Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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KaraKura plus than one an after Aizen's defeat.

Ichigo walked accueil in the dying light after spending hours in the school's library. The dream he'd had the night before, had driven him to find some kind of answer to it in the library. It only left him with a bad taste in his mouth as it had gained him nothing but plus questions. His phone rang. Rukia? He sighed. No. Just Yuzu worrying. Maybe it was for the best. He winced. Any ways Renji had been itching for a chance with her and he was a full fledged reaper..... Damn it! His cœur, coeur nearly stopped with that thought. He'd saved...he grit his teeth, that was selfish! He'd done what he had to do to save everyone. He didn't need to be rewarded for saving his own cul, ass along with the rest of the world. As he refused to acknowledge his tears they caught a glitter of or in the new mystic's boutique that had opened up in the building that had housed the old pet store. Taking a closer look he blinked at the pendant hanging in the window and went in.
The kid at the bureau was bouncing his head at the musique in his ears. "Ah salut kid...." The kid turned to him wearing shades and smiling. " salut yeah man got what toi came for, totally yours dude. Only limited number and way ancient. I mean freaking over 3 G's ancient. That's grand, not the tech crap. The Big A.A a dit you'd be stopping by. Has big need for toi guys. Shits getting low anyways. Bad mojo comin too." The kid dangled the bauble out on his fingers. "Not many of your kind left but plus then anyone thought. So don't go bursting the bubble. Don't need the stinkers smellin out your track man. That and she's comin awake, but the thing isn't what she thinks. Be there even if she's bitchin, toi know what I mean right. Protect and serve ou serve and protect she can't take it all on her own. That big S.F tell him the T.T when its time. You'll know when. Now put on the damn evo. man." Ichigo was still trying to catch all that the kid had said. "Evo?" The kid rolled his neck annoyed and ringed Ichigo's neck with the first shot. Ichigo started to bring the pendent up to his face. When the kid jumped and covered his hand. "Are toi crazy! Under shirt! Wait till dark, it reacts to it." Ichigo put it under his chemise and saw the kid visibly relax. "The Big A.A would have fried my cul, ass if toi had singed his favori stop shop. Now off I'm not done yet. Shoo-get." The kid bustled him out the door and locked it behind him. Pulling the shades and turning off the open sign. Ichigo breathed deep and thought about getting home. His chest felt suddenly warm-the burrito from lunch, he sighed.Then his stomach pulled up to his throat and when he stumbled.... it was right into the clinic? How the hell did that just happen?

{S.F= Stone Face
T.T= Total truth
A.A=Arch Angel}

Soul Society

Rukia sat in her lessons looking out the window for the umpteenth time. "Lady Rukia toi are setting a poor example for the others. Your brother will be most displeased." The teacher was straining to be polite, but it was no use. "Please excuse me. " She stood up. "But I won't be back. Its a waste of your time and mine." The class gasped. Rukia was about to leave the room when the immense spiritual pressure slammed everyone to the floor. Pressing hard enough to crack Bones ou in her teacher's case break them.
Byakuya was taking thé with yet another lord who was hoping to add Lord Captain Byakuya Kuchiki to their family scrolls. The interviews he'd been to had held no promise. Too old ou the opposite, all well bred and polite. plus then suitable,but all heaven help him, boring. Perhaps if he could have done things properly and quietly he could have been married and produced the a dit heir. Except that squad 4 had decided that they needed a paper to print. A paper that had listed the most available bachelors and bachelorettes of the soul society. A most clear case of spending far too much time in the living realm. Unfortunately the high king had also received such a paper and so ordered him to enlist the other lords of the realm for help in finding him a wife. As they were about to start the interview, everyone in the room except him was thrown to the floor par the tremendous pressure. In fact his body tingled, not unpleasantly and the long il y a cut on his hand warmed. While the boy that he had once been yawned. His eyes widened. No! He pushed the boy deeper down, he was not that pathetic angry weakling any more. He was not only lord but Captain Kuchiki. The act of the rejecting made his body yet another victim of the soul pressure, forcing his head to the floor. As for the lord he was visiting, he was coughing up blood, as his daughter cried out in pain. When it eased, it eased slowly. Ensuring none would forget its signature and live to fear it.

Orihima's apartment.

A knock came at her door and when there was no reply an envelope was slid beneath her door. If any of the other tenants would have passed par they would have seen only a passing shadow, one that hummed a long forgotten lullaby. When Orihime came accueil from a late dîner after the volley-ball practice she picked up the envelope and made to put it on the table, tableau when it burst into flames revealing a letter.
'Dearest daughter,'....Orihime's neck constricted as she fought off the burst of anger that arose from just those 2 words. She tried to let go of the letter but her hands refused to do anything but hold onto it. Even as her teeth clenched her eyes were forced to the paper....

' Forgive us. We are so sorry baby. We only did what we thought would keep toi both safe. Now she is waking, coming she will montrer toi the way. Who toi were meant to be, but she will need help even if she can not see it herself. Live in the light and shine it into the darkness. Give hope where there is none. With all our l’amour always. Mom and dad.'

A collier rolled out unnoticed. How dare they! She thought. Yet even as she thought the words there came questions that devoured her anger. What danger had they tried to run from? Who was this she? What did they mean par she would montrer her who she was meant to be? And how was she to help? Orihimie went back over the letter. Her cœur, coeur pounding over the words. Could she forgive them? What would her brother do? She looked at his picture, if he had read this letter....but why was there only this letter why not them? Were they still trying to distract their enemy? She blinked and looked at the mirror and screamed as a boy behind her almost had succeeded putting the medallion on her. It dropped from his hands to be caught in hers. The coin caught her eye.It was a dragon chasing its tail while in the middle it protected a pretty flower. Turning she shook her head and frowned at the boy in her apartment. His wings....white wings...was he an angel? He was lire her parents letter with a look of concern on his face. She coughed and he blinked up. "Sorry, I had a trying day. My first one didn't go so well and as toi can see time is of the essence." She looked and found that he wasn't joking there were plus then a few feathers missing. "You still could have asked me to put it on." He sagged and sighed losing 2 plus of his precious feathers. "Will you?" She put it on with a smile losing it as it suddenly flashed and burned for a moment before she felt nothing of it's presence. "What did toi do to me?"
The Angel shook his head. "I'm only the messenger, but this letter, when did toi get it? How was it delivered?" He a dit waving the letter in his hand. Orihime shrugged. This seemed to upset the angel. "You think they abandoned the both of toi don't you?" She couldn't fight the tears any plus and let them slide down. The Angel sagged and closed his eyes. "They didn't abandon you. They ran from the both of toi as a decoy. Smiths are rare and the only ones able to kill a demon without special weapons. Being half ou less then half is still something but without her ou training it would be suivant to impossible to defeat even the weakest demon. Which means they had help finding toi and your brother.... damn it this isn't good. The only thing protecting toi would have been your ages. How old are you? No if toi were old enough they'd have attacked par now....but your brother was...they couldn't see you...still why were the 2 of toi left so unprotected?" His eyes shut in thought and Orihimie could see the dark circles. She gently touched his bare chest and he jumped and then relaxed. Recovering he sighed. "You have to be careful about Angel wings to the wrong person it is a death sentence." Orihimie quickly put her hands behind her back. "Sorry I just wanted to help, toi look so exhausted and your losing plus feathers." The boy nodded. "Yes, I am. I'll be lucky to last the night, but thank-you for your concern. If you'll excuse me I must be off, I've got at least one plus to go before I'm totally out of feathers." He then got close enough to whisper in her ear. "Forget Ichigo. He is family. But toi do what toi want, at least anges don't have to go through that craziness thank god." With that he disappeared leaving a small clump of feather's behind him. Going to the mirror with while collecting the feathers she looked for the coin's image on her chest. "Hmmm....where is it?" The coin then appeared just at the v in her uniform's shirt. "Oh wow, but will it always be there for everyone to see?" As if it could hear her question it disappeared from view. She touched the spot and for some reason it gave her a warm loved feeling as if she was no longer alone. She looked at the letter that had been dropped onto the table. What was there to forgive. They had tried in vain to save the both of them, a tear fell from her eyes. Perhaps one jour she would go back to the soul society and find them, if they were there. Where did Smith's go after they were dead? Did they have their own Societies in the afterlife ou something more? A voice tickled at the back of her mind, a soft warm happy voice.
"Soon toi can ask all the questions toi desire, she is coming soon." Then it faded and shut down as if it went to sleep. She looked at the phone as the angel's last words broke in on her, 'Forget Ichigo? He was family? How? As she went towards the phone to call him and ask him these questions she saw the clock. It was past midnight. It could wait til tomorrow.

Ichigo's house 9:30 p.m.

Ichigo tossed and turned, his stomach rolled while his cœur, coeur beat hard against his chest's walls. His eyes refused to open and his mouth clamped so tight his jaw spasmed. The dream began as it had the night before. With flames erupting from his heart, but unlike last night they spread in two lines to either of his shoulders. Finally he was able to creek open his eyelids to see the kid from the mystic boutique over him, but this time he had no shades ou buds in his ears. While wings of white feathers spread from his back. "Hey man easy. I'm here to just check up on you. Stop movin so much." The pale stars he had for eyes narrowed as he studied Ichigo.
" toi should have gone through it hours ago. What the....is wrong with this picture?" Kon screamed from the hallway as he went passed with yet another one of Yuzu's treats. "Shit! So much for the nice way." Ichigo gasped. "No! Don't ! Please!" As he saw the angel's hands light up with crackling lightning orbs.
" Sorry." Ichigo screamed as the spheres entered his shoulders but behind them he could have sworn he felt and heard the sudden thumping of 3 not one heart. Before he passed out. The Angel turned and growled at the mod soul. " Why toi little piece of shit! " The Angel picked the stuffed ours up and caught the gleam of the medallion on the bureau lamp. "Shit! I'm going to lose my status if I don't watch my ass. I'm taking shit for granted again. Not seeing what was missing. But I would have if toi hadn't screamed! And where is everyone else?" Kon snorted and folded his arms as best he could. "For an Angel toi are really lacking. They aren't home, Karin had a football game in the suivant city. They were going to spend the night. Why did I tell toi that?" The Angel sighed and relaxed. He looked at the clock. Not that he was all that happy that he'd forgotten that part of the foresight. Actually he'd only paid attention to those parts pertaining to those who were to receive the medallions. He slammed his forehead with his palm, had the Arch-Angel foreseen this? He grit his teeth of course he had. That was why he'd donné him a pouch of salve for irritants and with the palm mark on his forehead he'd need it. The clock on the mur a dit 10:00. Orihime wouldn't be accueil for another heure at least. Looking to the newly branded smith that was still glowing he picked up the medallion and put it around the kid's neck. Where it reappeared on his right arm's shoulder. He sagged. Tonight was not his night. He'd be lucky to still have his wings after the night he was having. His nose suddenly picked up the sweet smell of the treat that the mod soul had dropped while screaming. Picking up the poor excuse of a body for any creature where he had dropped him in the waste paper basket. Bringing him up to his face he said. "So are there any more?" The teddy ours turned his head and snorted. The Angel shook him none to gently. Kon piped up shaking. "Any plus what?" The Angel narrowed his eyes. The ours suddenly squawked. "Why did I tell toi that?" The Angel stuffed him beneath one of his arms and went to the cuisine and found the desert mouth watering.
" You're a pig! " The ours who called himself Kon yelled at him as he sucked down the last delicious morsel. How long had it been since he'd eaten? He couldn't remember. "Watch it bear." Kon snorted. "What are toi going to do? Smite me for telling toi the truth?" The Angel suddenly reddened.
"I didn't...did eat them all.But they were just so good. I c...didn't want to stop." His wings sagged. Kon walked over to him and patted the boy's cheek. "It's alright. She's really a great cook, everything she makes is like magic to the taste buds. So don't feel bad." Kon giggled. "The best part is that Ichigo will get the full blame when they get home." Which brought the Angel to an even plus embarrassed state. " I've never screwed up this bad, ever. I'll have to add that to what I still have to do list." The Angel plucked out 3 of his feathers. "Favors taken, favors given. It's the least I can do. " Kon felt the heaviness that the kid had on his shoulders. "Hey don't worry about it. I'll take the blame. I ate 1/2 of what was there before toi got here. They would have all been gone if I hadn't seen you." The Angel smiled softly. "Its still my burden to bare, not yours bear." Kon shook his head. "Like I haven't heard that one before. But really don't beat yourself up. Yuzu would be awed that toi liked them so much she'd blush till she fainted. In fact toi should stop par when they are here, if you're still here." The Angel pressed his lips together.
"After tonight I'll be lucky to keep my wings. ou they may send me down to the soul society. " The Angel shivered. "Soul reapers,creep me out. They bow to a high king not to god ou the big A.A. They just don't make any sense. The only time that the Smiths and reapers ever seen eye to eye was on Mask day. Even then they were only there to take a smith's head if the smith Lost themselves to the hollow's sins. Which didn't happen all that much, but enough." Kon swallowed hard. "But toi just made Ichigo a smith." The Angel nodded. "Yeah, its no laughing matter to be one." Kon grabbed the angel's face." But he's a reaper, Karin's a reaper , their father is a reaper. Yuzu's just a wizard in the kitchen." The angel's eyes widened and there went another red mark on his face. "Ouch. I'm dumb. Of course he was a reaper, reaper is the 2nd to lowest level. The megetsu was a graduation of a sort, an end to his training. His father being a full fledged reaper was enough to stall his embarking into the smith level. Of course if I read it right. The family was known for mages, reapers and smiths. Which means Yuzu is probably the mage of the family while Karin's the reaper. God I should have listened and studied more. Forgive your dolt of an angel." A warm breeze blew from the suddenly open window in Ichigo's room. The Angel smiled and was gone. Leaving floating feathers in his wake par the layer. "That can't be good." Kon a dit as he looked out the window at the blowing feathers littering the street.
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Ichigo found himself unable to sleep, turning and twisting as he thought over his jour and the girl. Who was she? Where had that creature come from and why had he been unable to déplacer to cut it? He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice Karen until she poked at him. "Hey toi up?" He blinked out of his thoughts. "What's wrong?"
Her face flushed which made him sit up. Her hands came vers l'avant, vers l’avant with the book their father had donné him. Not that he'd actually noticed it missing. "I took it. I know I should have asked, but..." Ichigo fingered the book. "It looks like toi really liked it. why...
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Jamie left the Kurosaki house while it was dark, she tucked in Yuzu and gave her a Kiss on the forehead. She was indeed precious just like the rest of the family. A wizardess. Ichigo a smith and Karen a reaper. A full set. Taking out the cash in her left pocket she left it on the bureau with a small note. "Moving out. l’amour toi all." She turned to go and ran into Isshin. His folded arms and stern face made her shoulders sag. "I can't stay and endanger toi and your family. They want me dead and if toi stand with me, they won't think twice, reaper ou not. I don't care toi are the first blood family...
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Byakuya frowned at the message he received. There was an unusual amount of activity in the living realm. Not hollow ou reaper but very powerful. His frown deepened as he readied himself, Jazmine. What about her? The plus time he took finding her to explain the plus dangerous it became to her. She was his responsibility, one made par him. He would need to bring her here until it was safe.
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The car put on its high beams and ran straight for them. Byakuya twisted the wheel to avoid the car but the other vehicle mirrored his movements and then suddenly put itself across both lanes. Jamie knew there was only one option, the steep, deep ditch and at their speed there wasn't much to do. She flung out her wings as they went over the side. The wings made for a roof that was impenetrable as the car rolled over and over and over one plus time to land upside down in a winding ankle deep run off stream that with rain would not remain ankle deep for long. The lead thug swore as he seen his...
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Jamie was placed in chains and hoisted into the air. Spread eagled and then the two left the room, the temperature then slowly dipped and kept on drifting down and down till her feu blood started having to heat her body. Ice formed on the floor and walls; she felt a hand touch her face and heard a hiss of pain. She looked up; into a face made of ice, holding onto a reforming hand. Jamie let her blood heat up even more.
"If toi would have stuck to me and not gone rogue..." Ice snarled and made to hit her across the face but stopped short as he remembered what happened before. " toi weren't...
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