Matt the lynx Club
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one jour after pomu regreated with matt,stargate, and spikey.jazon walked up and a dit "I surrender...for good." matt didn't believe him.pomu cheerfully a dit "JAZON!!!" she hugged him.matt a dit "So your 5-years-old...i forget?" pomu a dit "I lied,I'm 11." spikey asked "Are toi sure?" stargate looked up the file on pomu and a dit "Yes,she is 11." jazon a dit "look,i've screwed up in the past,but I want to rejoin our old team." matt a dit "...really?...i suppose i could give toi a seconde chance." pomu smiled and a dit "YAY!MY BROTHERS ARE Friends AGAIN!!!WHERE THE EON 5 AGAIN!!!" matt a dit "...I wonder if we could get plus members" nicole walked up and a dit "I could serve as a newtrul party to your team,i'm already in zonac Heroes and the freedom fighters,this'll be fun." matt blushed and knodded

A short time after,pomu headed out and decided to exsplore the city,she was suprised to see the many many mobians,she had a gleem in her eye because she only knew 4 mobians.she accidently smacked into a familar was tak,he got up and a dit "Oh,i'm must be matt's little sister,am I right?" pomu blushed at the sight of tak and a dit "y-yuppy.i-i'm pomu...thats stands for PROTOTYPE OF MATT UNIT." tak a dit "Prototype?" they started a short conversation afterwords.but pomu devoloped a l’amour for tak.

Meanwhile,in the shadows of an old abondoned cyber-space,a entinty was aware of the sevral landings from the a dit "SO THE FINALLY CREATION OF ATOM ROTOR "CLANK" THE WALRUS HAS FINALLY ARIVED TO MOBUIS?Perfect,i can destroy the all at once for polluting the timeline."

Find out what happens suivant time in the pomu saga.