Mew Mew Power Club
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Previously on Part 1, the tides have made a slight turn when Elliot begind learning most about Kasey and his powers. Though he has discovered some pieces of the puzzle, he still cannot trust him- even if he speaks the truth. Kasey is soon sent on a mission to trust his new Friends and help them if they need it. Only par succeeding this goal will he be accepted to rejoindre the team. Dren meanwhile has troubles of his own when Deep Blue sends both Tarb and Sardon to accommodate him once plus but tells them that he will do his best this time to plan a scheme that will work. Later, Elliot reports sightings of Predacyte activity at an abandon mine shaft out in the country and appoints the crew to go out and to stop whatever Dren is doing. Upon doing so, he also reminds Kasey once plus not to screw this mission up ou else.

In part 2, Dren begins plotting his plan to lure the Mew Mews and Kasey to the mine shaft and finish them for good. The crew makes their way to the mine shaft also par learning from someone that this place explains so much about the past that it is too memorable to be destoryed. When they come to face to face with the one and only Dren however they are about to get themselves in something far plus dangerous than anything.

And this adventure continues...

Dren slowly floats down on Earth. He's looking for a secert hideout to start working on his plan. He finally comes to the abandoning mine shaft.

Dren: *Looks around* Ah, what a perfect place for those pesky hereos to drop by. *Grinned* But this time, they won't know what is coming to them. *Forms groups of Predacytes on his hand* Now my pretties, go explore around and attach yourselves to anything toi can find. *Lets them go*

The small, jelly-like creatures began forming in numbers while looking around for creatures to attach themselves too. They have gotten hold of rats, lizards, gophers, and even spiders. Though they have attached every creature around and inside the mines Dren was saving one Predacyte for the last and final creature.

Dren: *Looks at the final Predacyte* As for you, I'm saving toi for the finale. *Floats inside the mining tunnel* Now what creature can I infuse toi with?

After searching carefully, he saw a snake slithring through the tunnel.

Dren: Ah! A snake! And a gorgeous one too. *Opens his hand with the Predacyte* Go and get inside that snake, I saved it for you.

As commanded, the jelly-like creature went after the snake, revealing its Predacyte apperance but not shown on screen.

Dren: *Laughs evily* They will not expect any of it! I have finally created the perfect army of Predacytes and created "the boss of the big ones". Shows toi Sardon and Tarb! *Looks at the sky, beleiving they are watching the whole thing*

As he expected, Tarb and Sardon were watching the whole thing out from their layer.

Sardon: I must say- he is very smart for creating an army.

Tarb: It's not fair! That idea he took from me! I'm the one who created that army of bug Preadcytes. It's only fair that I got to do that.

Sardon: Quit whining! What we should be thinking about is that he is actually pulling this off. Think of how proud our master Deep Blue would be.

Tarb: Yeah! Yeah! But when he gets back, I am going to accuse him of stealing my idea..

Sardon: *Sighed*

While things are coming along greatly for the Cyinclons, Zoey and Friends have just arrived out on the country side.

Kikki: *Smells the air* Smell that fresh air! It's wonderful!

Corina: I have to agree- it is such a lovely day.

Kasey: *Nodds* Keep in mind though that we have a mission to accomplish.

Zoey: Kasey's right. Besides, we need to get toi on the team anyway just to montrer that mean Elliot that toi are worthy.

Kasey: Yep. So lets say we get walking. Where is this mine shaft located?

Bridget: *Looks at the map* According to this map Wesley gave us the mine shaft is closer to the mountains. So we should take left.

Kikki: Lets go! *Starts walking*

Everyone: *Followed*

As they made their way deep in the forest, they notcied that this pathway wasn't excatly like what the map showed.

Bridget: Oh no! I think we took a wrong turn through here! *Screamed*

Corina: We're lost??

Zoey: Not good! Not good!

Everyone, excpet Kikki got into a panic attack.

Kasey: *Gave a loud roar to make everyone stop*

Everyone: *Looked at him with fright*

Kasey: We're not lost. And if we are, I can help us find our way back andttake whatever turn we need to go to.

Corina: So you're going to tell us toi have excllent eye sight, scent, and with great directions?

Kasey: I'll give it a shot if toi girls want me to.

Everyone: *Pleaded to him*

Kasey: Alright. Give me a second. *Turns and walked towards the cliff looking around and sniffing the air*

Corina: I can't beleive we are falling for this.

Zoey: Hey!

Bridget: He might be of some help with us. Elliot did say after all that he wants to see if he can help us which he is doing right now.

Renee: *Didn't say much*

Kikki: I don't care if toi make cruel jokes about him, but he is awsome!

Kasey: *Returns to them and sat down on the ground*

Everyone: *Anxious to hear the answer*

Kasey: We have took a slight turn, but I know excatly where we need to go. Follow me. *Walks back down the path they came from and ventured into the woodland trail*

Zoey: *Hearts in her eyes* He is so awsome!!!!

Kikki: *Joined with her, but had no hearts in her eyes* I know! Like the most awsome person ever!

Corina: *Intrudes on their l’amour struck* We better get going...

Zoey & Kikki: *Froze for a second*

Everyone followed Kasey who was stil leading the group. But as they got farther and farther, the forest started to get creepier and creepier.

Zoey: *Shook with fear* T-T-This forest is giving me the creeps.

Bridget: I know...looks like something toi would see in those books.

Corina: ou plus like in a movie.

Renee: *Humphed softly* Doesn't scare me much.

Corina: Oh Renee! You're so Rebelle and courageous!

Renee: It's not like it's just need to beleive in yourself when facing these kinds of situations.

Zoey: The only thing I beleive in right now is the fact that a monster ou something will be out and about trying to eat us all.

Corina: *Joking around with Zoey* Ahhhh! Look Zoey! There is a horn near those bushes!

Zoey: *Screams*

Kasey: *Barks at the horns*

Corina: *Giggles* It's just a joke.

Zoey: Not funny Corina! Not funny at all!

Kasey: *Turns to Corina* No kidding! toi alerted me for no reason.

Corina: Come on toi two! Take a joke why dont you.

Kasey: toi want a joke? How about one where toi get treated like some low life with powers of monsterous porportions and all toi get is nothing for it!

Corina: What has gotten to toi Kasey!

Kasey: I am saying that I think it is unfair to use me like that! Say there is an enemy there but it turns out there is nothing.

Corina: Well forgive me than! It was only meant to be a joke at Zoey!

Zoey: I don't like it when toi play jokes!

Bridget: Guys, knock it off please. Cant we at lease for once have a good time without arguring?

Corina: *Humphed while closing her eyes and giving a smile at Zoey* Very well.

Zoey: *Angered*

Kasey: We really should carry on now guys. I'll contuine leading the way. *Continues walking*

The gang continue their way but got even way deeper in the forest which only got them plus and plus lost. Everyone stopped to rest.

Kikki: *Shivers from being too cold*

Zoey: *Notcies Kikki* Are toi okay?

Kikki: I'm cold...very cold. When did this part of the forest become so cold?

Corina: Because we sould be heading towards the mountains par now and that's where the mining shaft is located right Bridget?

Bridget: Right. *Looks at the map*

Zoey: Here, toi can use my blanket. *Gives her warmth blanket to Kikki*

Kikki: *Snuggles with it* Oh thank toi Zoey!

Kasey: *Explores around but not too far* Something doesn't feel right.

Zoey: *Overheard him* What's not right?

Kasey: Somehow...I get this feeling that this is not the right way to the shaft.

Zoey: Huh? But I thought your senses were right.

Kasey: I thought so too...

Corina: I told toi guys not to listen to him, but toi had to take the bait!

Zoey: Don't make fun of him!! He's trying toi know!

Corina: If that's what toi call trying than why are we lost?

Suddenly, a huge argument began forming between Zoey and Corina. Kikki, Bridget and Renee wanted nothing to do with it. It was all up to Kasey to stop it.

Kasey: *Thought of what to do, formed an anger face and jumped and landed in between Zoey and Corina* STOP NOW!!!

Zoey & Corina: *Stopped while looking down at him*

Kasey: I do not want to do this but I see I'm the only one around here who can. *To Zoey* I know that toi and Corina have gone through so much sense toi two have meet...which I'm not sure how long that was. But toi can't go out being angry at her all the time just because of her making jokes. I know that her jokes can be a bit over the edge but letting your anger out on her will just cause proublems and that is not good when toi and her have a friednship together.

Zoey: *Sighs* You're right're really right.

Kasey: *To Corina* Now look Corina, just because of my sense of direction didn't work well doesn't mean that I am not a good compass ou anything like that. Nobody is ever perfect in anything. toi need to learn on how to delt with things even if they do happen. toi must also look on the brighter side of things such as what we are going through right now- you're not alone and toi have Friends here who care about toi so much. It's also a good idea not to joke around unless toi want to make somebody feel better. Making jokes about people's fears never gets toi anywhere in life but only hurts your friendship with people much worse.

Corina: *Shocked par all what he said* Gosh, I guess you're right.

Kasey: And no sarcasim either! Because I can tell when toi are.

Corina: *Sighed*

Kasey: Okay, now that I have done my share of helping this I want toi two to shake hands and apologise.

Zoey & Corina: *Shook hands and a dit their apologises*

Kasey: Good. Now lets stay calm and think about what we should do next.

Zoey: Right. *Walks to the rock where she sat at before and sat down while thinking*

Just then, someone was walking towards the pathway. It was in the shape of a human.

Zoey: *Frightend* Guys, there is a stranger coming by!

Corina: Get ready to transforme!

Kasey: Hold on! That is no bad guy, it's just a woodsman.

Everyone: Woodsman?? *Looked closely at the shadow*

As the figure walked out of the side and into the dirt road, the light finally showed itself at the woodsman.

Everyone: *Sighed with releif*

Woodsman: I'm sorry if I scared toi all.

Zoey: Oh no sir! toi didn't. We just got scared because we thought we saw a ours ou something.

Corina: *Whispers in her ear* Oh come on Zoey! toi could've come up with something better than that.

Zoey: *Smiled sarcasticly while giggling*

Woodsman: It's alright ladies but I am afaird you're mistaken- bears haven't been around in this side of the country for months. I don't know what has happend to them.

Kikki: toi know, our friend here can turn into a bear!

Kasey: Oof! *Froze in fear*

Zoey: Kikki!

Kikki: What? He had to know somehow.

Woodsman: Your pet? Turn into a bear? *Chuckles* That would be impossible even if I beleived it.

Kasey: *In his thoughts* Why you!

Zoey: Anyway, we're trying to locate the old mine shaft that is around in this side of the woods. Do toi know where it is?

Woodsman: Do I? I certainly do know! Follow me. *Walks into the forest*

Everyone: *Follows*

Everyone followed the woodsman throughout the forest.

Zoey: So do toi know your ways around these woods?

Woodsman: Yes I do. I have lived here in the high country for four years, so I know my way through these parts.

Corina: There is something I was just thinking about..

Woodsman: What is it young lady?

Corina: When toi told us toi knew where the mine shaft is, it sounds like you've been through there many times.

Woodsman: Ohh I understand what you're trying to ask me- you're asking do I acutally live closer ou in the mining area is that right?

Corina: Um, yes. But I was trying not to say anything because I didn't want it to be a big deal.

Woodsman: It's quite alright. Yes, I acutally do live near the mine shafts. I live in a wooden cabine that I built myself the first time I've been use to these woods and I built it closer to the mine shaft.

Kikki: That must be really cool!

Woodsman: Well, it has its good points. But it's hard living here when you're not use to city life.

Zoey: I know how toi feel. Sometimes I wish I could go one jour without having to work at the cafe.

Corina: I assume we all have that dream Zoey.

Zoey: *Sweat drop while laughing*

Woodsman: *Smiles as if he dididn't know what they are talking about*

After walking over a steep wooded hill, they all have made it to the open area where dirt was seen. It turned out they made it to the mining part of the forest.

Everyone: *Admired the view of the mining area*

Kikki: *Bends down and feels the dirt* It feels like the sand at the beach.

Zoey: *Feels it too* You're right- it does.

Corina: I don't get it. This is all just dirt. Where's the mine at?

Woodsman: If toi follow me, I'll montrer you.

Everyone: *Follows*

Woodsman: *Stopped to his cabine and pointed striaght* That's it right over there.

Everyone: *Noticies*

Zoey: Doesn't seem much.

Woodsman: That's because toi don't know what it's like from the inside.

Bridget: If I may ask mister woodsman, are toi the one who created this mine?

Woodsman: Not really, but before I was here there was a group of people who once dug this site up in hopes of finding valueable jewels and stones to montrer to the public. They worked so hard to bring these rare values for five years but sense then they have not returned back. Making this area a memoerial to me.

Kikki: That is so cool! Learning about the past and all that. I wonder if there are still valueables inside that tunnel.

Woodsman: I've tried many attempts to venture inside, but it gets too dark for me that I can barelly see. Plus, creatures live inside there and I don't like distrubing them.

Zoey: *In her mind* He's so deep just like Mark!

Kasey: *Explores around*

Woodsman: I hope your pet doesn't venture too far away. No telling what will happen if he does.

Zoey: Yeah. *Watches as he explores*

Woodsman: Well, would toi girls like something to drink? I've got some drinks inside.

Everyone: Sure! *Followed him inside*

While the girls were inside, Kasey was exploring through the dirt side of the area. But he soon felt a strong force and it was at that moment that Dren appeared and surprised him.

Kasey: *Gasped* It's you!

Dren: *Chuckles* Lucky guess K-asey! I'm going to get use to saying that name plus often if I am going to get toi along with your little friends. ou is it that you're not with them?

Kasey: What on Earth are toi talking about? Of course I am with them! Why do toi think I wouldn't?

Dren: The fact that the cat is out of the bag- meaning she is only using you.

Kasey: *Growled with anger and tried biting him* You! You! toi fool! How dare toi take advtange of me like that! I so will not rejoindre with toi even if toi fake a simple lie! *Continues attacking him*

Dren: *Dodges all of his moves and attacks while laughing* Don't toi know Kasey? toi don't fit with her and her friends. toi should become a Cyniclon and rejoindre the forces of evil.

Kasey: *Huffs with exhaustion*

Dren: I mean look at yourself- is Zoey ever going to be your friend? toi have fur, toi act like a canine and your just not worth being with them. I'll make toi a deal- rejoindre with me, and your powers will be gone and toi can return back to yourself the way toi were before toi had these powers.

Kasey: *Gasps while thinking really hard*

Dren: I can see this is going to take time, so I will give toi until the Mew Mews come and attack my Predacytes. Make your answer as soon as my final Predacyte performs the finishing move. Have fun waiting...*Disappers*

Kasey: *Gave a glare in his face with anger and fell to the ground*

Kasey fainted. But when we awoke, he found himself inside the woodsman's cabine and with Kikki, Zoey and Bridget looking at him.

Bridget: He's waking up.

Zoey: *Pets him on the head* Are toi okay Kasey?

Kasey: *Tries to open his eyes* What happend?

Kikki: toi were asleep ou something. toi kind of look like toi were...

Zoey: *Covered her mouth* Don't say the "D" word! I don't like that word!

Kasey: Oh...I must have fainted.

Woodsman: *Walks to him* Is your pet okay now?

Zoey: *Uncovered Kikki's mouth and looked up at him* Yes sir, he is alright now.

Woodsman: The heat must have made him pass out. It can be very dangerous. *Walks away* I'll go get some refreshments for him. Be right back.

Bridget: *Gets up and follows him* I'll help you.

Kikki: Me too! *Follows*

Zoey: *Turns to Kasey* What really happend Kasey? toi couldn't have just done that because of heat. Something is up. What's wrong?

Kasey: *Sighed while looking at the floor* I received an unexpecting invite from somebody...

Zoey: What? From whom?

Kasey: Dren wants me to rejoindre with him...

Zoey: Oh no! Dren showed up and toi were alone???

Kasey: It's alright! He didn't harm me, but I tried taking a balançoire, swing at him. That guy moves pretty fast for an alien.

Zoey: Phew. *Sighed with relief* And he wants toi to rejoindre him? Why?

Kasey: He never gave me a clear reason why he wanted me to rejoindre with him, but he told me that if I did rejoindre him he would get rid of my powers.

Zoey: *Shocked* Don't trust in whatever he says Kasey! He's only going to turn toi into one of them.

Kasey: Don't worry, I'm not joining forces with him. But he did mention that he has a breath taking suprise for toi and the others.

Zoey: Really? That must mean he's planning something. We better go tell the others right away.

Kasey: What about the woodsman? What are we going to explain to him?

Zoey: Oh right, I forgot about him. I don't know, but I'm sure we can come up with something.

When the two turned around the corner, they discovered Bridget, Corina, Kikki and Renee all overheard what they were talking about.

Bridget: *Srcasticly told them* I told toi that we weren't suppose to ease drop!

Zoey: It's okay Bridget..

Bridget: *Sighs*

Corina: So what are toi going to do Kasey? Lay us off to rejoindre with that creep?

Kasey: Well..

Zoey: Leave him alone Corina! He is going through a terrible ordeal right now and needs some time alone.

Bridget: We understand, but we just need to know.

Kasey: Don't defend me Zoey, I'll handel this...*Walks to them and sits* Look guys, this will come as a shock to you. Yes, Dren wants me to be a part of his group but don't let this intrude on what is most important. I am still with toi guys and gosh no! I am not joining with him anyway, why would I when I am a savor of this world just like toi guys?

Zoey: Because he promised he would return toi back into a normal person.

Kasey: Look, I might've wanted to be myself in the past but I don't feel that way anymore. I want to be the real me and the real me is this- a hereo of justice and power, someone who tags along with the Mew Mew crew and someone who can outstrike bad guys within minutes. I want to be a real hereo and this is what I am meant to be.

Everyone: *Smiled after his speech*

Zoey: *Rubbed her eyes which were covered with tears* Kasey, those were very nice words! I promise to toi that no matter what happens, toi will never loose sight out of all of us okay?

Kasey: *Smiles* Thank toi Zoey. And I promise to do the same as well. *Licks her on the cheek*

Zoey: *Giggles*

Bridget: How thoughtfull and brave.

Kikki: Go Kasey! Go!

Woodsman: *Returns back with a bowl of water* Here's a bowl of water for your pet. *Puts it down on the ground*

Kasey: *Looks at the bowl*

Zoey: *Puts him down*

Kasey: *Walks to it and drinks from the bowl*

Woodsman: toi know, when I look at your dog it tells me how loyal he is to you.

Zoey: *Smiles brightly* He truelly is loyal to me, and to my friends.

Everyone: *Smiled*

Woodsman: Well, I better get going now. *Walks to the back door*

Zoey: Wait, you're leaving now?

Woodsman: Oh yes. It's time for me to do my 2:00 scout around the woods. Feel free to stay as long as toi want, but remeber to lock the door on your way out. The keys are over there par the table. Take care and nice meeting you. *Waves while walking away*

Everyone: Bye! *Waves*

Bridget: What should we do now?

Kasey: I'll tell toi what we are going to do- we are going to venture into that mine shaft and tell that alien guy to take his words somewhere else! In other words- battle!

Zoey: Yeah! Now you're talking like a true hero Kasey! Lets lock the cabine and start transforming!

As the crew went outside and locked the cabine doors, all five of the girls started transforming into their Mew forms. Kasey meanwhile transformes into a creature that has combat skills and great agility- a Velociraptor.

Everyone: *Amazmed par Kasey's transformation*

Kasey: Pretty cool huh? One of my best transformations.

Mew Kikki: toi don't only look cool, but toi rock!

Kasey: *Blushes a bit* Thanks.

Mew Zoey: Now is the time that we montrer Dren who he is messing with!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Just then, the ground started shaking.

Everyone: *Fell from the constent shaking and also doing slight yells and screams*

Mew Bridget: What is happning?!

Mew Zoey: I don't know, but I hope this isn't an earthquake!

Just then, a whole army of diffrent Predacytes came out of the mine hole one par one. There were lizard-like Predacytes, monster Predacyte spiders, and even weird looking rat Predacytes. They all circled around the gang.

Mew Corina: So many!

Mew Bridget: How could this have happend?

Dren: *In echo sound* Well, I am glade toi asked! *Revealed himself* See, right before toi losers came par I decided to do a little planning ahead and used up all of my Predacytes to create this vast army of greatness. Impressive isn't it Mew Mews?

Mew Kikki: It's not perfect as toi think! I can kick these aliens in a matter of seconds!

Dren: Boy, aren't we too confident. *Notcies Kasey* And I see toi have meet my "furute partner".

Mew Zoey: It's not going to happen Dren! He has decided to stick with us.

Kasey: *Growled at him* And I want to stay like this because it is my destiny. And toi cannot remove that from me!

Dren: *Grinned* Well, so be it. But toi realize you'll still have to fight my Predacyte army creature dude. I can't wait to see how toi pull this one off. Now, let the war begin- attack!!!

At that moment, all of them charged towards the six hereos.

Mew Zoey: Alright team, lets go out and montrer them who's boss!

Everyone: Yes!!!

The Mew Mews plus Kasey were all attacking the army of Predacytes. Some of them needed asstiance which was alright because they were there to help. Others were doing fantastical jobs. While some were a bit hurt. After they destoryed the entire army, they all looked around to find Dren but didn't see him anywhere.

Mew Kikki: *Looks around* Where did he go?

Dren: *Echos* toi may have defeated my army, but toi will never beat what is coming to you. *Laughs*

At the moment, the ground shook once plus but was heavier than before. The entire mine shaft broke into two and a huge snake Prdacyte appeared.

Everyone: *Shocked and gasped*

Dren: Isn't she impressive?

Mew Zoey: How did toi even get that thing to be bigger??

Dren: Who knows how I did it kitty- magic just happens. Speaking of magic, I have a little trick of my own called "Bye-Bye Mew Mews".

Mew Corina: I'm not falling for this anymore!

With the command of her wepon, Cornia used her cœur, coeur Arrow to try to strike the giant snake but did no effect.

Mew Corina: Hey! My attack should've stopped it!

Dren: You're wasting your time Mew losers! This snake has scales so rough your attacks won't even work.

Mew Kikki: *Growls* Kikki never gives up! My turn!

Like Corina, Kikki used her attack but did no damage as well.

Mew Kikki: *Starts crying* My attack should've worked! It should've!

Dren: *Laughs* Come on, don't leve me hanging.

Mew Renee: Let me give this a try...

Renee used her whip to try to attack the giant creature, but also did no damage.

Mew Renee: *Sighed with anger*

Mew Bridget: Lets see if I can do this.

She used her water attack, but also did no damage.

Mew Bridget: *Gasps* This Predacyte is just too diffcult to beat!

Mew Zoey: *In her mind* Oh no! It's all up to me to stop it and I know what is going to happen....

Dren: Enough of this! I want my share of the fun! Go in and coil your victims my lovely creation!

With his command, the giant snake wrapped the five girls with its large coils, squezzing them hard where they alomost couldn't breath.

Dren: *Laughs* How does it feel to be bait for my creation?

Mew Zoey: *Choked* Kasey........wherever toi are, I'm sorry...SO sorry!

Dren: I'm afaird it's no use kitty! Your friend is history!

Kasey: *Echo* Think again!

Dren: *Looks around* Huh?!

Kasey: *Seen on the ground a few feet from the giant Predacyte* I said- "think again".

Dren: Well, this is a surprise concerning the fact that toi are wasting your time. Pretty soon your five little Friends will be chow for my Predacyte. What are toi going to do about that?

Kasey: *Thinks in his head* Remeber Kasey- toi are doing this for the sake of yourself and for them. Don't give up hope ou're a failure. *Opens his eyes with anger while looking up at Dren*

Dren: Face it creature dude- I won and toi lost!

Kasey: *Transformed into a gigantic T.Rex*

Dren: *Shocked par his size* Wow........

Kasey: toi may want to regret saying what toi just a dit Dren- because right now. *Clunches his right fist and quickly punched the snake's face* YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!! *Roars with might*

Dren: Now, now lets talk this over! No! NOOOO!

Kasey: *Grabs the Predcyte's neck, turns it around and punches it again with his left fist*

When the Predacyte fell, so did the Mew Mews. After they fell they took a gulp of air and coughed to release it. But as they got up, they were impressed par what they saw- their new ally helping them out.

Mew Zoey: *Suprised* He's....doing it. He's doing it! He's helping us out! Whooo! Go Kasey!

Everyone: *Watched and cheered for him as well*

With the fight going on, Kasey took one final coup de poing and the Predacyte was weak. He also performed a final range attack known as the Atomic Massacur, a series of flames and firey breaths coming out of his mouth which also changed the Predacyte back to a normal snake and slithered away. After that attack however Kasey Lost tons of his enrgy and was growing weak.

Mew Zoey: *Runs to him* Kasey, toi did it. toi proved yourself to us and to Elliot.

Kasey: *Took breaths while lying on the ground* I did didn't I?

Mew Zoey: Yes toi did this mean you'll be part of the team.

Dren: Hmmmm. *Gave a grin* Very fascinating work Kasey...but this isn't over. I will meet toi again suivant time, and maybe just maybe I will do something to toi that will make toi change your mind. *Disappers through the teleporter*

Mew Corina: We'll see about that!

Mew Bridget: I wonder what he means par that?

Mew Kikki: Forget about that, think of what we're heading for- our new friend and team mate Kasey, the great all mighty!

Everyone: *Laughs while looking at Zoey and Kasey*

The suivant day, the gang gathers around a table, tableau at the cafe so Elliot can approve of Kasey's offer.

Elliot: So you're saying toi did help them out.

Kasey: Yes sir.

Elliot: And toi battled Dren and the Predacytes.

Kasey: Yes, I did.

Elliot: And toi did not form any alliance to the Cyniclons right?

Kasey: No sir I did not.

Elliot: *Gave a smirk* Well then, toi are now a memeber of the Mew Project.

Everyone: *Cheered*

Kasey: *Happy* I am now a Mew Mew! Cool!

Kikki: We could name you, "Mew Kasey".

Kasey: Hmmmm, sounds kind of girly dont toi think?

Zoey: Yeah. I like just "Kasey" better. *Smiles*

Kasey: As do I.

Corina: Kasey, I wanted to say thank toi for helping me out.

Kasey: It's no proublem. It's what Friends do.

Corina: *Smiles* Yeah.

Kikki: I think we should throw a party instead of working.

Wesley: That would be fun, but I am afaird we can't do that.

Everyone: Awwwwwwwwwwwww!

Wesely: But maybe we can throw one tommrow.

Everyone: Yay!!!

It appears that things have turned out quite well after all. Kasey now has a new fame as a Mew. But Dren on the other hand is in a whole mess of trouble.

Deep Blue: Dren, I see toi have failed me once again. That means Tarb and Sardon will guide toi through your plans.

Dren: *Sighs* Fine...what could be worse than hearing their commentaires anyway?

Sardon: toi are such a fool Dren! Thinking of forming an alliance with that guy.

Dren: Come on Sardon! It was the best I could do.

TarbL Best toi can do? *Laughs* toi don't try asking the good guy to form an alliance with the bad guy.

Dren: Who a dit do?!

And all in all, everyone is happy...or so Dren may feel right now.

Until suivant time on "Mew Mew: A New Generation", what other exploding adventures will our hereos face next? ^_^
Zoey:Guys Mini Mew is Locating a Alien! Kikki:Where Is It Mini Mew? Mini Mew:Above Cafe Mew Mew! ???:haha toi Can Never Beat Us! Corina:Who a dit That? Alexa & Mary:Us! All The Mews:AHHHHHH! Alexa:DARK TAMBOURINE! Kikki:TAMBOURINE TRENCH! Kikki:Owww! Zoey:Strawberry Bell! Mary:Dark Bell! Zoey:There Too Strong For Us! Alexa:Thats Just The Two Of Us Theres plus Of Us! Mary:Better Watch Out! Rene:UH OH Alexa & Mary:-Fly Away- To Be Continued.........................................
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added by mewmewblueberry
added by mewmewblueberry
added by mewmewblueberry
added by mewmewblueberry
Previously on "A New Generation", Kasey's biggest event as a trained tiger turns into chaos when the Cyniclons: which includes both Sardon and Tarb, attacks. Upon for the worse, they attack inside Cafe Mew Mew causing not much desturction but a diffcult Predacyte for both Kasey and the girls to defeat. But with courage and great brains, they were able to fight off the beast and save the event just in time. But at the end of the event, Dren returns to unite with Sardon and Tarb but brings a new kind of Predacyte with him.

In episode 7, the revelation concerning the new Predacyte type is revealed....
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Last time in this series, Kasey is finally accepted to the Mew Project after a very dangerous mission at the ancient mine shaft in the high country. With Dren already hot on his trail however, he won't ever be sûr, sans danger unless Zoey and the others are par his side. But now that he is part of the group, changes will occur in his life forever.

In episode 3, Kasey runs away after being teased par a group of high school kids who were costumers at Cafe Mew Mew. Now that he is gone, it is all up to Zoey and the others to get his mind at ease and bring him back before something crucial happens- ou it may...
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In the last episode of this astonishing series, an epic battle of shocking proportions occurred at Tokyo Tower. This was also the start of a new generation in Predacyte creation when the Cyniclons showed off their latest edition to the house- a Preadacyte that could morph itself into any creature ou monster “it” chooses to transform into. These created serious consequences for the Mew Mews and Kasey as the kind of Predacytes they had to fight were covered with packs of electrical forces, so powerful enough to knock out an elephant! After devastating results, the tower was saved from mayhem...
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Previosuly on this series, the crew had a heck of a time defeating the Cyniclons and their various amphibian Predacytes. But with a bit of teamwork and courage comes the power of all six of these amazing hereos and nothing can withstand them. But there was even a tricky moment when Deep Blue ordered Dren to stop working for Sardon and Tarb- two of a kind could do the job ou will it not?

In episode 6, a big charity event has been brought to Cafe Mew Mew in donation of Kasey and his amazing tricks and abilities. An animal trainer comes par in hopes of performing an exciting and big montrer for the...
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Previously in part 1, the whole city goes bananas when news have spread concerning a monster living beneath the sewers. Hoping to find out some information concerning this creature, Zoey and the others tried to convience Elliot to go down to the sewers and chercher for this thing only to be turned down. It turns out they aren't the only ones who know about this creature as the Cyniclons decide to investigate- Dren and Tarb went down to chercher while Sardon stood out of the way. Even a surprise comes up when Zoey's boyfriend also wanted to know plus about this thing as well and the two along with...
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added by mewmewblueberry