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posted by KataraLover
SIDE NOTE: In this remake of the already existing sequel, Anastasia is the main protagonist (Hence why Cendrillon isn't in the title). Cendrillon is now the deuteragonist but still has just as many scenes as she did in the original sequel. The seconde movie is cancelled out in this version. Also I did not add a character section in this article like I did with my entries in the last contest. I did this because I wanted to add plus concept art pictures. Plus I was too lazy to do that, I'm not gonna lie. Enjoy!

The Plot
At the Tremaine mansion, Cinderella's stepsisters Anastasia and Drizella are bitterly doing Cinderella's old chores, mainly Anastasia. Drizella is usually just complaining and starts fights with Anastasia when she accidentally messes up a chore. Although, Anastasia usually ends up making mistakes because of Drizella's lack of helping out. Anastasia is always being scolded par her mother, who ignores what her sister does, like usual. Her mother even tells her that it's no wonder she didn't win the Prince. She claims she Anastasia isn't princess material, but hoped she could at least land a nobleman. Anastasia now realized while Drizella was complaining and her mother scolded her, how bad Cendrillon had it when she was their maid. She also wondered how Cendrillon was able to be so nice when she was their maid, despite how badly they had treated her. Just another thing that made Anastasia jealous of Cinderella. Cendrillon has beauty, charm, the Prince, and plus strength than Anastasia ever had. She wondered if Cendrillon deserved a happy ending, could there be a chance for her to find someone who would l’amour her. It felt impossible that someone would ever l’amour someone like her.

Anastasia sees Cendrillon and her Prince riding off into the woods to celebrate their one-year anniversary, so she wanders off to spy on them. She wanted to be able to see if Cendrillon was truly happy with her life now, which she was. Anastasia look at the couple with a mixture of romantic fantasy, sadness, and envy. She then sees the Fairy Godmother give Cendrillon her beautiful robe and the Prince his dashing clothes. Anastasia realized that was how Cendrillon managed to get to the ball in the gorgeous robe to win the Prince, magic.

When the Fairy Godmother drops her wand, Anastasia takes it to her mother and sister. She claims it to be a magic wand, but they don't believe her and think she's Lost her mind. She tries to prove, but can't remember the magic words. When she finally remembers them, the Fairy Godmother shows up to get the want back, but Anastasia refuses. In the ensuing struggle, Anastasia accidentally turned Lucifer into a cat with the body of a canard and then inadvertently turns the Fairy Godmother into a garden gnome. Lady Tremaine now believes Anastasia and smiles with satisfaction, while Anastasia panics about accidentally turning the Fairy Godmother into stone.

However, before Anastasia can think about turning the Fairy Godmother back, Lady Tremaine takes the wand from her daughter, realizing this was how Cendrillon did it, though her daughters just thought of it as a way of not having to do anymore chores ever again. Lady Tremaine groans and explains to her daughters that they can accomplish so much more, like achieving power, riches, and revenge. Lady Tremaine, reveling at yet another chance to ruin Cinderella's life, uses the wand to go back in time to the jour the Grand Duke fitted the glass slipper on Cinderella. They travel back in time with green sparkling smoke ou dust and lightning. Lady Tremaine had a look of wicked satisfaction on her face, Drizella had an intrigued look on her face, and Anastasia was both fascinated and afraid at the same time.

Finally, the Tremaines appear at the moment before the Grand Duke arrived at their home. Lady Tremaine, however, not only planned to turn back time, but to give her daughters a complete magical make-over. Anastasia and Drizella at that moment were turned into absolutely stunning beauties. They had gorgeous faces, beautiful hair, petite feet, and lovely but simple dresses. They couldn't help but admire their new appearances. However, Lady Tremaine had to stop them because they had to get ready for the Grand Duke. Anastasia at first was delighted, but then her smile faded when she asked where Cendrillon was, to which her mother answered that. she was exactly where she was the first time. Lady Tremaine then notices Cinderella's mice friends, Jaq and Gus, par the window and uses the wand to knock them unconscious.

The Grand Duke enters the Tremaine home, however, before he can read the royal proclamation, Lady Tremaine interrupts saying that they are aware of his purpose of being here and that the should just get on with it. The Grand Duke agrees since he's very tired. Lady Tremaine lets Anastasia be the one who tries on the slipper, since she was the one who found the wand, and thanks to Anastasia's magical make-over, her feet were now the perfect size to fit the slipper. Anastasia cheers with excitement, to the point where the Grand Duke and the Footman think she's insane. Meanwhile, Lucifer had noticed that Jaq and Gus were unconscious and couldn't pass up an opportunity to finally eat them. However, just as he was about to eat them, Anastasia grabbed him to dance around with him from excitement, much to his dismay. Just when Anastasia was in the middle of a somersault, Lady Tremaine grabs Anastasia's legs, revealing her daughter's bloomers, telling her to display grace and poise before letting go of her. The Grand Duke, after being stunned for a moment, then says that they had found the Prince's bride to be, to with the Footman blows his horn in the Grand Duke's ear. They all leave for the palace, well, almost all of them. Lucifer tries to get the mice again, but Drizella grabs Lucifer tells the "stupid cat" to get moving, much to Lucifer's annoyance. Lady Tremaine then asks for the Grand Duke to wait for her because she had to have a word with her maid.

Lady Tremaine went up the stairs to let Cendrillon out of her room with a wicked smile up her face that grew with plus evil delight with every step she took. Finally at the door, she unlocks it and tells Cendrillon that the house now belongs to her, since Anastasia's foot fit the slipper and is going to marry the Prince. Cendrillon had a confused and horrified shocked look on her face, to which Lady Tremaine a dit "You look confused, dear." Cendrillon a dit it was impossible that the glass slipper fit Anastasia, that she was the one who danced with the Prince, and it was her slipper. She then pulled out the other slipper from her pocket, claiming she was the one he was looking for. Lady Tremaine simply told her that she may have danced with him, she may have even thought it was love, but the slipper fits Anastasia so that's who he's marrying. She then grabbed the slipper from Cendrillon and a dit that whatever she thought happened last night was a dream before dropping it down the staircase where it broke into pieces. She then told Cendrillon that she didn't care where she went ou what she does, but orders her to stay away from the palace and the Prince. Lady Tremaine then walked down the stairs leaving Cendrillon cœur, coeur broken, but stopped for a moment to tell Cendrillon to clean up that broken glass.

The Tremaines then left for the palace as Cendrillon just watched in shock, not understanding how it could be possible. Her mice Friends then woke from their magical slumber, wondering what happened. Cendrillon explains to them that the slipper fit Anastasia, but didn't understand how it was possible. Gus cries, but Jaq says that the Prince knows that he danced with Cinderella, which gives Cendrillon the idea to go to the palace to see him again and everything will work out the way it should. So Cendrillon and her Friends made their way to the palace and sneak par the guards par pretending to be a servant. However, Cendrillon runs into the head of staff, Prudence, questioning what Cinderella's purpose was. Cendrillon quickly comes up with a lie that she's the royal souris catcher. In order to help with her story, Jaq and Gus try to cause some chaos in the kitchen, to montrer that Cendrillon is needed. Prudence tries to take care of it herself, with disastrous results, to which Cendrillon finally ends up taking charge. With that situation out of the way, they decide to slip up to find the Prince.

Skipping back to the step family, they've arrived at the castle, where the prince is speaking while sword fighting with his father. They go into discussion about how the King was immediately smitten par his Queen, the Prince's mother, who had passed on years before (It also reveals that the Prince's name is Henry). With Anastasia arriving, the Henry is, at first, glad as he thinks it's the girl he danced with (Cinderella), but is extremely disappointed when seeing Anastasia. Henry then says that this is a little bit of a mix-up. Lady Tremaine then says that there is no mistake because the slipper fit Anastasia's foot. Henry tries to be as kind as he can about the situation, saying Anastasia is a very beautiful woman and seems nice, but that she's not the girl he danced with last night. Lady Tremaine then tries to bring up the orders of the royal proclamation, but Henry interrupts saying he is aware of that, but that it's clear that plus than one girl actually fits the slipper. He apologizes for the mistake and tells the Tremaines that the Grand Duke will escort them accueil before he walked away. However, Lady Tremaine uses the wand to make him forget who he really danced with and marry Anastasia that night. The Prince falls under the spell and, believing he danced with Anastasia, gives her a ring asking her to marry him. Anastasia goes hyper and agrees to the marriage.

 Magic can work wonders on a man
Magic can work wonders on a man

Meanwhile, Gus and Jaq had witnessed this event from a lamp high above the scene, also noticing how Anastasia and Drizella had become great beauties, so they rushed off to tell Cinderella. Later on, Cendrillon is seen confronting Henry and both are confused, Henry thinking he danced with Anastasia yet Cendrillon knows the truth. Cendrillon accidentally drops her net and both try to grab it but end up touching each others hands. Both felt the same magic that they experienced dancing at the ball, however, the spell on Henry kept him from realizing the truth. He then says that he is going to marry Anastasia, much to Cinderella's shock, making the both of them even plus confused. She tries to explain that it couldn't be true, but is cut short from saying what really happened and forced par Prudence to go find the mice (Jaq and Gus) that have come into the castle. Cendrillon is placed in the cellar where Gus and Jaq tell her what Lady Tremaine had done to the Prince, Cendrillon is now set on getting the wand back.

The Grand Duke then shows the Tremaines the nourriture preparations for the wedding, which all three Tremaine's had different reactions to. Anastasia believed it all to look perfect and delicious, Drizella just started pigging out (and even ate like a pig), and Lady Tremaine was critical as always (much to the Grand Duke's annoyance). Anastasia began sampling some of the food, but her attention was drawn to some freshly made pain that was brought out. She couldn't help but try to sample it, but ended up bumping into the royal baker that brought it out. The Baker was a fat man, had green eyes, blonde hair, and wasn't particularly handsome but was cute. Their eyes met and it felt like instant magic, they couldn't help but smile at each other. Anastasia then a dit that the pain smelled wonderful, to which the Baker offered her one but warned her that it was hot. She grabbed the pain but Lady Tremaine grabbed it from her, claiming that the pain was too hard. She then orders the Baker to leave and do a better job than this. At first, he did nothing, but the Grand Duke told him to obey the mother of their future princess, so he did so but was sad to learn that Anastasia was the future wife of the Prince.

Lady Tremaine then gave Anastasia a disappointed glare before continuing to criticize everything. Anastasia then noticed how Drizella was disgustingly stuffing the nourriture in her face, to which she commenté what a pig she was. The two then ended up in a nourriture fight, ruining everything. It was interrupted par Henry and the King entering, to which Lady Tremaine managed to blame on the Grand Duke. The King warns the Grand Duke that if the wedding has any problems, that he would get it, to which the Grand Duke nervously promises nothing bad will happen. Henry then introduced Anastasia and her father, which went well, until some cake that was on haut, retour au début of her head landed on his face when she bowed to him. Henry then thought that they should all get cleaned up and afterwards, he and Anastasia can waltz.

Anastasia gets herself cleaned up in the privacy of her own room. Then in the mirror, she noticed the Baker standing outside her door. He says he wanted to bring her the pain she wanted to try, so she welcomes him in. He tells her that the pain has cooled off par now, but should still taste just the same, except it won't burn her mouth, which makes her chuckle a little. He hands her a piece of bread, but this time, their hands touched at the same time as she reached for it, and they felt something plus incredible than anything they had experienced in their entire life. Anastasia slowly moved her hand away and brought the pain up to her mouth to taste it. It tasted wonderful, which she told the Baker, and thanked him. She then realized she didn't know his name and asked him what it was, he told her his name was William, and then she introduced herself. She then tells him she must be going because she has to go waltz with Prince Henry, to which William awkwardly says alright. The two then parted ways as they looked at one another when the other wasn't looking.

As Anastasia went to meet everyone at the ballroom, she noticed Cendrillon sneaking around. She then confronts Cinderella, asking what she was doing here. Cendrillon didn't recognize Anastasia at first, but she soon realized this stunning beauty was Anastasia. Anastasia then tells Cendrillon that she needs to leave the palace before her mother found her. Cendrillon then says that she's not about to let them get away with what they've done. Anastasia tells her to stop being stupid, because she knows her mother will make her suffer if she found her. Cendrillon questioned why Anastasia cared all of a sudden, to which Anastasia just a dit that it was a complicated story. Cendrillon then told Anastasia that she wouldn't be able to fool everyone forever because the magic only lasted until midnight. Anastasia accused Cendrillon of lying, but Cendrillon a dit it was why she had to leave the ball, and Anastasia a dit she would just have to keep using the magic. Cendrillon told Anastasia that if she has to keep lying and using magic in order to keep Prince Henry, she'll never really have Prince Henry. Anastasia responded par telling Cendrillon that she's not one to talk, since she used magic in order to get to the ball and dance with the Prince. Anastasia still didn't want Cendrillon to get hurt and knew what it was like to be in her situation, so she just told her to leave before she got into trouble. Anastasia then continued her way to the ballroom. Cendrillon was confused as to why Anastasia didn't call the guards to lock her up. However, she continued her quest to look for the wand

Anastasia and the Prince have a moment where they dance and Anastasia is repeatedly stepping on his foot par accident, much to the disappointment and annoyance of her mother and sister. When the Waltz is over, Anastasia apologizes but Henry tells her that he's just probably not up to rendez-vous amoureux, date on the latest dance steps. Anastasia thought maybe he could l’amour her even without magic, since she was surprised that he was actually nice to her after her constant messing up while dancing. She had been so used to being criticized and bullied par her mother and sister for her mistakes that she wasn't used to kindness from others. Henry goes to his fitting, feeling like something wasn't right. Last night he was sure Anastasia was the one when he touched her hand for the first time, but when he had touched her hand when they waltz just a minute il y a he didn't feel anything.

The King then summons Anastasia into another room and tells her about his wife and how Anastasia reminds him of her. He gave her the Queen's most treasured possession, which is a seashell. Both the King and Queen were walking one jour on a beach, unknowing of one another, and reached for a dit seashell at the same time. Their hands met and they fell in love. He allows Anastasia to keep the shell, who is smitten with it instantly.

However, when she left, she is also confused. She didn't feel much for Henry when she touched his hand, especially like she did when she touched William's hand. She wondered if maybe Cendrillon was right, that the magic on Henry didn't make the l’amour real. She ran into William par a balcony bridge covered in fleurs and they were both happy and stunned. The two of them talked to each other for a while. William a dit had shared with her that he was an orphan growing up and had to come work at the palace as a stable boy and eventually was able to become a baker. He had learned to bake from his parents, so that's why he was so good at it. Anastasia told him that she Lost her father when she was young and they were very close. They talk about their interests and made each other laugh. William was a very charming, funny, witty, kind, caring, and goofy young man. Anastasia found him to be absolutely wonderful that she forgot about the Prince. William thought she was equally incredible.

William then asked Anastasia how the waltz went and she told him it was a disaster. He questioned how it could be so, since she danced with the Prince at the ball. Anastasia quickly responded that she was just lucky and that normally she's a terrible dancer. William asked her if she would like for him to teach her how to dance, so she wouldn't embarrass herself at the wedding, which she accepted. When he touched her hand, she felt the same magic that The King a dit he felt for his queen. William was very patient with Anastasia and was a wonderful teacher. Anastasia kept smiling and felt like nothing else mattered to her but William. She then a dit she had to go because she had something to take care of. But before she left, she gave him a Kiss on the cheek and thanked him for the dance lesson, leaving him with a smile on his face. However, the two of them didn't realize that Lady Tremaine had been watching them the whole time.

Lady Tremaine then came up with a plan to put an end to this l’amour between Anastasia and The Baker. She sneaks into the cuisine and puts a few drops from a bottle she had in her pocket into some nourriture that William was making. She then went to speak to Anastasia while she waited for the nourriture to finish cooking. She told Anastasia that she was perfectly aware of what she had been doing and that she was making a big mistake. Anastasia insisted that she was trying to keep herself from making a mistake and a dit she realized it because of the seashell that the King gave her as she showed it to her mother. Lady Tremaine scoffed at the shell and told her daughter that she shouldn't make a big decision based off of something toi can find washed up on the beach. She tells Anastasia that she didn't work this hard for her to déplacer up in life and have everything she never had, only for her to throw it all away for some servant that has nothing to offer. Anastasia retaliated saying that William didn't need to offer her anything but his l’amour and that she loved him. Lady Tremaine told her daughter that she wouldn't be able to live on just l’amour alone and that she'll end up just being a servant like she was before they got the wand. She also questioned her daughter if she knew if he felt the same about her, ou just loved her for her looks. Anastasia then a dit that she plans on telling him the truth right after she calls off the engagement.

However, just as Anastasia was about to leave to do so, she noticed William being dragged off par the guards. Anastasia ran after them and ordered the guards to stop, demanding to know why he was being taken away. One of the guards says that he is being charged for the attempted murder of the King. The other guard says that the royal taste tester died from the poison in the food, so The Baker is to be thrown in prison for the rest of his days. Anastasia looked at William in shock as he was dragged away. He shouted that it wasn't true and that he was framed.

Lady Tremaine then put her arm around Anastasia as they walked back into Anastasia's bedroom. Anastasia couldn't understand why he would do that and that it couldn't be true. Lady Tremaine then told her that he was likely just using her to get to the throne. Claiming that he probably planned on killing the King and the Prince after Anastasia married the Prince, making her the only ruler of the kingdom, then he would marry her and become King. Anastasia didn't want to believe it, but it seemed like there couldn't be any other way, and broke down into tears. Her mother then took her daughter in her arms and told her that she didn't need him because she was about to become a Princess and one jour Queen. Anastasia then dried her tears and convinced herself that maybe she and Henry could learn to fall in l’amour with each other. However, she realized that her beauty would disappear when midnight came and that would ruin everything. She then told her mother that the magic would all end at midnight. Lady Tremaine, now nervous, asked her daughter how she knew that. Anastasia went silent, because she knew that it would mean Cendrillon would get hurt. Lady Tremaine then realized that Cendrillon must be at the château and told her. She called her daughter out on that, but Anastasia remained silent with fear, but Lady Tremaine knew it was the truth. She then told her daughter to get her beauty rest for the wedding.

Lady Tremaine then went to her living quarters, where Drizella was there playing with the wand, using it to put on dresses, crowns, and jewels that were so over-the-top. Lady Tremaine took the wand from Drizella, putting her back in her normal clothes, claiming that the wand was not a toy. She then shared with Drizella that they had bigger problems, not only about having to frame The Baker, but the magic from the wand only lasts until midnight. She didn't know if that worked with the time travel magic, but she did know that it work with her daughters beautiful appearances and Prince Henry being under her spell. Along with the fact that Cendrillon was in the palace. She then got an idea that if the time travel spell would wear off par midnight, she needed to make sure Cendrillon was out of the way, so that she had no future and that what happened par midnight would effect the outcome of the future.

Meanwhile, Cendrillon was outside the door listening to her step-mother and Drizella. She knew that she had to get the wand back in order to lift the spell on Henry. However, she knew she couldn't go in there without them recognizing her. Jaq and Gus decided to sneak into the room and steal the wand back. Unfortunately, in the process, they accidentally set Lucifer's tail on fire, prompting the famous line "Someone put out the cat!" coming into play. Drizella throws a oreiller against him and whams him right into the wall, the stepmother demanding Drizella to call for the housekeeper. Cendrillon gets into the room in disguise with her bandanna covering her eyes and hair.

Lady Tremaine pulls the bandanna off to reveal Cinderella. Jaq and Gus get the wand and the three make a run for it down the halls while being chased par guards. With Jaq and Gus using the magic from the wand, they transform Lucifer into a jack in the box first, then a mini-sized Lucifer, then back to normal when he's in the souris hole. Cendrillon makes it to a staircase where the Henry appears, Cendrillon trying to break the spell on him so he would remember who he really danced with. This is cut off when the guards get to her and Lady Tremaine takes back the wand. Cendrillon manages to grace her hand over the Henry's, which has him shocked and now baffled. Lady Tremaine promises Henry that she'll make sure that the confused young lady gets all the help she needs. Henry, still conflicted, believes Lady Tremaine and walks off to talk to his father. Lady Tremaine, now that Henry was gone, orders for Cendrillon to be on the suivant ship on exiled from the kingdom and for William to be put to death the suivant morning for attemting to murder The King.

Late afternoon, Henry is seen talking to his father but motions into a small fitting room perhaps. He speaks with Jaq and Gus who explain that he danced with Cendrillon and that he was under a spell. This causes him to hurry out the room and to the stairs where he confronts his father, who forbids him from stepping down the stairs. Henry agrees, only to jump out the window and climb down the vines then gets on his horse and demands one of the guards to tell him where Cendrillon is. He rushes off to her rescue so she isn't sent away for good, the King allowing this to happen when he sees it. Henry and his trusty coursier, steed race after the boat, where they end up running through a lighthouse and the horse gets scared of heights. Henry is seen flying onto the bateau and using a small blade against the sail to soften his fall. He sees Cendrillon and places his hand against hers and knows it was her who he danced with. He then asks her to marry him and she agrees.

They return to the château and the King orders for Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella to be brought into custody. Lady Tremaine then scolds Anastasia for knowing about Cendrillon being at the château and not telling her. The frightened Anastasia says she just didn't want to hurt Cinderella. Lady Tremaine then tells her that because of her they are in trouble. Anastasia apologizes, to which her mother simply shouted if she wanted to be happy and loved. Anastasia a dit she did plus than anything, to which Lady Tremaine tells her to this time do exactly what she a dit and nothing else. They then used the wand to vanish without a trace before they could be arrested.

Henry then tells his father that it is Cendrillon who he wants to marry, to which The King gleefully says that the wedding is on tonight. Cendrillon also told The King she overheard her step-mother talking about how she had The Baker framed and asked for him to be released, which he was.

When Cendrillon is in front of a mirror and getting ready for the wedding, Lady Tremaine appears from a closet behind Cendrillon with Anastasia in Cinderella's appearance. Cendrillon claims that Henry wouldn't be fooled, but Lady Tremaine responds that he would never know and would be perfectly happy. Cendrillon asks Anastasia if she would be happy, to which she hesitates and says she wants what she had. Cendrillon then asks if she even loves him, but before Anastasia could answer, Lady Tremaine made Cendrillon vanish into a citrouille carriage, this one being an evil version along with a human version of Lucifer as the driver. The intent is to have her killed.

With the help of Jaq and Gus, the three conquer over the citrouille carriage and Lucifer, then ride back on the horse that was used and make it back to the wedding just in time to see Anastasia (Still using Cinderella's appearance) hesitate over whether ou not she wants to marry Henry. She thinks about William and as she touched William's hand she says "I don't", having realized that she doesn't truly l’amour the prince. Cendrillon is shocked par what Anastasia had just done, along with many being shocked to see two Cinderella's.

Lady Tremaine is infuriated par this, calling her daughter a spoiled little ingrate, claiming she had donné Anastasia everything she ever wanted. Anastasia argues that she wants someone to l’amour her for who she is. The King orders his guards to seize Lady Tremaine. In a fit of lust for power, with no fear, Lady Tremaine immediately uses the wand and turns them all into various animaux as they all lunge for her, so they can't get to her. She then is about to use the wand on Anastasia, Drizella tells her to turn Anastasia into a toad. However, William jumps in front of her to keep her from being turned into a toad, but turned him into one instead. Furious and angry, Cendrillon confronts Lady Tremaine and tells her that this has gone too far. When Lady Tremaine attempts to turn both Cendrillon and Anastasia into toads, the Prince won't stand for this and uses his sword to reflect the spell against her, causing Drizella to turn into a toad herself. Lady Tremaine had jumped out of the way, but the wand flew out of her hand and Anastasia grabbed it.

First, she uses it to turn herself back into her conventionally beautiful self because she was tired of being someone else. Lady Tremaine then started to reason with her daughter, telling her they don't need The King ou The Prince, that they can use the magic to take over the kingdom. Anastasia then asks her mother in frustration why they couldn't just be happy with what they had and why they needed to have a kingdom. Cendrillon told her it was because Lady Tremaine would never be satisfied with anything. Lady Tremaine orders Cendrillon to stay silent and tells Anastasia that everything she did was for her, she almost accidentally says that she even killed Anastasia's father in order to help her. Anastasia asks her mother if she killed her father, to which her mother réponses that she did because he was getting in the way of Anastasia and Drizella becoming all they could be. She then states that she killed Cinderella's parents in order to help her, much to Cinderella's horror. Lady Tremaine then tells Anastasia that power leads to happiness and magic is the ultimate power. She tries to convince her daughter to kill Cinderella, Henry, and The King, so they could be in charge of the kingdom.

Cendrillon then tells Anastasia that happiness is not about power and that l’amour brings happiness. She reminds Anastasia that Henry saved her from being turned into a toad and that her own mother tried to turn her into a toad but William saved her. Cendrillon informs Anastasia that l’amour is not just about living happily ever after, it's about sacrifice and putting the needs of the one toi l’amour above your own. She ends her speech par telling Anastasia that her mother not only killed her (Cinderella) parents but also killed her (Anastasia) own father to satisfy her own selfish wishes and that Lady Tremaine wouldn't give up a single thing for her if it meant it was going to hurt herself.

Lady Tremaine orders Anastasia not to listen and reminds her that Cendrillon had everything when they had nothing all because of magic. Anastasia looks like she's going to strike Cendrillon but she doesn't use the magic yet. She tells her mother that all her life she wanted her approval but that now she realizes that nothing will ever be enough for her. She then took the wand and shot it at her mother and toad sister, causing them to disappear. They were sent to a dungeon, now with both of them turned into toads.

Anastasia then grabs both Cendrillon and Henry's hands and puts them together. The two amoureux then look at each other with the same enchantment they felt for one another at the ball. Cendrillon then thanks Anastasia for what she did. Anastasia tried to smile but it was very wimpy because she didn't think she deserved to be thanked for anything and especially didn't deserve forgiveness. Anastasia then used the wand to turn everyone back to the way they were, including William. The young baker goes to embrace Anastasia but she turns away from him, ashamed of what she's done and not believing she deserves true love. She even attempts to give the seashell back to the king, who lets her keep it par saying "Everybody deserves true love."

Cendrillon then confronted her step-sister and told her that William deserved to know the truth. William looked confused and asked Anastasia what she was talking about. Anastasia then looked down to the floor in shame but Cendrillon put her arm around her step-sister and smiled at her. Anastasia then used the want to turn her back into her true form, much to her sadness. William realized that Anastasia's gorgeous appearance wasn't real and was a little shocked. However, he went right up to her, touched her hand, and told her that he loved her for who she was on the inside and not for how she looked but was still beautiful to him. Anastasia with a tear going down her face told William that she loved him too. He wiped the tear from her face and gave her a kiss.

Anastasia then turned to Cendrillon and apologized to her, not just for using magic to take away her happy ending, but for everything she did to her for all those years. Before Cendrillon could respond, Anastasia added that she didn't deserve her forgiveness at all and would never deserve it, but that she wanted her to know that she was truly sorry. Cendrillon then gave her sister a hug and told her that she did deserve forgiveness and she had it.

Both Cendrillon and Anastasia bring back the Fairy Godmother from her stone state, who offers to undo Lady Tremaine's change of events but the offer is rejected because when midnight comes it would have a better future for them. Anastasia also apologizes to the Fairy Godmother, saying that turning her into stone was an accident and that she a volé, étole her wand because she wanted love, but it was still wrong. The Fairy Godmother forgives the girl and uses her magic to, not only give Cendrillon an even better ballgown than before, but also to give Anastasia and William beautiful clothes fit for royalty for the wedding. Cendrillon and the Prince get married on that day. The end credits reveal what happened at the stroke of midnight when time went back to being a an vers l'avant, vers l’avant again. Anastasia and William became married again, Anastasia became Cinderella's lady in waiting, many wonderful memories were made, and both Drizella (Not back to her ugly appearance) and Lady Tremaine were restored to their human forms. However, now have been banished and forced to become servants, wearing the very same clothes they forced Cendrillon to wear, much to their horror.

The Songs

For Me
(This song is sung par Anastasia as she works outside and before she sees Cendrillon and Henry riding horseback)

Anastasia (Singing): Is this my fate?
Am I trapped in this life forever?
Never to be loved
Never to be happy
ou is there plus for me?

Is there a life for me?
Can I be plus than I am?
My destiny is somewhere out there
I just know it is
And it's just waiting for me

It could be anything
I could be a famous singer
ou a dancer
Anastasia (Speaking): Well, if I weren't so clumsy
Anastasia (Singing): I travel the world and discover something waiting for me
I could be a Rebelle hero
And I could be loved par someone
Who would l’amour me for me

Why don't I get a happy ending?
Where's the prince who'll marry me?
Someone who can make my horrible nightmare disappear
Someone who thinks I'm beautiful and wonderful
Someone with their a hand reaching out for me

We could be anything
We could go far away from here
We could be explorers
We could discover something new and grand
He could teach me how to dance
I could teach him how to.... (Umm... Well, do something I'm good at)
All he'd ask of me is for me to be me

Somewhere there must be someone who'll l’amour me
Who'll montrer me a world that I never knew
He'll ask for my hand and I'll say I do
And all of my troubles would disappear...
When we'd kiss...
Everything would change...

More Than A Dream
(This is Cendrillon chant after her step-family leaves for the palace)

I've always dreamed
That my life could be
Like a fairy-tale
A perfect fantasy
Every jour a new adventure
On some undiscovered shore
Was it nothing more
Than a dream?

Then one magic night
With a single dance
I found plus than
Just a storybook romance
And for once my life was perfect
As we glided across the floor
And it was so much more
So much plus than a dream

I could say it never happened
Just a dream from the start
But then I'd live my life
With a broken heart

Jaq:(speaking) No no! No cry Gus
Gus, Princey knows he danced with Cinderelly.
Cinderella:(speaking)Yes, of course he does! What if I'd just see him again?
Jaq:(speaking) Yeah yeah! See Princey!
Cinderella:(speaking) Yes! Everything will be alright!
Jaq:(speaking) Everything will be alright!
Gus:(speaking) Yeah Yeah!

Cause in a Prince's arms
I've found a l’amour I can't deny
If there's any chance to set things right
I've simply got to try

So I'll trust my heart
What else can I do?
I can't live in dreams
If my dreams are to come true
There's a better life that's waiting
Past the mountains I must climb
I will take a chance on love
To get my once upon a time

Oh, I want so much more
So much more
Than a dream

Take My Hand
(William sings this to Anastasia as he teaches her how to dance)

William (Singing): Don't be afraid
Just take my hand
I'll teach toi a brand new language
Anastasia (Speaking): A language?
William (Speaking): That's right. Because...

(William Singing): Dancing is just another language
Except there's no need to say a word
Just take my hand
And montrer me how toi feel
Who toi are
Don't hold back

William (Speaking): OUCH!!!
Anastasia (Speaking): I'm sorry! I'm just so clumsy.
William (Speaking): Don't give up. Just tell me how toi feel.
Anastasia (Speaking): Well...
William (Speaking): SHOOSH! Don't tell me with your lips. montrer me with dancing.

William (Singing): Don't be afraid
Be confident and free
Believe that toi can fly
Let yourself glide
Express who toi are
Just take my hand
And tell me what toi feel

Dancing is just communication
But your lips never have to move
Just take my hand
Tell me your story
Your dreams
Your hopes
Let your cœur, coeur soar through

Words get in the way...
Sometimes people don't listen...
toi feel ignored...
But with a dance...
toi express plus than words ever could...
So take my hand...
And discover who toi are...

For Me (Reprise)
(This is sung par Anastasia right after she says goodbye to William and before we find out that Lady Tremaine knows what's going on)

Now there is finally someone to l’amour me
He'll montrer me a world that I never knew
I'll take his hand
And all my dreams will come true
Everything has changed...
For me...
For me

In The Mirror
(Anastasia sings this after she thinks William was using her and that it was all a lie. She also starts seeing in the mirror her true form and her fake form because she's so confused)

Who am I?
I thought I knew
But I don't know anymore
Is everything just a lie?
That's what I see in the mirror

All that I can see
Is just a stranger
In the mirror
Who is she?
I don't know
I wish the mirror would tell me

Why can't I see who she is?
Why won't the nightmare end?
Mirror, tell me why
Why don't I know who that is
Looking at me
In the mirror?

All I know is what she feels
She's confused
She has a broken heart
She's a lie
She's not real
She's a fool
She's unloved
She's a stranger
In the mirror

Mirror, what should she do?
Is she forever Lost in the mirror?
Where is the path leading to her destiny?
Can she be happy?
Please set her free
Help her release herself
From the pain
Don't keep her trapped in the mirror

The stranger in the mirror...
It's me...
Mirror, tell me, please...
Who am I...
In your eyes?...

At The Ball
(The mice trying to tell Henry that Cendrillon was the maiden at the ball)

Jaq: toi were dancing with a very pretty girl
Gus: Pretty girl
Jaq: And at midnight she ran off in such a whirl
Gus: Such a whirl
Jaq: Well, her name was Cinderelly, she's the servant girl toi met
Gus: She's the one toi want to marry. Don't forget

Both: Don't forget
Jaq: At the ball
Gus: At the ball
Jaq: At the ball
Gus: Down at the ball
Both: Cinderelly was the maiden at the ball

Prince (speaking): No, no, no. I danced with Anastasia at the ball.
Jaq (speaking): No, no. Princey only think that because of Cinderelly's stepmother.
Gus (speaking): Yeah, mean old lady!

Jaq: With a magic wand she cast a wicked spell
Gus: Wicked spell
Jaq: Which is why Princey isn't feeling well
Gus: Not so well
Jaq: You've forgotten Cinderelly and the dance toi shared last night

Both: But we're sure it's not too late to set things right
Gus: Right, right
Both: Cause at the ball, at the ball, at the ball
Gus: Yeah at the ball
Both: Cinderelly was the maiden at the ball

Prince (speaking): Woah, woah, woah, wait. You're telling me I'm under a magic spell?
Jaq (speaking): And here's the worst part!

Jaq: When Cinderelly tried to fight and take a stand
Gus: Take a stand
Jaq: Mean old lady had her banished from the land

Gus (crying): Oh no no no oh no no oh!
Jaq (speaking): Gus Gus!
Gus (speaking): Duh, sorry.

Jaq: Cinderelly's on a ship that's gonna sail her far away
Gus: So it's up to Princey Prince to save the day
Jaq: Save the day

Both: Cause at the ball, at the ball, at the ball
Gus: What a ball
Jaq: Cinderelly won your heart
Gus: Now magic's keeping toi apart
Both: And she'll soon be gone forever
Jaq: Unless toi can recall
Both: That Cinderelly was the maiden at the ball!
At the ball.

At The Ball (Reprise)
(Just the mice celebrating that they showed Henry that Cendrillon was the maiden at the ball)

Jaq (Speaking): ONE plus TIME!
Both: At the ball! At the ball!
Jaq: We showed old Princey after all!
Both: That Cinderelly! Was the maiden! At the ball!

More Than A Dream (Reprise)
(Cinderella sings this as she gets on the ship for her banishment)

I've always dreamed
That my life could be
Like a fairy-tale
A perfect fantasy...
But it was nothing more...
Than a dream...

The End Credit Song

 Fixin' It Up!
Fixin' It Up!

It has been a an since Cendrillon married Prince Kit. Both of them head to the forest to attend their wedding anniversary that the mice and Fairy Godmother have prepared for them. Meanwhile, Anastasia and Drizella, who are currently taking over Cinderella's jobs at the household, are not having a good time. Anastasia manages to follow Cendrillon and the prince to where the anniversary is being held. Figuring out that it was magic that gave Cendrillon her "happily ever after", she swipes the Fairy Godmother's wand when she drops it. Anastasia returns accueil quickly and shows it to Lady Tremaine...
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posted by CyberDalek
Cendrillon arrived back at her wedding, just in time to witness, to her amazement, Anastasia looking her dead in the eyes and saying 'I...DON'T', having realized she didn't truly l’amour Kit, and having become guilty for taking away her happy ending.

Lady Tremaine and Drizella then emerged from the shadows, infuriated par Anastasia's sudden conscience. The King sent his guards after them, but Lady Tremaine created a whirling vortex of magic and fend the guards off par turning them into animals. As Lady Tremaine prepared to strike down Anastasia for refusing to marry Kit, William ran in front of Anastasia...
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This is my submission for the Disney films contest. This film is a sequel to the 1951 Alice in Wonderland film. This film takes place years after the 1951 film. In this film Alice is 18.


Alice is 18 so she's a adult, but she still feels like a kid at heart. Since this film takes place years after the 1951 film she's taller and wears a rose dress. Her older sister is impatient for Alice to act like a grown up. Alice gets stressed out so she runs and accidentally knocks into her bedroom door.

Alice wakes up in Wonderland, but it looks different. The place doesn't look as magical. Alice...
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 These classic characters are still as funny as they've always been
These classic characters are still as funny as they've always been
Like some other rounds she's won in this contest, this is the seconde time she's won the best comic relief round in the Fan-Made Disney Sequel Contest. It's not surprising, since her stories are about the classic Mickey souris and Friends characters. It's clear that she knows how to write comedy and understands what made these classic characters so funny to begin with. Without any further delay, here is my interview with cruella for winning the best comic relief.

How does it feel to have won three rounds in the contest so far?

It feels amazing, to know that people think my écriture is good enough...
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 Great classic characters that continue to be great
Great classic characters that continue to be great
Sorry for the long delay in this interview but many things have gotten in the way. However, it seems that even with the temptation that many fanfiction writers give into of écriture the characters in a bias way, cruella has managed to keep her personal feelings from getting in the way. Now only did she win this round in this contest but she won it in the last contest as well with these same characters. Without anymore delay, here is my interview with cruella.

How does it feel to not only win this round but to win a round toi won in the last contest?
It feels great, to have won it not once but...
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 A poster to possible a new Disney classic?
A poster to possible a new Disney classic?
If toi haven't been able to figure it out, I'm not cruella. Even though cruella is running this contest and is a judge as well, she can't interview herself. So, since I used to be a co-runner of the last sequel contest we did, we thought I'd interview her for this round. It's no secret that cruella's favori fictional character is Scrooge McDuck, so it's no wonder she managed to do such a good job with the character in her entry. So let's find out about her process in how both fun and difficult it was to write her favori fictional character.

How does it feel to win this round?
It feels amazing....
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 A new iconic Disney Couple?
A new iconic Disney Couple?
This round goes once again to KataraLover. I don't think any of us are surprised that Anastasia and William took this round, considering how populaire the story A Twist In Time seems to be. But without further delay, here is the interview of round five's winner.

Well, this is your third win for the contest. How does it feel?
It feels amazing as always to win a round in this contest. I must say that after the last contest where I had three couples for the judges to choose from and two of them got nominated but still Lost to the one that DOMINATED that contest, it feels really amazing to actually...
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Here is our seconde interview. The winner this time was also the winner of the précédant round, so he's not a stranger to winning. But let's not wait any longer and get on with KataraLover's interview!

How does it feel to win two rounds in a row?

It’s really an honor to win two rounds in a row. I’m surprised that I won the first round at all. I’m just glad so many people l’amour Anastasia and how I wrote her.

What inspired toi to make Anastasia the protagonist of this story, instead of Cinderella?

Well, even as a kid I felt like the story focused plus on Anastasia than it did Cinderella. Besides,...
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 A new Disney movie with an amazing soundtrack?
A new Disney movie with an amazing soundtrack?
Well it's time for our suivant interview with KataraLover, who is no stranger to winning as this happens to be his fifth win! Without further delay let's get to the interview for Best Songs!

Well, how does it feel to have won, yet another, round?
Honestly, at this point I probably shouldn’t be surprised but I’m still really grateful for this. I always get excited like a little kid when people like something I do no matter if it’s with stories I write, pictures I edit, singing, ou in this case écriture songs. But I am surprised since I literally wrote my original songs in a jour and it was on...
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 A new iconic Disney Villain?
A new iconic Disney Villain?
This time in villains' round AaronHaley4ever has earned her first win with her character Valda. Something I should add, is that Valda is not just AaronHaley4ever's original character, but she's the only original villain in the whole contest!

How does it feel to win this round?

It was a surprise because I knew a lot of people were voting for Lady Tremaine; I really thought she was going to win this round. It was also such a relief because I was starting to worry that I wouldn’t win any rounds at all this time around, and going from dominating the last contest to that was making me lose confidence...
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 A new Disney heroines?
A new Disney heroines?
This round goes to AaronHaley4ever. This is her seconde win, and first for her entry Descendants 2: Out of the Shadows, so she has now won a round for each of her entries! So, without further ado let's get on with the interview.

How does it feel to have won your seconde round?

It’s very gratifying because this was a story I believed in, but I was worried it wouldn’t be well-received. Going into this contest, I was hoping to get at least one win for each of my stories, and I was starting to get a little worried that might not happen.

You won this same round in the last sequel contest, with...
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