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Internet Explorer 9 offers the best protection against socially engineered malware according to the latest tests performed par NSS Labs focused on European users.

The results of NSS Labs’s “Web Browser Group Test Socially-Engineered Malware - Europe Q2 2011” rapporter are conclusive with précédant findings of the testing outfit, which consistently highlight IE as offering the best protection against socially engineered malware, even though Microsoft rivals contest the conclusions.

In the latest round of testing, NSS Labs looked at Google Chrome 10.0.648.204, Windows Internet Explorer 8 (build 8.0.7600.16385), Windows Internet Explorer 9 (build 9.0.8112.16421), Mozilla Firefox 4.0, Opera 11.01 Build 1190 and Safari 5.0.5(7533.21.1).

“With SmartScreen enabled and Application Reputation disabled, IE9 achieved a unique url blocking score of 89% and over-time protection rating of 92%. Enabling Application Reputation on haut, retour au début of SmartScreen increased the unique url block rate of Internet Explorer 9 par 11% (to 100%) at zero heure as well as the over-time protection par 8% (to 100%),” NSS Labs revealed.

“Internet Explorer 9 was par far the best at protecting against socially-engineered malware, even before App Rep’s protection is layered on haut, retour au début of SmartScreen.”

Socially engineered malware refers to malicious code that is being spread through social engineering techniques to unsuspecting users.

Victims are in fact tricked through various means into compromising their own machines par installing malware which often masquerades as legitimate software, from antivirus to codecs.

Socially engineered malware doesn’t use vulnerabilities in the software to spread, and as such, traditional security layers, sandboxing for example, are ineffective when it comes to blocking infections.

Instead, such malicious code is deployed par the users themselves, after they’re tricked par attackers to believe that they’re actually installing legitimate software.

Here are NSS Labs’ conclusions for the additional browser tested:

“Firefox 4 achieved a 13% protection rating, on par with protection offered par Chrome and Safari —86% less protection than Internet Explorer 9 and 77% less than Internet Explorer 8. Firefox exhibited deterioration in protection compared with our Q3 2010 global test that can be attributed to either the implementation of sûr, sans danger Browsing API v2 ou new tactics being used par cybercriminals that sûr, sans danger Browsing has not yet adapted to. There was a slight 1% improvement between zero-hour protection (16%) and eventual protection at the 19 jour mark (17%).

Safari 5 achieved a 13% protection rating on par with Firefox and Chrome converging at a roughly 17% block rate after 19 days. However, Safari presented a notable lag in protection vs. Firefox with zero-hour protection of 11% (vs. Firefox’s 16%).

With a protection rating of 13%, Chrome 10 offered nearly identical protection to Safari and Firefox. Browser Security Comparative Test: Socially-Engineered Malware

Opera 10’s global, ensemble blocking rate of 5% was consistently the lowest in the group. However, this was an improvement over the 0% scores in our précédant global tests, and is likely attributable to the company’s partnership with antivirus firm AVG.”

In the past, in response to earlier NSS Labs reports also focused on socially engineered malware, browser vendors such as Google and Opera criticized the results, and raised questions about their accuracy.
If toi were counting on WebGL support in upcoming versions of Internet Explorer, you're out of luck for now. Microsoft made the decision to not support WebGL in its current form due to serious security concerns. WebGL, an emerging graphics API from the Khronos Group, is supported and enabled in Firefox and Chrome, can be turned on in Safari, and available in an experimental build of Opera.

In a blog post on Microsoft's Security Research and Defense blog, Microsoft identified three key issues that prevent products containing WebGL from passing Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle requirements....
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Microsoft has revealed that Internet Explorer 9 has been incremented to update revision 1.

The software giant detailed the changes in a blog post on Tuesday. Microsoft release a June 2011 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer on Tuesday that resolves seven vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer.The vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user visits a malicious, specially crafted Web page using IE.

The security update is rated critical for Internet Explorer 6, 7,8 and 9. Despite the version jump, the major and minor version numbers remain 9.0. “Today we increment the update revision to 1,” explained Microsoft Internet Explorer program manager Vishwac Sena Kannan. Microsoft also confirmed there is no change to the User-Agent string ou other platform versioning information.
This week in New York, Andy Lees introduced Windows Phone “Mango” to the world, which includes IE9 Mobile. This announcement and associated demos built upon last month’s MIX11 conference, where Joe Belfiore demonstrated our latest progress on bringing Internet Explorer 9 to Windows Phone during his keynote address. IE9 Mobile represents a huge jump vers l'avant, vers l’avant for us on the mobile platform, effectively unifying our underlying code base for the browser with the desktop version. In this post, I’d like to outline some of the main principles we’re following as we build IE9 Mobile.

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Leveraging Site Pinning in Internet Explorer 9 allows web developers to get a spectacular user engagement boost for their sites.

IE9 Pinned Sites not only guarantee an enhanced user experience through the intimate integration into Windows 7, but also deliver measureable results related to visitor engagement, reveals Microsoft’s Ziad Ismail.

And now it’s easier than it has ever been for web devs to take advantage of Site Pinning, since the Redmond company launched

BuildMyPinnedSite streamlines the work that developers need to do in order to allow users to pin their...
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Internet Explorer 9 provides the best browsing experience on the web
Doha, Qatar, April 28, 2011 --Microsoft Qatar located at Qatar Science & Technology Park today announced the launch of the latest version of the world's most-used browser with the release of Windows Internet Explorer 9 for consumers across the country. Using Internet Explorer 9, web users across Qatar can further leverage the power of the whole PC and get the best browsing experience on the Internet.

"The best experience of the Web is on Windows with Internet Explorer 9," a dit Mohammad Hammoudi, Country Manager, Microsoft...
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Admins can rest easy for a bit as it seems there was a bit of a miscommunication par Microsoft's IE team earlier this month. They advised then that IE9 would be pushed out to all users par March 21. As it turns out the software giant is staggering out the rollout of IE9 via Windows Update starting with beta and RC users first. Microsoft's Doug Neal had this to say on the matter:

We're working to correct this miscommunication.

To be clear, IE9 RTW released to AU/WU today for IE9 Beta and RC users only. Only AU/WU machines with IE9 Beta ou RC will see this update -- and it will be un-selected by...
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While Internet Explorer 9 was only released days ago, the internet is already speculating on the suivant version. Today, resources discovered in the final version of IE9 have shown Microsoft is already planning ahead, with references to Internet Explorer 10 hidden inside the browser.

Russian website has uncovered a dialogue box that references IE10, and has managed to find an English language version of the message. It reads:

Internet Explorer 10 is now available

Get the most from the web. Upgrade from Internet Explorer 9 to Internet Explorer 10 for a fast, clean,...
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Microsoft a dit on Wednesday that Internet Explorer 9 RTW has been downloaded 2.35 million times in the first 24 hours of availability.

Internet Explorer 9 was released to the web on Monday March 14 and has clocked up 27 downloads per second, over 250 downloads every 10 seconds. Microsoft’s Senior Director of Internet Explorer Business and Marketing, Ryan Gavin, announced the figures in a company blog post:

We want to thank everyone around the world for downloading IE9 and the enthusiastic reception. 2.3 million downloads in 24 hours is over double the 1 million downloads we saw of the IE9...
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internet explorer 8
internet explorer 8
Microsoft has just sent out media invites to an Internet Explorer 9 event on February 10th. The announcement will take place in San Francisco.
Earlier today, screen shots of IE 9 build number .6018 began surfacing on the web which indicates that someone outside of Microsoft now has a copy of that build. It was expected that an RC build was going to be released today, according to our good pal Tom Warren, but it not looks as if Microsoft is going to turn this launch into a major media event.
“Members from the Internet Explorer team (and some special guests) will be visiting San Francisco in...
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