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''Um...Hello?"Raven answered the phone.We all had this urge to find out the reason for Dave's call.And Raven had put the speaker-phone on so that we can all hear the conversation.
"Hey Is it Raven?"Dave asked "Well yeah,actually the girls r listening too"Raven replied. ''Hi Dave!"We all chorused together.
"oh good,you all are listening.I have made some changes in my talent show,I have decided to have the auditions tomorrow since I have to go to Canada on Wednesday.Hope it's ok with y'all.
''WHAT?Tomorrow???That's so near!!!"Ally shouted making us all jump up from our couch.
"Ally, calm down" I said.
"No worries Dave.I think we can manage that."Raven returned to Dave on the phone.
"Okay then be in the Hilton main hall before 4.00p.m..Raven u got that down?"
"Good luck girls.see ya"Dave said.
"Thank u"We said.
Beep.And Dave went off leaving shocked expressions in our faces.There was a moment of awkward silence but it was broken par Shavon.
"OMG!!!!!!!!! Raven what are we supposed to do??!!"She screamed making our eardrums vibrate.
"Woah Shav take a breath please.I've got this all figured out"Raven grinned
"How come you're not freaking out!!And how can toi be so sure??We are closer to the edge here!!" I guess I was louder than Shavon that time.
''yeah we have nothing to wear!"Ally joined.
"..........And the band is not ready.Seriously Raven, the guitarist is nuts!!!" Angie accompanied.
"I a dit CALM DOWNN!!!!!!!!"Raven screamed from the haut, retour au début of her lungs and we all sat down at once and made chiot dog faces.