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posted by Rubyrings
As Anjanette and her Friends hurried along towards the sound of the voices, she thought she could see the silhouettes of four men in the distance, and as they got closer, she couldn't help thinking they looked vaguely familiar. But she wasn't sure why she thought that until Tammy gave a loud squeal. "Oh my gosh! It's A Wave Tossed In the Ocean!!!"
Anjanette's eyes grew wide. It really was them... There was Les and Jimmy and Charles and Felix, walking along and calling for someone named Venus while Jimmy held the leash of another dog, a big but friendly-looking one who stopped at Tammy's voice and wagged his tail. Charles looked quite flattered to be recognized, and Les smiled at Tammy, but Felix looked faintly flustered and blushed, and Jimmy said, "Yeah, we are, but now's not the time, all right? If we get a lot of fans following us now, we'll lose Venus."
Anjanette noticed how concerned he looked. "Who's Venus?"
"My dog." Jimmy patted the other dog, who was now looking very anxious, Anjanette could tell since she had two chiens and worked with animaux all the time. "Well, one of them - say hello, Mars." Mars barked and wagged his tail.
"Venus and Mars - that's great!" Ferdinand remarked as he and Becky let Mars sniff their hands and, after an approving lick for each of them, patted him on the head. "Like the Paul McCartney song. My cat's name is Orion."
Tammy had meanwhile turned to Charles and was telling him all in a rush her favourite songs from their album, and Charles was standing taller and looking very proud of this, and Felix turned to Anjanette and lifted his shoulders as if to say they were supposed to be in a hurry, but these things sometimes happened.
"We thought we heard toi searching for a dog," Anjanette ventured. "What happened to Venus?"
Jimmy shook his head. "She jumped out of our van when she saw a squirrel. She normally doesn't act like that, but she's been so excited on tour, wanting to explore everything. She loves new places. I guess she thought the squirrels here are different from ours!"
Anjanette smiled. She had been right, she thought - Jimmy really did l’amour animals.
"She usually comes right back when Jimmy calls her, though," Les added. "She doesn't know her way around here... I'm kind of worried about her."
The other band members looked concerned. "We'll find her," Charles said, turning his attention back to the group. He clasped Jimmy's shoulder. "All right?"
Jimmy nodded, smiling for his friend.
"We could help," Anjanette heard herself offering. "Blitz can track her down. German Shepherds have one of the best noses in the canine world." She patted Blitz, who barked as if to agree with her. Misty turned towards Blitz and wagged her tail as if offering support. Marshmallow, Becky's small white terrier, was sniffing at some bushes but turned his head to Blitz as if acknowledging his abilities too.
"Yeah, that's right!" Jimmy agreed, looking impressed. "You know a lot about dogs, huh?"
Anjanette nodded, blushing. "I do volunteer at Tammy's parents' pet shelter." She indicated her friend.
"Oh, that's right," Tammy added, a little breathlessly. "We haven't introduced ourselves... I'm Tammy, that's my best friend Anjanette, that's my other best friend Ferdinand...."
"And I'm her other best friend and his girlfriend, Becky." Becky put her arm around Ferdinand as she smiled winningly at the band, especially Felix. "And this is Marshmallow. We all know you, of course."
"We l’amour your music," Ferdinand added admiringly.
Charles grinned. "Let's talk favourite songs sometime."
"But first, Venus," Les added, with a tone implying he had known Charles to get distracted par fan encounters before.
Jimmy pulled out a squeaky écureuil toy that looked very old and chewed-up. "This has to have Venus's scent on it. She loves this old thing. Never thought she's get into so much trouble with a real squirrel..." His voice trailed and he looked away.
"We don't know she's in trouble yet," Felix reminded him.
"Blitz will find him," promised Anjanette.
"That's right," Les agreed. Turning to Anjanette and her friends, he added, "Thanks for helping him."
Anjanette blushed.
Jimmy held out Venus's toy to Blitz. Mars, Misty, and guimauve were all sniffing each other off to the side, Mars seeming to realize that Blitz was busy and now wasn't the time to try and get acquainted with him.
Blitz sniffed the toy cautiously. For a moment, he stood still, as if he were thinking. Then, with a tug on his leash, he took a few steps, turning back to Anjanette and the others as if to say, "Come with me!"
Anjanette and Jimmy exchanged glances. "He's got something!" Jimmy was clearly trying not to sound too relieved. "Smart dog."
Anjanette couldn't help smiling proudly at this. "Come on!"
posted by Peaceandlove67
The suivant morning, after breakfast, the Radiant Terriers and New Religion were heading to Orlando. They arrived earlier than expected, so they decided to explore the city and everything it had to offer. Later, they had their concert. At one point, during a cover song, Greeley got a lyric wrong. He laughed and had to end the song. He jokingly said, "I don't know where my mind is!" Paul laughed and said, "You left it at the plage in Tampa." Everyone laughed. Leila said, "This is the first time that's ever happened to you, Greeley." He said, "Well, there's a first time for everything, right?" After...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The suivant morning, after breakfast, the two bands decided to head to the beach. They had a blast building sandcastles, tossing the plage ball, and swimming. Even the chiens joined in on the fun. Erin said, "We'll have to bring Fritz on vacation sometime. He loves the beach." Paul said, "Yeah." Abigail asked, "Is Fritz still enjoying his retirement?" Lola said, "He is. He's still feeling good, and he enjoys going to Paul's mother's house." Greeley said, "That's wonderful." Sammy nodded in agreement. When it started getting hot, the two bands headed back to the hotel, took showers, and had lunch...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The Radiant Terriers and New Religion had recently collaborated on an album together. They were going to go on a tour across the country together to promote the new album. That morning, Leila was having breakfast with her aunt and uncle. Her aunt asked, "Are toi excited, dear?" Leila said, "Oh, yes. I can't wait to see my new Friends again." Her dog, Paul, barked in agreement. After finishing her breakfast, Leila helped wash the dishes. She then made sure all of her essentials were packed. Just then, she heard a horn honk. She said, "That's the tour bus. Come on, Paul, let's go!" When she got...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here! Kayla already did this questionnaire. I decided that I would give it a go. Without further ado, let's get started!

1. What is the name of your pet? His name is Roscoe.

2. Does it have any nicknames? Yes. They are Roscoe Bosco, Big Goof, and Cheeky Monkey.

3. Which breed is it? Roscoe is a traverser, croix between a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky. This traverser, croix is also called the Gerberian Shepsky, the Shepsky, the Husky Shepherd, the German Husky, and the Siberian Shepherd.

4. Is there anyone in your family who does not l’amour pets? Not that I know of.

5. What are the things you...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I would like to thank Kayla, Kelly, and Layla for the inspiration. Without further ado, I'll get started.

1. Who is your all-time favori artist? The Beatles!

2. What is your favori musical genre? I like anything that falls in the classic rock category.

3. Are there any genres toi don’t like? I do not like rap, bluegrass, nu metal, ou anything that sounds electronic.

4. Who was the last artist toi saw live? It was either Foo Fighters ou Alice in Chains. I saw them the same year, 2013.

5. Name one artist you’ve never seen live but would really l’amour to. I'd l’amour to see Elton John live.

6. What...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Friday arrived. After school let out, Anjanette and Becky walked to the mall. Becky said, "This is so nice." The first store they stopped in was the record store. Anjanette said, "This is a really nice record store. I don't know why I never went in here before." Becky said, "First time for everything, right?" Anjanette laughed. "Right." Becky went to the Beatles section. Anjanette said, "You like the Beatles too?!" Becky said, "Yeah! Didn't Ferdinand tell you?" Anjanette said, "I don't think so." They each got some CD's. The two Friends browsed for a while. Just then, they saw Ferdinand. Ferdinand...
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posted by Rubyrings
One jour not long after she'd recovered, Anjanette was just finishing her volunteer work for the jour par taking some of the chiens out for a run in the rescue yard. She had saved Blitz for last so that she could spend plus time with him, and also because of something she'd asked her Uncle Bruce for when he came to pick her up that day.
Tammy's father came out to check on her. “Blitz has really warmed up to you,” he remarked, seeing the German Shepherd's lolling tongue and wagging tail.
Anjanette smiled. “I've loved working with him.”
“And you've done a great job with everything around here,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The drive to the hospital seemed like hours. Everyone was silent. They were too worried about Anjanette to talk. Ferdinand was uneasy. How could this happen to Anjanette? What if she never woke up? What if he was going to lose his best friend for real? No, she had to be okay. She just had to! Tammy was still distraught. She couldn't stop thinking of the incident. She remembered hearing glass break and then seeing Anjanette lying on the floor, unresponsive. Blitz was desperately trying to wake her. What would Blitz do if Anjanette never woke up? Sure, he would still find a home, but Anjanette...
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posted by Rubyrings
“How is she?” Ferdinand burst through the door of Sweet Critters Pet Rescue, pulling Becky after him par the hand.
Tammy's father was sweeping up the debris and broken glass from the window, which had a sheet of plastic tacked over it, covering up the hole and keeping out the worst of the wind and the rainwater. Tammy's mother was explaining what had happened to a very tense-looking Uncle Bruce, sounding very upset herself. Tammy was kneeling on the floor hugging Blitz, who was making increasingly loud whimpering noises, and trying to comfort him.
Tammy's mother turned as they came in, and...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The suivant jour at school, Ferdinand came up to his Friends with Becky. He said, "Tammy, Anjanette, I'd like toi to meet Becky. I met her at the pet store yesterday. She's new here." Tammy smiled and said, "Hi, Becky! It's nice to meet you." Anjanette gave an unenthusiastic "hello". Becky gave a laugh and said, "You don't have to act so shy, Anjanette. I promise I'm not dangerous." Anjanette just burst into tears and walked away. Becky called after her, "Wait, Anjanette! I was only joking around with you. I want to be friends!" But Anjanette had already strayed from earshot. Ferdinand said, "I...
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posted by Rubyrings
Ferdinand walked into the pet shop, his mind preoccupied with other things. Anjanette had been jouer la comédie strange ever since they had started high school some weeks ago. He wondered if something was happening to upset her, but there was nothing wrong that he could see. He'd asked her a couple times, but she told him it was just hormones. He supposed maybe that was all it was. After all, his hormones acted up every now and then too. And Anjanette had had a much harder life than him....
Ferdinand bent down to reach the extra-large bags of Orion's favourite dry food, the only brand of dry nourriture he would...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Summer was over. It was time for Anjanette, Ferdinand, and Tammy to start school again. That morning, while having breakfast, Anjanette had a talk with her uncle, Bruce. She said, "Ferdinand, Tammy, and I were talking the other jour about our passions. We all have different passions, which means we'll have different career paths." Uncle Bruce said, "Well, we all have different things we love. That's part of being human." She said, "I know, but it's just that after graduation, we might not ever see each other again." He said, "I'm sure you'll get to see each other. I still on occasion see some...
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posted by Rubyrings
Tammy's parents were delighted to see Anjanette taking an interest in their shelter. "We can always use plus volunteers," her father said. "There's always plenty to do around here!"
Anjanette grinned. Helping to take care of Tammy's parents' rescue animaux felt exciting. She couldn't wait to tell Tammy and Ferdinand, and also find out what they were thinking of doing. The suivant time they were all hanging out together, standing outside and enjoying the late summer sunshine, she told them. She couldn't help her words coming out in an eager rush.
Tammy giggled. "That's so great, Anjanette! My parents...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Two years had passed since Anjanette met her friends, Ferdinand and Tammy. It had also been two years since Anjanette started living with her uncle, Bruce, and since she adopted her Collie, Misty. Misty had grown into a mature adult. Anjanette even believed that if Misty were human, she'd be wise beyond her years. Anjanette, Ferdinand, and Tammy were now teenagers. Ferdinand even gained a very deep voice, almost as deep as Ringo Starr's. Anjanette even gained a deep voice, thankfully not deep enough to pass for a man. The three Friends were getting ready to start high school. Their high school...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I know I could have written all of toi a personal message, but I thought it was easier to address everyone here. Without further ado, I will get started with the message.

I would just like to thank everyone for the kind words, support, and virtual hugs. I am just so heartbroken over River's loss. She was so young, and it was so sudden. She got loose, was hit par a truck, and was gone within a moment's notice. She was just three years old. Even though I only had River for a short amount of time, she brought so much joy. She was a precious gem, and no dog will ever replace her.

As most of toi know,...
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posted by Rubyrings
After Tammy's parents made them a big breakfast of eggs and crêpes the suivant morning, it was time to leave. Ferdinand's father and Anjanette's Uncle Bruce arrived in their cars to take their children back home.
"We need to do this again," Tammy a dit enthusiastically. "We can do animal-themed crafts, and dance parties, and we can all make friendship bracelets to wear ou something...."
Anjanette had to grin back. "Yes, we should."
Ferdinand nodded, too. "We'd l’amour that."
"Oh - I almost forgot!" Tammy dashed through the cuisine towards a chest of drawers, nearly upending a pitcher of orange juice...
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added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
posted by Peaceandlove67
After school, Tammy and Ferdinand talked with their parents about the play rendez-vous amoureux, date and sleepover. Anjanette talked with her uncle. After being donné the go ahead, the three Friends met at Ferdinand's for a play date. Ferdinand's new rabbit, Petunia, was coming out of her shell. She came out with Lily to discover the humans. Anjanette said, "I'm glad pétunia is warming up." Ferdinand gave a smile. He said, "I'm glad about that too. I think Lily has helped her a lot." Misty watched the rabbits hop around. She then saw Orion and took off to play with him. Tammy laughed. She said, "I've never seen...
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posted by Rubyrings
Tammy let out a small gasp. "Oh my gosh, Anjanette, how did that happen?" She reached out as if she wanted to touch the scars and make them better somehow.
Anjanette took a deep breath. "These - are from when I was still living with my parents. They're from before the time they intentionally hit me - but it was still their fault." She could feel the tears welling up again, and she swallowed hard.
Tammy sucked in her breath, eyes wide and filled with what Anjanette almost thought was sympathy, but she didn't interrupt. Anjanette pressed on.
"They went out to eat a lot... because they thought it...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Saturday came, and Anjanette went to the pet rescue center with Uncle Bruce. Tammy's mother greeted them. She said, "Welcome! I'm sure you're here to see the puppies." Anjanette said, "Yes. I heard from Tammy that toi have colley, collie puppies." Tammy's mother smiled. "You must be Anjanette. Tammy has told me a lot about you." Anjanette and Uncle Bruce were directed to the dog kennels. They saw all kinds of dogs, from Poodles to German Shepherds. They then saw the most adorable colley, collie puppies. Tammy's father said, "They are up to rendez-vous amoureux, date on all their shots, including Rabies. They can go all sorts of...
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