Liverpool FC Club
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added by katie_07
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added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
JAVIER MACHERANO insists Liverpool must maintain a near perfect record at Anfield if they are to realise their dream of landing the Barclays Premier League title.
The Reds have so far taken maximum points from accueil matches with Middlesbrough and Man United respectively and the Argentina international is adamant there can be no slip ups when they entertain Stoke City on Saturday afternoon.

"If we want to fight for the league then toi have to try to get all the points available at home," he said.

"We need to do all the right things if we are going to do that but we have taken six points from...
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added by abo_ksha
added by katie_07
added by swarleyhabana
added by katie_07
Source: LFC TV
added by cordeiro
added by x-missmckena-x
Source: x-missmckena-x
added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by swarleyhabana
added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: lucingedan
added by hlr2016
added by swarleyhabana
added by swarleyhabana
added by MitsosGianneas
Source: aléatoire
added by rose du Yorkshire
Source: daily mail
added by rose du Yorkshire