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Tonight my sister went to a hospital to get better from cutting herself im missing her like crazy i hope she is getting better i dont want to lose her if i was to lose her i would just kill myself.Tonight before my sister left i promised her i would stop wanting to die and stop feeling srry for myself i promised her and im keeping my word.My sister promised me she would get help she would stop cutting before she kills herself yes u may have seen my article on why emos cut and in my article i have said"there is noting wrong with emos cutting to feel better" and yes there isnt but my sister is cutting way to deep and bleeding for hours.A few days il y a she cut herself and couldnt get it to stop bleeding she had to go to the hospital for it to stop.That jour i thought i was going to lose her i was ready to kill myself wanting to kill urself and in the pain i was in that jour is the worse feeling u could ever have. So for my sister im changing and yes i may have a dit dont change for anyone but she is my sister and i l’amour her so much.I cant find any words on how we l’amour each other so for her im changing yes i will still be kind of the still but im changing.Its for me and my sister's own goods im going to stop wanting to die,stop feeling srry for myself,and stop caring about what people think of me starting tonight its all changing.Say what u want about me i still have people who l’amour me and care alot about me if u dont like it to bad im not scared of being myself anymore its me and thatz who im going to be forever.So i dont care anymore im not here to make u people happy and to be something im not im real not fake but call me whatever u want i just dont care people like me for who i am and thatz good with me.We are always going to have haters im just not going to have haters for not being myself haters going to hate so go ahead and hate on me i just dont care.Im still going to be me but plus of me ur going to see my bad side and my great, cool, awesome side dont think because i say im changing im not going to be me anymore because i am just changing my side where im upset and in pain alot. So no plus im upset no plus im in pain no plus i say no plus me and my sister are changing its for the better and when my sister gets out of the hospital we are going to be totally great people. We are going to be plus full of life then pain and saddness i l’amour u sis with all my cœur, coeur and i cant wait for u to get out of the hospital thankz for lire this and thankz for ur time means alot to me and my sister i hope u stop being someone ur not and just be u remember people are always going to hate just let them hate u for u and not for being fake...