Ghost Hunters Wall

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Cathrian a dit …
We are going miss all of toi we watch your montrer ever week we have never miss a montrer we are in are60 s we hope toi change your mind and still do it if not are toi g9ing to do same other ghost montrer we hope toi come toi are part of are family every week posté il y a plus d’un an
ocarinaman7 a dit …
Hi everyone, I just had a strange encounter...I was taking the chiens out and in my mother's window I saw a woman-like silhouetted figure in my Mother's room , so I thought it my mother, so I go back in, and I ask her if she was in her room...Guess what she said? She was in the bathroom the whole time. posté il y a plus d’un an
grassflower commenté…
i've seen things like that trust me il y a plus d’un an
ocarinaman7 commenté…
Really? phew, so I'm not crazy il y a plus d’un an
grassflower commenté…
yupp il y a plus d’un an
big smile
leopardhk a dit …
i luv this montrer posté il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 a dit …
He's leaving tonight and today posté il y a plus d’un an
loveya05 commenté…
aww il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 commenté…
Ikr? il y a plus d’un an
taps16 commenté…
The montrer Ghost Hunter is soooo awsime i am watching it right now on syfy MDR i have lots of experiances with Ghost if toi need help ou wanna share your story with me please add a commentaire ou like thx!!!!! il y a plus d’un an
Scoobert-doo a dit …
*gulps* RHOST! (ghost) posté il y a plus d’un an
TheRatKing1 commenté…
I l’amour that show! il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 a dit …
im sorry posté il y a plus d’un an
segafan a dit …
Omg, I can't believe Grant's leaving Ghost Hunters! He was one of my favori investigators D: posté il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 commenté…
i know right? il y a plus d’un an
7bella3 commenté…
he was my faveriote well so is kris but amy is kinda anoying and every body else was super anoying and grant and kris was like AWESOME il y a plus d’un an
Vitani14 commenté…
ikrr. Grant was the best... DONT LEAVE GRANT :3 il y a plus d’un an
poodleluv1019 commenté…
Yeah I loved Grant he was my global, ensemble favori Grant come back to TAPS soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 a dit …
grant is going to leave on ghost hunters posté il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 commenté…
its sad il y a plus d’un an
noahwfan commenté…
I know. His last episodes were probably filmed months ago. il y a plus d’un an
shiann545455 commenté…
Ikr? il y a plus d’un an
Barnzie3 a dit …
Kris Williams is HOT! I can't believe toi guys picked Grant. Must be all females! posté il y a plus d’un an
faieyxx a dit …
l’amour this montrer posté il y a plus d’un an
VOIDcollective a dit …
There's ghosts in this hotel...

link posté il y a plus d’un an
deathvamp a dit …
lamarkara: Haven't toi heard the haunting of savannah gorgia? posté il y a plus d’un an
Spn7 a dit …
This montrer is amazing and real. Unlike paranormal state and ghost adventures who make something out of anything. at least GH debunks before proving something is real. posté il y a plus d’un an
lamarkara2011 a dit …
Did toi know someone told me that illinois is the most haunted state? posté il y a plus d’un an
gleefan1998 a dit …
Who here has seen a ghost in real life i have and my mom saids its my uncle
posté il y a plus d’un an
Prawls8612 commenté…
I got a picture of an apparition behind my mom. We believe its a pic of a Confederate soldier because we were in Gettysburg at the time. il y a plus d’un an
xxhello-kittyxx commenté…
my sster has il y a plus d’un an
ilovecornholio commenté…
i have its my grandpa and i got a hanger trown at me il y a plus d’un an
skyguysSkygirl a dit …
omg my cuzin told me tht taps was gonna be in town today to investgate one of our oldest and possibly most haunted building Elmhurst!!!!! hopefully the investigation will be shown on tv! i wish i cood go. my cuzins going to see them!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
gleefan1998 commenté…
WHERE DO U LIVE il y a plus d’un an
skyguysSkygirl commenté…
It's a city in Indiana but toi could look up where elmhurst is located :) il y a plus d’un an
WHO SEEN PARANORAL STATE ITS LIKE TAPS posté il y a plus d’un an
banditsns1391 commenté…
I've seen it. It's a pretty good show. I don't watch it regularly though. I like to catch an ep here ou there though. il y a plus d’un an
gleefan1998 commenté…
Ive seen it il y a plus d’un an
Jeffrey2112 a dit …
Gotta l’amour TAPS! posté il y a plus d’un an
banditsns1391 commenté…
Yep, thery're awesome! :) il y a plus d’un an
VivaLaBam30 a dit …
i l’amour that red rose thing with steve n tango, ir was just SO funny posté il y a plus d’un an
banditsns1391 commenté…
One of my favori moments! I start to laugh just thinking about it! il y a plus d’un an
Farrahfanatical commenté…
Agreed!! il y a plus d’un an
SherryAG67 a dit …
Hi Everyone I l’amour ur Show,actually me and my sister are going to be spending sometime out in ur Inn,I'm excited,and can't wait.I hope and pray this montrer neer goes off the air,my life rvolves around all of u .See I wish today was wed.,so I can watch ur show.I did go out yesterday and I bought to of ur books. 1. Seeking Spirits,and the other book is Ghost Hunting.I'm gonna start lire tonight,but I'm looking for ur other book the hard cover one,Ghost Hunt.Thanks everyone l’amour Ur #1 FAN...Sherry posté il y a plus d’un an
Spiritwriter a dit …
Just peaking in. I have written quite a bit about GH and wondered if the fan base is still strong. Would l’amour to have some input. posté il y a plus d’un an
AdamHurley a dit …
Hi ghost hunters team, im 18 years old living in Ireland and i loved when toi came here to check out the blarney castle, i have had a lot of things like seeing shodows from hearing voices... My dream is to come to america to rejoindre TAPS: Ghost Hunters Team in the future... I would really like to hear from one of toi guys, I'm your biggest fan and I mean BIGGEST. Thanks alot, Your fan, Adam Hurley in Ireland posté il y a plus d’un an
big smile
Emmalie1935 a dit …
Team Brian :) and Team Dustin's Hair posté il y a plus d’un an