Percy Jackson & The Olympians livres Club
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
After my douche I had nothing else to do so I did some work outs. I know I had P.E at school but I liked a challenge.

It was 6:30 when Percy woke up and I finished my workout. I was pretty sweaty but being me I dry off quickly. I got dressed in some cool looking clothes and met Percy at the corner. He was driving in a silver pickup truck. When I hopped in he was extremely tired looking and thinking. I felt fresh and ready to... well, I wasn't sure what to do yet.
As we were driving we stopped at a red light and there was a red mustang convertible with some roudy guys yelling. The one on the far left noticed us. "Hey, it's Percy!" He yelled. Percy seemed to recognize him and visually got annoyed. "How ya been dumbass?" The driver yelled. Percy's knuckles on the steering wheel turned white. "Hey, who ya carpooling with?" A boy in the backseat yelled. "Someone toi don't want to mess with!" I mumbled under my breath. The light turned green and we started driving forward. But the jerks kept up with us as we drove. Percy closed the his window. "Should I make them crash." I could tell he was thinking it over. "No it's not the right thing to do." He a dit with a sigh. I sighed in return.
As we drove up so did the jerks. We got out of the car and so did they. We were close to getting to the door. However the driver grabbed Percy's shoulder and turned him around to face the three. "C'mon toi retard." The tall one said, "Who's your friend." I stepped in between them and Percy very close to making them go insane. "Someone toi do NOT want to mess with" I a dit just as tall as their tallest member. They started laughing. I'm pretty sure my eyes flashed as I made them started punching each other. Once the last K.O himself we went inside. "Don't forget Percy," I started "We got each others back." I a dit while going to my locker which was down the hall from his. He walked down the hall and saw how many people noticed him walk by.
According to their thoughts the girls wanted to rendez-vous amoureux, date him. They thought his hair was cute and his green eyes were pretty. While the dudes thought they could beat him up but they didn't have the guts to do it. I smiled at that fact.
I walked to homeroom and found that school was just as boring as I remembered it. I sat at my chair and put my head down for just a few moments to let my mind wander.
I saw that Percy was not looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to today. That there was a weight room at the school. There were plenty of mean and bossy teachers. And people that will definitely be problems to everyone.
The cloche, bell rang and everyone sat in their chair and continued talking about like, who kissed who, and American Idol.

Well school was over and it was a snoozer. Me and Percy met at his locker and he had pictures of Annabeth all over the inside of his locker. The only subject that we both liked was P.E. It wasn't that challenging but it was better than sitting in a desk. And as we walked to the door to go accueil the same jerks from thisbmorning blocked the door. I couldn't help but laugh as I saw they had black eyes and red marks all over there face and arms. "Let us through!" Percy a dit as we neared them. They all scowled. "Not this time. This time were going to fight." The one in the front said. He wore a black leather veste with shades. He seemed to think he was cool, and he appeared to be the leader of their group. "Okay," Percy said, "But we should do this off campus. I don't want to be getting an expulsion for the beating the crap out of toi guys." Percy a dit with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile. "Fine with me." The leader a dit scowling. His cronies quickly agreed as well.
We walked out of the school and we walked to a nearby ally. We were following them because they new this "joint that pays big bucks to see some action." We walked up to a black metal door with a bouncer in front. He recognized the guys and opened the door. They walked in and the bouncer sneered when he saw us. "Whao, Joe, there with me!" The leader said. "My apologies." Joe a dit in a dignified voice, that didn't belong to his tattoed body. It belonged to a bellhop ou doorman at a fancy hotel. We went inside it was like an underground boxing match. There was a tag-in tag-out system as a bunch of people watched teens fight it out. Percy tensed up. "Don't worry," I told him through his brain, "We can take em."
"It's not that." He replied, "Somethings off. I think there's police here."
"That is a possibility." I replied "But," I was cut off par the Leader.
"Everyone stop." The Leader a dit in a megaphone. Everyone stopped and listened. "We have two challengers to the crown. Percy Jackson and..." He ran over to me and whispered, "What's your name?"
"Kiss my ass." I replied. He smiled.
"I like you." he ran back up to the stage. "Percy Jackson and someone who wants to Kiss my ass!" He yelled through the mega phone. Anger burned on to my face as well as embaresment. "You two come on down." He a dit while motioning for us to go on stage. The crowd cheered as we walked up there. "The challengers versus... Me and Luke." He a dit while motioning for the big guy to come up on stage. He threw the megaphone into the crowd and the third guy came up on stage as the referee. "Okay, I want a clean fight. No eye gouging, ou kicking in the privates. No dirty tricks ou weapons unless in sudden death." He smiled when he a dit sudden death. " We'll flip a coin to see who goes first." He pulled out quarter flipped it in the air and..."It's heads. Luke is first. Peter will be coming in if Luke is knocked out. Going against Luke is..." He flipped the coin, "Tails... the blonde one is up first."
"My name is Michael." I told him. He waved me away. "Good luck." Percy a dit while patting me on the shoulder. "I'll be fine." I told him as he left the ring. I put my hand out for us to shake. But I guess there was no shaking hands in this fight as Luke took his chemise off. It was sobered in scars and bruises but ripped. I took my chemise off as well. The whistle blew and he threw a left hook. I blocked and punched him in the nose. There was an audible crack, his nose was bent and bleeding badly.
I suddenly flash backed to when I killed Cetus. I did the same thing then to. I warped back into normal time now and the crowd was cheering, as I was in the air above Lukes head. He was carrying me and was about to throw me on the ground when, I kicked him on his broken nose. He dropped me and he fell on his back. There was silence in the crowd. As I got up from the ground, Percy cheered. "Whooooooo yeah!!" He yelled. "You wanna come in?" I yelled to him. He smiled. "Most certainly!" He a dit while taking his chemise off and jumping in the ring.
Peter got in the ring as well with pure hatred on his face. I jumped out while putting my chemise on. The whistle blew and Peter was out cold, when Percy headlocked him and punched him on the back of his head. We were the only ones cheering as we collected our bet money and left the fight house. We each got 50 bucks. As we were driving along to accueil we stopped at a red light. "Now that was fun!" I yelled while turning the rock musique louder. "It sure was." Percy a dit while looking at his money with a smile on his face. I didn't want to pry on his thoughts but he was just staring at his money. "I wonder of I can get Annabeth a promise ring with this." He thought. I smiled to myself. "That lover boy." I thought, "Always thinking about his girlfriend. I remember when we didn't get along so well." I flashbacked to when we all first met. On the bus at the end of summer. About a week ago. And how that trip killed Jillian. Tears were coming to my eyes. "NO," I told myself, "Dhe sacrificed her life and fully accepted what she did."
We drove up to our apartments. And we walked upstairs. Percy opened the door with his key, and we walked inside. We went to his room and dropped our stuff on his bed. He went to his connecting bathroom while I admired his garden box. The moonlace and orchid needed to be watered and fertilized. In two secondes they were fully grown and filled the empty soil with rose and white.
In two heure Mrs. Jackson came accueil from work and we finished our homework. I went to my apartment when we got onto the subject of girlfriends with Percy's mom and Percy went on and on about Annabeth. It was sweet but I had go clean my house.
Once I got there I sat around and had plants grow into my similar garden boxes under my window. They were Snowdrops and canon, cannon Balls.
(A fleur that had a robust stem with a large orange and red bud at the top. When in full bloom you'd swear it was a miniature toy cannon.)

I saw what was on T.V. There was nothing. I practiced my sword skills. Than shortly after went to bed.

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