Haylee's latest interview {2017} éditer - Exit historical view

This post is dedicated to Haylee's recent interview with Elle Magazine Online. Enjoy! 

Interviewer: How much do you value privacy? 

Haylee: "On a scale from one to ten I would say about an eight. If I'm out somewhere let's say in New York, I would hold off to post anything until I leave that specific place"

Question: What do your friends think about how private you are?

Haylee: "Fortunately, They have always respected my privacy and I appreciate them for respecting that"

Interviewer: Some would say that your life is similar to Hannah Montana. Do people at school ever ask you personal questions?

Haylee: {A firm} "no{oo}" 

Interviewer: How are your relationships with other students at your school? 

Haylee: {Haylee laughs} I'm not sure how I can answer that. Honestly, It's been hard over the past years. But I have a couple of good friends who are really nice. 

Interviewer: In what way has it been hard? 

Haylee: Bullying. 

Interviewer: What advice would you give to anyone who has been or is being bullied or teased? 

Haylee: "Kill em with kindness. Don't listen because at the end of the day those people felt the need or urgency to spread hate and negativity instead of positivity. It's sad but true"

Interviewer: is there anything that you would like to say to your one hundred seventy thousand followers? 

Haylee: "Of course! To those people have supported me and shown be love throughout out the years: I love you and thank you. I appreciate you all so much"

Interviewer: What kind of activities do you do with your friends like Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin or Gigi Hadid? 

Haylee: "We do normal things like anyone else would"

Interviewer: Recently you posted a picture which included Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin in the photo, but you deleted it. I believe that Hailey posted the normal black and white version of that same photo a couple months ago. 

Haylee: {Laughs} "At first it was a joke. Um. It's kinda funny because in a group chat we were talking about how some people put the brightest filters on their photos and edit them in such a crazy ways. So we decided to have a contest on how to low key edit a photo in a way that ruins the whole vibe. As a joke that's why I posted that really edited version, but then deleted it a few days after"

Interviewer: One last question: Where did you grow up? 

Haylee: "Well, I was first born in Guatemala. Then my mom and dad adopted me and raised me in New York until winter of 2001. When I came to the United States my parents had an apartment on the Upper East side of New York. Unfortunately, the 9/11 tragedy happened and my parents decided to move. At first, they were thinking about moving out of the city but still stay in New York but my grandpa who lived in Boston was an interior designer and unfortunately became ill. So my father decided to take over the business in Boston. That's when we moved into the Boston area. From 2001 to now I have grown up in Massachusetts"

Interviewer: Do you still travel back to New York?

Haylee: "Of course. Even when we moved to Massachusetts my family still kept the New York apartment. So during the weekend when I was in elementary school my mom and dad would take me back there"

Interviewer: Last one. I promise. Sorry. What are you most grateful about? 

Haylee: "It's all good. Um. There's a long list. I'd say, my family, friends, the roof over my head, the clothes on my back, love, and last but not least happiness"

I hope you all have enjoyed. More updates to come!