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Karakura Hall of History.

Luna de la Muerte yawned and stretched.
"Mommy whose that lady in the blade?" A little girl a dit pointing at Luna. "What lady? Oh I see. That's not funny.Someone's using it to reflect their own video feed." Luna giggled and winked at the little girl who giggled back. "It'll be our little secret." Luna a dit as the little girl went on with her mother to look at the armor that stood in the suivant case. When they did Luna whistled long and high to wake her sister, Shadow. "In all the holy one's forges, I'm right here." Luna made a face as she studied her little sister. "Why do toi look so ragged?" Shadow snarled up her face. "You aren't any better princess. And where the hell are we?" Luna squinted out. "Well I just talked to a little girl....where's Shauni?" Shadow felt it then. " We have bigger problems. Our powers have been leaching into the soil and past whatever cage we are in. What is the last thing toi remember?" Luna paled and gripped her sister. Her eyes going wide. Shadow hugged her older sister as they only remembered the curses wording. Then a wave rolled over them, Shauni's whole history on this side drowned them in its concussion. Their sorrow keening was so high pitched it cracked the museum grade glass. On the outside of the display on an inset anvil found at the same time as the swords read. "Sword of Freedom. Sword of Kura. May it shine for all." The little girl looked back at the displays. "Mommy what if Kura had been a girl?" The mother laughed. " Not in those days dear, though that suit of armor does look a little slight. But like the plaque says he was so burnt in a feu his body was not to be looked upon without consideration not only for his visitor but himself. Strange, he kept enough skin though to keep infection from setting in."

Near Ichigo's school grounds.

"Hi Ichigo!" Rongiku yelled waving wildly at him. "Ah hi. Rongiku. What brings toi out this way?" As always the reaper was nearly busting out of her clothes, it made everyone except her feel uncomfortable. "Oh toi know Captain Hitsugaya. He's so cute about your sister Karin. I thought I'd find him and give him a few pointers about girls." Ichigo tightened his hands into fists. He never got a break, in all his worrying about his new condition add to it not only his sisters and up until recently it had also included Abel. Who now was Yuzu's future significant other par her touching those damn wings of his. To haut, retour au début it off the winged bastard had flown off after some off smell. Hell the whole city smelled.....He took a deep sniff and his face twitched....he knew that smell. Well not that he'd run into it before but his new senses knew it and knew what it meant. Zenpakuto's held spiritual energy, massive amounts of it....whoever this cursed smith had been in her précédant life her blades still held power....power that had been buried in the ground and had leaked into the soil and water supplies....not that KaraKura wouldn't have been special without it, but bits of it were being digested and breathed in par every living thing as they stood there. "Ichigo toi look sick. Maybe toi should go accueil and rest." Uryu suggested. "We can get your homework for toi and stop par later with it today...." Ichigo shook his head. "No, I'm alright. Just that smell from earlier...." Rongiku pouted at being so rudely ignored but took a deep breath when Ichigo a dit smell and made a face. She fanned under her nose. " Oh my that smells like a leaky zenpakuto. Maybe two par the stench but its everywhere.And why haven't I smelled it before?" Uryu paled and grabbed Ichigo par the elbow. Like always her chemisier had Lost a few buttons and there just above her breasts sat the emblem identical to the one Ichigo had on his arm. "No way, toi can't be." Rongiku was now plugging her nose as if she were about to jump into a pool when she noticed. Her eyes went to the brand. "Oh toi can see it? toi know I've asked other members of the squads and not one has a dit that they could. Not even Captain Kuchiki." Chad coughed. "Perhaps if toi wore clothes that fit toi they could look where toi pointed without feeling embarrassed." Rongiku frowned. "What are toi saying?That I don't look good." Chad's one visible eye widened as she got closer to him and he began to sweat. "No of course not....its just the opposite." She backed off for a moment before hugging him and plopping kisses all over his face.
" Oh you're so sweet and here I thought I was losing my looks. But really this needs to be reported.We can't have something like this around KaraKura town, it'll bring in plus trouble. Who knows it maybe the reason that KaraKura draws in the hollows instead of everywhere else. Of course it is nice to not have to run about everywhere to keep the hollow population down. But I have to at least rapporter it. I'll see toi all later, hope your feeling better soon Ichigo!" She a dit waving as she quickly went to go back to Urahara's boutique to pack....what did Urahara do with the ghigi's when they weren't being occupied....on 2nd thought maybe it was better that he didn't. He breathed a sigh of relief as she turned the corner and was out of sight. "Lets get to school before anything else happens." At his first class of the jour he vaguely saw the principal enter the room but was too busy looking over his homework to pay much attention. That was until Uryu nudged him hard enough to make him look at him. Who nodded up at the head of the class.
Ichigo shook his head, slapped and pinched himself. The principal rolled their eyes. "Please excuse him.He is a very good student but kind of a night owl." They whispered to the substitute teacher who snorted. The principal then addressed the students. "Class unfortunately your teacher has been called away on a family emergency. It is hard to say when she will be back. But in the meantime we were fortunate to have....do toi prefer to go par professor, mister ou captain?" Byakuya coughed lightly. "Captain is fine." The principal shrugged. "Captain Kuchiki will be taking over till your teacher returns....if she ever does." Ichigo couldn't help his eyes going to where Rukia used to sit. No such luck and there went the silver lining in the very long beginning of a very bad day. At the end of the jour was gym class, he let himself smile and relax slightly as the jour was coming to an end. Until he heard the gravely voice and the bells...but when he didn't hear Kenpachi's perroquet he held onto hope that he was just imagining things....no such luck. There was the bastard grinning broadly at him. Making him, Chad and Uryu sweat as if they were under some kind of heat lamp. Ichigo nudged Uryu. "Leave, your father...." Uryu gave him a look that a dit he wasn't leaving. "Just thought toi at least could save yourself." Uryu smirked. "Thanks for your concern." Ichigo smirked back and would have answered back when Kenpachi's voice carried over across the field where squad 4's captain was already with the girls....Ichigo started to really sweat at the meaning of it. "My name is Kenpachi Zuraki I will be discovering what it will take to make toi weaklings into men like me." Ichigo started to swear as he paled at what he could only imagine the one eyed cloche, bell wearing freak had in mind. It started with making them run as if their lives depended on being able to keep ahead of the reaper and then doing the obstacle course the captain had set up ahead of time. The young men were all about to keel over when Kenpachi called a halt to his insanity. ou rather the squad 4's captain did after seeing Ichigo having to help out his fellow students make it through the course. Ichigo never imagined that anyone could be that Rebelle and she was down right scary without her smile. While Ichigo lay recovering on the ground deflated par the jour an annoyingly clean, not sweaty face of Renji popped above his. " Gee's I thought this past weekend would have definitely prepared toi for this." Ichigo would have growled at him, but his muscles.....he tapped into Chameleon and suddenly felt power surge threw his body. " What the hell Renji why did the society just invade my school?" Renji felt it and looked around like a startled deer at the reapers around them. No one took notice. No one could sense Ichigo's sudden surge....well not entirely. He could...wait....
Orihemia suddenly looked over to him her face pale. She started to come over but Renji shook his head slightly and she stopped her progress and went back to identifying and collecting the a dit herbs with the help of squad 4's lt. "You are so damn lucky, Ichigo. Didn't anyone tell toi we've been ordered to.... well we are here to find a certain smith. Not us but don't think that we won't be on that liste when they find out there's plus of us then the high court thought there was." Ichigo felt a chill run up his spine. "Just how powerful is this high court of yours?" Renji snorted and laid back with his hands behind his head resting his eyes. "How powerful is my captain? And then times that par at least 100 if not more." Ichigo shook his head. "Then why do they use the 13 court squads to do the heavy lifting?" Renji punched him in the side making Ichigo lay down suivant to him. "Why the hell did toi do that? " Renji rolled his eyes. "If toi have to ask toi haven't gotten any smarter since the last time I saw you. Because the whole damn school is rigged. Captain Mayori's bugged even the showers and bathrooms." Ichigo reddened. He'd walked in on some of what went on during lunch in those bathrooms. He shook his head and laughed. "Well he should be getting quite the ear full. He didn't install cameras did he?" Renji shivered at the thought. "No thank god. It was hard enough for him to get the o.k. for the bugs in those two areas, but toi know him he's not all there in one place sometimes." Ichigo nodded. "So how is Rukia?" Renji itched his throat.
"I avoided her. Which wasn't easy but with her brother here I doubt she'll come around for a visit." Ichigo nodded. It wouldn't be sûr, sans danger for her. His feelings...."Have you....and..." Renji kicked him. "Are toi serious? Knowing how toi feel about....each other. I may not be the greatest friend toi have, but I'm no jackass as to make a déplacer on her. At least not till you've moved on....
and I don't see toi doing that any time soon even with Orihemia giving toi those chiot dog looks your way." He sighed heavily. "You know it has to be some cosmic sick joke how we all want what may not be in the cards for us." Ichigo turned onto his side and found Orihemia smiling and montrer the lt. her collection of herbs she'd found. "I can't explain it, but I just can't feel what she feels for me. Its like some barrier, she's one of my best friends, plus like....like extended family. Not someone to rendez-vous amoureux, date ou get romantically involved with." Renji snickered. "Wow that's some big thinking for you, too bad she can't view Uryu the same way she feels for you. I mean just look at the guy he's so caught in the middle he just feels lost. Not a good place to be." Renji snorted. "Maybe he and I should go get crocked and find some loose women...." He didn't get to finish as the so called 'in the middle' friend came par and kicked him in the side. "You have a big mouth Renji." Renji coughed. "Nope....you just have big ears. Uryu, I didn't mean it as an insult. Just that we're two of a kind" Uryu felt her eyes on him just as he always did when he could get her to see him. Any attention she could give to him was better then nothing. Ichigo sighed. "You know I'm not interested in her. Why don't toi go ask her out on a date? Go as just friends. " Uryu kicked him too. "Ouch! What the hell Uryu! I …." Uryu growled. "I know what toi a dit and toi can just keep it to yourself. I don't need your pity. I never did." Then he stomped off past the captain and towards the showers. "Hmmm...now that quincy is angry, but he's just to skinny for any fun."
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Byakuya saves Rukia
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added by Narusasu4EVER