

"Now," Magia says smirking "Did Matty-boy answer your question yet? I did leave you alone, so he must have"
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(right magie!there they are!*points to team rocket*)

"what'd expect?"she says blushing a bit "he din't.........so i told him to take hi own ti.......oh well!anyways,i found this note!any idea,what it means?"she says showing the note from before....
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Get the bombs ready!)

"Huuum?" Magia asks examining it. She reads the note and shrugs "Nope. I'm sorry.." she says, scraching the back of her head nervously
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…

Matt looked even more bored than before."This is torture..."He groaned even more.
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Exactly! XD)
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(aye,aye!captain!*searches for bombs*where did i keep it anyway?)

"never mind!it is supposed to lead me to a family treasure,which was hidden for yrs.....my great great granpa tried to find it,but he could only come till the tree!"leo says then stops to take a breath"and now,i'm gonna find it!"
pipiqueen commented…
together type!again!B( il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
Matt turned a corner,and found Leo and Magia."Hey!"He waved,walking over to them."What's with all the presents?Is one of you Santa in Disguise or something?"He askedthem.
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Don't tell me you lost them!)

"Yes" Magia replies with a snicker and stucks her tongue out at Matt "And there are no presents for you this year, because you didn't answer Leo her question!"
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(it looks as though that's the case*sweatdrops*)

"your bringing the topic up again and again......."leo says in an awkward manner....
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Great, now how are we gonna catch those clowns? *Points at Team Rocket*)

"Of course i do, don't you know me?" Magia asks smirking "It's just that I was trying to figure out who Matty-Boy likes, and, now that I know, I'm really interested"
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
"Wait,i thought you guys knew...."Matt said."ut,since Leo didn't,i'll just say it..."He took a deep breth."I like Leo...did you hear me that time?"Matt asked,looking towards Leo.
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
"He said it again!" Magia mentally cheers. She really wanted to shout it out, but also didn't want to ruin the moment.
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
((um....use alchemy?*shoots a wave*)

leo blushes..............."i..i did...."she says ........not sure what to say again...or pretty much,she forgot what she was supposed to say........................
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
(I rule the world!)
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
Matt blushed a little."Good....it's a bit emarrassing to just say like that,y'know!"He said scratching his head.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(You do not! I do!)
(*Team Rocket gets crashed into the ground XP*)

"I'm so going to put these in the album!" Magia thinks to herself, taking photos of them in the distance. This was just so sweet, she had to keep the memory somewhere!
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(i am a humble person who believes that it's god almighty who rules!)
(*cheers*another shoot and they blst off again!)

leo shrugs......"maybe...."she says ,then looks at magia,who she knew,would be taking pics!"here let me help you with that!"she says snatches the camera and clicks a pic of magia.........
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Nojida said…
(Oh, well XD)
(Alright, go ahead!)

"Oh, thanks, that one's going in the album as well!" Magia says, snatching her camera back and taking a look at the picture of her
il y a plus d’un an Taika said…
(Well,,i know,for a fact,that i rule the world...)

"Magia,i now you think it ws a sweet memory you wanna keep and all,bbut,technically,it would be Me and Leo's Memory,not yours,so we decide if you take pictures of us or not..."Matt said,smiling in Goofy way,usual with him,and laughed a little.
il y a plus d’un an pipiqueen said…
(*cheers again*now,for your wand....harry...*evil grin*)

"matt,it doesn't matter!"leo says frowning"it's just a pic!"
last edited il y a plus d’un an
pipiqueen commented…
typed together,again,DB i had to éditer the whole thing...........................B( il y a plus d’un an