Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Mauri smiled at his cleverness having captured the dark-haired young woman. Her eyes had gone wide as she had been absorbed into his body. The liquid would make her able to be transferred to the lab without complications. If nothing else she would make a fine new body with some adjustments for the new Nemu. Nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted not even the threat of being thrown back into that hell hole where Kesuki had found him. As long as Nemu was alive again it would all be worth it. Mira had run as she had finished the drawing feeling the ravaged mind behind the paint, a warped creature that had an emptiness that dragged on for eternity. Someone who resembled her in many ways but had gone that one step beyond sanity. Mom had told them all to stay inside, as things were getting far plus dangerous than they had once been when she hadn't regained a taste of her powers. Now here she was running.... plus from herself than anyone else. She had just leaned up against a mur to assess her suivant actions when she looked up and to the right where she found that same painted face with those near soulless eyes fear stabbed her as she tried to come away from the mur only to find her body having disappeared into a liquid shadow for the first time in her life, she opened up her mouth to scream cut off as he pushed her in. The liquid made it impossible to breath much less scream and when she couldn't hold what little breath, she had she let it go and found the liquid an eager greedy beast like its host. Tears dripped down her face. Weather it was from relief from not having to face her other dreaded dream ou from the reality she was now in one would never be able to tell.
Jamie felt her body react to Mira's actions and nearly dropped to her knees. One of the girls from class hurried to her side. "Are toi alright?" Jamie shook her head. A teacher came out into the hall and quickly carried her to the nurse's office. "Does she have any family?" The nurse quickly looked up her file. "Yes, but we should get her to the hospital first. She doesn't look so good, and we aren't equipped to handle whatever is going on with her." The teacher nodded. "Maybe we could get that Ishida boy to take her to his fathers hospital, he would be able to get haut, retour au début grade attention." The nurse nodded and put in a call to Ishida's teacher of the hour. He arrived quickly to find his friend in bad shape. He felt her head it was cold, colder than normal, her eyes were a swirling mess, her stomach was heaving uncomfortably but nothing that made it up towards her throat. Her hand came up to his and caught it. "Take me home...now!"
He nodded and picked her up with out even a wince despite his thin structure."I'd take her to your father's hospital first not home. She might not make it." Uryu frowned. "I've seen her like this myself a time ou two, but its been yrs. Home, medication, and rest is what she needs. But I will take her to my father for a diagnosis." The two adults stopped sweating as much and helped the two into one of the schools own cars. "Call us if toi two need anything." Uryu nodded and put the car onto the private drive speeding along as fast as the car could go safely. For his sake if not for hers. "What the hell is going on with toi I've never seen a person's body react like yours before.!" Jamie's eyes suddenly went red a deep red like blood, a chill went right through him as she suddenly disappeared and reapeared running through the forest. Putting on the breaks he nearly went through the shield as it was there was sure to be marks from the seatbelt. "Damn it!" He yelled as he made haste to follow.
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by Morrighan178
posted by Morrighan178

* Spirit: Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa

Senbonzakura's shikai.

Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakutō is Senbonzakura (千本桜?, literally "thousand cerise blossoms"). Its shikai is triggered par the command "scatter" (散れ, chire?). In the English manga the phrase is translated inconsistently; at the start of volume fourteen it is translated as "die", though later in the same volume "scatter" is used instead. When manifested in the animé Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc, Senbonzakura resembles a masked man in samurai armor with a half-cherry blossom decoration on his helmet.

In its shikai, Senbonzakura's...
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added by LidiaIsabel
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added by Morrighan178
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by Fitch
added by michellepotter
added by michellepotter
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by LidiaIsabel
added by RAICAL
added by Britt601
Source: jiuge (devaintart)