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While Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie burton have formalized their departure Brothers Scott, James Lafferty, for its part, seems to appreciate the desirability of a seventh season, which he resigned. At the DVD release of season 5 in the series, Toutelatele.com had the opportunity to meet the interpreter of Nathan, an actor would be the plus cheerful par the adventure that he lives. An interview tinged smile and a refreshing enthusiasm …

Emilie Lopez: That’s close to seven years that toi play in The Brothers Nathan Scott. What started this adventure?

James Lafferty: I read the pilot when I was still in high school, and originally auditioned for the character of Lucas. But they had already chosen Chad Michael Murray.. I returned to the cast of Nathan I stalled. I was super excited because this project really took me to cœur, coeur It was a great way to be qualified: out of school and turn a TV series!

Emilie Lopez: If toi have auditioned for Lucas, according to some rumors, Chad Michael Murray was, however, the role of Nathan. Can toi imagine the series with these two roles reversed?

James Lafferty: Actually, we have the time to an episode. Deb. We imagined how things would have turned if Dan had decided to stay with Karen instead of Deb choose. Nathan would become plus “Lucas” and vice versa.. It has become one of my favori episodes elsewhere.

Emilie Lopez: The actors in recurring series often fail to penetrate to the movies. Is this a setting in which toi thought before toi engage in One arbre Hill?

James Lafferty: Being cataloged I am not really scared.. I think we can not control it.. Whether toi play a movie in a very striking, ou in a series for a long time, there is always a possibility that the public can not see toi otherwise. But should we let this opportunity for so much? I had so much success, I learned so much, the series took me so far, including Paris (smile) that I would not trade it for anything in the world!

Emilie Lopez: After nearly seven years in this role, what did toi learn from this experience?

James Lafferty: It’s impossible for me to say that I have learned nothing from Nathan, but it is also difficult to describe what he gave me. I saw him through so much, and now be a good father and good husband.. It’s hard not to learn to be the best man possible. It is, moreover, that Nathan tries to do constantly.

Emilie Lopez: The end of the fifth season and the beginning of the sixth are focused on Lucas. Was it not frustrating for toi to take a back seat?

James Lafferty: No, not at all. There have been cliffhangers in the past that had a lot to do with Nathan and Haley. For me, the relationship between Lucas / Peyton is one of the bases of the series and remains the common thread of the first seasonThe fact that the cliffhanger is as focused on them was important not only for fans but also for the seriesThis story took us back to the very soul of Scott Brothers, where it all began: Lucas has always loved Peyton, and he is faced with this choice. As a viewer, I loved to see that.

Emilie Lopez: Between murders, conspiracies and other tragedies, happened to you, on lire the script, toi say that things went too far?

James Lafferty: That’s what made the series: there would be no plot if there was an error. As an actor, is something to keep in mind: when a character loses a little in the way, there is a reason, and then come back better ou improve. Every time Nathan did something stupid, it’s an opportunity to learn and become a better man, even if it must take time.

Emilie Lopez: Season 6 has just ended in the United States. Diriez-vous qu’elle était moins sombre que les précédentes ? Would toi say it was less dark than the précédant ones?

James Lafferty: Yes.. French fans that have not yet seen it will really adore him.. Personally, my favori season. She brings to our audience a certain intimacy with the charactersYou can find the whole essence of the series …

Emilie Lopez: During this season, toi have done an episode. What have toi learned from this experience?

James Lafferty: It was really intense, that toi are forced to use all of your brain and stay focused all the time.. If toi finished in time and that toi are proud of the result, toi learn a lot about yourself, and something toi did not know that toi own. So yes, definitely, I want it again. During the seventh season, I would have the opportunity, and I will not waste it.

Emilie Lopez: Was it not a bit strange to refer people with whom toi usually work in collaboration?

James Lafferty: It was the thing that I worried the least. I’m an actor, so I am familiar with what the players want, what they need while on a shoot, and how to communicate. It was a great opportunity to bring a different perspective, and realize the path when a director comes to toi in the middle of a scene and he tells toi what he wants. I learned a lot, and it serves me in my way of playing.

Emilie Lopez: In the future, when the series is over, toi imagine yourself in front of ou behind the camera?

James Lafferty: There are two levels of creation totally different: I l’amour playing, and storytelling in this way. But I also direct, and make my ideas. At best, I’d like to find a balance between the two.

Emilie Lopez: At the moment toi signed for a seventh season. Did toi hesitate before toi rehire?

James Lafferty: It was an extremely important decision. My contract ended at the end of season 6, and choose between signing a contract for two years ou continue your career, it is the decision of a lifetime. Especially at this time. I would not doubt that there was rather a reflection on what was best for me. And I am confident of the fact that I made the right decision.

Emilie Lopez: A seventh season without Lucas and Peyton toi think it possible? (The interview was conducted before the official announcement of the departure of Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton, ed)

James Lafferty: If this is the way it should be, I am confident that suivant season will be as good as the précédant ones. It has already made a leap vers l'avant, vers l’avant for 4 years, which nobody had done before us on American television, so we could just as easily find a transition deal with these changing faces. There will always be as strong characters, a great cast and a brilliant author, Mark Schwann, and what is all that matters: it is the engine of the series.

article from 5/29/09 link

At the DVD release of season 5 adventures of Scott Brothers, Toutelatele.com met their “papa”, Mark Schwahn.. In the privacy of a hotel room de Sers, man, passionate and invested in particular, reveals the underside of his series, while the announcement was a seventh season as an officer. Meeting a writer of talent involved in the vast majority of scenarios of his “baby”

Emilie Lopez: Before, toi had always written film. How did toi come to create the Scott brothers?

Mark Schwahn: Originally, I wrote Scott brothers as a film close to my personal experience, and a little plus focused on sport. But meanwhile, I was hired for the movie Coach Carter with Samuel L. Jackson.. I am therefore left with two films on the basket, one of whom was sure to be done I was always the Ravens script (title of the original Brothers Scott) on hand, Coach Carter and I was plus ou less forced to change it into a TV series.

Emilie Lopez: Why basketball, basket-ball influence there as your écriture process?

. Mark Schwahn: I played basketball, basket-ball a lot on the grounds of my neighborhood, as did Lucas early in the series In summer, during holidays, I got a job, and the rest of my time I spent to make baskets. I have such good memories of this period that I felt at ease and relaxed to write this life for Lucas, with Skills, Mouth, Jimmy, camelote, indésirable and Fergie.

Emilie Lopez: Do toi feel plus close to Lucas that the other characters in the series?

Mark Schwahn: Hilarie (Burton, one of the actresses, ie) I’ve always been accused of écriture the role of Peyton as my female double (laughs), which is probably true. But I think that there are parts of me in each character: Lucas nobility and grace that I would like to have. Ditto for Dan, this evil which always has the last word, it is very strong, dominating, it’s very therapeutic to write this character who did all these things! Nathan is someone whose emotions it can make the most of himself, and learns lessons from his father, especially on the fact not be as emotional and passionate. But I think in my youth, I was closer to Micro. (*sideonote this is the translation but I don’t know who he is referring to here as Micro)It’s interesting because I write these characters and their teacher in the world, I learn a lot about me.

Emilie Lopez: Season 5 DVD release, the famous “leap forward”. How did toi come to this choice of scenario?

Mark Schwahn: I have always wondered what became when our dreams die. When toi are young, it’s so easy to have dreams. What becomes difficult is to do, especially if it’s something special, as a professional sportsman ou an astronaut! This really interested me to know what one becomes after that: What do toi dream for his future, what choices do we have to make, what will happen when all this off?

Emilie Lopez: Have you, yourself, had to abandon a dream?

Mark Schwahn: I l’amour music, if I could be anywhere, it would be in a bus for a tour as a musician. I could always write, and I took it for granted, that I always come very naturallyBut to be honest, and that I never told anyone, one day, when the series will stop, I rush into a studio to record an album with a groupBecause at some point in my life, I will have to stop telling me “one jour and realize that that jour has arrived …

Emilie Lopez: The soundtrack of the series has always had great success. Are toi also the choice of songs?

Mark Schwahn: We work closely with my team.. But I must admit that the “musical pedigree of the series was made largely on the basis of my choice. Some kinds of musique do not believe me, the series, such as hip-hop, which I find a little too aggressive and difficult to add on haut, retour au début of dialogues. The pace of the series also requires a certain type of songs and artists. So yes, on the soundtrack, whether toi like it ou toi worship, be it through me, ou my fault! (rires) (laughs)

Emilie Lopez: Would toi say the sixth season is less “black” and “dramatic” than the previous?

Mark Schwahn: It starts with a lot of events “difficult” as the episode Carrie / Dan, Brooke’s attack, etc . At first she is rather “black”, but it is true that thereafter, it evolved into something plus quiet, plus romantic, and that is exactly what I wanted. Especially since we did not know at the time whether it would ou not be our last season.

Emilie Lopez: Have toi ever felt that toi were going too far in the “drama”?

Mark Schwahn: Some series, which are no longer on the air, went too far too fast, but all they could do. With Scott Brothers, the moments are offset with other very quiet. I know that some watching the series as a “guilty pleasure” just for the drama. It is also easier for a chain ou studios to understand the series when there is a mix of the two genres. For example, the advertising will be done on the car accident of Peyton, but the episode will focus on the relationship between Peyton and Brooke! But the chain still focus on the tragic event …


Emilie Lopez: At the end of season 5, Lucas hesitates between three contenders. “ Why did toi chose Peyton?

. Mark Schwahn: I have always thought that Lucas and Peyton were meant to be together, it was established from the outset. There were a couple Lucas / Brooke, and alchemy was of course obvious. I know that fans of Brucas (contraction of Brooke and Lucas, ed) felt that they withdrew something But I say also that we have donné you! “So why do not we thank him for it instead of feeling penalized? (rires) (laughs)

Emilie Lopez: toi were asked to carry out the pilot Melrose Place 2.0. Why this did not finally be done?

Mark Schwahn: I was very interested in the idea to do so, especially after talking with the studios. But only for the pilot to write, implement, make the cast, I had to leave. And they said, because I think that that would make the first episode is expected to remain throughout the season. They wanted someone who could participate fully. Which meant for me “unload” a sort of my series, and give way to someone, while keeping a distant light above. But I did not feel ready to abandon the Scott brothers.
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