Grassclan Club
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posted by orkneymatrix
An unfamiliar scent hung in the air as one non-Grassclan cat paced through the long grass. So far, the enemy had been lucky. But her luck was about to change as a figure jumped out on the tress passer and knocked her against a tree.
"Why are toi here?" hissed the attacker, who was now revealed to be Starfire, one of the young Grassclan warriors.
"Calm, Starfire." meowed another cat sternly, stepping into view.
"Darkstripe." the intruder gave him a respectful nod.
"Why are toi here, Sandstorm?" asked Darkstripe calmly.
"I need to talk to some of your Clan." she said. "Crowstar, Waterlily, and...
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posted by orkneymatrix
Petalflight was out hunting. She was hungry, and she knew she had to feed the Clan first, but couldn't resist eating the rabbit she caught first.
Once she had finished, she paced through the forest. It was leaf-bare, and not an easy one.
She scented a souris so took the weight off her feet hoping the souris hadn't sensed she was there yet. She saw the souris come out of a rabbit burrow. Petalflight was getting ready to pounce when she caught the scent of badger. It wasn't long after she caught the scent that she noticed the blaireau set. She tried to ignore it and turned her attention back to the...
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added by Dovefeather
This is about scourge! Actually, he's my favourite cat in the warriors series...sorry if everybody else hates him!
added by kyrsten06
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by Spottedtail139
Source: Meeeeee
added by zutaradragon
posted by orkneymatrix
As Angelstar admired her five young kits, something dawned on her. Age. These would be her last kits, she realised, with a slight twinge of horror. These were her Clan's future - and hers.
Heatherkit coughed.
Snowkit shuddered.
Greenkit sneezed.
Bluekit mewed pitifully.
Only Birchkit seemed well, prancing around her mother's den, not caring about her siblings' condition.
Angelstar knew the symptoms. She knew the end only too well. She had Lost one of her lives to greencough. And now she was about to lose four of her children the same way.
It was horrific.
"Bluepaw!" she yelled, needing the help of...
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posted by orkneymatrix
Something didn't smell right. Oakfern stalked through the trees with Mistpaw and Cinderheart flanking him. With his jaws parted, he knew something was wrong. Then he saw it--or them.
In the clearing par the stream sat two she-cats, looking utterly exhausted. One was lean with a sleek black pelt, whilst the other was smaller and black-and-white. He waved his tail, signalling for his Clanmates to stop. The she-cats didn't seem like a threat--they looked exhausted, and they didn't carry the scent of any of Grassclan's neighbours. Signalling for his Clanmates to follow him, Oakfern padding into the...
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posted by orkneymatrix
I was sitting in the nursery, snug with my mother. But I was too big. I was seven moons old. Being deaf was a drawback. Sometimes I even had trouble listening to my own thoughts, as if I didn't have any. My sister was lucky. Her slight-deafness had evaporated par now, even if she still had some trouble, and she had moved on to being the medicine cat apprentice. But what about me? It seemed that everyone had forgotten I even existed.
Suddenly my mother tensed from beside me and she stood up, meaning I had to stand up so I didn't fall over when my mother moved.
Claws unsheathed, she jumped outside...
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posted by orkneymatrix
The feu lapped at the trees, smothering the forest. Nothing looked familiar to Waterlily, it all looked distant, as if she was no longer a part of it. She was alone amongst the trees, and she tensed herself as the sound of approaching chats drew nearer and nearer...
Suddenly the chats of StarClan surrounded her, staring respectably at her as if she was their leader. She looked around, from one way to the other, and realized at long last that there was a l’espace in between Crowstar and another cat.
"What's happening?" Waterlily asked, her call echoing.
"Waterlily," Grassstar croaked, her old-age showing...
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Something was coming. Tigerstar could sense it. He had already Lost eight lives. Some leader. And he was risking his last...With greencough. Not like his sister, ou mother, who had been leaders before him. His mother Grassstar had saved her Clan from a badger, losing her last life in the process. His sister Crowstar had Lost her's to a rogue when she was, like Grassstar, saving the Clan. And he just got ill. Perfect.
There was a rough coughing beside him. Ugh. He had to share the greencough tanière, den with Moleclaw, an incredibly annoying cat from a different Clan. How unfortunate they were, never...
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posted by orkneymatrix
A frosty air surrounded the GrassClan camp. Ashfield and Magmafur sat eating their supper. The camp was quiet, most of the chats were at the Gathering. But the sisters had been left behind. Magmafur was dealing with it OK, she didn't really mind. She hated the usual hustle and bustle of the camp. But Ashfield hated being left out, ou chosen last. She had had enough. She stood up and headed for the camp entrance.
"Where do toi think you're going?" it was the voice of her sister.
"Out." she replied coldly, turning to look at Magmafur. "You coming ou staying here all night?"
"I want to stay here but...
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posted by Spottedtail139
I wrote this and I don't know if we should use it should we??

Snow will lead the way though his icy mountains are gone
And Sharp claws will pierce the flesh of one he thought he could count on.......

The yellow herb will find her inner passion
The illness of fear spread like wildfire
A fog of blue will try to stop the evil illness with her compassion

Fear will grip the cœur, coeur of all but one.....
The one with the scar of evil
The scar from the sun

This is I don't think it is very good but your call toi guys
added by Mousefang
Source: mousefang
added by zutaradragon
added by Mousefang
Source: mousefang
added by zutaradragon