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Last time on Pokemon Adventure!

As the group arrives in Viridian city, Quincy departs from the group, leaving charlotte aand Torian on their own. Torian suggests they go into Viridian forest to catch Pokemon, but charlotte chooses to stay behind. Joanna is then approached par an odd woman who offers to teach her about being a breeder, and she reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Torian encounters and battles a wild Mankey while in the forest. After capturing it, Torian realizes that he has no idea how to get back to Viridian city!


"Hello! Is anyone out here? Hello!" Torian shouted, hands cupped around his mouth as he walked around the forest."Hello!" He called again, but was stopped par a sudden voice. "Oi! You! Be quiet, will ya? Your scaring the bug Pokemon away!" Torian blinked, turning to the source of the voice.

It was a boy with a sun hat, a white tank top, green kahki styled shorts, and sandals, and tan skin. "Who the heck are you?" Torian asked, frowning. The boy frowned right back. "The name's Wade, and i'm the ultimate bug master!" Torian gave him a blank look. "Bug master?" Torian echoed, before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Bug types? Their the weakest type of Pokemon in existence! Pfft-hahahahahaha!" Wade clenched his fists tightly, glaring at him heatedly. "Grrrr.....don't you....don't toi dare insult bug type Pokemon!" He shouted, taking out a Pokeball. "Or i'll destroy you!"

Torian smirked, placing his hands in his pockets arrogantly. "If toi plan to use bug types, then i'll be the one destroying!"


"So, a two on two battle sound good to you?" Torian questioned. Wade wordlessly nodded, still holding his ball from earlier. The two were on opposite sides of a small clearing, with the l’espace between them serving as the battlefield.

"Then i'll start with Mankey!" Torian declared, unclipping the device from his waist and tossing it out onto the field. Upon release, the monkey Pokemon let out an angry shriek, sending a glare to Wade. Wade looked momentarily surprised, but soon he seemed to return to normal.

"Mankley, huh? Well, no matter. I shall still claim victory! Pinsir, go!" The boy shouted, hurling out the ball that contined the a dit Pokemon. The Pokemon was brown and beetle like, with two large pinsirs on either side of it's head. It locked eyes with Manket, it;s pincers shaking threateningly.

Mankey responded with a loud shriek, and Torian smirked. "Alright! Let's start with Karate Chop!" Mankey's hand began to glow blinding white and with another crazed cry, it propelled itself towards Pincir, who looked to be completely calm. Wade too looked calm, taking a breath before issuing a command.

"Pinsir, block it with your Pincers!" Pinsir leaped towards Mankey's outstrectched hand, leaning it's head down so that the spiky sides of the Pincers came into direct contact with Manket's chop. Mankey let out a pained shout, immediately retracting it's hand from the attack and holding it's hand painfully.

"Mankey!" Torian cried out, running over to Manley, who was holding it's injured hand and glaring at Pincir. "Mankey, toi okay?" He asked, receiving a short nod in reply. "Can toi still battle?" Mankey nodded again, jumping to it's feet and pumping it's fists in the air.

"Heh heh, i'll take that as a yes." Torian chuckled, before returning to where he'd been standing before. "Okay Mankey, let's show'em what we can do! Use Bulk Up!" Mankey began to glow an ethereal red as it's muscles bulged. After a few moments it let out a primal roar, montrer it was done charging energy.

"Now use Low Sweep, then go for another Karate Chop!" Wade tensed as Manley's image blurred, vanishing for an instant before reappearing behind Pincir and delivering a wide arced sweeping kick to it's legs,causing it to topple to the floor clumsily.

It then leaped into the air, it's han glowing bright white as it reached the height of the jump. It then began falling at high speed, it's glowing hand aimed directly at Pincir's torso. "Pincir, quick, use Harden!" Pincir began emitting a silver aura as it's body began to grow harder, before finally reaching The maximum just as Manley's Karate Chop hit it.

The resulting impact caused a mini explosion, kicking up a considerable amount of dust. When the dust settled, it revealed a bruised Pinsir staring down Mankey, who's hand was now also bruised from hitting and damaging e hardened skin.

"Your good! I didn't think a bug type pokemon'd be so tough!" Torian complemented, smiling. Wade smiled as well, wiping some sweat from his brow. "You too! I haven't had such a good battle before!" Torian smirked, tightening his gloves. "Well, I hate to ruin the fun, but how about we finish this with one last attack?" Wade looked to Pinsir, who nodded, before nodding himself.

"Okay! We'll put everything into one shot!" Both trainers took a breath, pondering their possible attacks, before simultaneously calling out their commands.

"Mankey, use-"

"Pinsir, use-"

"Karate Chop!"

"Brick Break!"


"Um, Excuse me Miss Joanna....but....what are we doing in the middle of the forest?" Joanna grinned almost psychotically, and charlotte felt a shiver go down her spine. "Oh? I'm so glad toi asked." She a dit in a falsely sweet voice, pulling out a Pokeball. "You see...this is where your training begins..."

charlotte warily looked to the Pokeball, then back to Joanna. "What kind of training?" Joanna smirked again, tossing the Pokeball into the air and catching it. "No plus questions! I'm gonna explain to toi exactly what it takes to be a Breeder!" charlotte sweat dropped, nervously laughing. "O-okay...go on ah-head...."

"First! There are three rounds in a Breeding Competition, each one testing a different quality of the Pokemon toi choose to enter into the competition. The first round is the Appearance round, where your Pokemon is judged par their physical condition. They examine the Pokemon's coat, ou shell, ou whatever...it's teeth, It's eyes, weight, and everything physical."

charlotte nodded, now fully engrossed into what Joanna was saying. "The seconde round is the Emotion round, where they look upon your Pokemon's mental and emotional state. They see how happy it is, if it enjoys a travelling with you, and things along those lines."

"And the third round is the battle round, where they test your Pokemon's battle strength? In this round, they judge the power and performance of your moves, your Pokemon's quickness, and basically it's ability in all areas of combat. In essence, each stage focuses on a different aspect of raising your Pokemon, which is what being a Breeder is about."

"In each round, toi gain an amount of points ranging from 10 to 100. At the end of each round, only the haut, retour au début half of participants are allowed to advance to the next. At the end of the third one, they tally all the points from each round and the one with the highest amount of points wins the competition and earns a Breeder Medal."

"Upon winning six Medals, toi can enter the Ultimate Breeder's Tournament, ou the UBT. Upon winning the UBT, toi become the official Pokemon Breeding master of the region." She finished. charlotte was quiet for a few moments, her brain absorbing the information, before she finally reacted.

"So...being a professional Pokemon Breeder is gonna be pretty tough, huh?" She asked, though the question wasn't directed to any person in particular. She clenched her fists tightly, a grin breaking out across her face as she recalled Torian and Quincy's battle, and her silent vow to keep up with them.

"Even so, I won't give up! I'm gonna be the best Pokemon Breeder anyone's ever seen!" She declared, her eyes seeming to shine as she did so. Joanna looked at the girl with a surprised expression. Those eyes....their almost like.... She shooker her head, stopping the train of thought, knowing what painful memories would accompany it.

"So toi still want to be a Breeder then?" charlotte nodded, her expression still determined. Joanna smirked, tossing the Pokeball into the air again. "Well then....the real training begins now." charlotte tensed, but her expression and demeanor didn't waver.

"Excellent...that's what I like to see...but's let's see how far that determination gets you!"

XxXxX-Pokemon Center-Hours later

Torian and charlotte both sat on the canapé in the Pokemon center, both clearly exhausted from their activities from earlier. "And after I caught Mankey, I met this awesome guy named Wade. He specializes in bug types, and at first i thought he'd be weak, but our battle ended up being really awesome!"

XxXxX-Flashback-Viridian Forest

"Mankey, use-"

"Pinsir, use-"

"Karate Chop!"

"Brick Break!"

The two pokemon let out primal cries as they formed the commanded attacks, taking off towards each other wildly, Mankey bathed in a bright white light and Pincir glowing a light brown. The two attacks collided forcefully, the resulting impact causing another huge explosion that kicked up a huge dust cloud.

"Woah..." Torian muttered, watching in awe as the dust cleared, revealing Manley and Pinsir both lying unconscious on the ground. "It's..." Torian trailed off, a bit shocked par the result. "A tie..." Wade finished, equally surprised. Both trainers returned their Pokemon, neither uttering a single word.

Finally, Torian broke the silence, grinning widely at Wade. "Y'know, you're stronger than I thought! I didn't think a bug type user could ever be so good!" Wade looked a bit surprised for a second, before grinning. "You were good too." He said, placing his Pokeball back on his belt.

"Uh, par the way...before we battled, toi were calling for help....were toi Lost ou something?" Torian gave him a blank look, before his eyes dawned in recognition. "Oh crap! I totally forgot all about that!" He scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously. "So, do toi know the way outta here?"

Wade nodded, and began walking, motioning for Torian to follow with his hand. "Just follow me!"


"And here we are!" Wade announced as the two approached the edge of the forest. Dorian sighed in relief, before turning to Wade and extending his hand. "Thanks for the help Wade, and sorry for talking about Bug types." Wade looked at his hand for a few secondes before shaking it, smirking.

"No worries. A lot of people assume that bug types are weak, so it's understandable..." Wade then gave a fierce determined grin to Torian, looking him right in the eyes. "But don't think just because we're Friends now that i'll take it easy on ya suivant time!" Torian smirked. "Same here! From now on, we're rivals too!"

XxXxX-Flashback End

"Wade sounds like a pretty cool guy. It must be great to make new Friends all the time, huh?" charlotte said, smiling as she leaned back in her seat. Torian nodded, doing the same. "Yep! That's one of the best things about travelling around the world."

Torian then blinked, before turning to charlotte curiously. "By the way, what did toi do all day?" charlotte cross, before she felt a shiver go down her spine, causing her to begin trembling at the memories. "I don't wanna talk about it..." She muttered darkly, and Torian siège dropped, deciding to drop the topic.

XxXxX-The suivant morning

"So, where's the suivant place we're going?" Torian asked as the two began to depart from the Pokemon Center. "Uh....according to my Tablet, the suivant city with a Gym is Pewter City, which is close by....oh! And it has a Pokemon Breeder Competition too!" She squealed, and Torian grinned.

"Okay! Then let's get moving to Pewter City for my first gym!" Torian declared, fist pumping the air. "And my first Competition!" She added, also fist pumping the air as the two departed.


*Next Chapter Preview*

suivant time on Pokémon Adventure, Torian and charlotte arrive in Pewter City and Torian challenges the gym leader immediately! But is he biting off plus then he can chew? And meanwhile, charlotte begins training for her Breeder Competition in a few days, and receives assistance from another unlikely source!

Chapter 4: "Rockin' the Pewter City Gym!"

Be ready for adventure!
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