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posted by courtney7488
hayley_pace was the FOTM in January 2010. She was interviewed par lost_Skater.


1. When and how did toi get into LOST?
I’m actually a newbie fan! It was my mom’s favori montrer and she thought that I would like it too so just this past summer, we rented all the DVDs and finished 5 seasons in one mois and I was officially hooked!

2. Your favorite(and why):

a) Season
Season 1 for sure because it’s how it all got started! I loved the sense of mystery and getting to know the characters.

b) Episode
“Greatest Hits” definitely. It’s so sweet and emotional and I cry every time I watch it.

c) Character
Charlie Pace. I just l’amour everything about Charlie. Hence why I married him. ;) I'm pretty much convinced that he is my soul-mate. ♥ He's a sweet, cute, British, funny, caring, thoughtful, musician, hero and bloody god God. He was my favori character since I first watched The Pilot. I just thought he was so funny and adorable. As the seasons went on I just loved him plus and more. I cried my eyes out when he died and I threatened to stop watching LOST. I l’amour the way he treated Claire and Aaron even when she wasn't very nice to him. In the end of season 3, he became the true hero of LOST. I just adore him and I miss him so much! ♥ ♥ ♥

d) Couple
Charlie and Claire. So cute! ♥

e) Scene
So many great ones! I think I’m gonna go with the imaginary cacahuète, arachide beurre scene because it’s so adorable!

f) Quote
“What are toi gonna do, beat me with your Jésus stick?” –Charlie Pace

3. What makes toi l’amour Lost so much?
I’m tempted to say “Charlie” as my answer here, but that isn’t the only reason why I l’amour it. Lost is just an amazing and addicting show. I l’amour everything about it.

4. Which character do toi dislike?
Well I never liked Locke. From the Pilot, I was like " Wow that man is creepy and annoying." and my opinion on him worsened, because I hold him completely responsible for Boone's death (lying to Jack about how he was injured and making him go into the plane in the first place) and his whole "island's sacrifice" stuff made me so angry. And then during Fire&Water when he accused poor Charlie of doing drugs when he didn't! It's all Locke's fault that Charlie went crazy in the episode and that Claire started to be mean to Charlie. And I was so upset I felt like crying when he punched Charlie.

5. Which Lost character are toi most looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to see in S6?
Charlie! Though his debut S6 scene was disappointing to me because he wasn’t the same Charlie that we knew and loved from the island. He was druggie-Charlie who wanted to kill himself! :( I really hope we see him again, because I still miss him terribly and I want him to have a chance to redeem himself again.

6. If toi were on the island:

a) Which team would toi be in?(815 crew, the others, etc.)
I’d definitely be with the 815 middle section survivors!

b) Who would toi be Friends with?
I’d be Friends with Charlie because we have a lot in common (music) and because he’s sweet and adorable and we’d fall in l’amour and get married. ♥

c) Who would toi be not friends/enemies with? Well I don’t think Claire and I would get along very well because I’d steal Charlie from her hehe. And I wouldn’t get along with Locke either.

7. If toi could play one character in Lost, who would it be?
I’d l’amour to be Claire…because she’s with Charlie :)

8. Science ou Faith?
I’m definitely plus of a science person, in fact, I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

9. What is your favori funny moment in Lost?
Sooo many great ones! Charlie has some adorable hilarious lines I really can’t pick! I l’amour “Dude…you’ve got some…Arzt…on you.” too!

10. Mythology VS Character stories. What do toi prefer?
Character Stories. The mythology is great, but I think everyone who watches Lost has become emotionally attached to at least one of the characters. They’re all so real and different.

11. Which twist of the montrer shocked toi the most?
Why on Earth did they kill Charlie? He was such a great guy! :(

12. What other shows besides Lost are toi also a fan of?
I watch Glee, Grey’s Anatomy and Vampire Diaries in addition, but none of them are as good as LOST.

13. How do toi think should the l’amour quadrangle/triangle be resolved?
Well I’m not hardcore either way (Jate ou Skate) because I think both of them loved Kate and that she should just choose already! But I had this idea that maybe patin, patinage would happen in the alt-reality and then Jate in the original reality so that way, everyone is happy.

14. What’s your favori Sawyer nickname?
Ooh! “Buddy With Eyeliner” for Richard! But I also l’amour the classics like “Freckles” for Kate and “Doc” for Jack.

15. Which mystery of Lost do toi want to be answered the most?
I really want the numbers resolved! But I also want to know about the Man in Black and Jacob (where did they come from and why don’t they get along?) and Richard (why doesn’t he age).

16. Who do toi think is the best leader on the island?
Definitely the Doc! Jack is kind and caring and I would have complete trust in him as a leader if I were on the island.

17. What are your thoughts/theories about the finale?
E.P.I.C ♥

18. If toi could meet one of the Lost cast members, who would it be?
Dom! He’s adorable and funny and great and I l’amour him!♥

19. Who do toi think is going to have a happy ending in Lost?
I’d l’amour it everyone did, but I think that Hurley will have a happy ending and maybe Jack, but that’s a little predictable and Lost is anything but predictable!

20. How do toi feel about Lost coming to its end?
I feel really unbelievably sad. I don't know what I'll do when it ends. Lost is a big part of my life now and I don't ever want to lose it.

Thank toi everyone who voted for me!! I l’amour toi all!
♥xoxo♥ Hayley