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When I started the eleventh grade in August 2016, I was still grieving over Millie. One day, I had a talk with the guidance counselor at my school. I told her, "If I had known Millie was going to die, I would have been plus patient with her. There were times I Lost my temper with her and just lashed out at her." The guidance counselor put her hand on my shoulder. She said, "Autumn, that's not what Millie remembers. In fact, she told me about all the times toi and Glenn stood up to bullies for her." I felt better after that talk. I later met Glenn in the hall, and we walked to the lunchroom together. He asked, "How did your talk with the guidance counselor go?" I said, "It went very well." Glenn thought for a moment. Because I was so upset over Millie's death, I almost picked the habit of self-harm back up. Glenn said, "Let me ask toi something. When toi cut yourself, did it hurt?" I said, "Of course it hurt. Why do toi ask?" He said, "I haven't made my point yet. Did your talk with the guidance counselor hurt?" I said, "No." He asked, "Does talking to me hurt?" I said, "No." He said, "Okay, my point is that toi don't have to hurt yourself. toi can talk to someone. toi can always talk to me." I said, "Thanks, Glenn." Most of the school an was good. I had an awesome US History teacher. She was a Beatles fan, and she made history fun. Unfortunately, there were some other bad points. Right before we went on Fall Break, a bully punched Glenn in the face. I was angry. The bully said, "I don't want to hear the bullshit of how I just hurt your best friend!" I said, "Okay, toi son of a bitch! Why don't toi come over here and let me montrer toi what bullshit this is?!" A teacher heard me, and I was sent to the principal's office. I tried to explain the situation to the principal. The principal said, "Just go home." I did. Later, Glenn came par my house. He asked, "Are toi okay?" I said, "I'm fine. Are toi okay?" He said, "I'm fine." He had a black eye, but it got better. November, I was driving accueil from a friend's house, and I had a run-in with a ginormous deer. The car was totaled. Luckily, I just had a few bruises, nothing more. Plus, we had deer meat for Thanksgiving dinner. As an early Christmas present, my paternal grandfather gave me his old car. It didn't have very many miles on it, since he and my grandmother never went far from home. Plus, it was plus convenient for him to get rid of it and keep the smaller car. It was usually just him and my grandmother. I also got a Les Paul for Christmas. I l’amour playing it. Unfortunately, my paternal grandmother had been sick for a long time. I couldn't tell it at Thanksgiving, but I could really tell it at Christmas. My aunt had to do most, if not all, of the cooking. In January, shortly after her seventy-fifth birthday, my grandmother was put in the hospital, and she passed away the suivant morning. I was told she went peacefully, which is what I had hoped. Shortly after that, some bullies beat me up. They beat on me and while, but they soon got bored and left. I got up and limped away. Glenn, Joann, and Leroy saw me limping down the hall, and they ran to me. "Are toi okay?!" Joann cried. I said, "I got beat up." Leroy asked, "Who did this to you?" I told him. Glenn said, "We'll deal with the bullies later, but we'll take care of toi first. You're hurt." My loyal Friends took me to the school nurse. She a dit that I was okay, but there was a possibility that my shin was broken. I was taken to the hospital for an x-ray, and nothing was broken, except my glasses. I did have a spare, though. Leroy later beat the bullies up. He was going to be expelled, along with the bullies, but our history teacher stepped in and said, "Leroy was defending his friend." He was suspended instead. My bruises healed, and all was well again. The remainder of the an was really good.
posted by Peaceandlove67
"I was born here in California," Everett began. "I grew up not too far from Hollywood." Una asked, "Is that why toi got into film editing?" He replied, "Not exactly, but we'll get to that later. I lived in an average-sized house with my parents. It was bigger than an apartment ou condo, but it was smaller than a mansion. About two and a half years after I was born, Kaitlyn was born." Una asked, "How did toi feel about becoming an older brother?" He smiled. "I was thrilled. Once Kaitlyn was able to walk, she became my shadow. She followed me everywhere, even if she really shouldn't have." Una...
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posted by Rubyrings
Una and Everett were out on a rendez-vous amoureux, date one day, sitting in a le dîner, salle à manger with sandwiches and milkshakes while Una told Everett about a role she'd just gotten in a short film.
"That's great, Una," Everett a dit when she was done talking. "I'm so proud of you."
Una grinned. "So... are toi going to invite me out to dîner to celebrate? I'm free Saturday," she added with a teasing smile.
Everett laughed, then stopped suddenly as he remembered something. "Actually, my little sister Kaitlyn's coming into town this Saturday, and she'll need me to montrer her around. Hey, I know - why don't toi both come to dinner...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and it is hard to believe that we've come to the end of another year. As I am posting this, in just a few hours, we'll be in a New Year: 2023. Of course, it'll already be 2023 par the time most of toi see this anyway. I have a lot I want to cover, so I'll get right to it.

This an has had its ups and downs. It has been defined par the death of many notable people. For me, the death of Christine McVie hit pretty hard, being that I'm a huge Fleetwood Mac fan. Which celebrity death hit toi the hardest? Feel free to tell me in the comments. Unfortunately, I experienced...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I am finally doing what you've all been waiting for! This is the 2022 holiday message blog. I know toi all look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to it every year. Without further ado, I'll get right to everything I want to say.

I know for many of you, this has been a tough year. There have been so many deaths of so many notable people, and the year's not over yet. For me, this an is particularly tough with the loss of my grandfather. It'll be hard having Christmas without him, but he would want us to have a good time. He wouldn't want our lives to stop because he's gone.

We enjoyed the...
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added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I decided to post this blog about my plans for the remainder of 2022. Without further ado, I'll get right to it.

As this an is drawing to a close, Layla and I decided together that our most récent fan fiction is the last fan fiction of this year. Don't fret; there will be plus suivant year. We're thinking about doing Everett's backstory, so stay tuned for that. I have posté a vote where toi can vote for your favori fan fiction of 2022. If toi haven't already, go ahead, head to the vote section, and vote for your favori fan fiction this year.

I will be posting...
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Some time later, Una and Everett were settled in a cozy small cafe eating sandwiches and sipping citrouille spice lattes while foil cutouts of cute ghosts and pumpkins hung from the walls around them.
"Thanks again, Una," Everett a dit after a time. "I just... I don't like small spaces very much."
Una smiled at him and reached across the table, tableau to touch his hand. "Hey, toi saved my life once. It's time I saved yours."
They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, enjoying this much calmer stage of their Halloween celebrations. Una was first to break it.
"I can't believe we solved a real mystery! I can't wait to go accueil and tell Mother what the secret of the haunted house is."
"Yes," Everett smiled at her. "The secret is my talented actress and her ghost impression."
Una beamed.
Una followed the sound of Everett hyperventilating. She called out, "Hold on, Everett! I'm coming!" As she made her way up the stairs, she heard a thump. She listened, but there was nothing but silence. She a dit to herself, "Oh, no! I hope Everett hasn't fainted!" She continued to chercher for him. She found a door that must've lead to the attic. She slowly opened it. "Everett," she called. "Can toi hear me?" There was no answer. She turned on the light and looked around the room. Everett was lying unconscious on the floor. She rushed to his side, and he didn't stir. Una began shaking him and...
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Taking a breath to steady her nerves, Una made her way through the short entryway and into a main room. Old furniture was scattered everywhere, all of it draped in dust covers. Cobwebs and dust coated every surface and hung off the walls. Una shivered. What would she do if it turned out there really was a ghost here? What could she even do about it?
And she hadn't even brought shoes that were suitable for walking on such a filthy floor. Her or kitten heels wobbled on the creaky floorboards, absolutely caked in dust and dirt except for a trail of prints leading from a back window to a door...
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As Una and Everett made their way to the front door, they noticed it had been left open. Everett allowed Una to go inside first, being the gentleman that he is. Before he could step inside, the door seemed to shut on its own. Una tried to open the door, but it was no use. It wouldn't budge. She cried out, "Everett! Help!" He also tried to open the door, but it still wouldn't budge. He said, "It's no use. I can't open this door." She asked, "Do toi think toi can get in through a window?" He said, "The downstairs windows are too small. I'll try to get in through the attic's window." She said,...
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"Thanks for coming with me, Everett," Una a dit as the two of them walked along towards the old house on the edge of town, Una holding on to Everett's arm as the sky slowly darkened and a chilly wind blew dead leaves around their feet. "I think my mother would have had a panic attack if I'd gone alone."
Everett smiled. "It sounds like a great way to spend Halloween night to me. But what made toi decide toi had to know if the house was haunted?"
Una shrugged. "I don't know. So I get to be the heroine who finds out the answer?"
The couple approached the house just around twilight. The place appeared...
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It was Halloween. Una and her mother were having lunch together. Una then asked, "Mother, do toi remember the old house on the colline behind the high school?" Mrs. Stratton said, "I think so. Why?" Una said, "One of my Friends told me that a film crew is going to be using it as a filming location for a new movie." Mrs. Stratton said, "That's nice." Una said, "There are rumors that the house is haunted." Mrs. Stratton said, "I believe I've heard people say it's haunted." Una said, "Well, I'm going over there tonight to see if it's really haunted." Mrs. Stratton said, "I think not! toi could get...
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posted by Rubyrings
Uncle Bruce and Ferdinand waited anxiously in the waiting room for what felt like much longer than it actually was, until at last a doctor appeared.
"How is she?" demanded Ferdinand, before either the doctor ou Bruce could speak.
The doctor addressed them both. "She suffered a lot of blood loss, but luckily toi two brought her in before there was too much damage. We stitched her right up and treated her for infections. She's going to be fine."
Uncle Bruce let out a breath. Ferdinand sighed in relief.
"She should be ready to go accueil in a jour ou two," the doctor went on. "In the meantime, toi two...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Ferdinand's parents did not object to him staying with Bruce to find Anjanette. In fact, they encouraged it. Although he was worried about Anjanette, Ferdinand knew he had to sleep so that he would not be too tired to look for Anjanette. The suivant morning, Ferdinand and Bruce got up. After a quick breakfast, they started their chercher for Anjanette. They called her name, but there was no answer. Ferdinand said, "I hope nothing bad has happened to her." Bruce said, "Easy, Ferdinand. She may be too far away to hear us. It's hard to tell how far she has gone." They pressed on for what seemed like...
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posted by Rubyrings
Ferdinand gazed out the window of his parents' car, enjoying the view of the woods lining the road, lit par the occasional streetlamp. He and his family had visited with his uncle and were pleased to know that everything was going to be fine with him. His uncle had been able to sit up in lit and joke with them and everything. He and Ferdinand's mother had really gotten going with their jokes, and Ferdinand and his father had spent much of the time laughing.
As Ferdinand let the scenery roll par him, an odd sight suddenly caught his attention. "Mom, Dad - stop the car!"
His father pulled onto the...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Anjanette and Uncle Bruce set out to look for Ferdinand. They went to the places where Anjanette and Ferdinand liked to go, but there was no sign of him. They even asked locals if they had seen him. Nobody had seen him. Anjanette then said, "Uncle Bruce, I think Ferdinand went into the woods. Otherwise, someone would have seen him." Uncle Bruce nodded. "Maybe you're right. It's a good thing I packed some essentials." The two went into the woods. Pretty soon, Anjanette wondered away from her uncle, forgetting that he told her to stay close. It was getting dark. Pretty soon, Uncle Bruce realized...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Uncle Bruce! Uncle Bruce!"
Uncle Bruce, who had just been starting to think about making his own dîner since Anjanette had told him she wouldn't be accueil for dîner tonight, looked up in surprise. "Anjanette?"
His niece was out of breath and wild-eyed. "Uncle Bruce - something's happened to Ferdinand! He's gone missing!"
Uncle Bruce took Anjanette par the shoulders. "Calm down, Anjanette. Take a deep breath, sit down, and tell me what happened."
Anjanette took a few breaths, but she was too upset to sit. "I called Ferdinand on his phone to let him know I was done work, and he didn't answer. He...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The suivant morning, after Anjanette and Ferdinand ate breakfast, Anjanette asked, "Would toi like to go hang out at our favori restaurant after I get done working at the rescue center?" Ferdinand said, "I'd l’amour that!" She said, "Great! I'll let toi know when I'm finished." He said, "Okay. I'll see toi later." She said, "See you!" Not long after that, Ferdinand got a message that his uncle was in the hospital. He knew he had to go, since it was a family emergency. He sent a message to Anjanette. He texted, "Hi, Anjanette. I'm sorry, but I can't make it tonight. My uncle is in the hospital,...
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posted by Rubyrings
One night in late fall, Anjanette and Ferdinand were having a sleepover at Ferdinand's house. Unlike most of their past sleepovers, it was just the two of them, and Ferdinand's mother had actually encouraged them to build a fort of blankets in the living room and eat pop corn, maïs soufflé and cupcakes on her floor and stay up till all hours of the morning with a flashlight telling stories. It only occurred to Anjanette plus than halfway through the night how she hadn't even thought about what her parents would have a dit to find her spilling pop corn, maïs soufflé on their floor.
"You know, some would say ghost stories would...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"What lead toi to the club where toi first saw us, Henry?" Les asked. Henry replied, "One of my neighbors told me that a rock band called A Wave Tossed in the Ocean was going to perform at the club that had opened the précédant week. I thought that the name sounded interesting, so I asked him what kind of rock music, and he said, 'I think it's stuff from the sixties and seventies.' I was eager to hear the songs from my youth. When I saw toi perform, I knew toi were the right fit. Of course, toi know how we met backstage." Jimmy said, "And the rest is history." Everyone laughed. "Yes," Henry said. "The rest is history." Just then, Felix looked at his cellphone and said, "It's 10:00, guys." Henry said, "We better go to bed. We've got a big jour tomorrow." The boys all said, "Okay. Good night, Henry." Henry smiled and said, "Good night, boys. Pleasant dreams." With that, they retired to their beds for the night.