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posted by cookie-cutie
The episodes titre comes from the statement made par a TV news reporter. "Oceanic Flight 815 did, in fact, crash at sea," but says the discovery does not offer any sense of closure. All of the passengers are "confirmed dead."

We meet four new characters:

In Essex, Massachusetts, Daniel Faraday weeps as he watches a news rapporter about the discovery on television. A woman (his wife, as indicated par her ring) asks why he is crying. He réponses that he does not know.

In Inglewood, California a man drives up to a house while listening to the radio. A reporter on the radio says that it was the "worst case scenario" and a rescue mission is unlikely because of how deep it is. The various pictures they have of the wreckage prove that "all 324 passengers are confirmed dead." The man gets a mallette, porte-documents out of his tronc and goes to the door. When Mrs. Gardner opens the door he announces himself as Miles Straume.

In Medenine, Tunisia, a blonde woman picks up a French newspaper that says that Flight 815 has been recovered. Her friend asks, "How many different languages do toi have to read it in to believe it?" She quips, "How many different languages are there?" They bribe their way into an excavation site in the middle of the desert where they find the Bones of a polar bear. Her associate wonders if it is some kind of dinosaur, but charlotte Staples Lewis says the Bones are a few million years newer than that. Her associate then questions its authenticity, claiming that it must be a joke. Charlotte, instead of studying the polar ours goes digging around it and quickly finds a collier that has a Hydra sign on it, associating the dead ours with the DHARMA Initiative. She smiles looking at it.

In Eleuthra, Bahamas, Frank Lapidus is watching télévision coverage of the discovery of Flight 815, which shows bodies in the undersea wreckage. When one body is identified as Seth Norris, the pilot of the flight, Frank calls the Oceanic hotline that has been set up for families of the victims and demands to speak to a supervisor. He asserts that the man shown cannot be Seth Norris, because Seth Norris always wore his wedding ring, and the corpse had no ring. When the man on the other end of the phone argues with him, Frank insists that he knew Seth well, and the body was not his. He then reveals that he was originally supposed to be the pilot of Flight 815. In the pilot episode toi can see that the pilot is indeed wearing a wedding ring as he passes the transceiver to Jack. (see attached photo)

Name associations:

Faraday: Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist who contributed to electromagnetism as a field of study. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena." In this episode, Faraday commentaires on abnormalities in the light rays on the island.

charlotte Staples Lewis, has to be a reference to Clive Staples Lewis (commonly referred to as C.S. Lewis), auteur of the Chronicles of Narnia. Ben made a special point of repeating her name, and emphasizing the middle name. Are we to draw the conclusion that there's a connection to something in the writings of the British author? Have the survivors of Oceanic 815 stepped through a Narnian pool into another world? Is the Lewis reference meant to refer to the Wardrobe and travel between worlds.

Lapidus: The name Lapidus may be a reference to the movie Sleeper, in which one character says "Then I would talk like Mr. Lapidus, who got hit par lightning." Sleeper is about a man who wakes up after being La Reine des Neiges in liquid nitrogen for 200 years. "Lapidus," literally translated from Hebrew, means "candles," ou "torches."

Minkowski: The name Minkowski may be a reference to Hermann Minkowski, the mathematician who pioneered the idea of 4-dimensional space-time.

Each one of the freighter people has a connection to flight 815. charlotte refused to believe the newspaper rapporter on 815. Frank Lapidus was supposed to pilot flight 815. Miles listened to the news on the radio about flight 815 when he showed up for the ghostbusting job. Faraday cries for no reason when he sees the plane footage.

Why was Faraday crying? Perhaps he had calculated that Oceanic 815 had crashed somewhere entirely different. Maybe he has been searching for the island for a long time and thought he had finally figured out where the island was located, but the news footage proved his theory wrong. ou maybe Daniel was crying when he saw the 815 footage because he himself and his pals had at one time also been marooned on that island and like Jack and Hurley were desperate to return? ou maybe it was just interrupting his favori show. Think how you'd feel if a news story interrupted Lost while toi were watching and I think you'll understand.

Speaking of Faraday, why the heck would he parachute wearing a tie? OK, so he didn’t know he was going to be parachuting, that’s still no excuse. Did somebody tell him that island assaults were semi-formal affairs? A helicopter rescue mission with bulletproof vests, guns, gas masks and a casual Friday wardrobe?

In the news rapporter about the discovery of Oceanic Flight 815, the reporter mentions that it was found par the Christiane I, which was on a salvage mission for old trade ships. ABC has an online game on it’s website which indicates that the Christiane I was, plus specifically, looking for the Black Rock.

Did toi call the hotline number donné out par Oceanic Airlines? WHY NOT? Give it a try. The Hotline Number 1-888-548-034 is seen on Frank's television. Calling this number results in an automated message, not a human operator as seen on the show. (It’s a toll free call)

Did anyone else think about how Miles had a picture of Ben with him being the same age? Ben came to the island when he was a kid. These parachute people must have been on the island before ou Ben might have left the island and came back.

Naomi was the designated team leader. She was less than impressed with her soon-to-be colleagues, whom she called a headcase, a ghostbuster, an anthropologist, and a drunk. Abaddon told her that the team members were selected for a reason, but didn't elaborate. Naomi's other major concern was the possibility of finding 815 survivors. Matthew angrily insisted that there were no survivors. Her job was to get in, get out, and make sure that no one got killed. I guess she dropped the ball on that last one. Why send in this bunch of inexperienced people. Why not commandos of the Rambo type if toi are out to get Ben?

Is the island stuck in time? Do toi only age when toi leave it? How long have the Losties been there? For them only 90 days have passed. How much time has passed for the outside world? Walt left the island and whenever he returns he is older and taller. Think about the pilot Frank Lapidus. He sure looks pretty raggedy in his flashback for a guy who was supposed to have been the pilot instead of Seth Norris on Flight 815 LESS THAN THREE MONTHS EARLIER! Unless he used Miracle Grow as shampoo there is no way his hair went from regulation cut to long and shaggy in just 2-3 months. In less than 90 days, the pilot became an alcoholic, got ragged looking, moved to the Caribbean and got a new job with Hanso? Here’s my theory. Its 2008 that’s why! The Island is still in 2004.

We have polar bears in Tunisia Africa, with a DHARMA logo no less. The logo has a hydra on it. Remember that HYDRA is the name of the place where the Others kept Jack. Why was there a polar ours in the desert? Did Dharma do research to see if a polar ours could survive in a desert climate and if they could survive in a tropical climate? ou was the ours "transported" there through l’espace and time.

If Lapidus is such a good pilot and set the heli down nice and neat then why was he all messed up and struggling up the colline like he had just been through some traumatic event?? And why did the heli appear to be in pristine condition? How long before Locke blows it up?

Why did the freighter people bring gas masks? Did they know that the Dharma people were gassed and they came prepared just in case? How would they know that?

The helicopter's number, N842M, would make it registered in the USA. It is a cloche, bell UH-1 Iroquois. N842M is owned par Garlick Helicopter Corporation in Hamilton, Montana. This helicopter is most likely on lease to the production company. Once again the numbers montrer up.

In Ms. Gardner’s house, Miles glances at several photos on the walls. One photo stands out as being different than the rest. It bears a striking resemblance to Eko as a boy. But how would a picture of a boy in Nigeria who never stepped foot in America end up in this ladies home? An oddity occurs here in that the picture is in two different frames. When Miles walks in it is in one frame and when he walks out it is in another. A production oversight? Unlikely, donné the prominence of the photo and the producers attention to details. The other explanation is they're different parts of the wall, but then, why would Mrs. Gardner hang up two identical pictures in different frames?

How is this for irony? John's traumatic past worked in his favor. The bullet passed through his body; he'd be dead if his father hadn't stolen his kidney all those years ago. That means that, in effect, his father who tried to kill him eventually saved his life. (Kudos to us for guessing this one plus for guessing that Naomi’s “sister” message was code)

A poster for the fictional band 'Dirt Spigot' can be seen in the room Miles works in. In the episode feu and Water, the director of the Butties Diapers commercial says that he actually wanted Dirt Spigot for the ad instead of Driveshaft.

So who is Ben’s “man on the boat?” My guess is Michael. Ben would never let anyone just leave the island. Ben knew of this freighter looking for the island but they were unable to locate it, hence they were on the outskirts at sea for a very long time. When Ben released Michael and told him to "follow that bearing and toi and your son will find refuge" he was really lead to the freighter, not to accueil ou to 'normal land'.

"LOST THOUGHTS" is assembled par a WVBO listener, named Jeff.
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