my inner hatred Club
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posted by seki
november 6,2011
this is another jour of my life when i feel so sad.i know why it is all because of my dear father.what he think of himself...he is nothing man.why he is making my fucking life plus worst than it is.i mean my mom told me today that your father,s future plan for toi is take science after science when u go to the college do J.B.T. and in seconde an he marry you...i a dit what the fuck he is thinking ...MARRY ME...IT IS NOT A JOKE AT is all life . i mean how can i marry a bastard with no sense..i want to be a doctor and want to go america for higher studies but what he think MARRY ME...HAHA.he don,t what in this hell actually i am .i mean i never marry at any cost.after marrige two kids in two years and that bluddy motherfucker abuse me like my dad do with my mom NO !NO1no1 DUDE toi ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER.....
marrige is nothing for me.i am happy alone in my life.after marrige nothing other than sex with the person i don,t know,..i mean why?it is better than worst,marry me a rich person and then he can FUCK ME UP.NO WAYS.
seriously i mean why i do hard work for my studies if he want to marry.all this make me plus full of hatred for him.seriously u should pay for this dude.abuse my mom without any reason and call her chienne all these things make me plus full of hatred.if toi only care about your son so why i care about you...
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
added by seki
posted by Princess_seki
i hate my parents especially on festivals whee guest come.i can,t even talk freely.all they want to is montrer off that my f daughter do this much work.she is a f maid of our
really i hate them their attitude of controlling my life.
sometime i find myself in a trap.a ever ending torcher of mind my emotions where i have a live par killing my dreams my emotions,my esteem
i want t slap myself i feel lucky that i have fantaisie prone personality otherwise i am dead till this movt....
i will make them pay.i ma going to ran away from them and never going to back.if life of so many ppl depend on me not mean i ma going to compromise my f dreams and emotions......
go to hell.....
and stop f me all the time and let me live my life...
get ready toi will have to pay for all your debts.

be ready
19 aug 13
one jour before rakhi
posted by Princess_seki
there are so many reasons why i hate my bullshit life.can,t tell one.really i don,t know my parents are like this.all they want is there bullshit fucking reputation nothing else.they don,t care about my happiness.i thought that my mother is my best wrong i was.she is not even my friend.she is nothing but my biological mother who thinks that she have right on me to make me do thing which i want.i can,t go any where with my own.why someone is going to rape
it is time to make a decision that i am not going to interfere in their life.just concentrate on mine...............okay just concentrate on mine.
posted by Princess_seki
dreams are what/.......our desires
but what about me who don,t have to dream...k pop and [b]shinee[b] is really like sunshine to me.a warm and shining light of sun to my dark life.i really don,t know what i do if i don,t find inspiration,my idol, my resource of everything which i achieve in life and going to endless source of motivation and happines.
today on 24 june 2013 another jour when i am felling depress after thinking about my future.
but whenever i listen their songs they give me new life , a new inspiration to live my life peacefully and happily.
[i]as people say all is well if ends well[i]
when i write articles here i ma really deprees but i don,t have to loose hopes.
i can do after i do jbt atleast..............when i get job i will do whatever i want.i have to study so that i don,t loose grip on study and on my mind :P
get with rythem and fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Princess_seki
i quit.i am tired from bullshit fucking life.really i really don,t know what they want but all i know that i can,t stay like this any plus .but what can i do i don,t have any choice regarding what......................................regarding anything i am just living in hell where i can,t even wear clothes which i like.what they think i am . a down market village i am not.i can do anything and go anywhere to fulfill my goal,dreams and desire no matter what know what they always talk about my marriage this and that OH JUST PARDON ME.
continue reading...
posted by Princess_seki
i am so so so tired from my family,they are just sometime ruin my life.sometime i just think of suicide but one of my friend say never stop fighting.i know sometime life become sweet sometime acide, sure but it still go on.but seriously i hate but i know a thing that i have some plans for my life and i have to make my dreams come true.get off from all this jour i go from this country,this economy and from this male dominated society and never come back.and no one is able to stop me.,my dreams is become a buisness executive and my parents want me to become a teacher noooooo way i am not going to be a teacher.
they want me to marry a guy they like in some how related to their side but i want to marry a forigner who l’amour me ....wait actually l’amour me okay!!
and if he cheat on me i don,t have any problem coz that was my choice not nay other choice i can live my life alone ou with my childs if i any condition is not going to return this country again in my life
posted by chawrash
i hate myself ppl say im fat and ugly and hairy the commentaire me in all ways possible ,,what are they describing ?a monster ...i hate them all even my close Friends say hard words to me ..i hate it ,,,,everyone is so stupid does they think that i dont see myself ??they say your hair is ugly par example,,,,,,,,,,, and my parents sometimes make me go crazy ,,they put to much stress on me study study always study ,,am i a college student ???ppl dont understand me they think wrong of me they misunderstand me all the time ..
haa good to get that out of me ...
added by seki