Fairy Tail Fairy Tail New Generation

AceDarkwolf17 posted on Apr 24, 2012 at 11:57PM
In this storyline, the main mages are either children and/or grand-children of the original characters (Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, etc.....) Now there are all new guilds, new magic, etc.....


-then go down to Classifiactions (for link above)

*It has a wide range of Magic but if you want to make your own, the e-mail me what it does*

The Guilds are:

Fairy Tail - Light (people of Fiore didnt want it changed)

Midnight Wolf - Neutral

Demon Slayer - Dark

Character Format:

Name: (First and last)






Type of Magic: (Max of 3)


Member Stamp: (Color and location)

Appearance: (descriptive)

Personality: (Descriptive)



Fairy Tail Guild
Laxus Dreyar - Guild Master

Alex Dreyar - AceDarkwolf17 (Me)
Konoha Dragneel - FunkmasterD
Joanna Fernandes - Taiwan01
Artemis - Wishey
Juliet & Gray Fullbuster Jr. - GruviaFan
Jason Heartfilia - FinchelFaxFan
Omen Dawnstar - WolfMaster 3000
Talon Barnes - WolfMaster 3000

Midnight Wolf Guild - Destroyed/Members Disbanned
Lexi Trusdale - Guild Master/Disbanned

Demon Slayer Guild
Zero - Guild Master

last edited on Aug 23, 2012 at 07:04PM

Fairy Tail 601 réponses

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 601

il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: when will we meet midnight wolf?
il y a plus d’un an GruviaFan said…
Juliet: it's it gonna be anytime soon
Gray jr.: probably if they are doing this now
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: we'd better meet them soon
il y a plus d’un an AceDarkwolf17 said…
Lexi: If you want to meet them, they're right outside

Laxus: We're going to have a celebratory party for our allience!!! Enjoy!!!
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: ok let's meet the others
il y a plus d’un an GruviaFan said…
Juliet: ok brother when we meet the others please don't destroy anything
Gray jr.: I won't sis
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: come on guys lets go!
il y a plus d’un an GruviaFan said…
Juliet: ok
Gray jr.: all right!
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: *goes outside*
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: *follows*
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -talks softly but everyone can still hear him- im not going anywhere im not meeting anyone...i wanna be left alone her at the guild...
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
( cool )

Name : Omen DawnStar

Age : 18

Rank : S-class Mage

Parents : Elune & Skorm (Adoptive mother & father )

Magic : Third Generation Dragon Slayer-Darkness & Light

Personality : outgoing, fun to be around, serouis when confronted, Enjoys a good Brwal or sparing Match.

Guild Mark : his Guild Mark is located on his Right shoulder and is Dark mid-night Black with a white triming around it.

Team : Dragon slayer Siblings

Alais : The Light & darkness Dragon of fairy tail

Name : Talon Barns

Age : 18

Parent(s) : Steeling ( Adoptive father )

Rank : S-class Mage

Guild Mark : Talon's Guild mark is on his right shoulder and is A bright Silver with a Gold triming around it.

Magic : Third Generation Steel Dragon slayer

Personality : Outgoing, Fun, dis-likes fighting (if it can be avoided ), Enjoys being with friends and Looks up to Omen.

Team : Dragon slayer siblings

Alais : The Silver Dragon of Fairy tail

Apperance (for both ) : Omen wear and a trench coat (simlair to Natsu's ) where the sleeve is missing Omen wears a Gaunlet covering from his hand to his shoulder. the Gaunlet is gray in color and has his Guild Mark on it. he wears the same style of pants as Natsu but Red. his Hair is a Dark black color with whtie highlights in it. his hair is shoulder length and pin straight. his eye's are a Dark gray color and his Iris are Reptilain shaped. He also has Visbile Canine teeth. Talon wears a short Vest with no undershirt revealing his Meduim Muscle mass. his Vest is Much like stings. Talon also wears Baggy black sweat pants with Pointed black shoes. Talons hair is Straight up ( Picture goku super sayain ) and is Bright Silver. Talons eye color is a Dark Green color with reptilen Irises and sharp Canines.
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis : suit yourself
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Just than walking toward the Guild were two mages, with Exceeds on there shoulders on the guy wearing the trench coat one was a Lion the other one was wearing a dress and sitting lady like on the other mans shoulder and looked like a tiger.-

-as they got closer the one man yelled out- "YO, ARTEMIS BEEN A WHILE!" -he sounded excited-

??? :quiet I don't like it when you draw attention

???: oh Omen why not ?

Omen : Talon just shut up -Omen sighed- "not everyone wants to be our friend."

-Talon only frowned- "I guess you're right Nii-chan"
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -remains sitting there alone, sighs and begins to cry silently-
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: hello Midnight Wolf I'm Joanna Fernandes the daughter of Erza Scarlet and Jellal Fernandes
il y a plus d’un an GruviaFan said…
Juliet: hey guys I'm the daughter of Juvia Loxar and Gray Fullbuster
Gray jr.: Hey i'm her younger twin sister
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: hi midnight wolf I'm Artemis. I guess we're teaming up now. Just dont think that makes us friends or anything
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Talon and Omen showed up Omen stood there Cross armed, and Talon was leaning on a post-

Omen : I'm Omen, S-class mage of Fairy tail I just hurried on over here.

Talon : Names Talon Pleased to meet you all -he smiles, as the girl exceed leaps off his shoulders she is in a red dress- "and i'm Ginger" -she does peace sigin-

-the Exceed on Omens head leaps down- "I'm Raion, Omen's BEST FRIEND AND PARTNER!" -Raion stands exactly like Omen-
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: hi Talon, hi Omen, we are teaming up with midnight wolf so we can defeat the dark guild Demon slayer
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Omen sighed- "I heard in a Mages bar." -Omen scratched his head than looked upset- "wish he'd get in contact with us more."

-Talon laughed- "oh Nii-san i'm sure Master laxus was busy is all."

-Omen laughed- "or hates us because were dragon slayers."

-Talon looked at Artemis- "we just handled a few members of Demon Slayer, threre hell bent on not telling us anything it's good we finally formed a Alliance "
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: so that's where you guys were. I hope this alliance works. I'm tired of hearing all these bad reports about Demon Slayer.
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Talon nodded- "yeah they were smuggling Larcima to inject there members with , we had A run in with one of there Elite members. it's why weren't here for a few days , got stuck in a nice 24 hour battle. with this guy Named Lucian. It wasn't easy but he kinda just left and we were able to save the cargo" -Talon looked some what down- "Even with the amount Magic power we have as Dragons slayers it was Exhausting we needed Rest."

-Omen nodded- "and if there all as powerful as Lucian although I think he was only equal to a S-class Mage."

-some of the other members for fairy tail looked shocked-


-Talon waved him off- "anywho how have you been Artemis ?"
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: I've been okay. I got a new apartment and I've been practicing my magic. I've gotten a lot better
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Omen smirked- "how about a Quick Sparing Match ?"

-Talon looked shocked- "hey Nii-san you're Magic power is a little weaker you haven't recvoered."

-Omen shurgged and cracked his knuckles- "it's just for fun."
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: your on!
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…

-Omen smirked and a Dark Black Aura surounded him- "Alright" -Omen took a fighting postion and Raion ran out of the way, Ginger adn Raion both leaped on Talons shoulders who also moved out of the way-

-Omen smirked- "DIVINITY DRAGONS! ROAR!" -A beam of light shot with profound speed from Omen's Mouth-
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis deflects it by surrounding herself in darkness. The darkness force field breaks but she has time to get out of the way
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Omen with Rather sharp speed ends up right in front of Artemis with a smile on his face, his hand becomes en coated in Darkness - "shadow Dragon : Punishing Strike!" -Omen Thrusts his hand forward into Artemis's Gut-
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis falls into the wall. "you win"
il y a plus d’un an wolfmaster3000 said…
-Omen scratched his head- "really ? I thought you would of brought more to the Table."

-Talon looked shocked- "I thought Artemis was S-class,Like us"

-Omen turned- "me too" -Omen walked over to Artemis and helped her up- "Good Job though Artemis you're deffintly not the nit picking little girl you once were when you first joined." -Omen smiled-
il y a plus d’un an AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: ~scans around the room, noticing alot of things~ This guild is full of drunks, loud mouths, cockiness, and cry babies. I'll be outside Master Lexi

Lexi: OK ~sighs~
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: hey my mother said when she was in Fairy Tail they were like family to her not everybody here is cocky and drunk we have alot of fight in us
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -yells so load everyone outside heard- WOULD U PEOPLE STOP TALKING ABOUT FAMILY PLZ!!!!
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: oh Konaha I'm sorry I got you upset
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: yeah what ever just stop talking about family alright? -small tears start running down his face-
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: ok sorry about that
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -gets up walks outside- if anyone cares i'll be at my house -walks home-
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I feel kinda bad talking about my mother like that
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: =gets home, slams door open the slams it closed and runs up to his room, sits on the bed and cries for hours-
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I wonder what's got him all worked up I'll ask him the next time I see him
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -a few hours later Konaha comes back to the guild and everyone is staring at him wondering what was wrong-
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: what was that about?
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -doesn't say anything just keeps walking to a table and sits down in depression-
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: i don't know but he got mad at me talking about my mom and family
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: maybe his parents are fighting
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: u have known me long enough to know my father died two years ago...
il y a plus d’un an Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: yeah maybe
il y a plus d’un an wishey said…
Artemis: then what's wrong!!
il y a plus d’un an funkmasterd said…
Konaha: MY UNCLE ELFMAN DIED LAST NIGHT U HAPPY NOW!!!! -begins to cry- he was visiting an old friend last night and the town got destroyed and he was in the wrong place and he was killed...